Eval q3 questionnaire


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What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback from music video:After showing our music video and ancillary projects to different groups of people, we recorded feedback on paper (webcams was the chosen method but they weren’t working), and received both good and bad feedback, which provided a useful learning curve and also gave us a more specific idea of our target audience.

One respondent stated that ‘the video looked very professional’ and was successful in portraying both ‘urban environment and urban culture’ and looked exactly ‘how a hip-hop video should’. This gave us the confidence that our video was connecting well with our identified target audience and the knowledge we had succeeded in creating a music video that does justice to the genre. One thing I found is that all respondents connected the heavy performance element as being associated with hip-hop, and it really helped define the genre for a lot of people.

We received feedback from some respondents that highlighted errors in the editing of our video, such as moments where the lip-syncing was slightly off. However these were promptly removed and the feedback proved very useful. We also had some people who didn’t like the song, but appreciated that the links between the music, lyrics and on screen visuals.