Evaluation post 6


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Transcript of Evaluation post 6

Page 1: Evaluation post 6

Shot Reserve Shot. I used the shot reserve shot in my preliminary task and I learnt that this type of shot is best used when a conversation between two people is happening. There was a lot of talking in the preliminary task but there wasn’t much talking during my film opening, therefore I did not use the shot reserve shot even once in my film opening. Match on Action. It is when you follow the main action of a specific character, for example if the camera is concentrating on a character and if that character is to open a door, the camera will zoom into his hand when opening the door. 180° Rule. The 180° rule is basically keeping the camera on the same side of the line which lies in between the two characters when facing each other while having a conversation. The rule is that if the camera is on the left side of one character then it must be on the right side of the other character unless the camera changes sides while behind one of the characters.