Evaluation 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback

Transcript of Evaluation 3

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What have you learned from your audience feedback

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QuestionnaireI conducted a questionnaire which contained closed questions to see how the audience would respond after watching the title sequence.

The response was in general positive however, although in some areas it had the majority there were a few questions that had a near 50/50. Suggesting that the product could be improved and wasn't as successful as hoped. The main features were liked and thought they worked well but there were areas that didn’t quite meet expectations of a real media product.

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Audio Feedback

To find out the opinions of our audience – after asking them to complete a questionnaire I asked one participant if they minded if I recorded their thoughts. I asked him to talk about the positive points (how successful the product was) and negative points (where we could improve) and also if he thought that it would attract his age group.

The feedback he gave us was generally positive and he felt that it was successful in attracting the audience. He also felt that the effects were used appropriately and were good. The criticisms he gave us were also appropriate and understandable as there were parts that need to be paused for longer. He also gave us some advice on what other options we could do if we were to complete the project again.

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As a group we should have got more audience feedback throughout the project not just at the end stage. As we would have been able to improve and understand more what our audience would like to make a better end product. We would have also had help when making decisions about the product as we are not part of the demographic, and could have more knowledge of what they think makes a successful children’s TV drama title sequence.