Evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups? EVALUATION QUESTION 2.

Transcript of Evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?


The genre of music that my music magazine focuses on is house music, it is a genre of music that is normally heard at summer festivals, house parties, bars and in clubs. The age group/generation that you would find at these types of events is the younger generation stereotypically between the ages of 16 to 30.

My research into my target audience and their tastes in music and magazines showed that the majority of them were aged between 16 and 25. This showed me that my magazine would attract the most popularity if I aimed to make that age group my target audience.

In my magazine, the artists that feature in it are of a young age themselves, this is another factor that would attract my target audience due to them both being on a level that they can relate more easily. The clothing they wear also represents their age group as it fits with the stereotype that the younger generation are more fashion conscious.

The article in my magazine has an informal/ friendly style to it so that it almost feels that the reader is friends with the artist being interviewed or that they are in fact the one interviewing them. The language used also has a friendly tone, it consists of language that the younger audience can relate to.

Throughout the whole of my three pieces, I have attempted to represent the younger generations the best way possible, I took into consideration the specific things that the younger generations are interested in, for example fashion and the gene of music that they listen to.