Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? The basis of creating both my ancillary texts is to attract and captivate the audience in to wanting to watch the trailer and film of Fostered. The main purpose of a poster and a film magazine is to promote, therefor this is widely effective to capture an audience, such a posters which can be distributed through traditional and new media, such as advertising it on billboards and sidebars adverts on the internet. The reason for creating trailers is to let the audience have a little preview of what is going to happen in the trailer but not enough for them to know the whole storyline of the film, so that you can create hype around the film. My magazine cover is aimed at a specific demography of people, meaning that people that are interested in the sub-genre supernatural/paranormal thrillers (activity) would most likely see the magazine addition and would want to watch the trailer for ‘Fostered’. I think both my ancillary text are successful in promoting the trailer of my film, as they drawing the audience to see what the content of the film would be. Prop- The use of new media (phone) The combination of the content of my trailer is effective through the featuring of the phone when the foster mother Aisha was trying to film Gabriella in a tape to capture her to make sure she isn’t going crazy, so I decided to incorporate this within my poster as I decided to have a black and white image which I edited using Photoshop to have a video tape look to it, on the image of the protagonists face. In my trailer the scene of Aisha filming what’s going on in the house is at the end of the trailer, and the video of Israel and Gabriella playing with each other in the past is at the begging of the trailer. The reason why I decided to do this is to create a back story of Israel and Gabriella so that the audience can feel pity and sadness through what had happened to Gabriella, it also creates a sense of suspense and mystery to the film, as the audience would want to know why Aisha has turned and kills children, therefore making the audience want to watch the rest of the film, so that they can have a greater understanding behind Aisha, so that it can follow the forma and conventions of a real media magazine. I decided to not to use an images with similar effects in my poster as it would look out of place on the magazine. So I only decided to use glitchy effects on the poster and the trailer.

Transcript of Evaluation Question 2

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The basis of creating both my ancillary texts is to attract and captivate the audience in to wanting to watch the trailer and film of Fostered. The main purpose of a poster and a film magazine is to promote, therefor this is widely effective to capture an audience, such a posters which can be distributed through traditional and new media, such as advertising it on billboards and sidebars adverts on the internet. The reason for creating trailers is to let the audience have a little preview of what is going to happen in the trailer but not enough for them to know the whole storyline of the film, so that you can create hype around the film. My magazine cover is aimed at a specific demography of people, meaning that people that are interested in the sub-genre supernatural/paranormal thrillers (activity) would most likely see the magazine addition and would want to watch the trailer for ‘Fostered’. I think both my ancillary text are successful in promoting the trailer of my film, as they drawing the audience to see what the content of the film would be.

Prop- The use of new media (phone) The combination of the content of my trailer is effective through the featuring of the phone when the foster mother Aisha was trying to film Gabriella in a tape to capture her to make sure she isn’t going crazy, so I decided to incorporate this within my poster as I decided to have a black and white image which I edited using Photoshop to have a video tape look to it, on the image of the protagonists face. In my trailer the scene of Aisha filming what’s going on in the house is at the end of the trailer, and the video of Israel and Gabriella playing with each other in the past is at the begging of the trailer. The reason why I decided to do this is to create a back story of Israel and Gabriella so that the audience can feel pity and sadness through what had happened to Gabriella, it also creates a sense of suspense and mystery to the film, as the audience would want to know why Aisha has turned and kills children, therefore making the audience want to watch the rest of the film, so that they can have a greater understanding behind Aisha, so that it can follow the forma and conventions of a real media magazine. I decided to not to use an images with similar effects in my poster as it would look out of place on the magazine. So I only decided to use glitchy effects on the poster and the trailer.

ColoursIn terms of colours I decided to use a dark theme on my poster and trailer, but not my magazine. But I made sure that I used the colours red, black and white with in all three texts so that I could show consistency throughout my ancillary tasks and main product. I chose to this in different degrees depending on the aim of the shots in the trailer and the tasks of the poster and magazine. For example I used a variety of different hues of red on my poster, so that they could represent different meanings, similar to my poster as I used too different hues of red. As I wanted Israel to represent innocence’s I decided to incorporate the colour white in to the colour scheme so that we could have a juxtaposing of darkness/evil with purity and innocence’s as Israel and Gabriella are both young children, so by having Gabriella as the ghost/spirit that is trying to reap revenge on Aisha for killing her at the same time trying to protect her brother shows us that she has power and control which isn’t typically associated with children as they are seen as weak and vulnerable, so therefore breaking away from stereotypes. However within my magazine cover I decided on using bold colors but still sticking to the colour scheme as I wanted the audience get appeal toward the magazine as the bright image and the bold text using fonts such as ‘Bebas’ makes the audience able to understand the text easily as it has spacing within the text making it easy to red, therefore the audience are able to know what the magazine consists of, by having the text be in two

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different hues of red and white to shows that there is a presence of innocence and vulnerability as well as darkness to show the evil of Aisha, but by having a lighter shade of red to also makes the audience feel pity to her as she may have had a reason to why she because this why, which would make the audience wonder about her back story, which allows our film have a unique identity as we are not full trying to villains Aisha as we are trying to also make her a victim of the way she was brought up and the circumstances she went through, which breaks away from the conventions of horror movies as they clearly show who is the victim and who is the villain.

Title-FontI decided on using different fonts on my ancillary takes and final product as I wanted the font to match the product so that it could have a consistent look, this follows real media products as the text usually differs, as it is not the same person that creates the texts for the trailer and for the magazine. The reason why I decided on having different text for the poster compared to the trailer is because I decided on using an image of young protagonist, but instead of showing innocence’s through her character I decided to show control and danger through her facial expression as well as the colour scheme used for the image black and white, so because of this I decided on using the font ‘King Butcher’ as it looks as if blood is dripping from which creates an image of darkness the font I used was inspired by the font used in Sinister’s poster. For the title used in my trailer I decided to have more spacing within the text with a handwriting style to make it seem as if a child wrote it. But this is the opposite to what I done on the poster because I decided to not have that much of spacing within the letters but to have them more closer together to create an image go mystery and concealment, making the audience think wider in to the film and create questions such as why did Aisha kill Gabriella? What happened to Aisha to make her kill? How was Aisha raised? And what happened to her in her life that would affect her that badly? By making the audience think of question like this within the text used in the poster it makes the audience want to watch the trailer for further understanding which would create them to have an urge to watch them movie as the trailer doesn’t give away the whole storyline of the film.

Mise-en-secen I decided that Aisha and Israel would have a variety of different costumes in the trailer to suggest that we had used footage from other parts of a complete film which a real trailer would do. But we made Gabriella wear the same costume throughout the trailer to let the audience know that is the clothes that she had died in. I decided to have at least 5 costume changes to show that Israel had been in Aisha Rahim’s care for a while that they got connected to each other that Israel started to see her as his mother. I decided that Gabriella should be wearing a dress as it connote innocence’s though her character, her dress consisted of images of flowers which symbolizes beauty, happiness and innocence’s which was all taken away from her, so by making her wear this dress it lets the audience to know what Aisha did and that she has a dark side to her which isn’t completely shown in the trailer. In my ancillary tasks the poster and magazine Gabriella also where’s the same floral dress, to symbolizes her death within them clothes, and that she died as an innocent child, on my poster I decided everything of the image to be black and white so that the audience attention wouldn’t be on the clothes or the background but her facial expression as I wanted that to be the focal point as it shows Gabriella having a dark side which is driven by revenge which breaks from the conventions of real media products as the child is always shown a weak, innocent and vulnerable, but I didn’t want to show this through Gabriella I wanted to show that she has control.

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I believe that the costume choice I made for Gabriella for my ancillary tests and main product was effective as it conforms the conventions of horror in the sub-genre of supernaturalism/ and paranormal activity, as when a little girl gets killed or dies they make her look innocent through clothing such as making her where a dress while haunting at the same time they making her die or get killed in a dress to show her innocence’s through life as well as death.

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