Europe 2011 Itinerary to post to blog

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  • 8/7/2019 Europe 2011 Itinerary to post to blog


    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    The Grand Tour 1


    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    Thursday, March 17, 2011 deparT VancouVer

    6:00 AM Coach to YVR10:00 AM AC 208 to Calgary (1:19)2:35 PM LH 495 to Frankfurt (9:20)

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    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    2 The Grand Tour

    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    The Grand Tour 3

    Friday, March 18, 2011 Bacharach

    6:55 AM Arrival in Frankfurt8:30 AM Travel to Wurzburg (120km)10:00 AM Wurzburg Residenz1:00 PM Packed Lunch from home2:00 PM Travel to Bacharach (198km)4:30 AM Sights of Bacharach6:00 PM Burg Stahlek Youth Hostel7:00 PM Dinner in Castle


    Burg Stahlek

    55422 Bacharach, Germanyphone: +49 6743 1266

    fax: +49 6743 2684


    BAcHARAcHBacharach, ormer capital o the HolyRoman Empire is one o many quaint littletowns along the Rhine River completewith their own castle on the hill. In thistown, though, the castle isnt a ruin and weget to sleep in it!

    Te bombing raid on Wurzburg on March16, 1945, lasted or about 20 minutes butdestroyed 80% o the towns buildings.Aer the war, though, the survivors weredetermined to rebuild their picturesquetown on the banks o the river Main,and it once again enchants visitors andtownspeople alike. One o the rooms inthe local palace, the Wurzburg Residenz.

    saTurday, March 19, 2011 Bruges

    7:30 AM Travel to Bruges (430km)11:30 AM Lunch on the bus1:30 PM Sights of Bruges

    Bell Tower, Cathedral6:00 PM Dinner in groups7:30 PM Europa Youth Hostel


    Europa Hostel

    Baron Ruzettelaan 143

    8310 Brugge/Assabroek - BelgiumTel. +32-50-352679

    Fax. +32-50-353732

    [email protected]

    BRugEsBruges has remained unchanged in many wayssince its medieval glory days. Discovered bya new class o Europeans in the 19th century- tourists - this ormer headquarters o theHanseatic League has more bicycles than cars,and good thing, as Belgium is known or itsgreat ries, chocolate, waes (and beer).

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    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    4 The Grand Tour

    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    The Grand Tour 5

    8:00 AM Travel to Vimy (119km)10:00 AM Tour Vimy Ridge11:30 AM Travel to Paris (197km)12:00 PM Lunch on the bus3:00 PM Palace of Versailles5:30 PM Place de la Concorde6:30 PM Dinner at Rivoli7:30 PM Eiffel Tower9:00 PM Transfer to hotel

    sunday, March 20, 2011 ViMy and paris


    Vimy RidgEIn Northern France, the B attle o Vimy Ridge created the rst true sense o Canadian unity.Forces rom each o the provinces joined together and did what other Allied orces duringthe First World War had ailed to do, storming the ridge and conquering a long-held Germanstronghold.

    PARisWelcome to Paris! oday we visit the Palaceo Versailles (which is actually a little bitoutside o Paris), and the iconic Eiel ower- built or the 1897 Worlds Fair, hated bycontemporary Parisians, destined or thescrap heap ten years later when a miraculousnew technology made it indespensable.Since then, it has become the pre-eminentsymbol o the City o Lights, and we will geta birds eye view o those lights as we ascendthe tower at dusk.

    Etap HotelAlle des Guionnes

    ZA La Cerisaie

    93240 STAINS


    Tel : (+33)892683269

    Fax : (+33)148217474

    Monday, March 21, 2011 paris

    WEATHER 7:00 AM Transfer to Sacre Couer9:00 AM Transfer to Le Louvre11:15 AM Guided tour of the Louvre12:45 PM Lunch at Le Louvre1:45 PM Transfer to Pantheon2:15 PM Tour of Pantheon3:15 PM Transfer to La Grand Defense4:15 PM Transfer to Arc de Triomphe5:00 PM Arc de Triomphe

    6:30 AM Dinner at Monte Carlo7:30 PM Transfer to Hotel

    PARisWith so much to do and see inParis, today could be nothingbut busy. With Rens as our ownpersonal chaueur, we can t intwice as much as a Metro tourist,and so we will! Starting with thesurprisingly new Sacre Couer, wewill get a view out over Paris romits only hill, Montmartre. Tenits o the HE art museum o thewestern world - Le Louvre, or anexpert guided tour o a ew o itstens o thousands o works o art.Aer lunch its the Pantheon to visitsome o Paris greatest heroes, andthen the modern Grand DeenseArch, ollowed by Napoleons ArcDe riomphe. What a day.

    Etap Hotel

    Alle des Guionnes

    ZA La Cerisaie

    93240 STAINS


    Tel : (+33)892683269

    Fax : (+33)148217474

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    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    6 The Grand Tour

    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    The Grand Tour 7

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011 paris

    8:00 AM Walk to Metro10:00 AM Catacombs11:00 AM Walk to Notre Dame12:00 PM Notre Dame12:30 PM Lunch and Shopping in groupsAfternoon Visit Musee Carnavalet in groups6:30 PM Dinner at Rivoli7:30 PM Metro to Stains


    Etap Hotel

    Alle des Guionnes

    ZA La Cerisaie

    93240 STAINS


    Tel : (+33)892683269

    Fax : (+33)148217474

    PARisWhile Rens takes a day o, we take the Metro into the heart o Paris, stopping on the LeBank, emerging to street level, only to walk back down and wind our way through the creepycatacombs, permanent residence or 6 million Parisians. Aerwards, we will w alk down to theNotre Dame Cathedral, go or lunch in the Latin Quarter, and have some time or shoppingand visiting the excellent museum o Parisian history housed in the old Carnavalet mansion.Wear comortable shoes tod ay, you will walk a lot!

    VERdunTe name Verdun was synonymous with death, destruction, devastation to a previousgeneration. Te longest continuous battle in the history o modern warare saw the end omany young mens lives and an entire region that once included 9 happy rural villages.


    Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Verdun/Trier

    7:00 AM Travel to Verdun (271 km)10:30 AM Early lunch stop11:00 AM Tour of Verdun1:00 PM Travel to Trier (180 km)3:30 PM Tour Trier6:00 PM Transfer to Hostel7:00 PM Dinner in Hostel

    Warsberger Hof

    Dietrichstrae 4254290 Trier

    Tel: 0651 97525-0

    Fax: 0651 97525-40

    TRiERTis ormer ar-fung outpost o the Roman Empire became the capital o ConstantinesGermanic territories, and thereore has Germanys oldest Christian church, as well as awonderully preserved ortied Roman gate, the Porta Nigra.

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    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    8 The Grand Tour

    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    The Grand Tour 9


    Thursday, March 24, 2011 heidelBerg/roThenBurg

    8:00 AM Depart for Heidelberg10:30 AM Heidelberg Castle Tour12:00 PM Walking tour and lunch in Heidelberg1:30 PM Depart for Rothenburg3:45 PM Kriminal Museum4:45 PM Rothenburg Scavenger Hunt6:30 PM Transfer baggage to hostel7:30 PM Dinner in Hotel

    Akzent Hotel

    Schrannenplatz 691541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber

    Phone: 0 98 61 - 95 50-0

    Fax: 0 98 61 - 95 50-150

    [email protected]

    HEidElBERgTough the French Armies o Louis XIV tried to completely demolish this castle, some o it isle standing or us to visit today.

    RoTHEnBuRg oB dER TAuBERTere are actually quite a ew Rothenburgs in Germany - but only one that is on the auber(river). Here you will compete in a scavenger hunt or the greatest German delicacy o allschneeballe. Mmmm.... Actually, Ill reward the winning team with extra Gelato scoops inItaly. Scavenger hunt on the next page. Tose who attempt to bribe me or answers can expectharsh punishment at the Kriminal Museum.

    8:30 AM Travel to Nuremburg (106 km)10:00 AM Nazi Documentation Centre11:30 AM Tour Nuremburg Old Town1:00 PM Travel to Dachau (167 km)3:00 PM Tour Dachau Concentration Camp5:00 PM Transfer to Easy Palace Munich6:30 PM Walk to Hofbrauhaus7:00 PM Bavarian Evening Hofbrauhaus

    Friday, March 25, 2011 BaVaria



    Mozartstr. 4 - 80336 Mnchenphone.: +49 (0) 89 / 55 87 97 -0

    fax: +49 (0) 89 / 55 87 97 -97

    [email protected]

    nRnBERgI youve ever seen old lmootage o huge Nazi rallies withHitler speaking to throngs osupporters - this is where theytook place. Hitlers vision oa gigantic Nazi Congress Hallhere was never completed - theunnished building now housesthe DokumentationszentrumReichsparteitagsgelnde - theNazi Documentation Centre.

    dAcHAuTis suburb o Munich has become orever associated with therst concentration camp established by the Nazis soon aerthey took power in 1933. Dachau was essentially a slave labourcamp or undesirables and opponents o the regime, and wasin operation until liberation in April 1945.

    HofBRuHAus mncHEnAer a sombre day, a great evening o Bavarian ood (sausagesand more sausages...) and Bavarian entertainment (kneeslapping, horn blowing, bell ringing, whip snapping un) awaitsus this evening.

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    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    10 The Grand Tour

    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    The Grand Tour 11

    saTurday, March 26, 2011 salzBurg

    7:00 AM Travel to Neuschwanstein (131 km)9:30 AM Tour of Neuschwanstein11:00 AM Travel to Salzburg (222 km)12:00 PM Lunch on the bus2:30 PM Tour of Salzburg/shopping4:30 PM Funicular to Hohensalzburg


    Gasthof Mostwastl

    Mostwastlweg 3, 5082 Salzburg


    T: +43 / 662 / 823527

    F: +43 / 662 / 8235725

    nEuscHWAnsTEinMad King Ludwigs ultimate antasyland castle is a uniquetribute to one mans obsessions. Unortunately, he only lived init or ve months beore being declared insane and soon aeround ace down in a lake beside his equally dead psychiatrist.

    sAlzBuRgHere in the Rome o the North we will visit Austrias answerto St. Peters Basilica, the Salzburger Dom, where Mozart playedorgan or church services in his youth. Well also nd out whythe Hohensalzburg remains one o the ew castle ortressesnever successully sieged in its thousand year history.

    9:00 AM Transfer to Hallein Salt Mines10:00 AM Tour the Salt Mines11:30 AM Travel to Lake Bled (229 km)12:00 PM Lunch on the bus2:00 PM Pletnas to Otok3:30 PM Bled Grad5:30 PM Walk around Lake Bled7:30 PM Dinner in hotel

    sunday, March 27, 2011 lake Bled


    Garni Hotel JadranC. svobode 12

    4260 Bled, Slovenia

    Tel.: +386 4 579 1365 / +386 4 579 10 00

    Fax: +386 4 574 1661 / +386 4 574 18 41

    E-mail: [email protected]

    lAkE BlEdTis little village boasts Slovenias only Otok, or island, a cli hanging castle, and a lovely pathall the way around the lake. ito, ormer communist dictator o Yugoslavia, o which Sloveniawas the northernmost province, had a little lakeside chalet here.

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    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    12 The Grand Tour

    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    The Grand Tour 13

    8:00 AM Travel to Skocjan Caves (125 km)10:00 AM Tour of Skocjan Caves12:00 PM Lunch at picnic area12:30 PM Travel to Trieste1:00 PM Tour Trieste Piazza dellUnita dItalia2:00 PM Transfer to Castello di Miramare3:30 PM Travel to Venice (165 km)4:00 PM Stop at shopping centre/autogrill6:30 PM Arrive in Piazzale Roma, walk to hostel

    8:00 PM Arrive at Foresteria Valdese

    Monday, March 28, 2011 skocjan, Venice


    Foresteria Valdese di Venezia

    Castello 5170

    Calle Lunga Santa Maria Formosa,

    Venice 30123, Italy

    tel. 041-5286797

    fax 041-2416238

    [email protected]

    skocJAn cAVEsSlovenians are very proud o their caves. Tis Unesco World Heritage site was a big highlighton last years trip. Watch out or the human sh.

    8:30 AM Walk to Doges Palace9:00 AM Tour the Doges Palace11:00 AM Tour St. Marcs Basilica12:00 PM Walking tour of Venice - St. Marcs to Rialto1:00 PM Groups split for lunch, shopping, gondola rides, dinner7:00 PM Rigoletto at La Fenice

    Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Venice on FooTday oFF For rens!


    Foresteria Valdese di Venezia

    Castello 5170

    Calle Lunga Santa Maria Formosa,Venice 30123, Italy

    tel. 041-5286797

    fax 041-2416238

    VEnicEI love Venice. Its a clich, but its true - Venice is another world. Its the only place I tell tourgroups to get lost. With all the Per Marco and Per Rialto signs, youll always eventua llynd your way back somewhere, unless you take a wrong turn and end up in a canal. Enjoy aromantic gondola ride (not too romantic) with your group, some gelato, and some Venetiancuisine.

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    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    14 The Grand Tour

    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    The Grand Tour 15

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Venice, pisa, leVanTo

    WEATHER 8:30 AM Walk to I Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari9:00 AM Visit i Frari9:30 AM Walk to Piazzale Roma10:15 AM Travel to Pisa (330 km)12:00 PM Road stop for lunch3:30 PM Tour of Campo dei Miracoli5:30 PM Travel to Levanto (104 km)7:00 PM Arrive at hostel7:30 PM Dinner at Moresco

    Ospitalia del Mare

    Via S. Nicol

    19015 Levanto (SP)

    tel. (+39) 0187 802562

    Fax: 39-187-803696


    Buon giorno! Tis is the u ltimate Italy day. Wake up in Venice, walk one last time through itsnarrow winding alleys, and visit the art lled I Frari cathedral. Ten its o to Pisa to stumble up itsamous Leaning ower in the Piazza dei Miracoli. Enjoy being accosted by large groups o salesmenwith umbrellas (i its raining), sunglasses (i its sunny), or large hand drums (like the one my wiebought in 2009). Ten admire Rens skilled driving as we make our way down the tiny winding road

    to our home or thenext two nights,a small village onthe Mediterranean

    Sea, Levanto. Endthe day with them o u t h w a t e r i n gItalian cuisineat RistoranteMoresco. Finallyget to bed inOspitalia Del Mare,a ormer RomanCatholic Convent.Tat was one day?

    8:30 AM Day Hike on the Cinque TerreUp early and out on the paths!

    Later Back home to LevantoSwim in the Mediterranean if you want to!

    7:30 PM Dinner - Ristorante Moresco

    Thursday, March 31, 2011 cinque Terreday oFF For rens!


    Ospitalia del Mare

    Via S. Nicol

    19015 Levanto (SP)tel. (+39) 0187 802562

    Fax: 39-187-803696

    cinquE TERRERain or shine, the paths linking these ve (cinque) lands (terre)along the Mediterranean coast oer a dierent perspective onhiking. Italian biology students oen visit this region to studythe unique plant lie. And or us, passing through olive grovesand lemon orchards, we know were not in BC anymore. TeCinque erre is in Liguria, the birthplace o pesto. Mmmm...pesto. Te ve towns that make up the stopping points alongthe route are all ancient Roman shing villages, and many o the

    residents can trace their anscestry in the regionback centuries.

  • 8/7/2019 Europe 2011 Itinerary to post to blog


    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    16 The Grand Tour

    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    The Grand Tour 17

    8:30 AM Travel to Siena (241 km)11:30 AM Cathedral1:30 PM Lunch3:30 PM Museum/Relics5:30 PM Depart for Florence7:30 PM Dinner at La Bussola

    Friday, april 1, 2011 siena, Florence


    Hotel Panorama Firenze

    Via Cavour, 60

    50129 Firenze

    T: 39 055 2382043

    F: 39 055 264404

    siEnARival city to Florence in the heyday o Italian city states, Siena ailed to thrive the way itswealthier neighbours did during the Renaissance - which is our gain, as it remains a perectexample o Gothic (a.k.a. medieval) Italy. Youre the rst LFMSS group to visit - we plan to seethe sights around Il Campo, Sienas great central piazza, and perhaps get a glimpse at a veryspecial relic o Catherine o Siena. We wont get to see the amous district vs. district horserace, the Palio, so heres a picture.

    8:30 AM Walk to Accademia9:00 AM Visit Accademia11:00 AM Visit Ufzi1:00 PM Split into groups

    Lunch/Mercato/Cathedral7:00 PM Dinner at Labucossa

    saTurday, april 2, 2011 Florence


    Hotel Panorama Firenze

    Via Cavour, 60

    50129 Firenze

    T: 39 055 2382043

    F: 39 055 264404E

    floREncETe centre o the Renaissance, Florence is the city where Europe nally started to pull itsel out othe Middle Ages. Tis is where the modern world was born. We will visit masterpieces o art andmaybe do some bartering at the Mercato Nuevo today, enjoying our nal Italian meal together inthe evening as we contemplate the last 18 days.

  • 8/7/2019 Europe 2011 Itinerary to post to blog


    LFMSS Europe Tour 2011

    18 The Grand Tour

    Your Bedroom, Your House

    Langley, BC, Canada

    10:00 AM Fly to Frankfurt (LH 309)11:40 AM Arrive Frankfurt1:50 PM Fly to Vancouver (LH 492)2:55 PM Arrive YVR9:00 PM Overcome jetlag by staying awake until 8 or 9,then get to bed and well see you at school bright and


    sunday, april 3, 2011 go hoMe!


    JouRnAl: sundAy, APRil 3, 2011


