Evaluation Activity 4

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Transcript of Evaluation Activity 4

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary


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How effectively were storyboards and ancillary task plans followed?

Storyboards- For the storyboards we used the shot list and did a drawing for every shot so we could get a rough idea of what our actual film would look like. When we were doing our filming we used the storyboards for help, and referred to them numerous times to make sure we didn’t miss any shots. They were very helpful in the end and we could see why they are used in real filming.

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Gaby drew our storyboards with simple black pen and went over some bits in marker. We also wrote extra annotations on the back to remind us of particular ideas when we were filming.

We didn’t include an awful lot of detail in our storyboards for the simple reason that we wanted to them to act as a template for a film not a guide to follow religiously. We found that some of our best shots were produced due to improvisation or an idea on the spot.

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Ancillary Tasks- The ancillary tasks were equally as helpful as it forced us to look into already existing film posters and magazine covers and to learn what made them so effective. We looked at magazines like ‘Empire’ and ‘Total Film’ to get a good idea of what magazines look like and what makes them appeal to a reader.

We incorporated bits of our film such as the one liners into the ancillary tasks, for example the slogan is on both the movie trailer and the poster, it was also one of the considered Titles for the film.

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How were these outcomes achieved in terms of matching mise-en-scene, including

page layout and camera shot choices?

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For the Magazine Cover, I took the picture of Steve the Vampire and placed it slight off centre but just him on

the cover. He is the main character of the film so I thought it would be best to have him as the main part of

it. Also when I looked at Empire and Total Film the majority of their covers displayed the main character of the film

they were doing a feature on.This is what swayed my decision to have both Steve and

Nora on the front cover.

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I mostly looked at one particular cover of ‘Empire’ as a guidance for our ancillary task as it stood out to me slightly

more than the rest.I liked the colour scheme because the mix between red, yellow, black and white words made the more important

words or phrases stand out more and seem more important. I also like that in most of ‘Empire’s covers the

background meant something, it was just a random colour or pictures. This is why I picked red as our background

colour because everyone associates red with blood and therefore vampires it also made Mitch’ (Steve the

Vampire’s) blood ridden lips stand out more.

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With the Film Poster I wanted to give an Old-School feel to it

hence why I used a picture of an old fashioned school for the

background. I also wanted the title in the poster and trailer to

be similar if not the same therefore I used this block font all in capital letters. I used pink

for the title and slogan to resemble the girl-like qualities

that Steve has. The background worked well as it related to the film being set in and around a high school. I felt that the old

mansion feel it had to it echoed the sort that was seen in old

vampire films such as ‘Dracula’ and ‘Nosferatu’.

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I wanted to keep the theme of dark pink flowing in the poster

much like I did with the magazine cover as it symbolises blood and vampires but as it’s pink it’s not

quite as gruesome. I put the picture of the cat on to remind the audience that this is, at the

end of the day, a comedy and not to be mistaken for a serious

vampire movie. The slogan is also a reference to vampires as

vampires ‘sink their teeth’ into people. I again looked at other

examples of movie posters particularly comedies and rom-coms rather than supernatural movies that often were rather

dark colours.

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What stylistic techniques were used to support your trailer?

As I have already stated we used the same slogan in both our trailer and film poster: “Here’s something to really sink your teeth into”. We did this because if this line was remembered not only would the audience remember the film they would also remember that it is a vampire orientated film and a comedy. Also if you want to ‘sink your teeth’ into something then it means it must be gripping so we felt that this acted as a good slogan for our film.

If we had had a bigger budget, like most films, we would definitely have made a website and ventured into other marketing ploys to promote our film. The trailer and our ancillary task work well together and I do think that the stylistic techniques used in making the film poster and magazine cover do support our trailer.