Evaluation 1


Transcript of Evaluation 1

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MASTHEAD• The name Electronic Music Magazine – EMM was a name that I thought would reflect on how the magazine bases itself on the general news that

out there over the music genre and saying Music shows that it is dedicated for music. I felt the name would come very successful to making the magazine and what it is aimed for. The magazine contains stories of all the artists it can cover and make it like a behind the scenes trying to get the interesting stories from popular artists.

• Given that my Name was made into a Short and Quick Abbreviation ‘EMM’ I challenge the convention of normal EDM magazines but doing this, as most magazines like Performer and Mixmag have a one worded name that would be presented on the Masthead rather than a long name that would be abbreviated. However can be compared to EDM magazine which does this abbrivation. For colour I would follow the convention as the Masthead I have is white, but since its one colour it is changeable depending on the change of front cover to help have the Masthead stand out, this follows these Magazines in the way the Masthead is made simple to have it change colour if needed.

• My Logo can use any colour to be presented on another which give it the flexibility or reusability with less restriction in placement. I made my font different by having the font Blocky yet Curvy, Unlike Mixmag which has a very curvy font and Performer being more Pixilated like I have made mine simple but big. Therefore I challenge the convention of these magazines.

• In comparison to EDM Magazine’s Old and new Logo (EDM Weekly) since they use Abbreviated Letters as their Masthead I mine very different in comparison to theirs, The fact I kept it simple and Clear and that the EDM Weekly has the Logo Pixilated and with a background challenges mine as I have made mine simple and clear to see.

• With EDM there have all lower case, with the letter ‘d’ is much higher than the other letters and the Full Name is integrated into the logo. I have challenged this but having Capital letters while not having someway to integrate the full name into the logo therefore having simply be on top.

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Masthead Cont. / Front Cover• Having the masthead at the top follows the convention of most if not all

magazines, it is clearly at the top and dependant to the CVI the masthead will be covered by it, With my CVI I had the Masthead covered by my model which shows I have used this Form of covering the Masthead with the CVI Image. This is done as an effect to make the image look more immersive to the title and also would be common with the popularity of the magazine, showing that the name is noticeable even with the CVI obstructing it. However this is not just done with most EDM music magazines or Simply Music Magazines but Magazines as a whole have done this and I have used this code of convention in my own magazine. Making this choice justified into why I have done it with comparison to other magazines.

• Something else with my Masthead is it that its much higher vertically than the other Mastheads, this is something I have challenged in an attempt for making the Masthead and Magazine cover be more noticeable and helping it stand out. This choice was something I thought about in making the magazine unique and different from others but not ruining the look or feel of the magazine. I think this have proven to be very effective and has successfully achieved this compared to real magazines.

• When It came to my front cover I did something uncommon but used in the image used in the CVI. Like the Performer Magazine shown some magazine have and image for something more active or ‘lively’ e.g. Dancing , I have used this in my own magazine by having the Model with a horse mask ride the other model ,this is something I have challenge in the common used of a front cover image like EDM and Mixmag. I made this choice as making the image stand out and unique. I chose to not have a full body shot as the magazine is about already know artists and wouldn’t have less of a reason to do a full body shot, plus the height of the image already would make the image too small.

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Font and Colour (Housetyle)• The font I picked for the Masthead when deciding had to be clear and strong but not too Formal so no Serif

styled font, but I would look for a Sans Serif font, but along with that it would need a unique ‘techno’ Style giving the magazine the unique taste that makes it stand out from other genres, to show it is an EDM genre magazine. Something strong but ‘Laid Back’, Not fully blocky. I choice of font was A GALEGA. This was something I thought gave the right look to the letter I used for the Masthead, why this font was only used for the masthead is that having the font used in paragraph and sentence doesn’t look correct and a bit hard to read and was very big. This was something in the style similar to Mixmag and EDM magazine, that is has curved letters and breaks in the letters. Follow the convention of most EDM magazine however it would go against Performer, as their font is more Block and has the feature of being Pixilated.

• For choosing a font for the full body of text I would have on the DPS and some segments on the contents page I would need something San Serif like but scrap the ‘techno’ style, Something clear and readable in long group of text and writing. I came across choosing Eras Medium ITC. Something that would be more clear and readable to the magazine with larger bodies of text and I think I chose well in this as other EDM magazine would have a Masthead font and Body text font, I have followed this code on convention when it has come to fonts

• For Colour used in the magazine I stated my colours of choice were Red, Black ,Blue and White. Across my whole magazine I used the colours and are similar to most of the EDM magazine out there, being that I have done this show how I have followed the code of convention on my own magazine in comparison to others.

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Language• For the language used in my magazine I had to have it aimed for my target

audience, it would have to be language that would have energy and laid back expression, with short and meaningful sentences in where you would grab to attention of the ready but give them something to relax while reading. Over the text that I have seen in other EDM magazine once again I can confirm to have followed the use of this type of language.

• In the use of a Title for a DPS EDM magazine had the name of the artist it was trying to feature, I had followed this convention yet did one more by having a short and attracting sentence in attempts to engage more with the reader rather than just leave it at that. This is where I challenge the convention of normal magazine in how the DPS title is presented to the reader. A style of loud was used in it Having the title stand out and noticeable rather than having just a name.

• With the use of short and meaningful lines I had made something engaging with the audience which most EDM genre Magazine will have and which I have followed.

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Contents Page• EDM magazine doesn’t have a contents page as it gets the

reader to explore the magazine and so for this EDM magazine will be left out. I will focus on Performer Magazine and MixMag instead.

• For the contents page I see I have again followed the convention of these magazines, In most of these magazine it is left down to having a Large CVI covering the main story / cover story of the magazine. With that there is small details about other highlights in the magazine and finally followed by the contents page with is mostly on the right. A Difference is that the Large image goes over the left of the page and reaches. I have challenged this by having the image stay on one half while the contents list on the other half respectively, I have done this to give a more structured display in the magazine. Giving a more ‘Strong’ look to which the colours used show.

• Like these magazine there is no editor’s comment or such and I haven’t included this either, It would go against EDM Magazine as in place of a contents page is a page made as an editor’s comment page and credits page.

• Finally I included details including Social Media and Website of the magazine which has been done in MixMag but they only have displayed the website outside the trim line and the bottom left of the magazine. I have a box with all the details showing how I have challenged MixMag in the way they have done this and the code of convention.

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Double Page Spread• In my double page spread I followed the code of conventions in

making mine in comparison to EDM, MixMag and Performer Magazine.

• First was the use of the image in which I had mine to cover the whole page with two images on each half, This is similar to how EDM made their magazine, the used of this made a more interesting and immersive image, attracting the reader’s attention to then read what is there. With this I have followed the Code of Convetion of EDM magazine and have challenged Performer and MixMag, as they have normally one image to cover the whole page or one have Image and the other text or something equivalent to that.

• The next is Page Reference. I have made the display of the page number the same as the contents page keeping it as part of the layout and house-style however I didn’t have it on both pages (14 & 15) but just on the left side, I have done this for helping with the style and look of the magazine and that the next page is an continuation of the last on the DPS and I have challenged this on MixMag, EDM and Performer magazine. Though I believe this is something that would still be usable in keeping it and EDM magazine.

• The use of pull quote is very low in EDM magazines and also in mine, this is as the style is very laid back letting readers just smoothly ready rather than large pull quote for more attention grabbing of the reader.

• I believe my magazine is suited along side these magazine in the EDM genre