Evaluation Question 4

QUESTION 4 Who would be the audience for your media product? How did you attract/address your audience?

Transcript of Evaluation Question 4

QUESTION 4Who would be the audience for your media product? How did you attract/address your audience?

What are the demographics of your target audience?

• Age - 15 to 30• Gender - Primary audience is male• Social class - C2, D, E• Ethnicity - Main audience is black

How did the genre of your music magazine attract them?

Teenagers, around the age of 15, will start listening to RnB. It is at this age they will start to understand and enjoy the content. This because usually the content/lyrics in this genre are very mature. Males will enjoy RnB more with the lyrics as well, the content is usually from a males perspective or on interests of males.

The content of the songs sometimes suggest a poor upbringing in lower classes, hence why I have chosen these classes.

This is similar for the main ethnicity I selected. The singers are mainly black, therefore will use certain language that, stereotypically, black people use.

What images did you take, use and then edit to attract your target audience?

What images did you take, use and then edit to attract your target audience?

• As the audience are aspirers, their personal status is very important, they would desire wants fashionable products, that boosts their image, especially with designer brands. I use this with my models costume, he is wearing an expensive Adidas jacket that makes him look successful. Bling is used in my photos, as well as money, to show off wealth and successfulness too.

• I edited the background of my final used picture to make it black and white. By doing this, it makes my artist stand out even more. This has the indexical sign that he stands out from other basic things in the world, that he is special and that there is a reason behind it

How did your choice of models conform/subvert stereotypes of the music genre that you chose?

• My RnB artist who, as mentioned before, is of the black ethnicity. Black males are predominantly the main demographic for RnB. I believe this is because of the upbringing that black youths are open too in America. Gangs, violence amongst other things, have molded many of the RnB artists of today, which is mentioned in many of their songs.

How do your cover lines attract your audience?

• I use popular RnB artists names for my over lines to attract readers that are already interested or fans of the artist. I use very little information, or hooks, to engage the reader to read on inside the magazine/buy the magazine. I also ask a question or an enigma as such to entice the reader to think about themselves, thus making them buy the magazine to read on. The use of the word ‘sidechick’ shows what sort of formality that is going on with the magazine.