Evaluation Part 5

How does your media product represent particular social groups?


Evaluation Part 5

Transcript of Evaluation Part 5

How does your media product represent particular social


Here the protagonist is wearing a branded hoodie, which connotes that he cares about what he wears; he wants to look like the other teenagers. It can also connote that he is part of a gang because he has his hood on which is a typical stereotype of teenagers. The colour black can connote the way he feels, for example scared about his dark looking future. This will relate to social groups who are in the same situation as the protagonist, which is, everyone looking down on you and no one is giving you a chance.

This is a high angle shot of the protagonist. This shot makes him look like he is isolated and not in control of his life anymore. It is almost like the society is looking down on him. This can represent the social group as they might also feel the same about the society looking down on them because of the media or the way certain teenagers behave.

The police station connotes that the protagonist will get in trouble with the law as the film progresses. This represents the protagonist as a trouble maker and involved in illegal activities. Which are all typical representations of teenagers. This can relate to our social group because teenagers nowadays are being stopped and searched by the police because they suspect that they carry illegal substances etc, this is also because of the negative representation of teenagers through media.

The graffiti on the wall signifies that the protagonist lives in an urban, gritty area. This can relate to our social group because most of them will be from a working class background so they will also live in areas like this and graffiti is also part of the youth culture so they can relate to it. For example through uses of gratification they can relate to it because personal identity or selectivity, it could be one of their interests/hobby.