

Transcript of Evaluation


My magazine cover page conforms to the typical conventions of a magazine design by having the masthead at the top. I have also made the masthead big than the rest of the text and go behind the cover stars head, but in front of the background which is another thing that magazines have done. I have made smaller titles around the cover star and one in the middle at the bottom which connotes to the topic and that it is a major cover line. These also conform to the typical magazine conventions. Another typical convention that I have used is that the cover star is close to the camera and making eye contact but I have not airbrushed them so this departs from the typical conventions. I have used 4 major colours for the front and most magazines use no more than 5 so my cover conforms to this.

My magazine contents page conforms to the typical conventions by having the word ‘Contents’ big and at the top. This shows the reader what this page is. My background is also white and I have used no more than 4 colours again on this page which conforms to the conventions. I have included page numbers in the list of contents which conforms to the typical contents pages but I have also put page number on the pictures I have used on it because I thought this would look appealing. This sort of conforms to the typical conventions because some magazines use it. My issue number and month of the magazine is at the top and I have a little blurb of the main story which some magazine choose to have. My contents page departs from the typical conventions a bit because I do not have a picture that is bigger than the rest about the main story.

In my magazine, young people are represented as students who receive many awards for their hard work and dedication. They are also represented as high performers and nice people but would not have been if the story was different or that the cover star was wearing different clothes. If my cover star had his hood up or was wearing different clothes like a ripped t-shirt, he may have represented as an ASBO or a bully etc. As the story is about good things, young people are represented as happy and successful.

In the process of make the magazine cover and contents, I have learnt how to use Photoshop more and Quark. I have also learnt the order of how to make a magazine of what people around the world do everyday. Another thing that I have learnt is what is a good way to set out each page so some things stand out more than others.

This is the layers on Photoshop. I learnt how to add more layers and how to add effects on each of them.

These are the colours on quark. I learnt how to add different colours to make them the same that were on the front cover and how to change the background on the shape.