Evaluation Question 4


Transcript of Evaluation Question 4

Who would the target audience be for your media product?

Who would the target audience be for your media product?The audience for my media product would be predominantly males between ages 16-25 of white ethnicity as they would be big rock fans and also would enjoy this type of music and around this age they would also be in working class so it would appeal to them and would also intrigue them to want to know more about what its about and the magazine would also be a good price so they could easily purchase the magazine without any trouble. The colours and look of the magazine would also appeal to males of this age range and they could also like the look of the clothing so may try to go and purchase some of the clothing they see themselves. The males of this age would also like the rebellious and bad boy side of rock which this magazine would show.

They would also be individuals who fit into the emo and Goth social groups as they would be drawn in the most by this genre and also drawn in most by the colour scheme of the genre. Emos and Goths around this age range too would most likely know of the bands that are in my media product they would also like the clothing worn by the people in my magazine, they may also look up to them as role models and want to be like them which would make them even better to be my target audience.