Evaluation Question 3

Our Spoken analysis

Transcript of Evaluation Question 3

Our Spoken analysis

What does a production company do?A production company essentially helps to create the film; It assists in the budgeting, scheduling, scripting, casting and more. The company usually looks over the film from an idea to the completion. They are responsible for finding a director and the majority of acting talent required. However they are also responsible if anything were to go wrong on the film, for example an actor being injured or property being damaged.

Our production companyThe name of our production company is realistic pictures. We wanted our company to relate to the genre of film we would be producing (social realism). The word ‘realistic’ ensures the audience that they will be able to emotionally relate and engage with our film. When researching production names and logos I thought the black and white logos were the most effective as they are simple and timeless. I Also thought a black and white production logo would fit the best with our dark film opening. The font is simple and classic and is in keeping with our classic ballet theme.

What does a distributor do?A distributor sends your film out into the world for the waiting audiences to watch. They decide where and when the film will show and they also promote the film.There are a number of steps that are followed in the process of distribution. Firstly they have to determine how many copies of the film to make. The film is then previewed to prospective buyers e.g.. Cinema owners. The film is then sent to the cinemas shortly before it opens. The cinema then shows the film and after the audience have watched it, it will get sent back to the distributors and payment is agreed. In smaller budget films these steps might be slightly different, for example some films may be premiered on a television channel etc.

We have chosen Film 4 as the company to distribute our film. Film4 is a British digital television channel available in the United Kingdom, owned and operated by Channel Four Television Corporation, that screens films. Film4 was started in 1982 as Film4 Productions. We have chosen film 4 as our distributor because they have released very successful films such as The Riot Club and Twelve Years a Slave. In recent years, Film4 has been involved in a range of critically acclaimed films including, Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire, Phyllida Lloyd's The Iron Lady, Andrea Arnold's Wuthering Heights, Joe Cornish's Attack the Block, Ben Palmer's The Inbetweeners Movie and Richard Ayoade's Submarine to name but a few. The company has a great reputation and I could trust them to release my film Effacé and make it known to as many people as possible.Also a number of films per year are by first time screen writers or directors and it is these films that Film 4 often funds and this would be particularly beneficial to us as a stand alone film company with our low budget. Film 4 look for distinctive films which can make their mark in the competitive cinema market.Film 4 would be able to provide funds for my film. We may also be able to get a government grant and use debit finance whereby we borrow money from a bank to provide for equipment and costumes etc.

Why Film 4?

Institutionally similar filmsThe riot club: A drama thriller ‘The Riot Club may not be

subtle, but it makes its points with power, using dark humor and a talented cast to offer a scathing indictment of

unearned privilege.’

The riot club is distributed by film 4, the same company we wish Effacé to be distributed by. As part as the distribution by film 4 it means you are able to rent the film off the film 4od (four on demand) website. Something like this would prove extremely beneficial to our film as our young target audience may be more likely to watch their films on other devices while on the go rater than the conventional way of

buying a DVD. Also the publication of the riot club very much appealed to a young target audience (like ours) though using

a mixture of social media websites and magazines. The film is not only similar in the way we wish our film to be

distributed and produced but in the way that its based on truth, its realistic and some people may be able to relate to

the story being told. I think the similarity in our film opening and the riot club in

the way that both are relatable to specific audiences (not the same audience) means that the distribution of the product

will also be similar.

‘The project was co-developed by Blueprint Pictures, Film4 and the BFI. The film is financed by Film4, the BFI, Aver Media Finance, Pinewood Films and Technicolor. Hanway are handling international sales and Universal Pictures

International will release the film in the UK and Ireland on September 19 2014.’

The riot club film poster (above).

The cast of the riot club, featured in GQ magazine. The film got loads of media attention and was publicized on many media websites.

In our film opening I think all of my group (Etty, Mollie and I) had a very equal contribution and input to the opening. We all worked extremely well together and had equal chances to take part in all the different practical aspects of filmmaking. Even though the ordering sequence of the opening titles below states that each member of our group was in charge of a different procedure, this is only for presentation purposes, as we didn’t want rolling lists of names across the screen to detract from our opening. We all contributed to the direction, production, cinematography and editing but thought that we would list our own name under the procedure we felt we had specialized in the most.

Opening Sequence, Opening Titles Final Ordering:

Realistic Pictures PresentsA Simple Media ProductionDirected by Etty Stanley 

Music By The Cinematic Orchestra- To build a home

Starring Chrissy LightowlerProduced and Edited by Scarlet RyanDirector of Photography Mollie Green

As myself and my two group members are all photography students we all had quite a good eye for the shot we wanted, however I think Mollie was the most exited about this and therefore we listed her as director of photography.

We all contributed to the editing of the project however I already had experience using the Macs and the iMovie software and this meant I was able to do loads of editing quickly and efficiently and was able to direct the others if they needed any assistance.

We all had a go at directing as we all had a vision and knew what we wanted, however I think both Mollie and I felt that Etty felt the most confident directing and we were able to get the desired effect through her conversing with our actresses.