European Explorations. The Vikings O Arrived five centuries before Columbus O Originated from...

download European Explorations. The Vikings O Arrived five centuries before Columbus O Originated from Scandinavia O Led by Leif Erikson from the colony on Greenland.

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Transcript of European Explorations. The Vikings O Arrived five centuries before Columbus O Originated from...

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  • European Explorations
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  • The Vikings O Arrived five centuries before Columbus O Originated from Scandinavia O Led by Leif Erikson from the colony on Greenland O Called the region Vinland
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  • oks/2005_world_history/images/mcd_awh2 005_0618376798_p555_f1.jpg
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  • O ation+claims+to+america&tbm=isch&source=lnms& sa=X&ei=GwkFVJ6LO4r9yQSqv4LYBQ&ved=0CAcQ_A UoAg&biw=1240&bih=633#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc =sMNkUsAfSYlcBM%253A%3BzTeAoUX7vOG1jM%3B Fmcd_xhtml_ebooks%252F2005_world_history%25 2Fimages%252Fmcd_awh2005_0618376798_p564 _f1.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.owasso.k1 handouts.cfm%253Fsubpage%253D313702%3B12 32%3B804
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  • Christopher Columbus O Grew up in Italy O He moved to Portugal to begin sailing and learned about the world beyond Europe O He believed if he sailed west far enough that he would reach China
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  • O King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella from Spain liked his idea and financed his trip O He took around 90 men with him on three ships called the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria
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  • The Voyage O Columbus predicted it would take 21 days with the wind at their back O They spotted land on October 12 th
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  • O trys/carib.htm
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  • O He believed that he was in the East Indies O Called the people Indians O Returned to Spain and told them that there was lots of the gold in the West Indies
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  • Other Voyages O Columbus went back in 1493 with more ships and soldiers to conquer more land O Also intended to convert the people to Christianity O On the second voyage he discovered Puerto Rico
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  • O He would return two more times claiming parts of the South America O He died in 1506 still believing he had reached Asia
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  • Columbian Exchange O Transfer of people, products, and ideas between the hemispheres O Europeans introduced cows, hogs, and other domestic animals O As well as wheat and oats O Native Americans introduced llamas, turkeys, squirrels, and muskrats O Farming
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  • O Many negatives O Diseases O Examples for smallpox, chickenpox, measles O Slavery and mistreatment of Native Americans
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  • Amerigo Vespucci O He first came to the new world in 1499 O Realized this was not Asia as Columbus thought O He wrote a letter describing the new world O German mapmaker labeled the region the land of Amerigo or shortened to Amerigo
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  • Vasco Nunez de Balboa O From Spain O He explored what is today Panama O First European to see the Pacific Ocean
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  • Ferdinand Magellan O He set out to find an Atlantic-Pacific passage in 1519 O Strait-narrow passage that connects two large bodies of water O He finds a narrow passage in present day Argentina O Killed in battle in the Philippines
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  • Dangers at Sea! O Sea Monsters O Storms O Getting Lost O Starvation O Piracy