Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 2 How does my media product represent particular social groups?

Transcript of Evaluation Question 2

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Evaluation Question 2

How does my media product represent particular social groups?

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For my music magazine, I have used many different ways to

represent the particular social group of “indie”

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One of the ways that my media product represents different social groups is by the images I have used for all three of my front cover, contents page and double page spread.

To represent the indie social group, I firstly ensured that her facial expression conveyed an indie-like attitude. I wanted my model to look serious, laid-back, cool, collective but sexy at the same time as this can relate to different types of feelings that typical indie music fans could feel. Her hand gestures draws attention to the face and this gives the impression that she is quite vain but in a relaxed, kind way due to her facial expression. Because my target audience is 16-25, I wanted my model to dress like typical indie fans relevant to that age group. Indie social groups would agree that a collared shirt and a jumper is popular and this would encourage them to buy a magazine which could relate to them. My target audience is not gender specific so that means that all the bands and artists I have mentioned throughout the magazine is equally favourited by both young men and women within the indie social group.

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A typical indie music fan is known to be laid-back, care-free and cool. So that is why I have used informal language throughout my magazine as I feel indie fans would find this more appealing than simple standard English. Slang and swear words are used to create humour as well as attracting indie music fans.

“Noel on Sex, Drugs and Rock n’ Roll”

I featured these artists throughout my production which could appeal to indie music fans:

Ben Howard The Killers Kaiser Chiefs Coldplay

MGMT Foster The PeopleFlorence & The Machine Mumford & Sons

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I decided to use deep red, black, white and hints of grey for my indie music magazine as my colour scheme as these colours are quite popular on the indie scenes especially when it comes to dress sense.

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The images on my contents page have a strong link to indie music fans as it contains the majority of aspects that typical indie music fans love. Concerts, gigs, guitars and of course the inspiring artists and bands. The top of image of Coldplay for example, could present the mood of an indie music fan as well as attracting them. Indie music fans have a “care-free” attitude so the confetti, happiness and colours in the image could convey an indie prospective. Indie music fans also enjoy listening to live music and attending festivals. The bottom right image shows a concert in an arena with a loud atmosphere and a big crowd. This could highly attract the audience as they like to be cool and laid-back.

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Finally, My double page spread image could convey an indie attitude as the band are looking serious and look like they are happy in what they love doing. The lack of direct address represents indie as this makes the prospective less serious and this relates to the “careless” attitude indie music fans have. The black and white effect makes it look original and indie music fans have the impression that less is more so that something simple can be not so simple after all. This is what the typical indie music fan scene is known by.