Evaluation Q4


Transcript of Evaluation Q4

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MEDIA PRODUCT?By Aaron Flemons

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The estimated age range of our target audience is about 15 – 32. The reason for this is my research into the BBFC showed that our film would fall under the 15 certificate, meaning this would be my lower range of our age bracket. I put 32 as the higher range of age as all of the characters in our production are young so it may be difficult to empathise for older viewers. This was backed up by our audience feedback in which a few of the people asked were able to correctly identify the target audience.

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The target gender of our opening sequence was male as it features violence which is considered a male trait, however as it is not heavily reliant on violence and focus' more on the crime aspect it does not alienate a female audience (as outlined in my audience profile). Also as all of our characters are male it is an appropriate assumption to make that males will be able to relate to a character with more ease.

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The socio economic group of my target audience would be between C1 – E the reason for this being, the characters and themes in the initial opening sequence match the description or habits of the C1’s – E’s.

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The lower end of the scale e.g. E & D would be able to empathise with either the burglar or murderer as the burglar is a young man (possibly a student) and the murder has a jumpsuit on suggesting he is of working class. And the higher end of the scale would be able to associate with the detective (a fellow “white collar” worker)

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Due to some of our target audience being students one psychographic group present in our target audience is explorer as these are generally young adults (students) and as our opening sequence is a hybrid it fits there tastes.

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Due to the setting and language of this film the geographical target audience would be (broadly) people from English speaking countries and more specifically people from towns & cities in England as this forms the setting of the film, which makes some of the elements more relatable to the audience.

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Geographical (continued)

However as the suspense and fear comes from a man in a mask it does not alienate the non English speaking audience as it relies on the ambiguity and unknowing whether the man is a threat.

Outlined by Anthropologist Claude Levi Strauss “The facial disguise temporarily eliminated

from social intercourse that part of the body through which, people have long believed, the individual’s personal feelings and attitudes are revealed or can be deliberately communicated to others.”

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As all of our actors are of white ethnicity which means that the ethnicity of our target audience will be the same due to a racial empathy gap. This may be an issue as various sociological studies found that “people were less likely to mentally simulate the actions of other-race than same-race people,” meaning that as we had an all white cast this may discourage some viewers.

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The target audience are active audience, likely to use the uses and gratification theory as if they are an explorer (psychographic) they will seek out new types of products rather than being passive and just accepting media (hypodermic needle) as that is there nature.

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In conclusion I feel that my audience research was successful as it allowed me to see basic identity of the audience we would be targeting which would allow me to best cater to them and create an accurate audience profile. However a lot of my audience profiling was based on secondary research and could possibly benefit from some more primary research.