

Transcript of Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media work?

Front Cover I used the XXL cover with the artist NAS as a template to what my magazine was going to look like.

It helped me decide on what kind of feel I am going for, which is aggressive and serious.My front cover follows the main scheme of colours that most magazines follow and this is because I want my magazine to have a rap feel to it so I am going to use more violent and masculine colours, like red, white and black, so that I can appeal to the target audience and overall increase sales. This brings me to my next point of the clothing that my artist is wearing, a black hoodie and bandana, this helps the audience know that this is obviously an artist involved with rap and hip hop rather than pop or rock. I included a black hoodie and a black bandana so that the artist would fit in with the rest of the colour scheme of the magazine.As you can see, my masthead is very similar to the XXL one, this is because I felt that the XXL logo is bold and eye catching which is what I need for my magazine. Although my masthead spreads out through the whole magazine, it has the same boldness and colours. However I felt that my logo needs to stand out more and this is why I chose to have a microphone instead of an ‘I’ for the word ‘Open Mic’. I also followed the codes and conventions in the fact that most rap magazines have the main cover start positioned in front of the masthead and this is why I chose to do the same with my front cover.

I have the artist in the centre of the front cover, because this follows in a key theme with other rap magazines like VIBE and XXL. The artist fills up the whole frame well and I added a bit of tone to his clothing and skin to make the image look more crisperAlso as you can see the masthead is the only text that has a black outline instead of white like the rest of the text. In addition to this the text uses a different font and all of this helps the masthead and the magazine have a more sophisticated and serious look rather than have it in bubble writing which is more linked with pop music magazines.

I laid out my main sell line similar to the VIBE magazine, I have all of the text in line with the text above and below the artist featured is the second largest text on the front cover. I chose these colours to keep consistency through out the front cover and to help the sell line stand out like it does in the VIBE. However for me the VIBE magazine lacked in an eye catching sell line so I went a step further to have an outline for the sell line to take it away from the clothing behind the text and to help it stand out that little bit more.

I also used an intriguing sell line like the VIBE magazine does with their sell line to allow the audience to want to read more about the main feature of the magazine, which is, the face reveal of the cover artist. I believe that this will help the magazine sell because they will want to know more about the artist ‘Rapid L’ because he is new to the rap genre. My sell line is a bit of a twist of what it actually means because although some people may not know what he looks like, what I am really trying to get across is not just a face reveal but to learn a little more about the artist and I hope that the target audience will pick this up and make them want to buy the magazine. Also both mine and VIBE’s headlines form in the bottom third on the left hand side of the magazine, which follows the rule of thirds.

Most rap magazines have their barcode in the bottom corner of their magazine, some on the right and some on the left, I chose to feature my barcode in the bottom left of my front cover as I felt having it here doesn’t distract the reader from the flow of the magazine but still serves its purpose of telling the reader how much the magazine is and allows the magazine to tell the customers what their website is in case they want to visit that in the future.

Most rap magazines use bold and simple text, I have followedthis but I have gone one step further by having both red and black feature in the text as it helps the text load settle into the front cover and keeps the audience interested in reading the magazine.I have also included a ‘+’ sign that features in some rap magazine. I think that this was a more simple way of having ‘Plus’ written on the cover. It also helps that part of the magazine separate from the rest of the text on the front cover. Although on the XXL magazine you can see it only shows one more artist, I thought this part of the

magazine is a better place for me to add who else is going to be featuring in this magazine in one way or another

On my front cover I have the text on left and the right but in a downwards motion because this follows the rule of thirds, so the most important sell lines are on the left. Having the text at different sizes allows different words to catch the

audience and the others to fill the res t of the space and to make sense for the bigger text on display.Overall the magazine follow the main conventions of a front cover for a rap

magazine but also has its own twist to make ‘Open Mic’ more unique.

On this page of my evaluation I am going to cover my sell lines and why I thought they were appropriate to use on a rap magazine front cover.

The first sell line I am going to be talking about is “2014 EYE CANDY OF THE YEAR”. The reason behind this sell line and why it featured on my front cover is because I wanted to follow the main codes and conventions of hip hop. One of the main conventions in rap is that women are seen to be very sexualised, you can see this in rap videos, other rap magazines and as the target audience is mostly proven to be young males, it would make sense to why women are so sexualised. Therefore having ‘EYE CANDY’ in bright red on the front page will hopefully draw the TA in and want to read and see more of this article inside.

The second sell line that I am going to be explaining about is “JAY Z SPEAKS SEX DRUGS VIOLENCE”. Once again I have followed some of the main codes and conventions of rap, with references to sex, drugs and violence. This will allow me to stay on a common ground with the readers, in the fact that I have used direct address so that the magazine can speak to audience as they walk into their local newsagents.

This is a question that everyone who listens to rap wants to know. All though it is the last sell line my audience is most likely going to see, because of the rule of thirds, I think that this sell line will seal the deal with the audience purchasing the magazine. I have shown that the audience most vote inside this edition for their best rapper because this will spark up conversation with their friends and this may make their friends also purchase the magazine.

This is my main sell line which is going to be the first thing the audience will see, apart from the masthead. As you can see mo0st of my other sell lines do not feature a lot of red in them and this is because most of the red has gone into the main sell line to draw more attention as this is the most focused topic that my magazine has covered. Also it links with the main cover star so it has to be the biggest and boldest text on the page so the audience will know that the two are linked. I said face reveal as I think this will entice the audience to want to read about the new and upcoming star. I used ‘FACE REVEAL’ as a way of luring the audience in to that specific article to see the rappers face.


My original contents page was quite poor and didn’t look very professional. I had bright colours and messy, floating text with a lot of open space. I asked my audience what they thought of the contents page and they didn’t really think it fitted the genre type because the colours were to warm and that it almost looks like another front cover. So I went and done more research and found more conventions that I could follow to enable my contents page to look and feel like a rap magazine contents page. Above you can see that there is 3 smaller images of previous contents pages, the bigger image on the right is my final attempt and I believe that it is a big improvement from the first contents page I did compared to now.As you can see this is my Contents page for my rap music magazine and I have gone for a different approach on what the background is compared to other typical rap magazine contents pages. They are usually plain white or a plain solid colour which lays behind the text and artist. The reason why I chose a brick wall for my background was because I wanted my magazine to have a more urban feel and because this issue is specific to this artist, it helps the audience understand and maybe relate to the artist as the background shows that this is where the rapper has come from, the streets. However I have followed the main conventions of a rap contents page because I don’t want to stray to far away from the conventions that will end my

magazine to not have a clear view of what genre of music it is. As you can see that, I have placed my artist on the right and a medium long shot. This is to get the whole view of the artist and what his style is. I did play around with a few different colour styles for the contents page.I firstly had the contents page in a stronger, warmer colour, but I soon played around with the different colour settings on Photoshop to make it in black and

white. However I did not think that either the brighter/warmer colours or the black/white colours suited the genre or went well with the front cover. I decided to meet half way and now I have a light but dark image at the same time to keep consistency with the genre of music and the rest of the magazine. The main overall colour brings of a cool vibe and the clothing items that he is wearing also help this cool vibe.


I used this contents page with the artist 50 Cent as a real inspiration to what I had done with my contents page. I have used the layout but I have just flipped it. In the XXL contents page you can see that 50 Cent is standing on the left hand side of the page with a serious look and custome that people will know that this artist is to do with rap or hip hop. I followed this custom with my own artist and had him in a serious but laid back manor but also having the artist on one side of the contents page. The text of the XXL contents page is mainly on the right hand

side of the page and runs down all the way from the top to the bottom. The word Features is in bold, strong text at the top and the page numbers and subtitles in smaller text but still bold. Then underneath the subtitles, a short line of words to further entice the readers to turn to that page. I followed this theme as it looked good and gave me the idea to almost copy the layout of the XXL contents page. Accept I used different colours, outline and shadows for my text because that was needed to make the words readable.

In addition to this, the XXL magazine has a side page number on the opposite side of the page and in bigger font than the rest of the text. This gave me an idea to place my main article on the bottom right hand side of my contents page so that this is the main article that I want my readers to view, so therefore it is bigger and bolder than the rest of the text. As the text is isolated it means that the reader will look at that part of the contents first.

I took this and it gave me an idea to have the microphone from the front cover brought into the contents page to give the magazine consistency and to give the magazine a brand identity to help customers acknowledge that because of the black and red microphonethat the magazine that they are reading is an Open Mic. So following this I turned the mic on its side and had the word ‘contents’ on the image but the letters would go smaller as this goes

with the flow of how the microphone is shaped. This brings a unique perspective to magazine and separates itself away from the other rap magazines out there.

As I did my research, I found out that some rap magazines had a unique layout for the word contents. Such as this Vibe contents page, which has the word contents split up into three parts ‘CO’, ‘NTEN’, and ‘TS’. I’m not quite sure why they did this but other magazines have started to do a similar sort of arrangement for their contents.

My artist follows the main codes and conventions of an American style rapper, he has the baggy clothing, the chain around his neck, the sunglasses and the backwards baseball cap. This helps create a feel of the genre of music; cool, confident, somewhat aggressive. This all helps anyone who picks up this magazine to instantly know that the this artist is in the rap genre. Also the body language of my artist suggests that he doesn’t care and that he is arrogant which is common for rap artists to have because they want to be taken seriously. You can see this because he has crossed arms, straight face and sunglasses on when its not even sunny.

Double Page Spread

For my double page spread, I researched a few rap magazines and found out that most double page spreads for this genre is to have a main image on the left hand side of the page and then the text on the right hand side. So I used these examples of existing double page spread magazines to use as a template to making my own. As toy can see in the XXL DPS you can see that the artist is mid ranged from the camera and the image is taken up two thirds of the double page spread. I took this and had my own artist feature the whole left hand side of my double page spread. This allows the readers to get a bigger picture of the artist and what they look like. This was a great way for me to make a connection with the main sell line on the front cover. ‘Rapid L Face Reveal’ Which I can now show off the exclusive content on this double page spread as you can now see the rapper fully. Also the content allows you to get to know the artist a bit more.The artist has a slight back shadow as I felt this helped him stand more in

the page rather than just be floating on it.

In most rap dps you see a column after column of text about what ever is featuring on the pages. I felt like this was too much on the eye and allowed the audience to become disinterested. I decided to have an interview with the artist and have the questions laid in a different colour on the right page so that it can help the reader find what they want to read straight away because it breaks the flow of the overloading text and they don’t have too read through a big paragraph, so these questions act as subtitles.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

RepresentationMy magazine focuses on the genre of rap/hip hop and

for it to been seen to belong to this genre of music, it must have the correct representation that other artists and music magazines have. Representations such as colour, costume, setting and mise en scene..

For example the hip hop genre usually targets a youthful audience and the social group that likes subcultures such as rapping, dj-ing,hip hop dance and street life.My magazine name works well as a play on words because only my target

audience and a few others would understand it. The word Open Mic means; an open underground event where young people get together to see other people (MCs) rap against each other, which is known as rap battles. This represents the hip hop culture that is most artists come from the streets and poverty and most came from battling underground with other rappers in these Open Mic events.The costume of my artist is one of the main aspects that I have to get

right because they need to be able to relate to the audience and show that he is a hip hop artists. I had him wear a ‘baggy’ costume which included a black hoodie and black joggers. As hip hop came from African American culture, most of the target

audience are young black males because the genre is still seen as a predominantly black audience and artists. This is why my representation of a young black rap artist follows the conventions of the fans and other rap artists in the genre, with the costume and mise en scene.

This would follow the stereotype of rappers and their fans having less expensive taste of clothing. This will allow the audience to relate to the rapper because they will be wearing the same costume. Also rap artists are know for being arrogant so having him wear a big piece of jewellery makes him seem arrogant about him showing off about how rich he is so he can just spend money on things like that. He also wears a hoodie and mainly wears black costume because he wants to been seen as very masculine because this is a main theme in hip hop. It is predominantly male dominated accept from the few female artists like Nicki Minaj.The background for my contents page shows of the fact that my artist, like most other hip hop artists, is from the streets. The wall represents the streets as

it is a worn out wall and is not clean. The costume advances the look of the street life so it represents that most hip hop artists come from the streets but are still proud to be known for their upbringing.The representation of women in my magazine is going to match the conventions of the genre of hip hop. This means that they are going to be sexualised

and objectified in they way they dress and act. The women who usually feature in rap magazines are usually wearing the bare minimum and are seen to be sex objects because the audience are young males. I have followed these conventions because I don’t have many articles on women but one of the main articles on women is the sell line on the front cover “2014 EYE CANDY OF THE YEAR”.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


IPC has been around for about 150 years, giving them experience in handling a range of media types, such as magazines. This would make sense of why I have chosen IPC media to distribute my magazine because not only do they have the experience of selling big magazines, such as NME, which is another music magazine, but they can and have created websites and mobile/tablet applications that audiences can download and read magazines. So having a multimedia platform for my magazine will make sense, the target audience of rap is young males, so they aren’t going to bother that much with purchasing a magazine and because the magazine industry is on the down fall and the younger generation have been exposed to luxury of modern media and technology, it would make sense that I went with IPC who can create multimedia platforms for me. As a young person who listens to rap music myself, I would much prefer reading articles on an app because it is easier and you can do so much more on an app, such as; videos, music clips, audio interviews etc.

They know how to launch and promote new publications and send them successfully on their way, which is great for a new magazine like mine. They also have skills in working across multi-platforms, which should come in handy in terms of the future of my magazine. This is, surely, the direction I would want to go, considering my target audience is young. They would expect a website and would appreciate the visual and audio benefits of a TV, radio station and applications.

IPC Media is a well-established institution owning some of the most popular brands in the UK. They have a good reputation and their brands are well received. This breeds audience trust and loyalty. IPC also have a twitter account where they have just under 5k followers. They tweet about their magazines and other publications which they could do for my magazine to create a bigger audience.

IPC Media is the UK’s leading publisher of print and digital magazine content. They cover more than 60 iconic brands such as;NME, What’s on TV, Country Life and more. They cover a wide variety of magazines and at the moment they do not cover any rap music magazines. This would be a gamble for me to distribute my magazine with them because I'm not sure if the right people will find it. But as they are the UK’s leading publisher then this would be ideal form my magazine because it will reach more people than another publisher would. And as they already cover a large variety of magazines, it wont be too hard adding a rap magazine into the mix.

Another reason why I have picked this media institution is because my audience are computer literate which means the majority of them will know how to and will use the computer and the internet everyday, this will mean that they can also see a digital copy of the magazine as that is what IPC media do. My music magazine will also be sold in the main high street shops such as WHSmiths and HMV so that my audience can easily go and pick one up. But also they will be located in local newsagents near the surrounding areas that my audience live, so urban areas, to increase sales.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Because there isn’t many female artists in the rap industry, and the fact that I used a male artist for my magazine, it shows that my target audience is mainly male and young men for that matter. Young working class male’s who live in more rural and rough areas because this is what the artists of the genre rap/sing about, so that they can connect to the fans on a personal level. Also as the origins of rap is working class African American males who did not have a lot speaks a lot about the genre, the more pain and struggles a rapper had to go through, the more respect they will gain and this is why the genre has stayed popular throughout the working class and not middle class. The main stereotype for my target audience is that they have had a tough upbringing in a lower class family with not much income. Rap music helps them stay strong through tough times, but usually the target audience is misbehaving, whether it be at school or on the streets. Also the fan base is not well educated and because most of the rap artists drop out of school at an early age, the target audience will follow this behaviour.

Target Audience

As they are young they have grown up in an information era, where there is new technology being made everyday and communication between friends has never been easier. This makes them have the skills to use a computer and the internet like its second nature to them. They will also have a slight interest in fashion as most hip hop artist have some sort of style, so the fans will adapt their clothing to fit in and be just like there role model.Most of my audience have big aspirations to make it in the rap game or even just to be rich or famous. This may seem like a wild dream, but many artists have started from nothing to becoming rich, famous and successful, such as artists like; Eminem, P Diddy and Kanye West. The interests that my audience have are as follows; rap, deejaying, graffiti, break dancing, music production. From these interests my audience will try and make it big by doing one of these.

My artist is from mixed ethnicities as I want to broaden the audience of rap so that all ethnicities can enjoy listening to rap. My artist is also from the UK so this will also influence a larger audience to become involved with rap. In future articles I will have a range of upcoming artists from all ethnicities so that rap music can be performed and listened by all. This will increase the size of my audience and therefore my magazine will sell more and will hopefully be a talking point between all ethnicities.


This is me at an Eminem concert, you can see that the target audience is mostly young males and know all of the words that the artist is rapping. You can also hear that the lyrics are explicit due to the nature of the genre, with swearing and references to violence.

My target audience is also both black and white but they mainly live in rural/urban areas with access to drugs and violence. This means that they are seen as a threat to the community and sometimes they get misjudged because of the clothes they wear and the music they listen to. My audience are daily listeners trying to learn all of the lyrics of their favourite artists so they can hopefully reach there dreams of becoming a successful hip hop artist. Mainly teenagers will listen to this music but some young adults will also listen to hip hop music.

How did you attract/address your audience?

Enticing the Audience

Colour +Costume

Interests Women

Featuring Artists

Getting Involved

Big Exclusive Sell Line

This sell line will be one of the biggest sell points for my magazine and will help it attract. This is because most of the audience is male so they will want to see sexy lady’s, so the ‘Eye Candy of the year’ will entice them to buy the magazine.

This is the feature part of the magazine. it shows a few artists here who are well known from all hip hop fan, so seeing these well known names on the magazine will increase the sales in case they don’t want to read about the cover star. Having the names in different sizes allows the flow of the magazine to continue and is easier on the eye.

This sell line will attract not only Jay Z fans but most hip hop fans because of the trigger words placed; sex, drugs and violence. Three of the main things that hip hop fans take interest in.

The main sell line is to help the artist who features on the front of the magazine. so the main story is about this artist and so the audience can know that the main sell line is to do with the cover star. This will attract many hip hop artist because they will want to know what the artist looks like because it is a face reveal.

The clothing of the artist is a black hoodie and a bandana which can help the fans relate to the artists as they would be wearing similar clothing. Also the clothing is black to show of masculinity. In addition to this the artist will entice the audience to purchase the magazine because the artist is of a darker skin which is one of the main stereotypes of being a good rapper, you have to be a darker skin tone as most rappers are black. This will mean that the representation of the artist being this skin tone and having this costume will be a familiar look that rap fans see, so they can relate and therefore want to purchase the magazine.

This will entice the audience to take part in a debate on one of the biggest questions in hip hop, which is, who is the best?...

The different items of costume used on the artist represent rap using to common codes and conventions and this is why I used this costume, the bandana and the black hoodie are both masculine colours and typical conventions of a rap artist. This will enable the audience to know that this is a hip hop magazine.

All of my sell lines on the front cover also help to lure in my audience. The well known stars in hip hop feature in these sell lines which is one way to entice. Another way is having the word ‘Eye Candy’ appear on the page will entice my audience because they are mostly heterosexual young men.

What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

TechnologiesI have managed to learn how to take professional photographs in a range of different environments for this project and I have learnt that I need to have a picture in my head of what I want the image to look like before I take it. For example I had to imagine what the front cover was going to look like if my artist stood in a certain way or how close the camera was to his face, if I was going to have a full body shot or a close up. This was the first time I used Photoshop, I learnt how to use the magic wand tool to crop my images out of their

original background easily and them place those same images onto a different background. I managed to play around with the colour settings to make my artist look to have a healthier skin tone and for the brick wall in my contents page I managed to colour in some of the faded bricks but still have the wall looking natural. However I did struggle when placing text as I learnt that it was better to have text on there own lines which was very time consuming in making sure everything was in the right place.Blogger is a great way for me to upload my work all into one place where I can review my work and so can my

teachers. This helped me to do this evaluation because I could find all of my work in one place rather than scattered in different files on my computer. I learnt how to upload and create a blog so this made my organisation skills a lot better.In Photoshop I have learnt many skills throughout my period of doing media at AS-level. Before this I didn’t know how

to use Photoshop at all, now I know most of the tools shown from the screenshots that have helped me to create my final product.

Using the ‘Eye Dropper’ tool, I was able to click on the image, present, and get that specific colour in the image that I could not get from the default colours. This allows me to get the correct colour when filling in the image to make it smoother. In this example it was used to get the colour of the artists skin colour and then use the brush tool to smoothen out his tone to get a more vibrant skin colour.

From using the ‘Eye Dropper’ tool in gaining the colour of the image, I could then go onto using the ‘Brush Tool’, which would already have the colour collected from the ‘Eye Dropper’ tool set as default, to make the image smoother. In the screen shot, left, it shows that I can and know how to change the size of and the hardness of the brush tool, in addition to this I could change what shape the tool would create the colour from the icons below.

Furthermore I have learnt that changing the opacity has an effect on how the colour will come out on the image. Having the opacity usually didn’t work well for me because the colour was too strong and didn’t look very professional when it was on the image. So I changed the opacity so that the brush wasn’t noticeable but made the image look sharper.

When cropping an image I learnt how to do so with the ‘Crop Tool’. This enabled me to crop my image of the artist out of the background so that I could have just a plain white background. The reason I did this was because one of the codes and conventions of rap magazines is to have a whit background behind the featured artists, so I followed this convention.

So overall my skills have changed dramatically. Before I started this course, I didn’t know how to use Blogger, Photoshop and I didn’t really know how to take good photos. Over the time I have been completing my coursework for media, I have managed to successfully create a front cover, contents page and double page spread for a rap magazine using Photoshop and a camera to take my images. When I finished I also learnt how to make a blog and upload my work using Blogger, which before I didn’t know how to do confidently.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

PreliminaryFull Product

I feel like I have progressed massively from when I started media to now. Before media I wasn’t very confident in using Photoshop or taking good images. Now I am confident in using Photoshop as I have learnt ways to make an image more vibrant and text more visible along with other skills learnt in Photoshop. I have also realise that taking an image in front of a plain white wall will make it easier for me to crop the main image out of the original shot.

As you can see my skills of mise en scene were lacking in my preliminary task compared to my final front cover page for my magazine. The reason for this was because when I completed my preliminary task I was new to the subject and I didn't have an prior knowledge of editing images and using Photoshop. However I was glad that I completed this task as it allowed me to gain some experience of editing, lighting, imaging and the use of Photoshop before going straight into my main tasks of creating a hip hop magazine. In addition to this, my preliminary task was rushed as I didn’t use my time wisely, I have managed to use this as a learning cure and use the time that was allocated to me for my main task to complete a well done rap magazine with a front cover, contents and double page spread.

To conclude this evaluation, I personally think I have made a huge improvement since starting this course to now, I have clear evidence that I now know how to use Photoshop to edit an image using the different tools and I have improved even greater from my preliminary task to my final pieces of coursework. I hope this improvement will continue into the next year, in the fact that I can learn more skills and become more professional with my final pieces of work.

Overall, I think that I have improved a great deal from my first preliminary task to now my finished full product. I have learnt so much more from when I first started, I can now use Photoshop confidently and independently. My first cover looked unfinished with all of that empty space and the text and sell lines looked like they were just floating around on the page, even the masthead didn’t look right with the font that I used. Thankfully to my research and planning, before attempting my rap magazine front cover, I learnt the key conventions and styles that most rap magazines have. This really helped me have a basis on what my magazine was going to look like. I feel like I spent a lot more time on my full product which is a good thing because the hard work has paid off and I believe that it looks 10x more professional than my preliminary task.