Online shopping is one...


Transcript of Online shopping is one...

Page 1: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 2: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 3: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 4: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 5: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 6: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has


Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the

world. This method has started to win hearts of Malaysian consumers. Online shopping

is online versions of physical retail stores where all transactions and their relevant

activities take place in online cyber space. The general objective of the study is to

examine the factors that influence consumer, especially Universiti Uhra Malaysia

0 student’s intention to online shopping. While, the specific objectives of this

study is to identifjr whether trust, quality and loyalty to website influence the student

intention online shopping. 100 percent of questionnaires were accepted when 84 of

questionnaire was distributed randomly to the siudents. Findings indicate quality and

loyalty to website are significantly and positively related to intention to online purchase,

contributing 26.8 percent (R2 = 0.268) and 6.1 percent (R2 = 0.061) variance in purchase

intent ion.


Page 7: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has


Pemklian secara online adalah merupakan sa1.u kaedah pembelian yang semakin

diterima meluas di dunia. Kaedah pembelian ini mula semakin mengambil tempat di

hati kalangan penduduk Malaysia. Pembelian secara online merupakan satu versi online

jualan nmcit di mana sernua transaksi dan akivitii yang berkaitan mengambil tempat di

ruangan siber. Kajian ini secara umumnya adalnh bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor-

faktor yang mempengaruhi pelanggan khususnya pelajar Universiti Utara Malaysia

(v &lam kencendurangan membuat pembelian secara online. Manakala, objektif

khusus bagi kajian ini ialah adalah untuk mengeneilpasti sama ada kepercayaan terhadap

laman web, lmaliti laman web dan kesetian terhadap laman web mempengaruhl pelajar

&lam membuat pembelian menerusi internet. Pemulangan sebanyak 100 peratus borang

soalselidik diperolehi setelah 84 soal selidk diedarkan secara rawak kepada pelajar.

Hasil penemuan menunjukkan bahawa kualiti dan kesetian terhadap laman web adalah

signifikan dan berkait s e r a positif kepada kecenderungan membuat pembelian secara

online, dengan menyumbang sebanyak 26.8 peratus (R2 = 0.268) dan 6. lperatus ( R2 =

0.06 1) varians &lam kecenderungan pembelian online.


Page 8: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 9: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 10: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 11: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 12: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 13: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has

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the thesis is for

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Page 14: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 15: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 16: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 17: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has
Page 18: Online shopping is one of buying methods, which has been accepted widely in the world. This method has