EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center...

EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June 3, 2010 Copyright © 2010 European Center for Not-for-Profit Law This presentation is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of Moldova Civil Society Strengthening Program. The contents are the responsibility of ECNL and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Transcript of EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center...

Page 1: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond

Hanna Asipovich,

European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL)

Nessebar, BulgariaJune 3, 2010

Copyright © 2010 European Center for Not-for-Profit Law

This presentation is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of Moldova Civil Society Strengthening Program. The contents are the responsibility of ECNL and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Page 2: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

General Information

EU one of the major donors in the region, e.g. the largest donor in Ukraine in 2008.

Estimated € 1,000 million a year is allocated to NGOs directly by the Commission.

Roughly 22% of funding is centrally managed by the European Commission.

Source: New funds, better rules - Overview of new financial rules and funding opportunities 2007-2013, A Beginner’s Guide, 2008 edition

Page 3: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

EU External Relations

6 DGs work on external relations issues. DG Development and DG External

Relations are in charge of preparing policies and country strategy papers.

EuropeAid Cooperation Office and local Delegations implement Commission’s external aid instruments.

130 Delegations and offices.

Page 4: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

EuropeAid Programming

Annual action programs are financing decisions by the EC that set priorities and earmark funding for regional and country-based programs, as well as thematic programs.

Annual work programs identify specific grants to be awarded during the year through the call of proposals. AWP include the title of the call, indicative amount, eligibility criteria and timeline.

Page 5: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

EuropeAid Programming

Page 6: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

Financial Instruments

Geographic instruments are based on the country and regional strategy papers, e.g. ENPI.

Thematic instruments seek to help developing countries to meet MDGs, e.g. EIDHR.

Page 7: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

Financial Instruments allocations

ENPI: €11.5 billion(2007-2013) Eastern Partnership Program (ENPI): €

600 million (2010-2013) IPA: € 9.616 million (2007-2012)

Civil Society Facility (IPA): € 27 million ( 2005-2007), € 81 million (2008-2010).

EIDHR: €1.104 million (2007-2013)

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Aim: promotion of democracy and human rights worldwide. Established in 2007. Objectives: 1: Enhancing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in

countries and regions where they are most at risk; 2: Strengthening the role of civil society in promoting human rights and

democratic reform in facilitating the peaceful coalition of group interests and in consolidating political participation and representation;

3:Supporting actions on human rights and democracy issues in areas such as human rights defenders, death penalty, torture, children and armed conflcit ;

4: Supporting and strengthening the international and regional framework for the protection of human rights, justice, the rule of law and the promotion of democracy;

5: Building confidence in and enhancing the reliability and transparency of democratic electoral processes, in particular through election observation.

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projects and programs; grants to finance projects submitted by civil

society and/or international/intergovernmental organizations;

small grants to human rights defenders; grants to support operating costs of the Office of

the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC);

human and material resources for EU election observation missions;

public contracts.

Page 10: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

Eastern Partnership Program A program within framework of ENPI to

“accelerate political association and further economic integration.”

Established at Prague Eastern Partnership Summit May 7, 2009.

Parties: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine.

Civil Society Forum established in 2009.


CSOs are invited to submit their expression of interest for the 2nd Civil Society Forum, Berlin, 18-19 November, 2010. Deadline for submission: July 2.

Page 11: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

Eastern Partnership Program Financial Support

Comprehensive Institution Building Programs;

Pilot regional development programs;

Multilateral dimension.

Page 12: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

Grants and Contracts

Grant is a financial contribution by the Contracting Authority to implement an action in order to promote EC policy aim.

Contract is the outcome of the procurement procedure, when the Contracting Authority receives a service or goods in return of payment.

Page 13: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

Key Documents

Financial Regulation (FR); Implementing Rules (IR); Practical Guide for Contract

Procedures for EC external actions (PRAG) and its annexes, e.g. standard grant contract.

Page 14: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

Useful Sources

Punto.sud helpdesk for EuropeAid funded projects:

Page 15: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

Public Consultation on the Review of Financial Regulation

Triannual review of the FR and IR. Second review takes place in 2009-2010. Consultation webpage set up in 2009. The targeted topics concerned: award of

grants and Commission’s handling of files. 235 contributions submitted from

individuals, CSOs, local authorities. Synoptic overview of submissions

prepared and main conclusions drawn. Next Steps: Commission proposals to be

presented mid2010.

Page 16: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

ECNL’s Survey on Accessibility of EU Funding

50 respondents: 30 filled out the online survey 20 interviews

18 out of 30 had first-hand experience with working on an EU funded project.

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General Information

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EU Funding: Accessibility

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EU Funding: Implementation

Page 20: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

Major Issues

Indirect rate (Article 181 IR); Co-financing and contributions in-

kind (Article 109 FR, Article 172 IR); Exchange rate losses; Grant opportunities and paperwork

for applicants.

Page 21: EU Funding Policies and Practices: the Black Sea Region and Beyond Hanna Asipovich, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Nessebar, Bulgaria June.

ECNL Recommendations

EC to bear its fair share of project funding, including full recovery of the indirect costs properly allocated to EC funded projects.

To allow a greater inclusion of in-kind contributions as a part of co-financing, develop guidance and criteria.

To recognize exchange rate losses as eligible expenses for the action.

To launch one well-structured portal which contains consolidated information from all DGs and financial instruments; to ensure equal access when requiring the use of e-tools; to ensure two-stage applications; to introduce label system based on eligibility criteria.

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