Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation question 3 – What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? BY ATHAR AZIM



Transcript of Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?By Athar AzimParamount picturesParamount picture which is a major production company has distributed many successful films such as Chinatown staring Jack Nicholson. The film includes the genre Noir, Mystery, thriller, and crime. A major company means a bigger budget in order to make the film look better quality and more professional, although the director would have less to comment on the film as it will mostly be the production company that gets the final say. Paramount Pictures would be the ideal company due the successful film noir genres they have made in the past. Paramount pictures is very important as it is a major company which means it has a big budget and is very popular which is positive as when the film is publishes, the audience will want to see the film. This links in with Barthes theory of the enigma code as the audience watching the film currently will want to know the different twists within the film and be looking forward to finding out the outcome.

Walt Disney Another production company would be Walt Disney. Films that this company has distributed such as Frozen and Toy story 3 have been a major success as Frozen is the sixth highest grossing film of all time. The majority of these films belong to the animation, fantasy and adventure genre and are suitable for families to watch together. Walt Disney would not be ideal for the distribution of my film because their target audience would likely be anyone below 12 years old and my film is for mostly young adults which is what I was aiming for. The hypodermic theory can be used as children are a passive audience believing in what they watch in films. This then can link in with the Blumler and Katzs theory as in the films that Disney distribute mostly include two characters building a relationship throughout the film and is a common theme.