Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2. The Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met in...

Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2

Transcript of Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2. The Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met in...

Page 1: Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2. The Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met in September 1814 to determine a final peace settlement with.

Europe After Napoleon

Chapter 12, Section 2

Page 2: Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2. The Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met in September 1814 to determine a final peace settlement with.

The Congress of Vienna• Congress of Vienna met in

September 1814 to determine a final peace settlement with France– Included Great Britain, Austria,

Prussia, and Russia– Led by Austrian foreign minister

Klemens von Metternich

• 3 things pulled from meetings:– Sought principle of legitimacy, or

restoring power to old ruling families

– New territories were outlined to create balance

– Limits put on military to preserve peace

Page 3: Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2. The Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met in September 1814 to determine a final peace settlement with.

The Conservative Order• Collection of rulers that had

“won” at the Congress of Vienna• Hoped to spread conservatism, or

tradition and social stability– At this time, they wanted obedience

to authority, organized religion– Against French Revolution


• Held annual conferences to monitor progress, discuss steps

• Great powers adopted principle of intervention saying they could send armies into countries to end rebellions– “Great Powers” included Great

Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and France

Page 4: Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2. The Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met in September 1814 to determine a final peace settlement with.

Liberalism and Nationalism• While conservatism fought to

preserve older ruling elite, it met resistance

• Liberalism– Said people should be free from

government restraint– Wanted civil liberties protected by a

written document (US Bill of Rights)– Favored government ruled by

constitution BUT that those voting could only be men who owned land…no poor voters

• Nationalism– People with common beliefs,

customs, and national symbols– Spread by French Revolution and

Napoleon– Encouraged divided nations to unite

(Germany, Italy)

Page 5: Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2. The Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met in September 1814 to determine a final peace settlement with.

Seeds of Revolution• Sweeping change begins in

Europe despite The Conservative Order

• Liberalism– France 1830 – Charles X is

overthrown and Louis-Philippe is placed in control…constitutional monarchy (like in Britain)

• Nationalism– Belgium gains independence

from Dutch– Poland and Italy try to gain

independence, but lose to Russia and Austria

Page 6: Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2. The Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met in September 1814 to determine a final peace settlement with.

French Revolution of 1848• Causes

– Economic issues affecting middle and lower classes

– Demand for right to vote

• Government of Louis-Philippe overthrown in 1848, republic set up (government leaders are elected)– The Constituent Assembly drew up new

constitution– Election by universal male suffrage – all MEN

could vote– Set up workshops to provide work for


• Workshops caused a riot when they were shut down– Fighting in streets, government eventually

ends rebellion through bloodshed

• Constitution ratified in November, first president elected is Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, nephew of Napoleon I

Page 7: Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2. The Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met in September 1814 to determine a final peace settlement with.

Revolts in Central Europe• Austria also suffered from revolts• Empire was a multinational state

– a collection of different peoples– Hard to control, have universal


• Metternich was dismissed following demonstrations in March of 1848– Despite the dismissal,

demonstrations continue – some groups wanted to separate from Austria

• With the help of Russian forces, Czech rebels defeated, revolts fail

Page 8: Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2. The Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met in September 1814 to determine a final peace settlement with.

Trouble in Italy and Germany• Italy

– 9 states are set up in Italy by the Congress of Vienna

– Some ruled by Austria, others under own rule

– Several small revolts break out to try to upset the conservative rule and create a unified Italy, but they fail

• Germany– German Confederation was made

up of 38 states, Austria and Prussia the greatest

– Frankfurt Assembly hopes to create a unified Germany, with civil rights and freedoms for people

– A constitution is drafted, but there is no way to enforce it…unification fails

Page 9: Europe After Napoleon Chapter 12, Section 2. The Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met in September 1814 to determine a final peace settlement with.

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• What did the Conservative Order hope to accomplish?

• Define liberalism. Define nationalism.

• How do both of these isms differ from conservatism?