Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups? My magazine represents the social groups of Goths and emos as I have included dark colours in my magazine and also the people in my photographs are wearing dark clothing which a Goth / emo would wear. They are also represented through the choice of bands I have included on my front cover they will most likely appeal to people of these social groups as they may represent/express what they want through their lyrics. You can see through my photos that I used both genders in my photographs and they’re in different areas as you can see there is a photography near a crate with two individuals in it (male and female) and this portrays a sort of bad area and a rebellious side of social groups who would hang around in areas like seen in the photograph causing mayhem. You can also see that there were photographs taken in nicer areas such as on the stairs where the area looks better but would represent social groups who enjoy standing around frequently used areas and hanging out there with friends. In the stairs photograph It sort of represents smokers as it seems like the sort of area which you would see a group of individuals hanging around and smoking together at. I made sure I took my photos in different areas and included different people in them some slightly older than others which slightly targets issues of age and they also were wearing different clothes in each photograph which could allow there to be slight issues covered with social class.

Transcript of Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?My magazine represents the social groups of Goths and emos as I have included dark colours in my magazine and also the people in my photographs are wearing dark clothing which a Goth / emo would wear. They are also represented through the choice of bands I have included on my front cover they will most likely appeal to people of these social groups as they may represent/express what they want through their lyrics. You can see through my photos that I used both genders in my photographs and theyre in different areas as you can see there is a photography near a crate with two individuals in it (male and female) and this portrays a sort of bad area and a rebellious side of social groups who would hang around in areas like seen in the photograph causing mayhem. You can also see that there were photographs taken in nicer areas such as on the stairs where the area looks better but would represent social groups who enjoy standing around frequently used areas and hanging out there with friends. In the stairs photograph It sort of represents smokers as it seems like the sort of area which you would see a group of individuals hanging around and smoking together at. I made sure I took my photos in different areas and included different people in them some slightly older than others which slightly targets issues of age and they also were wearing different clothes in each photograph which could allow there to be slight issues covered with social class.