Evaluation 5

How did you address/attract audience

Transcript of Evaluation 5

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How did you address/attract audience

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FeaturesIn my music magazine questionnaire, I have added a question that asks if they will be interested in the magazine if it a free CD was offered alongside with it. The highest bars on the graph came out to be ‘yes’ and ‘maybe’. This told me that I should include a free gift alongside with my magazine. I have conformed this convention to attract my target audience. I have decided to show this at the top left of my magazine as that is where magazines usually promote the free CD on the magazine cover. I have made the magazine so that it represents my genre very well so that my target audience are attracted by it. I have explained the process of making my magazine on my blog.

Moreover, I have also asked another questions as I have don’t two drafts of my magazine cover. I wad unsure as to which magazine cover my target audience would be attracted to the most and I got results. As you can see opposite on the graph, it shows that the audience liked the blue cover more. This told me that I should use the blue magazine cover as that is a good way to attract my target audience as that is what they enjoy looking at. This also helped me with the colors and the house style that I should use with the contents page as well as the double page spread. I have used the same colors as I wanted to show consistency. I also wanted to use the colors that my target audience liked to see.

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IMAGES• As I have already mentioned in my previous evaluation, I have planned my images very carefully so that I could sent the correct image to

the audience. Starting with the front cover, it was the most important as this is the first image that the audience will be seeing. Not only that, but also the audience will judge the magazine by looking at the central image as that is the only visual element on the magazine cover. As I have mentioned before I have used mise-en-scene to appeal my target audience. I also used lighting to attract my audience. I feel as though my images were all successful in attracting the audience. The eye contact established within the cover image is particularly effective, as the female model can create a sense of relationship with the readers. This was a convention that I have seen in every magazine, from music magazines to lifestyle magazines. This shows that this is a useful convention that should be used. Her facial expressions represent my social group as their personalities are like my model. My model shows her personality through her facial expressions. Her mouth is open which connotes that she is loud and confident. The lighting shown within the cover picture represents the genre very well and so my target audience would be attracted to the central image. This is because I have used a black light as well as UV paint to capture the vibrant colors. The props that I have used in this photoshoot is clubbing glasses. This will attract the audience as they enjoy wearing items like that. Moving onto the contents page image, I have decided to use mise en scene as well as the lighting. As I have mentioned before, I have used these elements to represent my social group. I also did it to attract them as I have used a black light and paint to show consistency of theme throughout the magazine. My theme was neon clubbing. This will attract the audience as they will immediately know the type of clubbing and so they will see fun within the picture and aspire to be like the model. I have also used costume to attract the target audience as I made sure that my model looks like my target audience. I did this by making my model wear a plain T shirt. This enables the target audience to relate immediately. I made sure that I used a plain white shirt. This is because I didn't ’t want to advertise any brands. I did this by making sure there weren’t any logos on the T shirt. Finally, my models facial expressions indicate that he is having fun. I made sure that my model has facial expressions the same as what y target audience would have. This was the tongue out facial expression. Finally, for the DPS, I have also used mise-en-sene as well as lighting. I made sure that the model is wearing clothing that my target audience would find attractive so that the female side of my target audience aspire to be like the model and the male side of my target audience would want a female like her as the majority of my target audience as single. For the lighting, I have set it so that it looks like the model is at a club. This is because clubs have similar lighting to the ones I have used on my DPS image.

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Language• In terms of the language that I have used, I was inspired by the language used within the clubbing magazine called Mixmag. Firstly

on the front cover my use of the word ‘Hottest’ in a bold, big, and bright colored font definitely attracts my target audiences attention. Especially in the font that I used as it made it appear very bold and think. Not only that but I have also increased the number of stroke and I also made it white which enables it to stand out further. This cover line is larger than the rest of the cover lines (main cover line) and this enables it to be catchy and so the audience will be attracted by it and it will get their attention.

• Moreover, throughout my magazine, particularly in the front cover and DPS, I used language devices. For example, I have used personal pronouns as this is a commonplace language device which is essential when addressing the audience. For example ‘Do YOU want to create mad vibes?’. This cover line uses direct address and so this would attract the audience as they would feel like they are part of the magazine. Within the DPS, I also used informal language that the audience would enjoy. The audience would be attracted to this because they speak that type of language on an everyday basis and so they would relate to the magazine a lot.

• The language that I have used in the double page spread attracts the audience as I have used language devices like teasers. Assonance, alliteration and exclamation marks. I used teasers for example I have written ’Read this amazing interview and find out’. This is a teaser because it is telling the audience that part of this article will have an interview and interviews are a good way to entertain your target audience. I have also used assonance. For example I said ‘quitting being a DJ for a rest day’ as you can see ’DJ’ and ‘rest day’ sound the same and so it would make the phrase sound much more catchy and interesting. Not only that, but i have also used alliteration. For example, disastrous, devastating, dejecting, and depressing’. This exaggerates the phrase and so makes the audience want to know more as it sounds very dramatic. Finally, I have used exclamation marks to exaggerate certain phrases and that would make it sound very shocking. This would then make the target audience attracted and want to know more!

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Professionalism • Overall, I feel as though with the several techniques that I have used within my magazine. I have

showed realism as well as professionalism. I have included the features that I have gathered from my questionnaire that had been done by my target audience. Also the images and language used. As most of these were conventions of music magazines that I aimed to follow so as to create a music magazine similar to existing ones that I have researched like Mixmag. This makes it look realistic and believable. I have finally created a professional looking product which my audience would believe as well as be attracted to . This will result them in buying the product.