Eval qu1


Transcript of Eval qu1

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This follows forms and

conventions of real media

products because we put

the production company

animation on at the

beginning of the trailer so

that the audience instantly

knows who created the film.

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The rewind part at the beginning of the trailer develops the forms

and conventions because when we conducted our audience

feedback somebody said that the had never seen this technique

used before, therefore meaning that tit stands out from other

current film trailers.

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This develops what the

makers of Paranormal

Activity 3 did because they

use this technique a lot

during their trailer to show

flash backs and because it is

filmed using a video camera

where as we use the ‘noise’

for when Becca has stopped

rewinding the tape of

George and at the very end

of the trailer with the

institutional information.

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We used text on screen to add to the narrative of the trailer

because we didn’t have a voice over. This uses the forms and

conventions of real products because a lot of real trailers use

this technique, for example we analysed Abduction’s trailer

and this uses this

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This follows the typical forms and conventions of trailer making

because the audience needs to establish themselves who they

think the main character is and we helped this with the use of

screen time each character had.

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We followed the convention

of having a recognisable film

font which appeared close

to the end of the trailer. I

think this technique is done

so that it encourages the

audience to watch the

whole of the trailer so that

they can find out the name


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This is what encourages the audience to go and watch the film

because in our case they may want to know how George has

ended up in the hostage situation and what is going to happen to

him. This is generally almost right at the end of the trailer so that it

makes sure that the audience wants to watch it.

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As our trailer only is 55 seconds long, this

means that it is classed as a teaser trailer.

Although we have challenged the forms

and conventions of real media products

here because we have still arranged the

trailer like a full length trailer, just with not

as much footage. We thought that this

may make the trailer stand out from the

crowd and more interesting because you

are still receiving the same information

about the film, just in half the time.

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This needs to be visible on all film trailers so we added this in at

the end so that the audience would need to watch the whole

trailer to find out when the film was going to be released. This

follows the traditional forms and conventions of trailer making.

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The institutional information at the end follows forms and

conventions of trailer making. Although the way we laid it out

may not because usually the role of the person is in a smaller

font and then their name is bigger where as we have written

it all in one size

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Our editing and music follows the forms and codes of trailer

making because the pace of the editing and music gradually

begins to pick up the pace as the trailer goes on. It then stops to

give the name of the film and then plays the hook part at the end.

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We didn’t realise at the time but The Lovely Bones also uses

snapshots during their trailer so this is developing the forms and

conventions of a current media product. They use the edit

when the young girl is riding her bike taking photographs where

as our character is getting photographs taken of him by the

press because he is famous.

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This develops the forms and

conventions of the Taken

trailer because they use

statistical text during their

trailer too, although they use

it multiple times where as we

only use it once at the

beginning. I think that this

piece of text is effective as it

gives the audience a slight

indication of the storyline

and makes them question

George’s life

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These aren’t always on film posters because some film companies

feel that they aren’t needed. Although I thought that it would

encourage people to go and watch the film and this was backed

up when I conducted the audience feedback. Below is an

example of a film poster that does advertise the awards that it

has won. This illustrates that I have developed the forms and

conventions here.

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On all film posters the name of the film is somewhere on it.

This is an important piece of information which must be

on there so I have used this convention

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I have used this convention

because I thought it was

important to advertise the

actors/ actresses which were

going to be in the film. This is

so that their fan bases know

that a film with an actor/

actress they like is going to

be coming out soon so that

they can prepare to go and

see it.

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The main image challenges the conventions of real products because usually the main image of a film poster is a mid shot and you can see the character’s face where as mine is a long shot with the character riding away. This was done on purpose because I wanted it to look like the character didn’t know the picture was being took because their stalker has taken it. This therefore gives the audience an indication of the storyline.

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This is an important to have

on a film poster so that

everyone who produced/

distributed/ funded the film

gets recognition for their

efforts; this is why I have used

this convention and put the

institutional information at the

bottom of the page.

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This is a convention which I have challenged because this is not usually on a film poster. I thought that I might as well advertise the fact it’s a twelve on the film poster so that the target audience are aware of this and encourages them to go and see the film

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This is a convention which I

have used because there is

no point in creating a film

poster if it does not inform the

audience when the film is to

come out, or even give a

hint about it.

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If taglines are good enough

they can sometimes become

a form of advertisement in

themselves. This is why I have

used this convention, so that

this phrase can be

associated with our film

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I have used the conventions

of typical magazine making

with the mast head as I have

used a bold, readable font

which can be recognised as

‘Film Blaze’s’ font. Sometimes

film magazines cover some

of the magazine name over

with the main image but I

have not done this because

my magazine is not well

known enough to do so.

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I have used this convention

because it sometimes helps

the audience establish what

the magazine is about (if

they don’t already know). For

film magazines it is usually

about getting information

about movies

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I have followed the

conventions here because all

professional magazines need

a barcode, the date the

issue was released/ issue no.,

and the price of it. This is so

that the magazine company

gains a profit.

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The main image that I chose uses but also challenges the conventions of magazine making. It agrees with the conventions because it uses a mid shot of the main character out of the film. Although is uses an effect on the image which I have never seen on a magazine before. This makes it stand out from other magazines on the shelf and encourages the audience to read it.

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My headline uses the

conventions of magazine

making because it gives a

quote from the interview

which will be inside the

magazine to entice the

audience to buy the issue

and read more. Also it is

written using the largest font

on the page (par the

masthead) so that the

audience know that this is

the main article.

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These do follow the forms and conventions of magazine making with the language which they are written in because they use words which are made to entice the audience in like for example NEW releases. Although it does challenge the conventions too because my target audience picked up on the fact that they are readable but don’t completely stand out on the page. This is something which I have learnt for the future because articles need to jump out of the page to catch the audience’s attention

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This develops on the forms

and conventions of

magazine making because

although some magazines

do have some small images

on their front cover, they

normally put these in boxes

to border them where I have

put them in a film real to

emphasise even further that

this is a film magazine.

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Overall I think that I have mainly used forms

and conventions rather than develop or

challenge them. This is because I wanted

my products to look professional like

products currently on the market and for

them to understand different aspects in

them. Although I have challenged some

aspects like the effects I put on my images

and I think that sometimes when you push

the boundaries like this, it definitely pays off.