Evaluation – question 3

What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback? So Far We have managed to get several different types of audience feedback. We have put our video on YouTube and facebook and got a small amount of feedback. However, our most useful feedback has been through our video response and our media class’s responses.

Transcript of Evaluation – question 3

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What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

So Far We have managed to get several different types of audience

feedback. We have put our video on YouTube and facebook and got

a small amount of feedback. However, our most useful feedback has

been through our video response and our media class’s responses.

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From this response I can see that this audience member liked our video in several ways but also had some positive input on how to improve it.

Pro’s:Editing, mise en scene, choreography

Con’s:Lack of Locations, instantly resembles another videos

From this response I can see that the lack of locations has caused boredom in my audience. I needed to add more to the production to keep my audience intrigued. Also, I have strongly

resembled another video. Whilst this was one of my influences, I didn’t intend for it to be so evident within my production. Perhaps by adding more shot types then this resemblance would

be doused somewhat. However, I can also see that my editing was effective and that the morphsuits were a good choice.

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I uploaded my video onto facebook to get an audience response from my friends. Whilst this wasn’t as successful as I hoped, I did manage to get a useful comment that I can learn from. I can see from this person that the Guitar coming in so late was not such a good idea. It created confusion within the audience as to what genre I was trying to create. The direct effect of this is

that the audience ends up concentrating on this confusion and begins to lose interest in the video. Whilst the audience member appears to have a preferred reading, it takes quite a while for them to understand the genre. However, we can also see that the use of costumes was, yet again, well received. Also, he believes that the editing matches the beat well.This qualitative feedback has pointed out a lot to me about my video and I believe that if I could make changes to it, a large improvement would be made.

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We evidenced some of our audience research by recording a response from a member of our target audience.Comments were made about the video as it was watched, some of these comments were very useful to us as it allowed us to get the opinion of a 1st time viewer.

Pro’s:•We noticed that the viewer picked up on the fall of a character that we purposely added to the video for comedic effect, and it worked perfectly, the audience member instantly began to smile.

•Not only this but the person mentioned how they really liked the ending choreography of our video with the characters spinning. This was very pleasing as this effect was an important one and turned out to be well received.

Con’s:•However, not all comments were positive. Criticisms were made. One of which being the performance of our lead singer.

•He was seen to be false and not singing or properly playing guitar, which was a massive down point for the viewer. I’ve learned the importance of the quality of a performance from seeing this persons response first hand. He was very unimpressed and it gave our video a negative response.

•Also, the editing of our main character being in a secondary frame within the original frame was noticed by the viewer. This shows that we were not successful in achieving invisible editing.

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Quote: “Should have cut on the beat more, lip synching out as well as the use of guitar.”

•I find that this critical quote was one of the most useful pieces of feedback I obtained. •It allowed me to see the major faults with my video.• If I was able to go back and change my video now, these would be the key areas of improvement that I would focus on. •I’ve learned that my editing was not to a high enough standard and that our lip synching needed massive improvement. •However, this person went on to say that they “Loved the editing style” of our video. This shows that our video offers a visual pleasure to our target audience.

Quote: “The use of secondary editing worked well, however, you could notice it a bit.”

•This piece of information has made it evident to me that my use of editing was even less invisible than I first thought. •It was seen by this member of my audience that the use of editing for the difference in pace between characters is obvious. •From this I have learned not to underestimate my target audience and that I should have taken more care when filming to stop the camera from moving.

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Quote: “Bit repetitive, Lip Synching? Is there any? Doesn’t match the song.”

•Whilst this is a negative comment, it is from these type of comments that I can learn and improve in the future. •Lip synching was a difficult task with the type of video we were creating. However, it would have been far more effective if we had concentrated on it more so rather than dismiss it. Being as our video concentrates on visual pleasures, it would have been wise to focus on such an important element.

Quote: “I Like the heads behind the trees and the part where the character almost falls over (Adds a bit of humour)

•This response shows me that members of our audience were able to take a preferred reading of our video and understand our aims and objectives. We added this clip to the video for the exact reason that is stated above, humour. •It has now been proven to have been noticed. •This is a very positive comment and has made me confident that members of our target audience will be able to see the desired effect of our product.