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  • 1. Evaluation Throughout my work I noticed that my time management was consistent and helped me to set out my work efficiently and easily, I met all of my work deadlines which shows that my time management was good and also shows that I had planned out my work well. To ensure that I was able to manage my time well I had to create a schedule of what parts of each task I was going to do in what order, this helped me a lot because it allowed me to work out what free time I had which I could use to go back to previous tasks to develop and improve them. Making a schedule also helped me to break the tasks up into smaller sections so that it was easier to complete each learning outcome. Comparing my time management for this project to my previous projects I have found that I have developed well and managed my time in a more efficient way. Whilst I was creating and designing my work I took regular screen shots and placed them into a Power Point and explained each different step to ensure that I could look at and talk about my development of how I got to my final design. Taking screen shots of each stage also gave me the advantage when it came to evaluating my work because I can talk about what things I developed and how I developed them. Capturing my progression also helped me with other design ideas because I could look back at the development and avoid making the same mistakes again whilst doing a different design, they also allowed me to compare each design and the developments of each design to see which one I did best on and worst on. To create my design ideas I mainly used In Design which I had not used much before, I also used Photo shop to create some of the edited aspects which I already have experience with. Using In Design was a little bit of a challenge at first as it was quite complicated and different from any programme I had used before but after a few hours it became easier to use and I started to experiment with the different tools that it had to offer, the range of effects and fonts that I could add through In Design and Photo shop gave me the result that

2. I was aiming for and helped me to overcome any issues that came up during the design process. I was also able to use high quality images within my work by getting the images from the internet, the high quality images helped to create the professional theme. Ways that I could improve my work is that I could make the final design look more professional by changing the language I have used and also the way I have added in the images and fonts. In previous projects I have noticed that creative tasks are my most successful tasks due to the fact that I enjoy them more, throughout this project I encountered a number of creative tasks which were all very individual and different, I think my creative abilities have helped and supported me a lot throughout each this project, I also thin that the tasks have helped me to develop my creative skills as I have been creating products that I have never done before and used some programmes that I have not used. From my finished designs I can see that I have been very creative during this project as all of my designs are very different and also thy are based on the same genre but set in different years which I think shows my creative skills very well. Before I started to create my products I researched into different fanzines and tabloids to get an idea of what I wanted my final designs to look like, punk fanzines such as Sniffin Glue and Up Yours were the examples that I looked at most because they were the most popular an they had a lot of content and different aspects that I was able to add to my own designs. Researching into a wide rage of different fanzines and other pint based products helped to to chose what I wanted to include in my designs and what I wanted them to look like. Finished product: Looking back at my initial ideas I can see that most aspects have been developed and changed but some of the aspects I intended to include are still in the final designs such as the messy writing an the cut-out images to create the pun scrapbook effect and reflect some of the stereotypical punk characteristics. When I started the project I already knew of many pun fanzines so I knew exactly what I was aiming to achieve in the end of the project, although, in the end my final designs only slightly looked like my initial ideas, the reason why my final designs look different from my initial ideas is because I started developing and changing parts of my design after looking at other forms of print based media and including aspects from them into my work. 3. I look at modern magazines to help me with the layout some of my deigns because I wanted to aim my product at a younger and more modern audience so decided to include the content of a punk fanzine such as Sniffin Glue but with a clear and more simple layout from a magazine such as Heat or Kerrang!. Throughout the designing of my product I had my target audience in mind at al times and creating a product for a young punk/pop punk audience is very easy since I can relate to the audience very well because it is based around music, art and fashion that I am interested in. My target audience were mainly age from 15 to 30 but I wanted to attract the younger members of the audience so I focussed on how Kerrang! Magazine laid out their content and what they included in their magazines, this helped a lot because their target audience are similar to mine. To attract my target audience I had to ensure that the content I was including would have been in their interest just as magazines such as Shout include gossip and news about celebrities and fashion articles because their young female audience are interested in it. Content such as music, news and fashion were what I focused on most when choosing what I was going to include in my designs, using the right colours was important too because I had to reflect the punk personality by using both dark colours to reflect the sound of the music but also bright colours to represent the violence and the fashion of punks and also the colours used on punk album covers such as the most famous Sex Pistols, Never Mind The B*llocks. Before I added any of the content into my designs I researched into the type of image that professional magazines and other pint based products use so that I was able to choose images that would make my final design look. I then got images from the internet and punk forum websites to ensure that the images fit in with my theme, I didnt use any of my own photographs because I didnt have enough time to go out and take them, I also didnt have the resources in order to take my own photographs. 4. Throughout this project I encountered a few problems but I was able to overcome them very easily, the main problem that arose was that I had mixed up some of the tasks which caused me to have to redo all of the tasks over again to ensure that I had done them right and to the highest possibly quality. Another problem that I encountered was the design and layout of my tabloid cover because I wanted to keep the theme intact but it was hard to mix the punk characteristics with the professional characteristics of newspapers, to overcome this I simply made a layout which was similar to a researched newspaper layout and added my own punk story into it so that I fit in with the punk theme, the second problem with this was that the masthead still looked like a fanzine masthead so I then decided to change it to a more commonly used masthead but kept the initial design and layout for the rest of the tabloid. My two final pieces overall led me to encounter a number of issues and problems that were quickly resolved, my two designs are very different but can also be compared to be very similar in some aspects such as the layout and the quality of the images I have used. Improvement:There are many areas of my final pieces that I could have improved on and developed but I was unable to due to the short amount of time I had and the schedule of all of the tasks. In my first finished design I could have changed the font to a more suitable font to suit the brief instead of a font that would be suited more to the fanzine task. On my second final design I could have changed the layout to ensure that it wasn't too similar to the design I did before and so that it was a different grid layout to anything I had used in the previous tasks. I have been given some development and improvement ideas from peers in my class which I think help to focus on the good and bad points of my final pieces. I like the way you have represented the punk genre characteristics by making the writing look handwritten and the rest of the content look like it has been printed or stuck in by hand, I think it gives the design an interesting effect and it looks similar to the fanzines that were created when punks were creating them. Improvements to this design could be to maybe change the layout a bit so that it is easier to read and so that it looks more like a professional fanzine and all the text lines up with the other content. The way you have set the article out is very interesting because it looks as if it has been done all by hand which I imagine is how it was done when theses punk fanzines were first created, the font you have used looks handwritten and the images used look like they have been torn out of magazines and newspapers to again give the punk effect. I would improve this design by changing the font to a more simple handwritten font so that it is not too messy and so that it is easy to read for all audiences, apart from that I like it. From there peer analysis quotes I can see that to improve my work I would have to think about all audience types instead of just my target audience and think about how I have laid my design out so that it still looks like hand mad fanzine article but also that it looks as if it would be put on the shelves of a high end supermarket or newsagents.