Ethnography Reflection Letter

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  • 7/30/2019 Ethnography Reflection Letter


    Jarvik Joshi

    English 1101

    Mrs. Keaton

    October 23, 2012

    Reflection Letter

    Talking about my demonstration, I was unsure that the content I had would cover 20

    minutes of time that I was allotted. As I started presenting, I lost track of time. I started with

    asking everyone which social media they use most often. I had this cool live polling online

    which wasnt possible because people didnt have service in the building and for the poll to

    work, everyone had to text the code so that it will show up on your screen. I ended up asking

    everyone to raise their hands and counting it that way. The polling was followed by my first

    video which was about how Facebook and Google Plus are different. Since my focus was on

    Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter; I had covered 2 of the topics. For the twitter, I showed

    another quick video about how twitter came about and what its purpose is.

    Then I introduced everyone to a little research that I conducted. I showed quotes of few

    friends so it would give an idea on why they used social media and what they liked and disliked.

    Then I went on showing examples of what people post on Facebook, which showed different

    literacies that people lacked in those example. The examples lead to my discussion questions. By

    this time, I was at 12 minute mark so I had less time than planned out.

    Some of the questions I asked were about types of literacies required to use social media.

    Then went on and asked how social media lets other see how literate you are and why you are

    most likely to check twice before you post anything on social media sites so that you censor it

    according to who is going to view it. Also went on and asked how social media actually hurts

  • 7/30/2019 Ethnography Reflection Letter


    some of our literacy skills. The final question I asked was, If there was no social media, would

    our literacy would have been better or worse? I got many responses regarding how there are

    different people who lack different literacy skills on social media may it be your friends or

    friends of friends. I was expecting more elaborate responses but sometimes I heard one line

    responses which made me ask them more questions regarding the same topic. I had about 8

    minutes to discuss the questions.

    I used prezi as my visual because I thought it would look nice and it also nice animation

    plus I can link in two of my YouTube Videos in it and play directly instead of opening a link and

    going to separate windows.

    While doing my demonstration, I thought about how I could have focused on just one

    type of social media and picked a topic in that one social media but having three different one

    allowed me to compare them and also provide better examples. I thought I had very nice

    examples to show because they briefly explained everything and they had narration with picture

    animation which made it look cool and interesting. I believed the research and the poll I did was

    helpful since it help me create a sense of what people look for in social media and which social

    site is more popular to people around me and I believe twitter won.

    The hardest part was to actually finding information and conducting a survey which

    required time and after actually gather the data, putting it in prezi so that it would look nice and

    neat. Prezi is nice but it requires a lot of work to make your presentation look nice on it. The easy

    part about this project was that I was sure from the beginning what I was doing so that I had

    thoughts in my mind on what type of information I need to look for and what kind of examples I

    need to find.