Evaluation Question 3

Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

Transcript of Evaluation Question 3

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Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your

media product and why ?

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For our opening sequence, instead of using a well known and established film production company; for example Columbia pictures or paramount pictures, we designed our own false company and logo design which we felt fitted in better with an independent British horror/sci-fi film.

Designing our own production and distribution company.

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Distribution over the internetOnline media institutions such as social networking sites and broadcasting websites like Youtube it makes it easy to upload and distribute our film worldwide. With a target market of teenagers and young adults, distributing online is one of the best options for our film as that particular age group, who are digital natives are used to accessing all different kinds of content from websites such as Youtube. By uploading our film to Youtube it also gives other independent film distributors a chance to view our film.

‘From the beginning, Vimeo was created by filmmakers and video creators who wanted to share their creative work, along with intimate personal moments of their everyday life. As time went on, like-minded people came to the site and built a community of positive, encouraging individuals with a wide range of video interests.’ By using Vimeo, we will be able to upload our film which can be viewed by a wide range of people looking for short independent films, people will also be able to ‘like’ and ‘comment’ on our video giving us audience feedback and constructive criticism.

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Social networks

With the use of social networking sites it makes it easier to distribute films for free. Also via the use of these social networking sites, distribution can easily be spread from people to people. With a increasingly growing number of people from all over the world frequently using sites like these, distributing our film via Facebook, Twitter and Myspace is one of the best sensible options.

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Independent British film distributor

While doing some research into independent British film distributors I came across Entertainment Film who are ‘the UK’s leading independent distributor. The company was founded in 1978 and has showed continuing growth and success since that time distributing a wide range of product and building a significant film library.’ The main thing that captured my attention was the fact that they are proven to be successful, distributing a wide range of different genres which really appealed to our film as it is a mixed of two different genres. This film distribution company also gives us the chance to experiment with different technology platforms and other genres for the future.

Also ‘Entertainment Film Distributors operates both in the UK and the Republic of Ireland and distributes in theatrical, DVD rental and retail fields as well as licensing a substantial catalogue in both Pay-TV and Free-TV sectors.’ – as independent film makers this really appealed to us because it gives our target market (young adults/teenagers) the chance to access our film quickly via different platforms. Entertainment film has also had big success with British films big box office hits such as Stormbreaker, Run Fat Boy Run and St Trinian’s 1 & 2.