Ethical Theories & Approaches

Ethical Theories & Approaches Moral reasoning deals with determining righteous of the acts. Moral theories deals with two components. • Theory of Good • Theory of Right

Transcript of Ethical Theories & Approaches

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Ethical Theories & Approaches

Moral reasoning deals with determining righteous of the acts. Moral theories deals with two components.

• Theory of Good

• Theory of Right

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Moral Theories

• Consequentialist or teleological Theory

• Non Consequentialist or non teleological Theory

• Deontological Theory

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Consequentialism Meaning

• It is theory of ethics ( teleological theory) that defines right/ wrong of an action by good/bad of its results.

• Other way end result of our actions should be good.

• End should justify means• Right actions are those that have good effect on

our health, reputation, economic & social well being, environment etc.& also on well being of others.

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Features of Teleological theories

• Gives priority what is good over what is right. Good is the purpose/goal of human actions

• All actions that contribute to Good are moral actions

• Results or consequences determine the rightness or wrongness of moral actions.

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Forms of Consequentialism

There are 2 forms of Consequentialism

1. Theory of Ethical Egoism

2. Utilitarianism

Bentham’s approach to Utilitarianism

Mill’s approach to Utilitarianism

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Deontological Theories

There are two approaches.

1. Act Deontology

2. Rule Deontology

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Difference between Deontology & Teleology Theory