Evaluation Q4

Evaluation. 4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning, and evaluation stages? The picture above shows the programs on the iMac computers at college. Programs included Safari for our blogs, websites we used were Blogger, YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, SlideShare, Prezi and actual band websites including Paramore and record label Victory Records. We used Photoshop Elements for the editing of our digipak that is included with our media video and edited photographs of the band and made a poster from scratch. Final Cut was the video editing software we used for our video, this was a progression from the horror movie introductions last year where we used iMovie to edit as it is simpler. LiveType was used to add moving titles to our video, this included the beginning where it

Transcript of Evaluation Q4

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4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning, and evaluation stages?

The picture above shows the programs on the iMac computers at college. Programs included Safari for our blogs, websites we used were Blogger, YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, SlideShare, Prezi and actual band websites including Paramore and record label Victory Records. We used Photoshop Elements for the editing of our digipak that is included with our media video and edited photographs of the band and made a poster from scratch. Final Cut was the video editing software we used for our video, this was a progression from the horror movie introductions last year where we used iMovie to edit as it is simpler. LiveType was used to add moving titles to our video, this included the beginning where it says Paramore, Fences, KASA Productions. Word was used to write out research, that we then uploaded to Slide Share to upload on our blogs. We included photographs in our text to explain points better and give a visual look at what we were explaining. PowerPoint was used for our video, the newspaper articles you see ^^ are made in PowerPoint through a template. iMovie was used mainly for importing video so we could select the useful footage and things that we didn’t need so it was could be edited easier and with less hassle of sorting out unneeded footage.

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This is a screen cap of Blogger and some of the work we have posted. In the group we follow each other’s blogs so we know when each other has completed an assignment and uploaded it as we can then copy it to our blogs.We share our work load so there is equality through the group and so that things can be done in a shorter

amount of time while maintaining a high standard.

This is a screen grab of iMovie, we used this in the initial step for uploading our video. The next step after was to import the usable footage into Final Cut to fully edit. Last year we used iMovie to edit our coursework where as this year we used Final Cut. Final Cut is a lot more complicated and there is an array of effects you can use such as layers and green screen. You can also use more complicated transitions and overlay video footage to make multiple screens or add more than one person within the screen.

This is a screen grab of Photoshop Elements when editing the magazine advert. The background was black and layers were added for text. The font was downloaded from Dafont.com and then added to our advert. When the photographs were all taken and edited of the band they were then inserted into the space between Paramore and the title Brand new riot. These had to be manipulated a slight amount to be the same size as each other. After all layers were

added they were then compressed to one to create the full advert effect.