Evaluaion question 2

Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?

Transcript of Evaluaion question 2

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Evaluation Question 2:

How effective is the combination of your main

products and ancillary texts?

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This is the text from one of our intertitles in our final trailer

This is the text stating the name of our film on our final magazine front cover

This the text on the top of our film poster telling the audience the name of the film

In each of the three products we have used a similar theme of colours, fonts and style. We have used a sharp, clear and simple font as we feel the audience would be made clear as to the genre. We thought that if we used a typically ‘horror’ style font, it may come across as a comedy film. We have used a three colour pallet using the colours red, black and white in each of our products as these colours suit the genre. To be consistent we have used the same colour pallet and fonts in each of the three products. By being consistent with the style of our work, the audience would be able to recognise our different products due to the similarities.

Text, fonts and colours

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Images in the final film trailer

These are shots from the final version of our trailer. We have used a limited colour pallet to suit the genre conventions and keep the trailer consistent to the poster and magazine cover, the white dress that our main character is wearing works well for the genre and the light colour contrasts the black eerie background. The costume in the magazine cover and film poster images is the same as the costume the girl is wearing in our final trailer so the audience would be able to recognise her. She is pulling very blank and creepy expressions to create a mood and scare the audience, creating an expected reaction. In the close up shot of the girl we are able to see how dark her eyes are, also suiting the genre conventions.

This is a fast pace close up image of our main character

This is a slowed down distance shot of our main character walking

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Images in the magazine cover and posterThis is the image on our final magazine front cover. Kaytlen’s expression is very blank and she is looking at the audience as though she is possessed. This image would draw in the audiences attention by the way she is looking and the way her hair looks very straight and girlie. As we are able to see the whole of her, the audience are able to notice her costume as well as her facial expression, giving them something to recognise when they see a TV advert or a poster.

This is the image we used for one of our poster ideas. We decided that they eyes didn’t look very professional and it looks very different to our other images so the audience may not be able to recognise the character in another circumstance. Also, I feel this image isn’t effective as the audience are unable to see what she is wearing. Although, it is a successful image as it works because it is close up and would scare the audience with her facial expressions and the bright, ghostly white colouring used.

This is the image we used for our other idea, we decided it would be effective due to the colour pallet used, being similar to the other products as well as the final trailer. Her expression, again, is blank and eerie and she is wearing the same dress.

Also, a prop which she carries in the trailer is present in this image which we felt was effective as the audience would be able to recognise it when they came to watch the film.

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An effective way to advertise our horror film, Vengeance, would be through the social networking site, Facebook. We could make groups or like pages for people to follow and share so more people would hear about the film. It would be a perfect advertising method as the majority of people that use Facebook and other social networking sites such as twitter are mainly our target audience age group. We could also include an advertisement on the side of the webpage or on the top as a banner so people visiting the page would see it as they logged on.

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TV adverts

Another advertisement method we could use to advertise our horror film is through adverts on the TV during breaks. Our film trailer could be cut down into a shorter length trailer of a few seconds so the audience could see short clips of the trailer and want to find out more. They would then be able to go online to see the full trailer or look on the internet to find out when it is on at the cinema. This method would be perfect for a wide audience to see the trailer.