Evaluation question 03

What kind of media institution might distribute our product? Evaluation Question 3 Harry Helyar

Transcript of Evaluation question 03

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Harry Helyar

What kind of media institution might

distribute our product?

Evaluation Question 3

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Harry Helyar

Being a low budget film, there are limited institutions that would want to distribute our product.

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Harry Helyar

Major film studios such as Warner Bros and Sony Pictures would be out of bounds, this is because they distribute huge blockbuster films, something our film is not.

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Harry Helyar

Because of this it is likely we are best to go for a smaller, yet still competitive company such as Lionsgate. We have included a Lionsgate opening animation in our piece, this goes to show that this has been a long standing hope of ours that this would be the institution that would distribute our film.

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Harry Helyar

Alongside Lionsgate the institution Film4 would be another one we would like to distribute our product. Film4 are notorious for helping British-made films being distributed, our film would fit in with this.

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Harry Helyar

Nowadays websites like You Tube can be used to help distribute film openings. With a global audience, it means a large amount of people could be watching our opening, if it was good enough and with a bit of luck, it may mean that You Tube could be the key to an-up-and coming film to be distributed.

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Harry Helyar

It would be wise to use social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to help raise awareness of our film. With such a huge amount of people on Facebook and Twitter, it presents a good chance to raise a fan base and get perhaps attract film studios.

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Harry Helyar

Overall I feel that if we were to get an institution to distribute this product, it is likely the institution would either be Film4 or Lionsgate, as these meet our criteria and we meet theirs.