
Unit 18 Evaluation Advertising

Transcript of evaluation

Unit 18Evaluation


• Our aim was to analyse 4 different TV adverts, noting down the visual/text, music/sounds FX, audience and meanings/message in each advert.

• We watch adverts for a Honda car, a Sony TV ale and T-Mobile.• We did this to understand how a advent should connect with its

target audience, what it needed to include ect. • This was helpful for me because I then knew what I needed to add to

our campain.


• We had to chose our advertising agency name, slogan etc.

• Our group decided to go with a simple name that would be easy to remember “CLL”. This was inspired by the first names of the team members. (Cloudia, Liam, Liberty).

• Our slogan ‘innovative thinking’ Is short and snappy getting to the point and really showing how our agency works fast not wasting anytime.

• We also added in small insinuating details such as the logo, we designed this so people understand we connect well with our costumers.


We chose these two neutral colours to

show that there is no

messing around with CLL

and that we are extremely


Our product

• We named our product Napalm because it is memorable and exciting.

• The image on the previous slide is our main image for Napalm because it shows all of our main flavours that we produce it also shows how everything links.

• The N is there to stand for Napalm, it correspondingly shows dominance making our target audience think subconsciously that they will be domain when eating this gum

• We created a visual box to hand around at our pitch in my opinion I think this was a intelligent idea as it gave our target audience a chance to see what type of size the box might be. It also gave us a chance to see what our audience think of it and how we could improve the packaging.

• Again the N is the domain image.

This image fits with One of out

Slogans ‘Be your inner wolf’

(An example of this is showOn the next slide)

This is my groups train advert, we created this to give an example what the real life poster will look like.

This was a good idea because many people catch the train every day, it is also extremely large and very noticeable

However it isn’t necessarily the best idea as most people are in the rush when getting the train, it can also get blocked by the stationary train’s

My individual initial ideas, were you happy with them, do you think you could improve?

• My individual initial ideas featured a young man that would be considered “geeky” in this day an age. Wearing typical things like glasses, teeth braces, and have trouser braces. Who then eats a piece of our amazing gum that transforms him in to a cooler more attractive looking young man.

• This was not our final idea because I think that it was not the best idea for our gum as its not convincing enough. (just because it happened to this one guy why would it happen to me…)

• I also thought it was quite stereo typical.• I was very happy with our final idea as it was creative, smart but

at the same time a little far fetched making it more interesting to watch.


• Our team did not give out specific roles we embellished what the necessary tasks we had to do and completed them as need be.

• I think the my strength towards the group where creating the posters, so using Photoshop. However my weakness was Premiere Pro. I should have worked more on this to widen my skills.

Team work

• Our team worked rather well together however Liberty was often not in class therefore me and Liam did most of the work but whenever Liberty was in class helped us to her full ability.

Our pitch

• Our pitch was not as successful as I had hoped it would be.

• Reasons for this; some of our team didn’t contribute as much as need be.


• If I had the chance to do unit 18 again I would learn how to use Premiere Pro to widen my range of skills. I would as rehears my pitch through with my team to make sure everyone gets a role to play.