Evaluation of Tools and Models for Assessing Occupational ...

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV Unclassified English - Or. English 23 November 2021 ENVIRONMENT DIRECTORATE CHEMICALS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Evaluation of Tools and Models for Assessing Occupational and Consumer Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials – Part III: Performance testing results of tools/models for consumer exposure Project: Compilation of Available Tools and Models Used for Assessing Consumer Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials and Evaluation of their Applicability in Exposure Assessments Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials No. 101 Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 348 JT03486028 OFDE This document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Transcript of Evaluation of Tools and Models for Assessing Occupational ...

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Unclassified English - Or. English

23 November 2021


Evaluation of Tools and Models for Assessing Occupational and Consumer Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials – Part III: Performance testing results of tools/models for consumer exposure

Project: Compilation of Available Tools and Models Used for Assessing Consumer Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials and Evaluation of their Applicability in Exposure Assessments Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials No. 101 Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 348

JT03486028 OFDE

This document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the

delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.

2 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV



NO. 101


NO. 348

Evaluation of Tools and Models for Assessing Occupational and Consumer Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials –

Part III: Performance testing results of tools/models for consumer exposure

Project: Compilation of Available Tools and Models Used for Assessing Consumer Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials and Evaluation of their

Applicability in Exposure Assessments

Environment Directorate


Paris 2021

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 3


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4 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


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ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 5



Inventory of modes/tools

1. Under the first objective of the project, an inventory of available models/tools for assessing

consumer exposure to MNM was created through an extensive literature review of peer-reviewed

publications, the outcomes from recent international projects and inventories, and consultation with OECD

WPMN. The inventory includes 15 nano-specific models/tools relevant to consumer exposure to MNM and

9 chemical exposure tools/ models that in-themselves or adapted could be used in exposure assessments

of MNM. The description on how the inventory was constructed is provided in ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)27.

Evaluation of models/tools

2. Under the second objective of the project, an evaluation of the applicability of the 15 nano-specific

models/tools was conducted in consultations with OCED WPMN experts and collaborators. The evaluation

process was carried out based on scope analysis, accessibility and support examination, sensitivity

analysis, and performance testing. The outcomes of scope analysis, accessibility and support examination,

sensitivity analysis are provided in ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)27. This document describes the outcomes of

the performance testing for seven models/tools for consumer exposure. The tested models/tools were

chosen based on the results of the first objective and the outcomes of scope analysis, accessibility and

support examination, and sensitivity analysis.

Report description

3. The performance testing assesses the predictive capability of models/tools by comparing the

output of models/tools with measurement data. It determines whether the models/tools tend to

overestimate or underestimate the exposure (where applicable). It also determines the rank correlation

between models/tools estimates and measurement data (where applicable). In addition, the performance

testing provides recommendations for consideration where appropriate when conducting studies to collect

data relevant to consumer exposure assessment of MNMs.

6 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 7


4. The project “Compilation of Available Tools and Models Used for Assessing Consumer Exposure

to Manufactured Nanomaterials and Evaluation of their Applicability in Exposure Assessments” aimed to

(1) compile the available tools and models for assessing consumer exposure to Manufactured

Nanomaterials (MNMs), and (2) evaluate their applicability to MNM exposure assessment. This document

presents the outcomes of the performance testing for 7 models/tools under the second objective of the

project. These models/tools are the Engineered Nanoparticle Airborne Exposure v1.0 tool, Boxall et al.

2007, ConsExpo nano v2.0, the GUIDEnano v3.0 tool, NanoSafer v1.1, The Swiss Precautionary Matrix

v3.1, and Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0. The tested models/tools were selected out of 15 nano-specific

models/tools compiled through an extensive literature review of peer-reviewed publications, the outcomes

from recent international projects and inventories, and consultation with OECD WPMN under the first

objective. The performance testing assessed the predictive capability of models/tools by comparing the

output of models/tools with measurement data. Due to low availability of measurement data suitable for

the performance testing for consumer exposure scenarios, the performance testing was limited to a few

case studies in this work. Case studies were selected for the performance testing for each model/tool

based on data availability for input and output of model/tool, and scope of model/tool. Since the

models/tools have different scopes and algorithms, a unified dataset was not used in the performance

testing and the performance testing was conducted for each model/tool individually in the context of their

intended use for consumer exposure scenarios.

5. The results of the performance testing showed that the ENAE v1.0 tool, Boxall et al. 2007,

GUIDEnano v3.0, and ConsExpo nano v2.0 are suitable for quantitative exposure assessment of MNMs

for consumer spray scenarios. Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0 and Swiss Precautionary Matrix v3.1 can be

applied in prioritization of MNMs with respect to potential exposure. NanoSafer v1.1 can be used to

estimate acute air concentration for consumer spray scenarios. This conclusion is based on a few case

studies used in the performance testing and can be influenced by new measurement data when available.

Low availability of measurement data on consumer exposure scenarios demonstrates a need to develop

measured data for use in developing, evaluating and implementing models/tools to estimate exposure to

MNMs for consumer exposure scenarios. This document also contains recommendations for consideration

where appropriate when conducting experiment on consumer exposure to MNMs.

Executive Summary

8 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


Table of contents

Objective 5

Inventory of modes/tools 5 Evaluation of models/tools 5

Report description 5

Executive Summary 7

1 Introduction 10

2 Performance testing 11

Collection of measurement data 11

Criteria to assess the model/tool prediction 13

Methods and results of the performance testing on individual models/tools 13

Engineered Nanoparticle Airborne Exposure v1.0 14 Boxall et al. 2007 17 Swiss Precautionary Matrix v3.1 19 Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0 21 GUIDEnano v3.0 23 ConsExpo nano v2.0 26 NanoSafer v1.1 29

3 Conclusion and Recommendation 32

References 34


Figure 1. The measured air concentrations and ENAE-predicted air concentrations for 13 comparison cases -

a) particle mass unit and b) particle number unit 16 Figure 2. Ratio of ENAE-predicted air concentration of particles over measured air concentration of particles

for 13 comparison cases 16 Figure 3. The measured cumulative exposure and Boxall et al.-predicted cumulative exposure for 13

comparison cases 18 Figure 4. Ratio of the predicted cumulative exposure over the measured cumulative exposure for 13

comparison cases 19 Figure 5. Classification of measured exposure in the model estimated exposure bands. 23 Figure 6. The measured air concentrations and GUIDEnano-predicted air concentrations for 7 comparison

cases 25

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 9


Figure 7. Ratio of GUIDEnano-predicted air concentration of particles over measured air concentration of

particles for 7 comparison cases 26 Figure 8. Comparison of ConsExpo nano simulations with data from Chen et al. (2010[6]) 28 Figure 9. Comparison of ConsExpo nano simulations with data from Park et al. (2018) 28 Figure 10. The measured air concentrations and NanoSafer-predicted air concentrations for 4 comparison

cases 31 Figure 11. Ratio of NanoSafer-predicted air concentration of particles over measured air concentration of

particles for 4 comparison cases 31


Table 1. Example of common descriptors for inhalation, dermal and oral exposure assessment. 11 Table 2. list of models/tools subjected to scope analysis, user friendliness examination, sensitivity analysis,

and performance testing 14 Table 3. Input parameters required by ENAE tool for estimating the air concentrations and surface loading 14 Table 4. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of the ENAE tool 15 Table 5. Input parameters required by Boxall et al. 2007 for estimating the cumulative exposure 17 Table 6. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of Boxall et al. 2007 18 Table 7. Input parameters required by the SPM tool for estimating the potential exposure of consumer 20 Table 8. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of the SPM tool 20 Table 9. SPM results of the performance testing 21 Table 10. Input parameters used by Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0 for exposure assessment 22 Table 11. peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of Stoffenmanager Nano 22 Table 12. Input parameters used by GUIDEnano v3.0 for estimating air concentration of particles 24 Table 13. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of the GUIDEnano tool 24 Table 14. Input parameters required by ConsExpo nano v2.0 for estimating the air concentrations of particles

and alveolar load in the lungs 26 Table 15. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of ConsExpo nano v2.0 27 Table 16. Input parameters used by NanoSafer for determining exposure band 30 Table 17. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of NanoSafer v1.1 30 Table 18. Summary of case studies used in the performance testing 32 Table 19. Summary of results of performance testing on Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0, Boxall et al. 2007, the

ENAE v1.0 tool, ConsExpo-Nano v3.0, the GuideNano v3.0tool, NanoSafer v1.1, and The Swiss

Precautionary Matrix v3.1 33 Table 20. Summary of experimental studies used in the performance testing. 37

10 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


6. As discussed in ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)27, under the second objective of the project “Compilation

of Available Tools and Models Used for Assessing Consumer Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials

and Evaluation of their Applicability in Exposure Assessments”, 15 nano-specific models/tools underwent

scope analysis and accessibility and support examination. These models/tools include the ANSES tool,

Boxall et al. (2007), the Engineered Nanoparticle Airborne Exposure (ENAE) tool, ConsExpo nano, CB

Nanotool, the GUIDEnano tool, I-NANO, LICARA-nanoSCAN, Multiple-Path Particle Dosimetry (MPPD),

NonoRiskCat, NanoSafer, Nazarenko et al. (2012[1]; 2014[2]), Swiss Precautionary Matrix, Stoffenmanager

Nano, and the SUN Decision Support System (SUNDS) tool. The scope analysis was performed by

investigating the algorithms used in each model/tool. It examined input parameters required by the

models/tools, their intended domain in terms of scenarios and routes of exposure, outputs of the

models/tools, and underlying assumptions for each model/tool. The accessibility and support examination

addressed the user interface of the models/tools, and the availability of input parameters in the

models/tools. Of these 15 non-specific models/tools, 11 were subjected to sensitivity analysis. These

models/tools include Stoffenmanager Nano, the ANSES tool, the Control Banding tool, Boxall et al.

(2007[3]), the ENAE tool, ConsExpo nano, SUNDS, the MPPD model, NanoSafer, Nazarenko et al. (2012[1];

2014[2]), and Swiss Precautionary Matrix. The sensitivity analysis was performed by exploring variations of

model/tool outputs with values of input parameters and identifying the least and most sensitive input

parameters. The outcomes of the scope analysis, accessibility and support examination, and sensitivity

analysis are provided in ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)27.

7. Following the sensitivity analysis, performance testing was conducted on 7 models/tools identified

for consumer exposure. The performance testing assessed the predictive capability of the models/tools by

comparing the output of models/tools with measurement data. The outcomes of the performance testing

are presented in the current document. It should be noted that performance testing of models/tools for

occupational exposure is provided in a separate document ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)28].

1 Introduction

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 11


Collection of measurement data

8. Performance testing requires measurement data with sufficient contextual information suitable to

cover the parameters requested by models/tools. As such, an exposure release database was constructed

by compiling measurement data on consumer exposure to MNM through a data call and literature review

of peer-reviewed publications. The data call was performed through the WPMN in April 2019 to collect data

from occupational and consumer nanomaterial exposure scenarios considering inhalation, dermal, and

oral exposure. A document and an excel spreadsheet with the data requirements (see Table 1) have been

circulated to be filled and facilitate the performance testing task.

9. The exposure release database has been shared with WPMN members and provides information

on description of processes and activities, material descriptions, and personal and spatial concentration

measurements. Case studies were selected for the performance testing for each model/tool based on data

availability for input and output of model, and domain applicability of model/tool. The details of the

experimental studies and the measured data used in the performance testing are provided in the Appendix

and Annex, respectively.

Table 1. Example of common descriptors for inhalation, dermal and oral exposure assessment.

Note: Note that only certain parameters/questions are applicable to consumer exposure scenario.

Example of data/information needed for

performance testing

Demands on study design. We would like to compare the modelling results with the observations (real data) and therefore, we would like to have data on

aerosol measurements:

Pre- and/or post-activity measurements (mass concentrations preferably) mass concentrations available

Breathing zone measurements (mass concentrations preferably) mass concentrations available

NF and FF measurements (mass concentrations preferably) mass concentrations available

Material identifiers

Material name CuO nanoparticles

Manufacturer PlasmaChem GmbH

CAS number 1317-38-0

EINICS number N/A

Material information

Is the nanomaterial labeled with a nano-specific word or term? Yes/No Yes

Is the nanomaterial coated or surface modified (Yes/No) No

Weight fraction (NM in the product; relevant for NM-enabled products and

dispersions) 100%

Physical state (solid or liquid) Solid

Moisture (for powders; %) N/A

Morphology (Spherical; granular; flake or clay; rod; fibre etc…) Spherical

2 Performance testing

12 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


Example of data/information needed for

performance testing

Dimensions of the primary nano-object (a b c) 40 nm; Normal distribution has been considered

with mean size 40 nm and standard deviation 10

nm (obtained from TEM images)

Relative density (specific gravity) density of the nanomaterial 6.5 g/cm3

Solubility of the material [is the material water soluble?] Insoluble (< 1 g/L)

The specific surface area of the nanomaterial 15 m2/g

Respirable dustiness of powder (please specify the method) 104 mg/kg (continuous drop method)

Safety data /Hazard

Is there a nanospecific occupational exposure limit (OELnano) or target value? No

Respirable OEL for the nearest analogue material 1 mg/m3

Known hazards of analogue bulk material No risk sentences or GHS/CLP hazard statements

Contextual information (activity information and occupational exposure


Description of the work processes and activities Powder handling; Pouring process under fume

hood 700 g CuO/min

Number of workers 1

Activity/Exposure frequency 4 to 5 days a week

Production volume/ use rate 0.7 kg/min

Particle emission rate if constant source emission or leak (mass/time) In this case, the emission rate calculated by

continuous drop dustiness test method (104 mg/kg

x0,7 kg/min CuO=72,8 mg/min)

Activity handling energy factor£ H2 (0.25)

Total mass of material handled in each work cycle 0.7 kg

Duration of the work cycle 1 min

Pause between work cycles 0 min

Number of work cycles per day 1 time

Amount of material handled in each transfer 0.7 kg

Time required per task in cycle (spoon, bag, big-bag etc.) 1 min

Volume of the work room (width x length x height) 5.24 m x 7.25 m x 3.52 m

General ventilation system (mechanical, natural, etc...) Mechanical

Air exchange rate 9 times/h

Ventilation rate in the room 139.55 L/s

Type of risk management measures/local controls Type: Fume hood (standard, 1.35 m height, 1.8 m

width and 0.7 m depth); exhaust flow of 300 m3/h)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) Respirator, lab coat and gloves

Temperature of room 22 ºC

Relative humidity in the room (%) N/A

Room pressure 1 atm

Description of secondary sources/other indoor activities (diesel engines, cigarette

smoke, welding, busy road, etc.) N/A

Cleaning and maintenance of the room Yes (daily)

Contextual information (dermal exposure)

Surface loading (µg/cm2) N/A

Dermal contact area (cm2) N/A

Number of contacts N/A

Dermal loading (µg/cm2) N/A

Contextual information (oral exposure)

Transfer efficiency from hand to perioral region N/A

Hand/finger loading (µg/cm2) N/A

Contact area (cm2) N/A

Number of contacts N/A

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Criteria to assess the model/tool prediction

10. Models/tools have different application domains and incorporate different algorithms for estimating

exposure. As such, a unified dataset and procedure were not used for the performance testing. The

performance testing was conducted for consumer exposure scenarios only, based on personal or

stationary exposure measurement data and the following criteria agreed in OECD WPMN. These criteria

were adapted from the Dutch Social Economic Council. Here, the application domain refers to the intended

use and target scenario of exposure of the model/tool.

The exposure scenarios, for which exposure measurements are conducted, are relevant to

consumer exposure that could be assessed by models/tools. Note that due to low availability of

measurement data, the performance testing is limited to inhalation exposure to spray and powder

products. Thus, caution should be taken when interpreting the results.

The Spearman correlation coefficient between model/tool estimates and measured exposure

values is at least 0.6.

The model/tool estimates a reasonable worst case, which represents the upper bound of occurring

exposure values.

Real measurements do not exceed the model/tool estimates for more than 50% of the total


Evaluation is done separately for solids, liquids and/or gases/fumes whenever possible.

Methods and results of the performance testing on individual models/tools

11. As given in Table 2, the 7 nano-specific models/tools were subjected to performance testing.

These models/tools include Stoffenmanager Nano, Boxall et al. (2007[3]), the ENAE tool, ConsExpo nano,

the GUIDEnano tool, NanoSafer, and The Swiss Precautionary Matrix. The performance testing on MPPD

and Nazarenko et al. (2012[1]; 2014[2]) was not carried out due to the lack of measurement data on internal

doses of MNMs. Since SUNDS incorporates ConsExpo-Nano for consumer exposure to MNMs, the

performance testing of this tool is based on ConsExpo nano. The performance testing on ANSES tool and

CB Nano tool was not performed, as the case studies collected in this project were not suitable for the

performance testing of these tools. Mapping data from the case studies to the input values for these two

tools resulted in the same value for each input parameter across case studies, which makes comparison

across case studies inapplicable.

14 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


Table 2. list of models/tools subjected to scope analysis, user friendliness examination, sensitivity analysis, and performance testing



Accessibility and






ENAE x x x x

Boxall et al. 2007 x x x x

ConsExpo nano x x x x

GUIDEnano x x x

Stoffenmanager Nano x x x x

Swiss Precautionary Matrix x x x x

NanoSafer x x x x

MPPD x x x

Nazarenko et al. 2014 x x x

ANSES tool x x x

CB Nano tool x x x

SUNDS x x x

I-NANO x x

NanoRiskCat x x

LICARA-nanoScan x x

Engineered Nanoparticle Airborne Exposure v1.0


12. The Engineered Nanoparticle Airborne Exposure (ENAE) tool is a web-based tool, intended to

estimate air concentrations and surface loading of airborne nanoparticles. The input parameters required

by the tool for the estimation are given in Table 3.

Table 3. Input parameters required by ENAE tool for estimating the air concentrations and surface loading

Input Name

Volume Ceiling particle deposition velocity

Floor area Floor resuspension rate

Ceiling area Wall resuspension rate

Wall area Ceiling resuspension rate

Envelope penetration factor Floor resuspension area

Supply airflow rate Wall resuspension area

Return airflow rate Ceiling resuspension area

Percent outdoor air Initial zone concentration

Particle diameter Initial floor loading

Particle density Initial wall loading

Release amount (Release rate) Initial ceiling loading

Operation time Outdoor Concentration

Floor particle deposition velocity Exposure time

Wall particle deposition velocity

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 15



13. The performance testing of this tool was conducted by comparing the air concentration of particles

predicted by the tool with the measured air concentration of particles determined from case studies. Since

the tool provides the conversion between particle mass and particle number, the comparison was

performed in both units for cases where measurement data were reported in both units.

14. The case studies were chosen from the peer-reviewed publications listed in Table 4. Based on the

case studies, values for the input parameters were determined and they are provided in “ENAE-case

studies.xlsx” in the Annex A. It should be noted that a measured background concentration, if reported in

the case study, was used to correct a measured concentration.

Table 4. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of the ENAE tool

Peer-reviewed publications Number of

case studies

Number of



scenario Product type

Route of


Park et al. (2018) - Comparison of modeled estimates of inhalation exposure to aerosols

during use of consumer spray product

4 10 (A1-A10) Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation

Bekker et al. (2014) - Airborne manufactured nano-objects released from commercially available spray product: temporal and spatial


2 2 (B1 and B2) Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation

Chen et al. (2010) - Nanoparticles-containing spray can aerosol: characterization, exposure

assessment, and generator design 1 1 (C1)

Consumer –

Spray Liquid Inhalation

Note: * Cases A1-A10: nanoparticles released during typical use of a nano-silver contained propellant spray product. Case B1: impregnator

spray product containing SIO2 nanoparticle, B2: antiperspirant spray product containing SIO2 nanoparticle, and C1: bathroom cleaner spray can

product containing nano TiO2 particles


15. Figure 1 shows the air concentration of particles predicted by the tool and the measured air

concentration of particles by mass and by number units across comparison cases. For the particle by mass

(Figure 1a), the overall predicted air concentration ranged from ~1660.7 𝜇g/m3 to ~53550 𝜇g/m3 while the

overall measure air concentration ranged from ~424 𝜇g/m3 to ~8195 𝜇g/m3. The Spearman correlation

between predicted data and measured data across cases is 0.75 for the particle by mass. For the particle

by number (Figure 1b), the overall predicted air concentration ranged from ~3768 #/cm3 to ~2720400

#/cm3 while the overall measure air concentration ranged from ~6200 #/cm3 to ~160000 #/cm3. The

Spearman correlation between predicted data and measured data across cases is 0.85 for the particle by


16 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


Figure 1. The measured air concentrations and ENAE-predicted air concentrations for 13 comparison cases - a) particle mass unit and b) particle number unit

16. Figure 2 shows the ratio of the predicted air concentrations over the measured air concentrations

for particle by mass and by number across comparison cases. The ratios ranged from 1 to 100 for ~90%

and ~85% of cases for particle mass and number units respectively, showing that the tool tends to

overestimate the exposure. The mean ratios over cases are 4.5 and 10.5 for particle mass and number

units respectively.

Figure 2. Ratio of ENAE-predicted air concentration of particles over measured air concentration of particles for 13 comparison cases


17. The performance testing of ENAE was carried out using 13 comparisons between the predicted

air concentrations and the measured air concentrations for consumer scenarios on nano-containing spray

products. The Spearman correlation coefficients are 0.75 and 0.85 for particle mass and particle number

units respectively, indicating a good association of rank between the modelled estimates and the measured

values. For ~85% of total comparisons, the ratio of the predicted air concentration over the measured air

concentration is above 1, which can be interpreted as tending to favor ‘worse-case’ scenarios. Overall, this

performance testing concludes that ENAE v1.0 is suitable for quantitative exposure assessment of nano-

containing products for consumer spray scenarios. It should be noted that this conclusion is based on the

13 comparisons on spray products made in the performance testing and can be influenced by new

measurement data when they become available.

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 17


Boxall et al. 2007


18. Boxall et al. (2007[3]) presents a dilution model for estimating cumulative exposure from personal

hygiene and skin care products for spraying application. The model is expressed as:

𝐸 = ∫𝑓 × 𝑄 × 𝜌




𝑒−𝑘𝑡 𝑑𝑡

where e−kt accounts for dilution due to the air change rate (𝑘), 𝐸 is the cumulative exposure, 𝑄 is the

amount of product used, ρ is the percentage of MNM in product, f is the fraction of product escaping as

aerosol, V is the room volume, and 𝑡 is the time. The integration is from time t=0 (when product is used) to

time T when the consumer leaves exospore area. Considering the equation, the model assumes that the

air concentration of MNM diminishes exponentially with the time and air change rate. As reported by Boxall

et al. (2007[3]), if T is a short time (e.g., 10 minutes), dilution with air change can be ignored and

consequently the above equation is reduced to:

𝐸 = 𝑓 × 𝑄 × 𝜌

𝑉 × 𝑇

19. The input parameters required by the model for the estimation are given in Table 5.

Table 5. Input parameters required by Boxall et al. 2007 for estimating the cumulative exposure

Input Name

Amount of product used Exposure time

Fraction of MNM in product Air change rate

Room volume Fraction released to air


20. The performance testing of this model was conducted by comparing the cumulative exposure of

particles predicted by the model with the cumulative exposure of particles determined from case studies.

Since the model does not provide the conversion between particle mass and particle number, for each

case study the comparison was performed based on the reported unit for the amount of product used or

released. For the mass-based amount of product used or released, the comparison was made in particle

mass, and for the number-based amount of product released, the comparison was made in particle

number. For the comparison, the case studies were chosen from the peer-reviewed publications listed in

Table 6. Based on the case studies, values for the input parameters were determined and they are provided

in “Boxall et al. (2007[3]) - case studies.xlsx” in the Annex A. It should be noted that if a measured

background concentration was reported in a case study, the value used in the performance testing was

background corrected measurement.

18 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


Table 6. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of Boxall et al. 2007

Peer-reviewed publications Number of

case studies

Number of


Exposure scenario

Product type Route of Exposure

Park et al. (2018[4]) - Comparison of modeled estimates of inhalation exposure to aerosols

during use of consumer spray product 4 10 (A1-A10)

Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation

Bekker et al. (2014[5]) - Airborne manufactured nano-objects released from commercially available spray product: temporal and spatial


2 2 (B1 and B2) Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation

Chen et al. (2010[6]) - Nanoparticles-containing spray can aerosol: characterization, exposure

assessment, and generator design 1 1 (C1)

Consumer –

Spray Liquid Inhalation

Note: * Cases A1-A10: nanoparticles released during typical use of a nano-silver contained propellant spray product. Case B1: impregnator

spray product containing SIO2 nanoparticle, B2: antiperspirant spray product containing SIO2 nanoparticle, and C1: bathroom cleaner spray can

product containing nano TiO2 particles


21. Figure 3 shows the cumulative exposure predicted by the model and the measured cumulative

exposure for particle mass and number units across comparison cases. For the particle mass unit (Figure

3a), the overall predicted cumulative exposure ranged from ~8160 𝜇g min/m3 to ~8800000 𝜇g min/m3

while the overall measure cumulative exposure ranged from ~8500 𝜇g min/m3 to ~116640 𝜇g min/m3. The

Spearman correlation between predicted data and measured data across the cases is 0.72 for the particle

mass unit. For the particle number unit (Figure 3b), the predicted cumulative exposure is comparable with

the measured cumulative exposure.

Figure 3. The measured cumulative exposure and Boxall et al.-predicted cumulative exposure for 13 comparison cases

Note: a) particle mass unit and b) particle number unit

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 19


22. Figure 4 shows the ratio of the predicted cumulative exposure over the measured cumulative

exposure for particle mass and number units across comparison cases. For the particle mass unit, the

ratios ranged from ~1 to ~100, showing that the tool tends to overestimate the exposure. For the particle

number unit, the ratio is ~ 1. The mean ratios over case studies is 23.8 and 0.85 for particle mass and

number units respectively.

Figure 4. Ratio of the predicted cumulative exposure over the measured cumulative exposure for 13 comparison cases


23. The performance testing of Boxall et al. (2007[3]) was carried out using 13 comparisons between

the predicted cumulative exposure and the experimentally determined cumulative exposure for scenarios

including nano consumer spray products. The Spearman correlation coefficients is 0.72 for particle mass

unit, indicating a good association of rank between the predicted cumulative exposure and the

experimentally determined cumulative exposure. For the comparisons made in particle mass units, the

ratio of predicted cumulative exposure over the experimentally determined cumulative exposure is above

1, showing that the model tends to overestimate the exposure. For particle number units, the performance

testing is limited to two comparisons, and it shows that the predicted cumulative exposure is close to the

measured cumulative exposure. Overall, this performance testing concludes that this model is suitable for

quantitative exposure assessment of nano-contained products for consumer spray scenarios. It should be

noted that this conclusion is based on the 13 comparisons made in the performance testing and can be

influenced by new measurement data when they become available.

Swiss Precautionary Matrix v3.1


24. The Swiss Precautionary Matrix (SPM) v3.1 tool is a web-based or standalone tool, intended to

assess the need for nanospecific measures (precautionary need) for synthetic MNMs and their applications

for professional end-users, consumers and the environment. It enables a preliminary risk assessment

based on the current state of knowledge and indicates when further clarification is needed to help ensure

safety in connection with the development of new products. The tool includes a short questionnaire with

several single and multiple-choice answers. Depending on the answers to each question, the tool

calculates a score as output, which indicates the need for further clarification if it exceeds 20. The

calculation uses the following equation:

Precautionary need = 𝑁 × (𝑊 × 𝐸 + 𝐼),

25. where N represents nano definition according to the precautionary matrix defined within the tool,

W represents the potential effect accounting for hazard score, I represents the available information on life

cycle, and E accounts for the potential exposure of consumer, occupational or environmental. For the

20 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


consumer exposure, it is assumed that the potential exposure depends on three factors and is estimated

using the following equation

𝐸 = 𝐸𝐴,𝑉 × 𝐸2.4 × 𝐸2.5

where 𝐸𝐴,𝑉 represents the carrier material of the MNM (air, liquid, solid), 𝐸2.4 accounts for the amount of

MNMs which a consumer handles daily through the product, and 𝐸2.5 accounts for frequency which a

consumer uses the product. Based on these factors, the input parameters required by the tool for

estimating the potential exposure of consumer are given in Table 7.

Table 7. Input parameters required by the SPM tool for estimating the potential exposure of consumer

Input Name

Amount of product used

Type of carrier material

Frequency of task


26. The performance testing on this tool was performed using 9 case studies on consumer spray

products. The case studies were chosen from the peer-reviewed publications listed in Table 8. Values for

input parameters were determined based on the case studies and they are given in “SPM-case

studies.xlsx” in the Annex A. It should be noted that the direct comparison between the tool estimate and

measured exposure was not made, as the tool estimates a qualitative score considering both potential

effect and potential exposure.

Table 8. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of the SPM tool

Peer-reviewed publications Number of case studies

Park et al. (2018) - Comparison of modeled estimates of inhalation exposure to aerosols

during use of consumer spray product 4 (A1-A4)

Bekker et al. (2014) - Airborne manufactured nano-objects released from commercially

available spray product: temporal and spatial influences 2 (B1-B2)

Lorenz et al. (2011[7]) - Nanosized aerosols from consumer sprays: experimental analysis

and exposure modeling for four commercial products 2 (C1-C2)

Chen et al. (2010) - Nanoparticles-containing spray can aerosol: characterization,

exposure assessment, and generator design

1 (D1)


27. Table 9 shows the overview of the SPM score for each of the scenarios assessed. The selected

scenarios are related to exposure to nanoparticle-contained consumer spray products. The SPM score

ranged from 735 to 3651, which is above the critical threshold of twenty points. While the scenarios A1-

A4, B2, and C1 had different exposure conditions, the resulting SPM scores were at the same level. This

is attributed to the fact that for these scenarios SPM v3.1 was not able to differentiate spray amount of 7

g, 14 g and 40 g or spray duration of 5 seconds, 9 seconds, and 14 seconds. The lower score for the

scenario B1 was caused by shorter exposure duration, which was only once a week instead of a daily

basis. This reduction of exposure duration dropped the SPM score by ~ 45% compared to the higher score

scenarios. The lowest score was attributed to the C2 scenario with exposure duration of once a month.

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 21


Table 9. SPM results of the performance testing


study Reference Short description of scenario

SPM score W






A1 Park et al (2018) Spraying of 14 g of AgNP contained

deodorant spray for 5 seconds 3651 45 81 6

A2 Park et al. (2018) Spraying of 40 g of AgNP contained

deodorant spray for 15 seconds

3651 45 81 6

A3 Park et al. (2018) Spraying of 40 g of AgNP contained deodorant spray for 15 seconds with air

exchange of 35 /h

3651 45 81 6

A4 Park et al. (2018) Spraying of 14 g of AgNP contained deodorant spray for 5 seconds with air

exchange of 35 /h

3651 45 81 6

B1 Bekker et al. (2014) Spraying of ~ 8 g SiO2 contained leather

impregnator spray for 9 seconds

2031 45 45 6

B2 Bekker et al. (2014) Spraying of ~7 g SiO2 contained

antiperspirant spray for 9 seconds 3651 45 81 6

C1 Lorenz et al. (2011) Spraying of 4 g Ag contained

antiperspirant spray for 5 seconds 3651 45 81 6

C2 Lorenz et al. (2011) Spraying of ~13 g ZnO contained shoe

impregnator spray for 5 seconds

735 81 9 3

D1 Chen et al. (2010) Spraying of ~ 2.5 g TiO2 contained

bathroom cleaner spray for 125 seconds 3651 45 81 6


28. The performance testing of SPM was carried out using 9 scenarios relevant to nano consumer

spray products. The results have shown that detailed information on exposure conditions may not influence

outcomes when comparing small differences of input for parameters intended to cover a broader range of

differences in exposure conditions with a low tier screening tool. Since SPM is intended for risk screening,

it gives guidance to prioritize nano-enabled products and activity related to MNMs for further actions,

according to their potentials to result in exposure to consumers.

Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0


29. Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0 is a web-based control banding tool, developed to manage the

potential risk from occupational exposure to MNM. The output of Stoffenmanager Nano is risk bands

derived from a combination of hazard and exposure bands. The exposure band is obtained by estimating

a relative exposure score using the following equation:

𝐵 = [(𝐶𝑛𝑓) + (𝐶𝑓𝑓) + (𝐶𝑑𝑠)] × 𝜇𝑖𝑚𝑚 × 𝜇𝑝𝑝𝑒 × 𝑡ℎ × 𝑡𝑓

𝐶𝑛𝑓 = 𝐸 × 𝐻 × 𝜇𝑙𝑐_𝑛𝑓 × 𝜇𝑔𝑣_𝑛𝑓,

𝐶𝑓𝑓 = 𝐸 × 𝐻 × 𝜇𝑙𝑐_𝑓𝑓 × 𝜇𝑔𝑣_𝑓𝑓,

𝐶𝑑𝑠 = 𝐸 × 𝑎,

𝐸 = 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 × 𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 × 𝑚𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡

30. where 𝐵 is exposure score, 𝑡ℎ is duration of task, 𝑡𝑓 is frequency of task, 𝐶𝑑𝑠 is background

concentration (score), 𝐶𝑓𝑓 is concentration (score) due to far-field sources, 𝐶𝑛𝑓 is concentration (score) due

to near-field sources, 𝜇𝑖𝑚𝑚 is reduction exposure factor due to separation, μppe is reduction exposure factor

due to use of personal protective equipment, E is intrinsic emission factor, a is factor for the relative

22 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


influence of background sources, H is activity exposure factor, μlc is ventilation factor, and μgv is dilution

factor in relation to the room size. The score estimated by the equation is converted to the exposure bands

based on Stoffenmanager Nano categorization matrix. The input parameters used by the tool for the

estimation are given in Table 10. To apply the equation to consumer exposure scenarios, the parameters

𝜇𝑝𝑝𝑒 and 𝜇𝑖𝑚𝑚 need to be set to one, as personal protective equipment is not commonly used in consumer

exposure scenarios and there is no separation between receptor and source.

Table 10. Input parameters used by Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0 for exposure assessment

Input Name

Activity description Personal protective equipment

Duration of task Personal enclosure

Frequency of task Surface contamination

Air exchange rate Local control measure

Dustiness Room volume

Viscosity of the liquid product Weight fraction of the MNM in product

Dilution of MNM in water Moisture content


31. The performance testing of this tool was conducted by comparing the exposure score predicted

by the tool with the measured exposure levels in particle number concentration determined from case

studies. The case studies were chosen from the peer-reviewed publications listed in Table 11. Based on

the case studies, values for the input parameters were determined and they are provided in

“Stoffenmanager Nano-case studies.xlsx” in the Annex A.

Table 11. peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of Stoffenmanager Nano

Peer-reviewed publications Number of

case studies

Number of


Exposure scenario

Product type Route of Exposure

Park et al. (2018) - Comparison of modeled estimates of inhalation exposure to aerosols

during use of consumer spray product 4 10 (A1-A10)

Consumer - Spray

Liquid Inhalation

Bekker et al. (2014) - Airborne manufactured nano-objects released from commercially available spray product: temporal and spatial


2 2 (B1-B2) Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation

Nazarenko et al. (2012[8]) - Potential for inhalation to engineered nanoparticles from

nanotechnology-based cosmetic powders 3 3 (C1-C3)

Consumer - Powder

Solid Inhalation

Chen et al. (2010) - Nanoparticles-containing spray can aerosol: characterization, exposure

assessment, and generator design

1 1 (D1) Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation


32. Figure 5 shows the measured particle concentrations across the exposure bands determined by

the tool. For the average exposure band, the respective median and geometric mean of particle

concentrations are equal to 6200 #/cm3 and 4385 #/cm3 respectively. For the high exposure band, the

respective median and geometric mean of particle concentrations are equal to 26000 #/cm3 and 32848

#/cm3 respectively, both being greater than those of the average exposure band. There is no overlapping

between respective interquartile ranges of measured particle concentrations lying in average and high

exposure bands. Figure 5 also shows that there is a positive correlation between the measured particle

concentrations and the predicted scores. Scenarios with particle concentrations above 25000 #/cm3 (blue

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 23


points) scored 15 while scenarios with particle concentrations below 15000 #/cm3 scored 0.15. The

Spearman correlation between the measured particle concentrations and the predicted score is 0.79. It

should be noted that scores are calculated based on the values of the input parameters, and not based on

measured particle concentrations.

Figure 5. Classification of measured exposure in the model estimated exposure bands.

Note: The lower and upper limits of the box plots represent the 25th and 75th percentiles and the line within the box marks the median. Whiskers

above and below the box indicate the maximum and minimum concentration


33. The performance testing of Stoffenmanager Nano was carried out using 16 scenarios including

nano consumer powder and spray products. The measured particle concentrations were classified in two

estimated exposure bands of the tool without overlapping between respective interquartile ranges of

measured particle concentrations. The Spearman correlation coefficient between the measured particle

concentrations and the predicted score is 0.79, indicating that there is a positive correlation between them.

Overall, this performance testing suggests that Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0 could be used in prioritization

of MNMs in the spray or powder products examined in this work.

GUIDEnano v3.0


34. GUIDEnano v3.0 is a web-based tool, intended to assess human and environmental health risks

of nano-enabled products along their life cycle. The tool provides different outputs depending on the

assessment that the user would like to perform. For exposure assessment, the tool estimates air

concentration of MNMs in environmental compartments. The required input parameters for estimating air

concentration of particles are given in Table 12. For the case studies used in this performance testing, the

local control measure and personal protection parameters are not taken into account in exposure

estimation, as personal protective equipment and localized control were not used in the case studies.

24 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


Table 12. Input parameters used by GUIDEnano v3.0 for estimating air concentration of particles

Input Name

Amount of product used

Particle size distribution

Density of MNM

Specific surface area of MNMs

Emission rate

Frequency of activity

Time required per task in cycle

Room volume

Air exchange rate

Activity input

Activity release

Time span

Personal protection

Local control measure


35. The performance testing of this tool was conducted by comparing the air concentration of particles

predicted by the tool with the measured air concentration of particles determined from case studies. Since

the tool provides the conversion between particle mass and particle number, the comparison was

performed in both units for cases where measurement data were reported in both units.

36. The case studies were chosen from the peer-reviewed publications listed in Table 13. Based on

the case studies, values for the input parameters were determined and they are provided in “GUIDEnano-

case studies.xlsx” in the Annex A. It should be noted that if a measured background concentration was

reported in a case study, the value used in the performance testing was a background corrected


Table 13. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of the GUIDEnano tool

Peer-reviewed publications Number of

case studies

Number of comparisons*


Exposure scenario

Product type Route of Exposure

Park et al. (2018) - Comparison of modeled estimates of inhalation exposure to aerosols

during use of consumer spray product

2 4 (A1-A4) Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation

Bekker et al. (2014) - Airborne manufactured nano-objects released from commercially

available spray product: temporal and spatial


2 2 (B1 and B2) Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation

Chen et al. (2010) - Nanoparticles-containing spray can aerosol: characterization, exposure

assessment, and generator design

1 1 (C1) Consumer –

Spray Liquid Inhalation

Note: * Cases A1-A4: nanoparticles released during typical use of a nano-silver contained propellant spray product. Case B1: impregnator spray

product containing SIO2 nanoparticle, B2: antiperspirant spray product containing SIO2 nanoparticle, and C1: bathroom cleaner spray can

product containing nano TiO2 particles


37. Figure 6 shows the air concentration of particles predicted by the tool and the measured air

concentration of particles for particle mass and number units across comparison cases. For the particle

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 25


mass unit (Figure 6a), the overall predicted air concentration ranged from ~3436 𝜇g/m3 to ~99900 𝜇g/m3

while the overall measure air concentration ranged from ~1482 𝜇g/m3 to ~8195 𝜇g/m3. The Spearman

correlation between predicted data and measured data across the cases is 0.70 for the particle mass unit.

For the particle number unit (Figure 6b), the overall predicted air concentration ranged from ~8800 #/cm3

to ~11000000 #/cm3 while the overall measure air concentration ranged from ~7700 #/cm3 to ~190000

#/cm3. The Spearman correlation between predicted data and measured data across the cases is 0.78 for

the particle number unit.

Figure 6. The measured air concentrations and GUIDEnano-predicted air concentrations for 7 comparison cases

Note: a) particle mass unit and b) particle number unit

38. Figure 7 shows the ratio of the predicted air concentration over the measured air concentration for

particle mass and number units across the cases. For the particle mass unit, for case studies A1-A4, the

ratio ranges from 10 to 100. Similarly, for the particle number unit, the ratios ranged from 1 to 100 for the

cases A1-A4, and C1. Such a range shows that the tool tends to overestimate the exposure. The mean

ratios over the cases are ~15 and ~39 for particle mass and number units respectively.

26 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


Figure 7. Ratio of GUIDEnano-predicted air concentration of particles over measured air concentration of particles for 7 comparison cases


39. The performance testing of GUIDEnano v3.0 was carried out using 7 comparisons between the

predicted air concentrations and the measured air concentrations for exposure to spray products

containing nanomaterials. The Spearman correlation coefficients between the predicted and measured

values are 0.7 and 0.78 for particle mass and particle number units respectively, indicating a good

association of rank between the modelled estimates and the measured values. For all the total

comparisons made, the ratio of the predicted air concentration over the measured air concentration is

above 1, which can be interpreted as tending to favour ‘worse-case’ scenarios. Overall, this performance

testing concludes that GUIDEnano v3.0 is suitable for exposure assessment of consumer nano-contained

spray products. However, this conclusion is based on the 7 comparisons made in the performance testing

and can be influenced by new measurement data when they become available. It should be noted that

since GUIDEnano is based on the mass balance, making assumptions on the amount of product used and

release rate can strongly influence the output of GUIDEnano v3.0. Thus, caution should be taken by the

user when dealing with these parameters.

ConsExpo nano v2.0


40. ConsExpo nano v2.0 is a web-based tool, used to estimate inhalation exposure to nanomaterials

in consumer spray products. The tool combines predictions of aerosol concentration in indoor air with the

predictions of alveolar load in the lungs. Input parameters required by the tool are given in Table 14.

Table 14. Input parameters required by ConsExpo nano v2.0 for estimating the air concentrations of particles and alveolar load in the lungs

Input Name

Exposure duration Deposition model

Spray duration Inhalation rate

Aerosol particle diameter distribution Ventilation rate

Mass generation rate Airborne fraction

Weight fraction of MNM is product Nanomaterial density

Aerosol density Nanomaterial particle diameter distribution

Room volume Exposure

Room height Simulation duration


41. The performance testing of this tool was conducted by RIVM (the model developer) as part of the

caLIBRAte project. In the performance testing, the human exposure module of the tool was evaluated by

comparing the air concentration of particles predicted by the tool with the measured air concentration of

particles determined from case studies. The case studies described release of non-volatile substances,

whether they are nanomaterials or not, from spray products. The reason to consider non-volatile

substances in the performance testing is that the tool algorithms to simulate the inhaled dose are applicable

to non-volatile substances in general. However, owing to the scope of this project, this report focused on

the results obtained based on nano-specific case studies (i.e., case studies with nano-contained spray

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 27


products). The selected nano-specific cases studies were chosen from the peer-reviewed publications

listed in Table 15. Based on the case studies, values for input parameters were determined and they are

provided in “ConsExpo nano-case studies.xlsx” in the Annex A. In cases where tool parameters could not

be determined unambiguously, ranges of parameter values were estimated based on other sources. For

the case study taken from the work of Chen et al. (2010[6]), ranges of values were defined for the mass

generation rate and room volume parameters, and for the case studies taken from the work of Park et al

(2018[4]), ranges of values were defined for substance weight fraction and particle density parameters. The

upper and lower bounds of the ranges were used for the performance testing, resulting in a range of the

tool outputs. A measured value within the outputs range was interpreted as an agreement between

measurement and model, and a measured value outside the range was interpreted as a deviation.

42. It should be noted that since ConsExpo nano does not provide air concentrations as an output,

and only calculates these as an intermediate (internally used) values, the tool runs were performed in

ConsExpo Web tool. ConsExpo Nano and ConsExpo Web use the same algorithms for estimating air


Table 15. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of ConsExpo nano v2.0

Peer-reviewed publications Number of

case studies

Number of


Exposure scenario

Product type Route of Exposure

Park et al. (2018) - Comparison of modeled estimates of inhalation exposure to aerosols

during use of consumer spray product

4 6 Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation

Chen et al. (2010) - Nanoparticles-containing spray can aerosol: characterization, exposure

assessment, and generator design 1 1

Consumer – Spray

Liquid Inhalation


43. Figure 8 compares the predicted air concentrations with the measured air concentration from Chen

et al. (2010[6]) who studied nanoparticles released during typical use of a consumer spray (a bathroom

cleaner) containing (nano-)TiO2. The range of air concentrations predicted by the tool spans almost two

order of magnitude. The upper bound of the peak concentrations was estimated to be around 3.1 mg/m3,

which is comparable with the reported measured value of 3.4 mg/m3. Note that the study only reports a

peak air concentration in the breathing zone of the user. Figure 9 compares the predicted air concentrations

with the measured air concentration from Park et al. (2018[4]) who studied nanoparticles released during

typical use of a nano-silver contained propellant spray product (an indoor air freshener). The measured air

concentrations are within the range of air concentrations predicted by tool based on the upper and lower

bounds of the input ranges. This may be interpreted as that the model is not in contradiction with the data

given the uncertainty in the experimental setup parametrisation.

28 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


Figure 8. Comparison of ConsExpo nano simulations with data from Chen et al. (2010[6])

Note: The measured air concentration was the average nano TIO2 air concentration during spraying. For the ConsExpo model simulations,

upper and lower bounds represent uncertainty in the model parametrisation.

Source: The figure is taken from the caLIBRAte documents.

Figure 9. Comparison of ConsExpo nano simulations with data from Park et al. (2018)

Note: For the ConsExpo model simulations, upper and lower bounds represent uncertainty in the model parametrisation. A) scenario 1, with a

spray duration of 5 seconds and B) scenario 2 with a spray duration of 15 seconds

A) B)

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 29



44. The performance testing of ConsExpo nano v2.0 was carried out using case studies describing

release of non-volatile substances, whether they are nanomaterials or not, from spray products. The results

obtained based on nano-specific case studies (i.e. case studies with nano-contained spray products) show

that there is good agreement between tool estimates and measurement data while there is uncertainty in

model estimates. This uncertainty stems from simplifications in the model formulation, such as assumed

complete mixing of indoor air and complete non-volatility of the substance monitored. Overall, this

performance testing concludes that ConsExpo nano v2.0 is suitable for exposure assessment of nano-

contained products for spray scenarios.

NanoSafer v1.1


45. NanoSafer v1.1 is a web-based control banding tool, developed to address risks associated with

occupational inhalation exposure during production and use of MNMs. The output of NanoSafer are risk

levels expressed in control bands by combining hazard and exposure bands. The exposure band is

allocated using air concentration of MNMs and the volume-specific surface area of the nearest analogue

bulk. The underlying algorithm of NanoSafer for allocating the exposure band can be expressed as:

𝐶𝑁𝐹 =(𝐸𝑖 + 𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹→𝑁𝐹 − 𝑁𝐹𝑁𝐹→𝐹𝐹 + 𝑁𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙)


𝐶𝐹𝐹 =(𝑁𝐹𝑁𝐹→𝑁𝐹 − 𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹→𝑁𝐹 + 𝐹𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙)



∆𝑡. (𝑄𝑁𝐹)2] . [𝑄𝑁𝐹 . ∆𝑡 + 𝑒(−𝑄𝑁𝐹.∆𝑡) − 1]

𝑁𝐹𝑁𝐹→𝐹𝐹 = [𝑄𝑁𝐹 . 𝐶𝑁𝐹 . (𝐸𝑖 . ∆𝑡)

∆𝑡. (𝑄𝑁𝐹)2] . [𝑄𝑁𝐹 . ∆𝑡 + 𝑒(−𝑄𝑁𝐹.∆𝑡) − 1]

𝐸𝑋𝑃𝐴𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑒 = 𝐶𝐴𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑒

2. 𝑂𝐸𝐿.30.



𝐸𝑋𝑃8−ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟 = 𝐶8−ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟




where 𝐸𝑖 represents emission rate, 𝑄𝑁𝐹 is ventilation rate between the near and far fields, 𝐶𝑁𝐹 is air

concentration of particles in the near field, 𝐶𝐹𝐹 is air concentration of particles in the far field, ∆𝑡 is time

interval, 𝑁𝐹𝑁𝐹→𝐹𝐹 is mass transfer from the near field to the far field, 𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹→𝑁𝐹 is mass transfer from the far

field to the near field, 𝑉𝑁𝐹 is volume of the near field, 𝑉𝐹𝐹 is volume of the far field, 𝑁𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙 is background

concentration in the near field, and 𝐹𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙 is background concentration in the far field, 𝐸𝑋𝑃 is exposure

band, 𝛿 is specific density of MNM, 𝑆𝑆𝐴 is specific surface area of MNM, and 𝑂𝐸𝐿 is occupational exposure

limit for analogue bulk material. Input parameters used by the tool for allocating the exposure band is given

in Table 16. To apply the tool to consumer exposure scenarios, the values of the parameters pause

between work cycle and number of work cycles per day need to be set 0 min and 1 respectively.

30 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


Table 16. Input parameters used by NanoSafer for determining exposure band

Input Name

Specific surface area of the MNM

Respirable OEL for the nearest analogue material

Total mass of material handled in each work cycle

Emission rate

Duration of work cycle

Time required per task in cycle

Amount of material handled in each transfer

Volume of work room

Air exchange rate

Pause between work cycles

Number of work cycles

Activity level in the room


46. The performance testing of this tool was conducted by comparing the air concentration of particles

predicted by the tool at near field with the measured air concentration of particles determined from case

studies. The tool runs were performed by. The near field was chosen because of experimental setups in

case studies, where measurement instruments were located within 1 m distance from exposure sources.

47. The case studies (A1-A4) were chosen from the work of Park et al. (2018) who studied

nanoparticles released during typical use of a nano-silver contained propellant spray product (an indoor

air freshener). Values for input parameters were determined based on the case studies, and they are

provided in “NanoSafer-case studies.xlsx” in the Annex A. It should be noted that if a measurement of

background concentration were reported in a case study, the value used in the performance testing was a

background corrected measurement.

Table 17. Peer-reviewed publications used for the performance testing of NanoSafer v1.1

Peer-reviewed publications Number of

case studies

Number of


Exposure scenario

Product type Route of Exposure

Park et al. (2018) - Comparison of modeled estimates of inhalation exposure to aerosols

during use of consumer spray product

4 4 (A1-A4) Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation


48. The tool provides 15-min (acute) and 8-hour (daily) average air concentration as outputs and the

case studies reported 10-min, 30-min, and 2-hour average air concentrations. As such, the 15-min average

predicted air concentration and 10-min average measured air concentration were chosen for comparison.

Figure 10 shows the 15-min predicted average air concentration of particles and the 10-min average

measured air concentration of particles across comparison cases. The predicted air concentration ranged

from ~3177.5 𝜇g/m3 to ~67328.0 𝜇g/m3 while the measure air concentration ranged from ~1273 𝜇g/m3 to

~8195 𝜇g/m3. Considering the ranges, it can be concluded that the 10-min average predicted air

concentration is also greater than the 10-min average measured air concentration, as air concentration

decreases over time during exposure (i.e., 10-min average air concentration > 15-min average air

concentration). The Spearman correlation coefficient between predicted data and measured data across

the cases is 0.63.

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 31


Figure 10. The measured air concentrations and NanoSafer-predicted air concentrations for 4 comparison cases

Figure 11 shows the ratio of the predicted air concentration over the measured air concentration across

the cases. The ratios ranged from 1 to 10, indicating that the tool tends to overestimate the exposure

across comparison cases. The mean ratio over the cases is 5.24.

Figure 11. Ratio of NanoSafer-predicted air concentration of particles over measured air concentration of particles for 4 comparison cases


49. The performance testing of NanoSafer was carried out using 4 case studies on spray products

containing nanomaterials. The Spearman correlation coefficient between the predicted and measured

values is above 0.6 and the predicted values fall within one order magnitude of the measured values.

Considering this, the NanoSafer v1.1 can be applied to estimate acute air concentrations for consumer

spray scenarios. It should be noted that this conclusion is based on the 4 comparisons made in this

performance testing and can be influenced by new measurement data when they become available.

32 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


50. Performance testing was conducted on 7 nano-specific models/tools for consumer exposure

scenarios using case studies summarized in Table 18. These models/tools include Stoffenmanager Nano

v1.0, Boxall et al. (2007[3]), the ENAE tool v1.0, ConsExpo nano v2.0, the GUIDEnano v3.0 tool, NanoSafer

v1.1, and The Swiss Precautionary Matrix v3.0. The case studies were taken from the exposure release

database created by compiling measurement data on consumer exposure to MNM through the WPMN

data call and literature review of peer-reviewed publications.

Table 18. Summary of case studies used in the performance testing

Peer-reviewed publications Number of







Route of


Applied to testing of which


Park et al. (2018) - Comparison of modeled estimates of inhalation exposure to aerosols

during use of consumer spray product 4

Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation

ENAE, GUIDEnano, Boxall et al. 2007, Stoffenmanager -

Nano, ConsExpo nano, SPM,


Bekker et al. (2014) - Airborne manufactured nano-objects released from commercially

available spray product: temporal and spatial


2 Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation

ENAE, GUIDEnano, Boxall et al. 2007, Stoffenmanager -

Nano, SPM

Nazarenko et al. (2012[8]) - Potential for inhalation to engineered nanoparticles from

nanotechnology-based cosmetic powders

3 Consumer -

Powder Solid Inhalation Stoffenmanager –Nano

Chen et al. (2010) - Nanoparticles-containing spray can aerosol: characterization, exposure

assessment, and generator design

1 Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation

ENAE, GUIDEnano, Boxall et al. 2007, Stoffenmanager -

Nano, ConsExpo nano, SPM

Lorenz et al. (2011[) - Nanosized aerosols from consumer sprays: experimental analysis and exposure modeling for four commercial


2 Consumer -

Spray Liquid Inhalation SPM

51. The results of performance testing have shown that Boxall et al. (2007[3]), the ENAE v1.0 tool, the

GUIDEnano v3.0 tool, and ConsExpo nano v3.0 tend to overestimate exposure. For each of these

models/tools, the ratios of predicted values over measured values ranged from 1 to 100 for more than 80%

of comparison cases. Such a comparison was not made for Swiss Precautionary Matrix v3.1 and

Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0, as their outputs are not relevant to measurable quantities. The results have

also shown that the computed Spearman correlation coefficients were above 0.6 for Boxall et al. (2007[3]),

the ENAE v1.0 tool, Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0, the GUIDEnano v3.0 tool, indicating a good association

rank between predicted values and measured values across products tested in the studies. The

performance testing of Swiss Precautionary Matrix v3.1 has shown that detailed information on exposure

conditions may not influence outcomes when comparing small differences of input for parameters intended

to cover a broader range of differences in exposure conditions with a low tier screening tool. A summary

of the results of the performance testing is given in Table 19.

52. Based on the results obtained in this work, the performance testing concludes Boxall et al.

(2007[3]), the ENAE v1.0 tool, GUIDEnano v3.0, and ConsExpo nano v2.0 are suitable for quantitative

3 Conclusion and Recommendation

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 33


exposure assessment of MNMs for consumer spray scenarios. Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0 and Swiss

Precautionary Matrix v3.1 can be applied in prioritization of MNMs with respect to potential consumer

exposure. NanoSafer v1.1 can be used to estimate acute air concentration for consumer spray scenarios.

However, these conclusions are based on a limited number of case studies on spray and powder products.

As shown in the summary table (Table 19), the number of comparisons ranged from 4 (NanoSafer v1.1)

to 16 (Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0) across the models/tools. Such a low number of comparisons are due to

low availability of measurement data suitable for the performance testing for consumer exposure

scenarios, which makes the performance testing limited to a few case studies. From the exposure release

database, a considerable portion of measurement data were rejected as unsuitable for the performance

testing mostly because of missing information on emission rates, amount of product used, particle size

distribution, and time evolution of air concentration. To fill out these data gaps, the following information is

recommended to be considered where appropriate when conducting experiment on consumer exposure

to MNMs.

Amount of product used for the experiment

Fraction of MNMs in product

Emission rate

Characterization of particle size distribution characterization during the exposure

Time evolution of air concentration during the exposure

Table 19. Summary of results of performance testing on Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0, Boxall et al. 2007, the ENAE v1.0 tool, ConsExpo-Nano v3.0, the GuideNano v3.0tool, NanoSafer v1.1, and The Swiss Precautionary Matrix v3.1

Model/Tool Tester Number of

comparisons Spearman correlation

Trend over total comparison


ENAE v1.0 HC 13 0.75 overestimation

GUIDEnano v.30 HC 7 0.70 overestimation

Boxall et al. 2007 HC 13 0.72 overestimation

Stoffenmanager Nano v1.0 HC 16 0.79 N/A*

ConsExpo nano^ v3.0 RIVM 7 N/A overestimation

Swiss Precautionary Matrix v3.1 HC 9 N/A N/A

NanoSafer v1.1 NRCWE

and HC 4 0.63 overestimation

Note: * Not applicable, ^ Performed in EU H2020 caLIBRAte project

34 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV



Bekker, C. et al. (2014), “Airborne manufactured nano-objects released from commercially

available spray products: temporal and spatial influences”, Journal of Exposure Science &

Environmental Epidemiology, Vol. 24/1, pp. 74-81, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/jes.2013.36.


Boxall, A. et al. (2007), Current and future predicted environmental exposure to engineered

nanoparticles, Central Science Laboratory,



Chen, B. et al. (2010), “Nanoparticles-containing spray can aerosol: characterization, exposure

assessment, and generator design”, Inhalation Toxicology, Vol. 22/13, pp. 1072-1082,



Lorenz, C. et al. (2011), “Nanosized aerosols from consumer sprays: experimental analysis and

exposure modeling for four commercial products”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research,

Vol. 13/8, pp. 3377-3391, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11051-011-0256-8.


Nazarenko, Y., P. Lioy and G. Mainelis (2014), “Quantitative assessment of inhalation exposure

and deposited dose of aerosol from nanotechnology-based consumer sprays”, Environmental

Science: Nano, Vol. 1/2, pp. 161-171, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c3en00053b.


Nazarenko, Y. et al. (2012), “Nanomaterial inhalation exposure from nanotechnology-based

cosmetic powders: a quantitative assessment”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 14/11,



Nazarenko, Y. et al. (2012), “Potential for Inhalation Exposure to Engineered Nanoparticles from

Nanotechnology-Based Cosmetic Powders”, Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 120/6,

pp. 885-892, http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1104350.


Park, M. et al. (2018), “Development of a systematic method to assess similarity between

nanomaterials for human hazard evaluation purposes – lessons learnt”, Nanotoxicology,

Vol. 12/7, pp. 652-676, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17435390.2018.1465142.


ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 35


36 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV


Annex A. Data Sheets for Different Models and


Values of Input parameters and measurement data used in the performance testing of models/tools can

be found in the attached files as Excel tables. All files are packed to a single

Annex_case_studies_consumer_models.zip file. The filenames of the files are:

ENAE-case studies.xlsx

Boxall et al-case studies.xlsx

SPM-case studies.xlsx

Stoffenmanager Nano-case studies.xlsx

GUIDEnano-case studies.xlsx

ConsExpo nano-case studies.xlsx

NanoSafer-case studies.xlsx

ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV 37


Appendix. Summary of Experimental Studies

Table 20. Summary of experimental studies used in the performance testing.

Publications Brief description of study Product






ent data



ent data




er volume





Park et al. (2018) - Comparison of

modeled estimates of inhalation

exposure to aerosols during use of

consumer spray product

The study describes nanoparticles released from a propellant spray product (an indoor air

freshener containing nano-silver) in a cleanroom under different ventilation conditions.

Particle size distribution and concentrations from 10 to 10000 nm were measured using SMPS

and OPS located within 1 m distance from the sprayer. Exposure measurements were carried

out for 120 minutes.

Spray Ag X

5 and 15 40 0 and 35

Bekker et al. (2014) - Airborne

manufactured nano-objects released

from commercially available spray

product: temporal and spatial influences

This work describes nanoparticles released from commercially available nano-spray products

in a chamber with well-controlled ventilation conditions. Particle concentration, particle size

distribution, and surface area concentration were measured using SPMS, APS, and ELPI at

~ 30 and 290 cm from the source. Exposure measurements were carried out for 12 minutes.

Spray SIO2 X

9 19.5 0

Nazarenko et al. (2012[8]) - Potential for

inhalation to engineered nanoparticles

from nanotechnology-based cosmetic


This study describes nanoparticles released from three nanotechnology-based cosmetic

powders. The powders include moisturizer, blusher, and sunscreen powders. Particle size

distribution and number concentration from 10 to 10000 nm were measured using SMPS and

APS. Exposure measurements were carried out for 3 minutes.

Powder Mix X < 180 0.072 0

Chen et al. (2010) - Nanoparticles-

containing spray can aerosol:

characterization, exposure assessment,

and generator design

This work describes nanoparticles released from a bathroom cleaner/sanitizer spray can

product containing nano TIO2. The particle size distribution and concentration were measured

using SPMS and APS in the breathing zone of the operator. Exposure measurements were

carried out for 2.5 minutes.

Spray TIO2 X 125 - 0.34

Lorenz et al. (2011) - Nanosized

aerosols from consumer sprays:

experimental analysis and exposure

modeling for four commercial products

This study describes nanosized aerosols released from consumer spray products including

antiperspirant and shoe impregnation sprays. Particle size distribution and number

concentration from 10 to 500 nm in the breathing zone of the operator were measured using

SMPS. Exposure measurements were carried out for 3 minutes.

Spray Ag X

5 0.1 0

Abbreviation: SPM, Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer; OPS, Optical Particle Spectrometer; APS, Aerosol Particle Sizer; ELPI, Electrical Low Pressure Impactor

38 ENV/CBC/MONO(2021)29/REV
