ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

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Transcript of ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

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DIVINE INTERVENTION: ETs Defeating Old World Order | Print |

Written by David Wilcock Wednesday, 09 May 2012 11:11

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ETs are performing blatantly physical interventions to stop the "Powers that Were" from throwing Earth into war and chaos. Every aspect of the war machine is being systematically blocked -- with a minimum of casualties.

[PLEASE NOTE: This investigation is undergoing dynamic updates, including new sections that will be uploaded as time permits. For this reason, please LINK to it and pull excerpts, but do not COPY and REPOST it, as it will be constantly changing. Thanks!]


Divine Intervention is now taking place on a dramatic, unprecedented basis -- worldwide.

This is causing a complete, systematic failure of the war machine on every level.

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Guns will not fire. Radio and satellite communications systems are breaking down -- right when they are needed most. Airplanes and tanks will not start. Bombs will not deploy.

Even more surprisingly, dozens of underground bases have now been completely emptied out -- beginning on August 23, 2011.

This is terrifying to the occult Cabal that has seized control of much of the financial system, as well as the governing and judiciary bodies of several of the top nations in the world.

In my epic work "Financial Tyranny" I outline the problems we face, and who is responsible for them -- with an incredible amount of supporting evidence.


The Cabal has been directly contacted by the people who are responsible for doing this. These intervening ET groups are human, like us -- in fact, they are our long-lost relatives.

Humans on Earth are, in fact, a hybridized race -- from multiple, independent points of origin during the last 200,000 years.

The Cabal has been told they must stand down -- in order to protect the Earth and its many forms of life, including its people.

The people who are forcing the Cabal to surrender are not evil or negative at all. They are the guardians and protectors of our planet.

There appears to be no accident in why our protectors are intervening now -- and why they have not done anything like this before.

Ancient civilizations were well aware of the cycle that seems to be behind the timing of this unprecedented Divine Intervention. They recorded the evidence in thousands of different forms over time.

The ultimate outcome of this cycle appears to be nothing less than the spontaneous, quantum evolution of what it means to be human.

The Divine Intervention we are now seeing seems to be intended to insure that we will go through this process without being thrown into complete chaos and destruction on a worldwide level.

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If a portion of our mind functions energetically, rather than strictly biologically, what would happen if that energy starts moving faster?

What if there are cycles that govern these changes in our consciousnes -- on a planetary and even a galactic level?

As I revealed in The Source Field Investigations, dozens of ancient mythologies were "encoded" with information suggesting that a 25,920-year cycle determines the pace of evolution on Earth.

This knowledge became the great secret of all ancient mystery schools -- each of whom believed their teachings were the key to eventually reaching "Apotheosis" -- where humans on Earth go through a spontaneous energetic evolution.

The book reveals a wealth of tangible scientific evidence -- well over 1000 academic references -- showing we are indeed going through a major "quantum leap" in human evolution right now. Here I will highlight a few of the results of that investigation.

For example, human IQ scores have been increasing by 3 points per decade -- for over a century. Advances in literacy cannot explain this, as it is occurring in illiterate countries as well.


Human DNA evolution is now moving 100 times faster in the last 5000 years, according to Dr. John Hawks. The human DNA molecule is now fully seven percent different than it was in 3000 BC -- worldwide.

Furthermore, roughly 25,000 years ago, the Neanderthals spontaneously disappeared -- on a worldwide level. A vast majority of giant animals that threatened human life disappeared during this time as well.

Additionally, 50,000 years ago, people all over the world experienced a quantum leap in their level of intelligence and sophistication -- which baffled the scientists studying it, such as anthropologist John Fleagle.

Before this time, tools were only made for survival purposes. After this time, we see creativity, art and spirituality suddenly flourish.

This is not a "conspiracy theory," but a hard, documented scientific fact.

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Something happened to everyone on Earth 50,000 years ago that caused a remarkable boost in their IQ -- and their level of spiritual awareness.

The Neanderthals and the giant beasts of the Earth took their exit 25,000 years later. And now, as we approach the end of the cycle once again, our DNA is evolving at an extremely rapid speed -- and our overall IQ scores are consistently increasing.


The evidence is much more extensive than just what we have seen in the last 50,000 years.

Multiple scientific experiments have demonstrated that one species can be genetically transformed into another species -- strictly by energetic influences. This includes the work of Ciba-Geigy, Pier Luigi Ighina, Dr. Dzang Kangeng and Dr. Peter Gariaev.

This completely defeats the Darwinian model of evolution. Random mutations are corrected by evolutionary influences -- they are not the cause of them.

Furthermore, our entire evolutionary record of fossils, going all the way back to the "Cambrian explosion" of 542 million years ago, shows two key cycles of spontaneous evolution that repeat again and again.

Most creatures on Earth stay roughly the same for millions and millions of years. Then -- suddenly -- worldwide changes occur, and a huge number of new species appear.

These cycles take place in even lengths of time. The oldest, and longest cycle is 62 million years in length. The more "recent" cycle appeared 250 million years ago -- and is roughly 25 to 26 million years in length.

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No orbiting objects such as stars or planets could account for cycles this vast in length. We are left with the inevitable conclusion that galactic cycles must be responsible.

In the book I painstakingly identify the physical evidence for these cycles -- where they come from, what they do, and how we can measure them and scientifically prove they exist.


The 62- and 25-million-year cycles are obviously playing out over very long periods of time -- whereas the 25,920-year cycle is of much shorter duration, respectively speaking.

Now that we are at the end of another major cycle, our DNA is transforming. There are measurable energetic signposts we can observe as this process takes place -- not just genetically, but throughout our entire Solar System.

NASA has released a wealth of information proving that climate change is occurring on every planet -- as well as the Sun. They simply never put all the pieces together at once -- and invariably blame it on "seasons" in each individual case.

When we survey the data itself, we clearly see that the Sun and all the planets are becoming brighter, hotter and more magnetic.

The end of this year, 2012, is the moment the ancient prophecies identified as the shift-point of the entire cycle.

Again, this was "encoded" into dozens of ancient mythologies around the world -- all of whom predicted it would usher in a Golden Age.

We do not know whether anything specific will happen during this exact time window or not -- but either way, it appears that all of the ancient prophecies are now coming to a head.


Mass Disclosure, and an open revelation that we have never been alone, may well be a very important element of what is predicted to happen as this cycle change takes place.

Any genuine Disclosure will include a remarkable amount of information regarding extraterrestrial archeology that has existed on our planet for many thousands of years.

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Our relatives have technology that is very significantly more advanced than our own. Such technology was used to levitate gigantic blocks of stone into "megalithic architecture" found worldwide.

If this were easy to do -- whether a given culture is primitive or not -- we would undoubtedly still be doing it today. Nonetheless, when the Japanese attempted to re-do the Great Pyramid at a much smaller scale, with fully modern equipment, they utterly failed.

Nonetheless, towering pyramids and other gigantic stone structures have been built all over the world. These same cultures inherited the myths that revealed the importance of the 25,920-year cycle.


Giant skulls have also been found in many of these locations -- revealing these were not ordinary humans. Even Discover Magazine carried the story of the Boskop skulls that were found in South Africa and elsewhere.

Many of these legends also centered around the pineal gland in the human brain.

My research revealed tangible proof that this is indeed a functioning "third eye", complete with retinal tissue, which is directly wired into the visual cortex.

The pineal gland appears to be receiving impressions from the astral body -- which we experience while dreaming, having an out-of-body experience, remote viewing or in a near-death experience.

This part of us is always out there. We simply are not aware of it most of the time.

The ancient teachings clearly indicated that we would strengthen our connection with this "astral body" as we go through the Great Shift -- into the Golden Age they prophesied to occur.


These are some of the clues to what is arguably the greatest mystery on Earth -- and the single most complex puzzle there is to solve.

Who were the ancient "Gods"? Where did they come from? How did they build these great structures? And why did they build them?

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The greatest single source I have ever found that addresses these mysteries is the Law of One series.

There have been many imitations -- but out of the many thousands of submissions we have received, I have never seen anything else of comparable quality or sophistication.

I began reading this material in January 1996 -- and studied it in great detail. Very few people are able to successfully do this, due to the inherent complexity of the material.

The Law of One series answered questions that had become a personal obsession of mine for the previous three years -- as I read and absorbed over 300 books on these subjects, including "Fingerprints of the Gods" by Graham Hancock.


Within less than a year of intensely studying the Law of One material, I received personal contact from what appeared to be the same source -- filtered through my own "personality distortions."

On November 10, 1996, I began speaking the words that naturally appeared in my mind as I went into deep states of meditation and followed the established scientific protocols of remote viewing.

The results were spectacular to say the least. Over and over again, I had prophetic statements come through that later proved to be startlingly accurate. Synchronicity events became much more dramatic, and much more frequent, as well.

Achieving full verbal contact with your "Higher Self" is not an easy process, but it is entirely achievable if you understand the techniques involved. Unfortunately, most remote-viewing schools charge thousands of dollars to bring you up to speed.

Although I hesitated for many years in doing this, I have now revealed everything I have to share about how I perfected my own technique, at a nominal cost -- in the Access Your Higher Self video series.

Much like learning to play a musical instrument, you have to go through some basic, repetitive exercises before you get quality results -- but ultimately, we all have this gift, and no special aptitude or skill is required.


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The source in the Law of One series identified itself as "sixth density," and said it was intimately involved in "the management and transfer of planetary populations."

For those looking for Biblical tie-ins, beings at the sixth-density level appear in the Old and New Testament as "Seraphim" or "Cherubim" -- the most advanced entities in the angelic hierarchy.

When they did decide to appear in physical form, they appeared as beings of pure light -- with spectacular abilities.

The Law of One clearly explains that the Earth is a school for spiritual growth. Nothing happens here by random chance.

Our free will must be preserved, at all costs -- and that free will includes the fact that Earth will not be destroyed.


At any given time, a balance will be preserved on Earth, making it equally possible for any one person to seek the positive, and see the world as a beautiful and loving place, or the negative -- and see the world as a hateful and terrifying place.

This is the nature of the "illusion" that is carefully upheld -- in the interest of our collective spiritual evolution.

It is your choice as to which path you will take -- and there is no right or wrong answer.

If you choose to focus on the negative, you certainly can -- and can find a wealth of evidence to prove that you are correct.

The same is true for the positive.

By seeking love and peace in your life, you can have an ever-increasing amount of joy, happiness and bliss appear.

This is Universal Law -- and once you begin applying it, you will find out that it does indeed work very well.


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I was already very impressed by what I had been reading -- but once it became a personal, individual experience, the teachings jumped off the printed page and became an intimate part of my own life.

It was extremely difficult for me to "go public" with all of this, knowing the inevitably vast amount of hatred and ridicule it would generate -- but I was told that failing to do this "would be equivalent to a felony in the spiritual realms."

The fruits of this contact included 500 "dream readings" I performed for paying clients between 1998 and 2005, when I finally retired due to what had become an unmanageably high amount of demand.

My satisfaction levels were extremely high -- roughly 99 percent. Many people were told things I simply could not have known from a conscious level.

Despite the fact that I only charged 150 per person, and could not process more than 12 clients a month, this income allowed me to devote the majority of my time to furthering my research.

Invariably, I would receive dreams for the client that were staggeringly accurate, and showed incredible insights into their personal issues. It was quite common for my clients to burst into tears when I shared this data with them.


Many people claim to be receiving intuitive readings, and put them out across the Internet. Their results are of varying levels of quality.

Some readers have found great inspiration in these works. Others profoundly ridicule them -- and despise their creators.

Over the years, with the inevitable cries of "Prove It!" shadowing my every written and spoken word, I veered away from publishing this sort of material -- and focused in on the tangible means by which the validity of this information could be demonstrated.

I also was fortunate enough to develop connections to many high-level insiders who had worked within classified projects.

Some of these contacts came as a result of my extensive involvement with Project Camelot, and others appeared independently.

Once you meet and become acquainted with a genuine insider -- someone who has actually worked within programs where the existence of extraterrestrial human life is an accepted fact -- you can't help but have a radical change in your outlook.

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Everything lined up for me -- the dreams I was having, the contact experiences within my own life and for those of my clients, the research data I was compiling, and the insider testimony I increasingly gathered.


I now believe we are rapidly approaching a time of epic change on Earth. The amount of evidence supporting this notion is staggering.

The complexity is so vast that very few people are able to see the full vision.

Without the "overview" perspective, where all the data can be studied in the mind as a full mosaic, it is very difficult to appreciate the scope and depth of the story.

Reading the entire Law of One series alone -- enough to really understand it -- took me about a year and a half, working an average of one or two hours a day.

Nonetheless, as you begin familiarizing yourself with these concepts, synchronicity will "intrude" into your life more and more -- proving that the world you once took for granted might not be as predictable as you thought.

Indeed, very few people realize what is about to take place -- and that's OK.

There is no need to "shout from the rooftops" and try to convince anyone of anything. It truly does not matter whether any one person believes in this or not. These events will happen regardless of what anyone says, thinks or does.

The higher forces are not looking for "numbers or quick growth" -- only to reach those who are ready for the Great Invitation that is coming our way.


We are heading into an opportunity where everyone will be given a choice.

According to the Law of One series, we will be able to choose whether we wish to evolve into the next level of human evolution.

If we do take this "invitation", we will be able to travel throughout the Galaxy, visit and help other cultures, and develop profound intuitive abilities -- allowing us to travel through space and time, communicate telepathically, levitate ourselves, and manifest objects out of thin air.

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This is something all of us will do at one time or another. If we do not choose to do it now, we will continue to be human, as we have been -- perhaps for many more lifetimes.

However, at some point we will inevitably take this evolutionary leap. It's written into the basic nature of the Universe.


It's quite humbling to realize how much "amnesia" we have within our current human form -- but that is an intimate part of the spiritual growth process.

If we could see the Big Picture, and understand our connection to the Universe, there would be no incentive for us to grow.

This is also why the ETs have not formally revealed themselves to us on a mass level at this point.

As soon as they take this step, it will be much easier for any one person to make that "leap of faith".

This also makes it much harder to proceed to the next level of our evolution -- because now the level of difficulty is much lower.


As you probably already know, I have been covering the story of pending Mass Arrests on this website since last November.

The evidence that this process can and will be done is quite substantial. I have been urged, from the highest intuitive levels, to assist this process as much as I can.

However, I have no direct influence in this process. I cannot decide whether it will be done, when it will be done, or how it will be done. It is outside of my hands. The window in which I was told this would happen has already passed -- but I do still believe it will take place.

Dreams have remained the primary means by which my Higher Self has kept in contact with me over the years -- and it was no accident that I have put this much time and energy into pursuing this story.

I do believe it is important that we solve these problems ourselves, on a physical level, rather than expecting any outside forces to come in and rescue us.

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The value for all of us, as a planet, is much higher if we do this ourselves.


Nonetheless, the Earth is not here to be overrun and destroyed by corrupt, evil bankers.

The ETs of fourth density, fifth density and sixth density assist a planet like ours throughout the course of its development.

The Law of One series also states that seventh-density entities -- known as "Guardians" -- do step in to assist a planet at the end of a cycle.

The role of the Guardians is to insure that the planet passes through this transformation without actually being destroyed.

The Guardians are cleared to make very high-level interventions to insure that we have a stable, survivable world -- even while the "illusion" is that things are totally falling apart, and we are in terrible jeopardy.

This "opportunity" for fear is what creates the greatest incentive for spiritual growth.

Finding that core of Truth within yourself -- that Truth that knows and trusts that All is Well, and that chooses love -- is the greatest spiritual attainment you can ever make.

In this series, I will explore the blatant interventions now taking place to insure the Earth will not be destroyed as we head into this Single Greatest Moment of All Time -- at least as far as our own recorded history is concerned.


I am about to have a full show on "Coast to Coast AM with George Noory" -- the nation's largest nighttime talk radio program.

In this show, I will debut never-before-heard testimony of the exact nature of Divine Intervention that is now taking place on Earth.

Further updates will follow as I am able to produce them.

I have two big events this weekend in Amsterdam, as you can find in the Coming Appearances section of this website. I've written this new introduction to Divine Intervention in the hotel room I'm staying in.

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Please be advised that if you wish to attend the all-day Saturday event, there are very few seats left in the venue -- so time is of the essence.

By comparison, the Friday venue is significantly larger in size -- and I will be speaking that day from 7 to 10:30 PM.

I'd like to share a personal section now that is slightly off-topic, but nonetheless important to me as a person.

The article introduction to the new Divine Intervention series is now finished -- and this section is just for people tracking my own personal interests.


One of the things I've been patiently waiting to announce is Invisible Light -- a new instrumental ensemble I'm putting together, blending elements of dance, DJ, jazz, rock and deep psychedelia.

This was a concept that was given to me directly by the higher forces -- and they sent the best possible musicians into my path, blatantly, to make sure I would get the message and run with it.

I didn't feel it was appropriate to bring this up in the Mass Arrests series -- but here it finally feels right.

If it is done properly, and skillfully, music can create incredibly powerful visionary and spiritual experiences -- particularly if those who are creating it already know where they can go, and how to get there.

We're already doing that at my all-weekend CONVERGENCE conferences. More recently, we have recorded the results, and offer them here in the Meditations series.

Nonetheless, what I'm planning with the Invisible Light ensemble will take this concept into an entirely new level -- and may well bleed over into everything else I do.

I can't fully jump into this project until I'm finished writing my new book, and have returned from my Europe, New Zealand and Australia tours featured on this website -- but I very much am looking forward to it.

For me, this is more of a recreational pursuit -- but the dreams are telling me it will reach many people on a very profound level.

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I minored in jazz percussion in college, and had a wonderful time performing avante-garde jazz compositions that we would improvise, on the spot, with nothing planned in advance.

We'd all get together, meditate for a while, turn on the recording equipment, and just start playing -- with absolutely nothing planned out in advance.

Nonetheless, we would end up with a finished musical product -- with no need for overdubbing or re-doing anything.

The jazz program was very competitive, and I was among the top three jazz drummers in the class -- complete with all the pyrotechnics you expect to see in a great drum solo.

For whatever reason, I've never filmed or recorded myself doing a drum solo for the audience I've built up since I went online -- but I very much still have the chops to do it.

I more or less gave up on musical ensemble work in 1996, when I went into this research full time -- but a year and a half ago, I was guided to pick up the guitar, and get back into the scene.

I had no idea where this was going or why I was being asked to do it, but I really enjoyed it -- and have developed some nice-sounding improvisational fingerstyle techniques since then.


On several occasions now in the last few years, I have attended "conscious gatherings" where people who are "into this kind of stuff" get together and dance.

I found the music at these events to be nowhere near as powerful and evocative as it could be.

One single DJ would be there, running little more than a drum-machine loop -- and then laying various samples over the top of it.

People would get up and dance to this, despite how lacking I felt it was.

This was my original inspiration for Invisible Light. If I don't like what I'm hearing, then why not offer something I feel to be better?

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"Wanderer Awakening" captured one aspect of my musical interests -- namely vocal music in the 1970s-style idiom. I am very proud of what we accomplished -- in 25 vocal songs and 25 instrumentals that tell a vast cosmic story of soul evolution.

However, I still have never produced this original 'dream' idea -- to marry the stylistic elements of hard rock, jazz fusion and deep psychedelic trance music in a live, improvisational context.

Back when I was 15 years old, my parents tipped me off to the late-1970s Tangerine Dream album Rubycon. My father was getting all the releases sent to him from the major record labels -- as he was working as a rock and roll journalist for various local papers.

Both of them told me how profoundly this album influenced them. Just the moment-to-moment experience they had while listening to it was quite intense -- and deeply meaningful.

They were right -- Rubycon was definitely the best one. I couldn't believe the power of the experiences I would be thrown into when I meditated on that music. I soon also discovered the albums Ricochet and Stratosfear -- and I was heavily influenced by them as well.

Encore, Phaedra and Tangram, and the Detroit and Montreal "official bootlegs" are all somewhat flawed by comparison -- but certainly deserve honorable mentions.

After this time, Peter Baumann left the group and it went in a more mainstream direction -- which somehow lacked the deep shamanic power of their earlier works, in my opinion.


The analog keyboards Tangerine Dream used to produce these late-70s albums have enjoyed a huge resurgence -- which continues to grow to this day.

However, it is quite surprising that no current-day musicians have even come close to achieving what Tangerine Dream was doing with these instruments in the late 1970s -- despite remarkable improvements in the technology.

My other great musical passion that developed in high school was for jazz fusion music. I was particularly impressed by Brand X, a jazz ensemble with Phil Collins playing drums, during a time where Genesis was in transition after Peter Gabriel left the band.

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Brand X also has some very advanced and wonderful soundscapes. The musicians are all extremely technical and extremely talented -- in a way you do not hear in Tangerine Dream. I still greatly enjoy listening to the classic Brand X albums.

In this case, jazz sounds were blended with the harder edge of rock and roll -- and when I listened to this back in high school, I felt it was inevitable that this sort of music would eventually catch on and become extremely influential and popular.

This still hasn't happened -- which on one level is a surprise. On another level, it may simply be that we haven't reached the consciousness level, on a mass scale, to fully appreciate this type of music yet.

My dream was always to fuse those two styles together -- the late-70s Tangerine Dream sound and the late-70s Brand X sound. The key would be to modernize it and put a dance beat underneath it -- so it doesn't sound like "70s retro music," but maintains freshness.


This idea had been percolating in my mind for many years, but I'd never really done anything to pursue it since 1996 -- and had almost forgotten about it entirely.

I was thinking it would be nice to produce something like this and offer it at "conscious gatherings," but I really had no idea who to work with or where to get started.

Then, I spoke for an hour at just such a "conscious gathering" in Los Angeles -- where there was a "superfood elixir bar" featuring liquid chocolate and other, perfectly legal delights.

I appreciated the fact that drugs and alcohol were not a part of this event -- at least not openly -- and yet the vibes were still very high, and everyone had a great time.

The organizers told me a "Chapman Stick" player named Eliah Levy wanted to open up for me before I went on stage -- and he was a big fan of my work.

They were not going to allow him to play, but I had just become aware of this instrument and was fascinated by its potentials. So, I told them to give him a shot, and let's see what he could do.

Eliah got up there -- and on a musical level, where it is admittedly very difficult to impress me, I was absolutely knocked over by what he played.


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On this remarkable-looking twelve-stringed instrument, Eliah was holding down a completely solid bassline with his left hand while playing totally independent melodies and harmonies with his right.

His compositions were incredibly sophisticated -- and yet they flowed so well that no one even noticed how utterly difficult it would be to play something like that.

It did somewhat remind me of an obscure Early Music instrument called a "Theorbo Lute" -- in which there is a very long neck with very deep-sounding bass strings that are plucked, in open fashion, by the thumb as the fingers play a melody.

The audience admittedly didn't seem to pay much attention, at the time -- but I believe this was because the music was of such beautiful quality that everyone just jumped into the richness and fullness of the moment.


I realized that Eliah must be a great guitar player to be able to accomplish something like this on an instrument as obscure as the Chapman Stick -- so I asked him if he'd give me guitar lessons.

He was more than happy to get involved -- and when we did have our first lesson, I showed him what I was capable of playing on the drum set. I was surprised when he told me I was the best drummer he'd ever had a chance to work with!

As we jammed together, I quickly realized that his guitar chops were on par with any of the greatest jazz fusion players of the 1970s -- whether it was John Goodsall from Brand

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X, John McLaughlin from Mahavishnu Orchestra, or Al Dimeola -- originally in Chick Corea's "Return to Forever" before he branched out into his own group.

The speed was definitely there -- but fast notes alone do not necessarily indicate that someone is a great player. Even at those incredible speeds, he didn't lose musicality -- and that was what impressed me the most.

This was where the idea for Invisible Light was first created. Not long after this, I realized that my long-term friend and colleague Bill Levine, an equally incredible keyboard player, needed to be in the group as well.

We did already have one rehearsal before I headed off on my European tour -- and my next-door neighbor was dazzled by how it sounded, and wanted more.

Just like I was doing in 1996, this was completely improvisational -- with nothing planned in advance. That's often where the real magic -- the alchemy of pure musical shamanism -- can take place.


Eliah recently recorded a video of himself playing before an audience of 5000 people in Spain. The cameraman never captured the size of the audience, as they didn't all crowd up near the front -- but the quality of the performance is definitely quite evident.

THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN HELP... Eliah has a series of wonderful CDs on his website that are well worth the cost. His flagship work is Melodia de Luna, which I've got on a repeating cycle now in my car stereo. It seems almost impossible to believe that he recorded this all in one take -- but that's exactly how it was done. The musical spaces he creates are quite wonderful, deeply healing, and powerfully transformative. I invite you to head over to his website,, and check out the audio samples of this and other albums for yourself. Your orders of his CDs will directly help me achieve a dream I have had for many, many years now. I want to make sure we can make Invisible Light into a reality -- but until I finish up my other projects, I don't have the time to develop this into a working group where we can play gigs that will pay the bills for the artists.

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Nonetheless, I've already built up an arsenal of the best synths on the market, and set it up so I can play drums and synth parts at the same time -- and then jump over to Native American flute or guitar parts, all in a live context. In addition to ordering CDs, we are looking for people who want to hire Eliah as a live musician for parties, gatherings and the like in the greater California area. Lastly, I want to again remind you about Graham Hancock's offer -- where you can get his entire book for less than a buck, this week only. Then, in our next installment, we'll be fully back to the "massive download" of new information!


Imagine reading a gripping novel, of the very highest quality, that goes into the real story behind the Illuminati -- and discusses all sorts of intriguing subjects -- like time travel, ancient civilizations and massive, occult conspiracies.

A novel so compelling that you literally cannot stop reading it once you get started. A novel practically begging to become a hit movie.

Even though most people think of him as "only" a great scholar, Graham Hancock has written that novel -- and it's called Entangled.

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I wrote a very enthusiastic endorsement of it when it first came out in this article, which you can read by clicking here.

I just found out that Graham is selling the electronic versions of Entangled in the US for just 99 cents -- this week only, starting on Monday, May 7th!

This saves you $9 on Amazon and I-Tunes, almost $10 on Nookbook and close to $11 on Sony. I'm definitely going to get a copy so I can enjoy it on my long flights!

iTunes: Amazon Kindle: Barnes & Noble: Video trailer for the novel here: There’s also a page about this special offer on Graham's website here:

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I honestly didn't know what to expect when Graham first gave me a copy to read for review -- but once I started, I couldn't put it down! "Divine Intervention" is coming soon -- but in the meantime, this is a ridiculously affordable deal that will throw you into an awesome new adventure of consciousness! Check it out... and let Graham know what you think! OK... TIME TO GET A LITTLE SLEEP... I'm about to head off for a few hours sleep before I do the show. This will be the world debut of some very interesting information, and I'm certainly looking forward to it. The jet lag has me all screwed up -- I sleep at night, all during the day, whenever I can, and often not enough. Probably just about at the time I have to leave, I will have sorted it all out! Anyway, we'll see you in a few hours. This should be quite an interesting time! Set as favorite Bookmark Email this Hits: 93241 Quote:

“Anyways, I hope you will put me on your waiting list for a reading. I think you ought to be charging more for what you are doing.”


You might enjoy:

Comments (255) Wanda May 12, 2012 ...

Have dreamt of ufo's for more than 25 years. Latest last week. Was looking out the window at hundreds flying around, some were getting closer and closer.

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They reached my window and four guys morphed and jumped through and were standing there smiling at me. I said something to one of them, seems I recognized them, then dream was over.

daven May 12, 2012 ...

@Santa Fe Roger: We've got a great analysis of JP Morgan, and how it plays into the overall big picture, intertwined with the Dragon Family Lawsuit, and the Commercial Liens here: And if you need the full background, and you've got at least a weekend's worth of reading time, we've been discussing this over the last six months here: I don't know how old you are, SFR, but ahh, you remember a certain company back in the early 90's named LTCM? Long Term Capital Management? Yeah. JP Morgan is that, but on the Incredible Hulk Steroids. All Da Best! Da Asian Brutha.

Free Man May 12, 2012 ...

Just wanted to say that Mr. Levy is a pro musician. I never heard of a chapman stick before. After seeing his performance showing hammer-ons, pull-offs, pop & slap, and finger picking, I believe he can play most anything with strings. As far as people sitting back and waiting to be saved because of divine intervention, the white hats, or whatever else might save them; I believe you are trying to offer them comforting yet honest information. There's no sense in people hating you because you're stating what you believe to be true. Most people are going to do whatever they were going to do regardless of what anyone says, while some might act on what you say. The people on the Titanic thought the ship could never sink. Most weren't concerned when the ship was taking on water. A small minority raced for the life boats while most

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waited until the ship started dropping lower into the icy water. When the reality of the situation couldn't be ignored, panic type survival action swept through the passengers & crew. At that point very few made it to the remaining life boats while the rest were left pleading & fighting to survive as the ship plunged them to their deaths. Though you may never step into the same river twice, history does repeat itself to some degree. So I ask those that want to put statements of hate to stop and reflect. Don't waste your energy getting pissed-off and attacking the messenger. Turn that energy into action by preparing, spreading the word about the situation, and help others. The ET's are more willing to help those that help themselves and others. The golden age will come if we work together to make it happen. Sit back and do nothing at your own peril. God Night & Good Luck.

Kate James May 12, 2012 ...

Just an FYI, National Police Week is May 13-19 in Washington DC, and there are going to be a HUGE number of police officers in DC. Will this help or delay the plans?

Salvatore May 12, 2012 ...

It's not being stopped, it's being tweaked and regulated. If it were being stopped, we wouldn't be on the verge of revolution in the US. God is protecting Israel, just as he did in the new testament times, always creating unexpected circumstances to ensure Israel's victory on the battlefield, often times just scaring the enemy away without a battle ever taking place. These people are misconstruing/misinterpreting that as divine intervention by extraterrestrials on a mass scale. It only seems that way because Israel sits in the center of world conflict. And I am talking about the God that sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to live among us, die for our sins, and rise again. Who is, always was, and always will be. The one truth, light, and way. And whoever said that thing about Yaweh being an ET group-- don't make me laugh. Anyone who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ knows first hand that he is a single being, the one true God and creator of the universe, and the truth, the light, and the way. If you guys stop looking for thrills and start looking for truth, you'll find these things to be true yourself. Just because you want aliens to be real doesn't mean they are. And doing

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so allows yourself to be deceived by demons who will dress in the sheep's clothing of "ETs" to get closer to you, and keep you from the truth. These evil entities are the reason why every country (practically) is turned against Israel, and why so many people are anti-semetic, all for no apparent reason. It's a war in the spiritual world: Satan vs God. Satan and his demons hate God and his people with a frothing passion. But bc it's the real God protecting Israel, nobody will be able to take Israel-- at least until God says so. But don't take my word for it, get out there and search for the truth.

CarolynH May 12, 2012 ...

Ladies and Gentlemen. It's time for memes. That's right, memes. Specifically, meme jokes and comics aimed at the Illuminati and other related topics. So, sit back and prepare to laugh (or at least politely smile at my attempt at making jokes). Reading DWs Blog: [url= Listening to mp3s of Drake interviews: [url= Y U No: [url= Conspiracy Keanu: [url= Ceiling Cabal: [url= I Don't Always: [url= Homeless & Broke: [url= RR:

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[url= Guinea Pig: [url= Insanity Wolf: [url= Not Bad: [url= ETs at local: [url= DR: [url=

John May 12, 2012 ...

One thing everybody misses when pondering ancient construction is gravity. One should not assume it has always been constant. When you go down in a mine you weigh less because of the mass above you is subtracted from the mass below you. There is evidence all over the world that sea level rose 2 to 3 hundred feet at the time of the flood. Put that much mass over your head (the waters above) and things could weigh a lot less, like stone blocks. Borderline constuction may fall, the Collosus of Rhodes. Library of Alexandria, etc. Another factor is a growing earth which solves the problem of large organisms being able to function, such as allosauruses that were 40 ft. at the shoulder.

YG May 12, 2012 ...

If you google Robert Hastings he has been studying UFO intervention for years. He has proof...absolutely evidence type stuff. So for anyone who might doubt David or Drake, check out Robert Hastings for yourself.

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I am still looking at it, you must know that back in the cold war days, there were a number of time were missiles at nuclear facilities on either side were intercepted. He has proof. Consider that Drake has said he worked with Nuclear weapons and has high security clearance. Makes sense he would know about the UFO's helping us from back then.

Rahan May 12, 2012 ...

We love you David

Free Man May 12, 2012 ...

I've heard that Chinese and Russian troops are gathering at the U.S. borders as well as being shipped into our military bases. They are being trained to take on American's, round them up, and send them to concentration camps. These reports are true and also have been documented on video as well. I don't get the feeling that they are here to help the general public by helping us with the mass arrest of evil rotten bankers or their minions. I like the comforting information that you post and want to believe that there's nothing to worry about, but I don't want to experience what the Jews lived through during WWll. I believe your on our side David, but I believe you have been mislead and many others will suffer as a result. I'll be the first to say I prefer your version of events over what I see happening and I would be much happier without this type of drama or excitement. Got to go for now, time to start digging in before the bombs drop and the gun play starts. Please tell the ET's to step up the intervention levels to maximum before these psycho's start killing off the sheeple. I would also agree that it does seem that everything is falling apart. I'll pray for peace while I'm preparing for war. Good Night & Good Luck!!!

[S]hady May 12, 2012 ...

If you want to hear some music that you truly feel a deep connection to, I suggest listening to the band Covenant.

Page 29: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012 Northern Light and Modern Ruin are my favorite albums, enjoy DC. Love & Light

Anonymous May 12, 2012 ...

@Shane Huston 1 Density=plants and mineral life, 2nd Density=Animal life are both driven by a gravitation toward progression to the source or creator, they are not however self aware (except for the animals we project self awareness too, pet type animals)3rd Density=Humans are self aware and the first in progression to be under the "amnesia experiment". Read the Law of One. It's all in there, ultimately the reason for the forgetting is because we are conscious of the self

Lisa May 12, 2012 ...

I am not in Ohio,but I did contribute to Dennis Kucinich a while back before he lost his bid to retain his congressional seat this year. I forward this Commencement speech because 1) It is impeccable - AND if you can read this without knowing who the author is - it is a most profound statement ( It is anyway) 2) Over a year ago, when I learned that there would be transitional governments put in place - I asked my Higher Self about several different people who came to my mind who may be benevolent souls who are ready to take on this task for the Good of All People - I asked about this man and the answer was a loud "Yes" If you will note at the top of this post- the time it was sent to me was 3:33 pm yesterday. Also interestingly enough - his zip code is 44111! En -joy! Fri, May 11, 2012 3:33:46 PMThe Power of Now From: Dennis Kucinich Add to Contacts To: Lisa

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Dear Friend, I want to share with you this Commencement speech I gave this week to 5000 attendees from over 100 countries at American University in Dubai (AUD). Previous AUD Commencement speakers include President Clinton and Secretaries of State Powell, Albright and Baker. In the speech I strive to inspire the graduates to embrace the power of NOW and to move forward to build communities of peace -- as we all must endeavor to do. Thank you. Dennis J. Kucinich United States Representative to Congress Commencement Speech American University in Dubai Wednesday, May 9, 2012 Dubai, United Arab Emirates His Highness, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum; Members of the Royal Families of the United Arab Emirates; Dr. Lance de Masi, President of American University in Dubai, Mr. Elias Bou Saab, Executive Vice President, Members of the Board, Members of the Faculty of American University of Dubai, Esteemed Officials, Parents and Sponsors, Students, Alumni and Friends and especially you, our dear Honored Graduates: Thank you for the great honor of addressing this esteemed gathering upon an occasion of singular importance in the lives of each and every one of you. This day announces you are prepared. The journey which brought you here has conferred upon you a commencement to the future of your dreams. For when you ascend this stage you are confidently passing through a portal in the time and space of your life, presenting yourself to the world as a person of accomplishment, as an individual prepared to tap the transformative power of this moment which brings to bear every talent and ability you have developed, pouring it into the moment when you present yourself at the door of opportunity, the moment which is called NOW. The NOW which contemplates that the past, the present, and the future exist simultaneously, the power of NOW as it connects with eternity, your timeless self which finds its power in expression of self recreation, self actualization. "Come my friends," wrote the poet Tennyson, " 'tis not too later to seek a newer world." Behold the new world being born in the moment. The NOW which comes again and again and again in each and every day forward as you watch for it, recognize it, be mindful of the possibility it presents, be grateful for its immanent unfolding potential. The NOW which bids you to think, to speak, to act, to challenge, to create, to change. The NOW which declares that years of preparation have come to meet the seedling of a single moment. The NOW which whispers: "Do not spill a single seed." The NOW which

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makes joyous the challenge of venturing forth in faith. The NOW which bids you, "Come, you are ready!" And reminds you there is no time to waste. The NOW which unveils your deepest potential when you summon the courage to knock upon an unfamiliar door. The NOW which has been secretly awaiting your arrival. "What you seek, is seeking you," wrote the poet Rumi. The NOW which waits for you to embrace its endless possibilities, its extraordinary beauty of presence. Yours, the restless quest of the human soul for true purpose, for a place in the world, for life, for love, for a spiritual home all awaits your attention, your touch, your gaze. Your place in the scheme of things is unfolding and even resistance can be your friend as you align with the time signature with which the hand of destiny inscribes your name. Be relentless in pursuit of excellence. Though your reach exceeds your grasp every moment, "What's a heaven for?" asked the poet Browning... My dear graduates, the world needs you. ... continued at the following link as the Comments section will not allow for the posting of the entire speech. PO Box 110475 | Cleveland | OH | 44111 | 216-252-9000

Dan May 12, 2012 ...

Hello David and team, your research is amazing and hopefully reaching the masses in an exponential way. I have a question for David or the mod's......going back a year or so, I think it was in one of the China's October surprise articles David had mentioned that all the BRICS country's had received packages containing certain item's that weren't to be opened until a certain date. Among some of the items was to be plans for free energy devices. I'm just wondering since I believe that date has passed, why don't the 143 country's now aligned against the Federal Reserve release the free energy technology thereby striking another blow against one of their most important source of power and income? Would this not deal a fatal blow to their crumbling empire? Would love an answer to this one.

Merlyn May 12, 2012 ...

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explain please May 12, 2012 ... [Moderator: No one really knows what is going to happen or how it will turn out.] . . eh? i thought the point here was that david DOES know what's going to happen due to his 'insider info' have i missed something or is that a disclaimer that all this-is-made-up kind of thing? Brent Cassidy May 12, 2012 ...

@Southern Cross and any other Aussie's Great to see something thats "Aussie Orientated", will check it out. Also hope you are all aware of David coming 'down under'....

Sarah May 12, 2012 ...

My friend told me yesterday that she saw on a news programme that the Olympic Torch blew out 20 minutes after being lit. This could be very significant, don't you think???? Blessings to all.

Stargate2012 May 12, 2012 ...

TAKE YOUR MONEY OUT OF CABAL BANKS NOW!! It would be advisable to take any money out of Cabal banks (and crony banks) now! Those include:

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Ishtar May 12, 2012 ...

Window of opportunity is still open:

Educated Guess May 12, 2012 ...

the 2012 venus transit, will be on june 6th, 2012. which is when the planet venus, travels directly between the earth and the sun. where the planet venus, dumps its higher frequency magnetism, into the large electromagnetic connection, that connects the earth to the sun. after the venus transit of 2004, the consciousness, and the rate of time, greatly increased, on earth. as a result of this venus transit, the consciousness will dramatically raise even more. and the schumann resonance of the earth, will raise with it. the higher the schumann resonance of earth gets, the higher the frequency of earths ionosphere gets.

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the higher the frequency of earths ionosphere, the higher the frequencies are, that get refracted off of the ionosphere, the more/higher frequency of magnetism, that gets trapped on this planet. and the more the lower frequency energy, of the past, is forced out of this planets grounds, oceans, air, and people. there is only 2 venus transits, about 8 years apart, once every 130 something years. that this second venus transit is happening during the year 2012, smells of exact timing. that it will happen, less than a month, from the exact middle, of the year 2012, smells even stronger of exact timing. and only a person, who is addicted, to blind faith disbelief, could deny it.

[email protected] May 12, 2012 ...

I just listened to the C2C interview (A heartfelt thank you to the people who've posted links). I have been very curious how the process of Ascension works, and even David acknowledges that he does not know for certain how it is going to occur, either.

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That said, thinking about what I've read and heard in many places, it appears that while Earth is getting ready to enter a "Golden Age", so to speak, it appears that Ascension is a separate process & event in all of this. I would love for David to expand upon this subject as Divine Intervention goes through various updates. He's stated before that it appears that while 2012 is the "big" shift, that there are additional nudges that occur at specific intervals up through 2032. I'm curious if this represents a period where 3D & 4D "humans" live together in building a new Earth before Earth becomes exclusively a 4D planet. There is also talk of the souls on the planet to some degree being split up and sent to various other worlds - some 3D leaning positive, some 3D leaning negative, and a 4D negative harvest for our friendly neighborhood cabal members. Personally, I can't wait to find out. I'm very excited! NAB

Eva B May 11, 2012 ...

I posted the following under the last article yesterday, but it looks like everyone has moved on to the latest article. "I knew the Bill Woods videos would freak out the Freedom Reigns folks. I was anxiously anticipating their show Thursday on Wolf Spirit Radio to hear Drake's reaction. I was surprised to find all signs of Freedom Reigns and Drake (except for the Q&A) have disappeared from the Wolf Spirit Radio site with no explanation. There's also no hint of what happened on the Freedom Reigns website. All references to the Bill Woods videos and Wolf Spirit radio have been removed from the site. A search of Facebook comes up with some strange new Freedom Reigns sites related to underwear and the Pope! What's going on? What have I missed in the last couple of days? After following Drake and the many sites that have been promoting his messages, including Divine Cosmos, I'm totally confused on what to believe. Was any of it for real or was it all a hoax? Do these people really want freedom or are they just Obama haters? Is there really a Plan and "good guys" to implement it or are we back where we started?" I see by the comments here I'm not the only one confused. I know David has his hands

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full, but he did introduce us to Drake and I think it's only fair that he shares his view of the current situation with us.

BoundlessEarth May 11, 2012 ... sacred geometry and cymatics, in case your still wondering how the Nazca lines or the Oregon crop circle(not a crop) was created!

ukdena May 11, 2012 ...

Anyone know what is going on with Wolfspiritradio and the Drake interviews? I searched the entire site and I can't find anything from Drake or Freedomreigns site or Deatra. It was all there before. Hmmmmm. Feeling confused...........

Syrus May 11, 2012 ...

I'm searching the web for stuff on screenwriting after David's one-off comment on the Noory show, but I can't remember exactly what he called it and all I'm getting structure-wise is technical jargon and the ever-helpful "Monomyth" analysis by Campbell. Surely there was something more specific David was talking about. Can anybody help? You moderators are usually quite good. Thanks in advance; you don't need me to tell you how much you rock.

Dave777 May 11, 2012 ... Mexican UFOlogist and journalist Jaime Maussan is predicting on the basis of 2 crop circles, that something big will take place between May 20, day of annular solar eclipse, and June 6, Venus Transit. I wonder if this could be related to Mass Arrests and the End of Financial Tyranny?! Seems to match up perfectly. And perhaps it hints at something more to happen as well? Since friendly ETs have been clearing out underground bases and stopping military

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equipment from working, then it would stand to reason they are in regular contact with those preparing to take down the Cabal, and are actively assisting our efforts for reform. Lastly, perhaps ETs are going to give some blatant demonstrations that we're not alone, during this process of World change in the next few weeks? It makes sense to me. After-all, one of the news items that must come out after the initial arrests, is the kind assistance they've received from ETs re underground bases etc. And it would be nice if that story were backed up with some profound fly-overs at least.

angie in mansfield, tx May 11, 2012 ...

Is it just me? Or did any of you ladies out there just melt when David spoke in foreign tongue? Deep sigh. Love you, David. And thanks for being here for us all these years.

Angela 61 May 11, 2012 ...

A beautiful addition to the community!

Gary May 11, 2012 ...

I am sure many people reading here have heard of The Coral Castle in Florida, which was made and moved by one man without any help from anyone. The builder said he found the secret to how the Pyramids were built. google it

Southern Cross May 11, 2012 ...

Hey! Can you give me hand Everyone! Have done a big Blog for all the snoring Aussies, to get the word & all the info neatly out to as many as possible.

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I need as many "hits" to get it grabbed by Google and Yahoo - would you help me? Also, sending it to any Aussies you know would be good too. Here it is - And ANITA from QLD - hope this helps you find some like-minded people! Have been up all night, it is 6.00am - have just got American Kabuki's email about the Queen & Canada. Thankyou so much David & All at DC - all your INCREDIBLE work gave this blog substance and backbone. Thanks Mods for the Push - big learning curve, I am oldie with a stick - it happened just in time, people will listen now.

Brob May 11, 2012 ...

Great interview on C2Cam!!! You impress me with your smarts every interview. and i loved the beer can joke about the Plain of jars hahahaha Thanks David you really are saving the Planet.

Santa Fe Roger May 11, 2012 ...

JP Morgan Chase Bank just announced a $2 billion dollar loss over the past 6 weeks! They expect to lose at least another billion, soon, according to what I just saw on CNN, while eating my lunch. They quoted CEO Dimon as saying it was caused by "sloppiness and bad judgement." Their stock has plummeted 10% as a result and banks in England somehow associated with this are also losing greatly in their stock prices, too. I have not researched this further, yet, but thought I'd pass along some more obvious cracks in the old guard's financial strangle hold they have had on us for way too long. Namaste, Santa Fe Roger

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Shane Huston May 11, 2012 ...

I have a quibble with David's comment above, "If we could see the Big Picture, and understand our connection to the Universe, there would be no incentive for us to grow." If that were true, then how do the rest of God's creation have any incentive to progress back to unity with the Source? We, on the other hand, are the only part of creation participating in the amnesia experiment called Earth.

lucas May 11, 2012 ...

David & Moderator, I want to offer my apology and ask for your forgiveness for the disgraceful comments i sent the other night criticising David and not posting my comments. Im not quite sure what was wrong with me, the only thing i can think of is that i got hit with bad vibes from somewhere i was so angry an there was no reason for me to be that way. P.S what ever negative things people are saying about your latests interviews is rubbish, they are superb an very very clear to listen to, i dont know what people dont understand and misconstrue. Sorry Lucas

legna May 11, 2012 ...

of course... just sit down little sheeple and wait for the ''E.T.'s'' and the ''experts'' to handle stuff for you... everything will be ok, jsut sit doewn and do NOTHING and shut up, the ''experts'' will take care of everything in the year 3874... so pathetic great youtube channel:

Gianfranco May 11, 2012 ...

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For those interested in exploring the huge Tangerine Dream catalog but not sure where to start, here are 2 compilations: Dream Sequence (2 CD, 1985), and Tangents (5 CD, 1994). Always refreshing to read David's insights on music, hopefully more to come. Many thanks to v4v for sharing the C2C audio tracks.

TickTock May 11, 2012 ...

Mike Quinsey's message for 5-11-12 -You are looking at weeks rather than months, for the mass arrests to take place -The US government will still have Barack Obama amongst those retained, because as we have stressed many times, he is a great soul of the light (I hope I did the link correctly, this is my first try.)

Glory May 11, 2012 ...

Hi David! I've been with you on this, almost from the beginning back in November. Although I have not been familiar with your work prior to that - I find you to be "right on target" with the information that you put out resonates with me. I work in the financial sector, and am particularly interested in that area of fraud that has been perpetrated upon humanity. I have begun reading Source Field, and am very impressed with the depth of research that you provide on any given subject within - and am looking forward to finishing! I have "been on the path" for literally all of this lifetime, and have fervently studied for the last 35 of it. i have been "visited" throughout my life, and apparently my children have as well. My two youngest have identical indentations on their faces - and my youngest is -rh

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(pregnancy brought that to light) -rh is the smoking gun of genetic manipulation. What you need to know is that all of this is creeping into mainstream media. I hear bits and pieces - but, its there. All just around the corner... You can hear it on RT (Russian Television, although its mostly US news and reporting) and also some on BBC, and even WTTW! Sometimes I post reprints of these reports on my web site. If interested, please fee free to let me know - and I will send you the address! In the meanwhile, know that you are appreciated David! Namaste

a May 11, 2012 ...

"Universe at play inside your DNA, You're a billion years old today, Oh the rising sun and the place it's coming from, Is inside of you and now your payment's overdue, Oh the rising sun..." From George Harrison's last record; 1990 Oregon Sri Yantra;

CircleofOne May 11, 2012 ...

@Exile Regarding your Law of One comments on Yahweh. Yahweh was a positive ET group that aided humanity at the beginning of this major cycle. The Orion group later "stole" the name Yahweh, replacing the positive group soul, and this is why the OT God appears to be quite schizophrenic. When there is a fiery appearance of God in the OT, this is the negative group. Remember Ra points out that the Orion group often appears with a fiery nature, such as a fiery cloud (that hid the craft within).


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May 11, 2012 ...

@Extroverted one In this article David mentions the "window" as the timeframe he was given in his dreams. He said although this has passed, he believes it will still happen. David's window is independent of what Drake is talking about. Drake is talking based on what his sources are telling him. I believe his sources to be human beings, while Davids are outside of this realm and coming to him in dreams.

Vanessa / Me Xi Co May 11, 2012 ...

My fellow lightworkers: Here it is some related news about the direct intervention our family of the Stars is providing for Earth and all her children: Blessings and Love, WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, BRINGING ASCENSION CLOSER BY THE DAY

CoreyG/Texas May 11, 2012 ...

Thanks everyone, I found the link and am listening to it now.

Dave May 11, 2012 ...

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"Coast to Coast" doesn't work well for me any more. It's late, and these days, it has too many ads. What usually happens is that a long string of ads comes on, I lose interest and fall asleep, and miss the rest of the program. Also, there are way too many doomsayers and mouthpieces for the cabal, a lot more than there used to be when Art Bell was running the show. I hardly ever listen to this program any more. I tried to listen to your interview with George, but the same thing happened. I hope someone will write a transcript.

Braco Love May 11, 2012 ...

zip - I just love your posts, you have such good energy; and so sweet... love you!

Chet May 11, 2012 ...

Hello David, (and mod) I listened to your interview on C2C, and learned a lot. I also downloaded Eliah's album called Flower of Life. It is very beautiful music that I will use for meditation. Thanks for informing me of Eliah's works and for all that you do for us.

Vlad von Sheep May 11, 2012 ... New Maya paintings dispelling, once and for all, the "myth" that they had predicted the end of the world in 2012. They were simply forecasting the beginning of a new, very positive, cycle--much along the lines of David's work. Hopefully, this will dampen the fearmongering a bit.

Psychodelic May 11, 2012 ...

Nice article. I look forward to to more in depth information about actual intervention-situations like with the underground bases. I wish you good sleep and that the jetlag be kind to you. I have uploaded a copy of the C2C episode for you people - Hope its OK for you people

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(@ C2C) , - enjoy, have not listened to it yet myself.

Mari May 11, 2012 ...

I am concerned with David's comment (both in this article and on the air with George) regarding the window of opportunity for these things to happen has passed. What does this mean and does anyone else find this alarming? Are things really going to change or are we stuck in this hell hole forever? I trust David and that is why I am worried. Thoughts, anyone (mods)?

Etienne May 11, 2012 ...

It's interesting you mention Seraphims and Cherubims. I did meet a Seraphim in person two months ago, she's working behind Seraphim have a perfectly enlightened spirit with limited physical and emotional energies. Beyond their physical bodies, they look like an entity with 4 faces, pointing in each direction. I did find another Seraphim. Alizée is a French signer with the same energy: perfectly enlightened spirit in a limited body, and her spirit looks like an entity with 4 faces. This is an interesting phenomenon. I don't know anything about Cherubims though.

Brenda May 11, 2012 ...

Oregon Sri Yantra 4 minutes What is Yantra? 2 minutes Sri Yantra 3D Animation

Page 45: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012 Yantra Point one minute plus

Tom May 11, 2012 ...

Listening to David’s interview on CtoC, I heard something that I know was untrue. It was concerning Apollo 13 and the explosion that occurred in the Service Module on the way to the moon. As it happens, I have direct knowledge of the incident. As an Astrophysics student at the University of Texas Pan American, we were contracted by NASA to follow the spacecraft visually on the way to the moon. Through the eyepiece of the telescope, I could clearly see the small star-like dot that was Apollo 13. There weren’t any other objects around it. I saw the explosion occur, although I wasn’t sure what I was seeing when it happened. After a few moments I became aware that something had gone wrong because the cloud, fuzzy patch, around the spacecraft was growing. I then called JSC in Houston and informed them what I had seen. To my knowledge, I am one of only two people on earth that witnessed the incident in real-time. I can assure David that there were no other spacecraft in the area…unless it was ‘cloaked’.

Jack May 11, 2012 ...

FBI to Blitz Public With Economic Espionage Ads "Today, the FBI is doing something it rarely does — talking, in public, about spies. In a nationwide advertising campaign launching today that includes bus shelters, billboards and a website, the FBI is targeting corporate espionage — and encouraging employees of American corporations to be wary of spies in their midst." GOOD LORD! FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, PARANOIA, PARANOIA, PARANOIA! "In its prepared materials, the FBI highlights some of the elements that make up the profile of a potential spy, telling companies to watch out for people exhibiting a range of behaviors, including: * Working odd hours without authorization

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* Taking proprietary information home in thumb drives or email * Making unnecessary copies * Disregarding company policies about installing personal software or hardware * Taking short trips to foreign countries for unexplained reasons * Buying things they can’t afford * Being overwhelmed by life crises or career disappointments"

Joshua May 11, 2012 ...

Its been awhile since I've read and seen what you're up too. Not so sure about the mass arrest thing , but the part about what is coming for those who accept. That's what I enjoy especially since I've been ready for a long time . Often I felt alone here for the fact my mind is so different But I now know my full purpose and let me assure you the future is bright We appreciate the positive words of wisdom you provide And as a fellow creative thinker it humors me that you show your "artist" side as well. Funny how art can't be measured by intelligence It's something special we all start off having great attention towards, but the system in place tries to yank it out leaving the masses feeling lost and unhappy so they go towards more violence and mind numbing things such as alcohol Drugs and so on. Our next great minds , the artist and thinkers The ones who dedicate their lives with passion will change the world With the help of higher beings of course And Christ Yes I've seen what is to come, and it's going to be great Excited to show the world how cool of a place it really can be Let the artist lead the way Shine on my friends and planet mates

Anne May 11, 2012 ...

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We are heading into an opportunity where everyone will be given a choice. According to the Law of One series, we will be able to choose whether we wish to evolve into the next level of human evolution. If we do take this "invitation", we will be able to travel throughout the Galaxy, visit and help other cultures, and develop profound intuitive abilities -- allowing us to travel through space and time, communicate telepathically, levitate ourselves, and manifest objects out of thin air. If I make the choice to travel throughout the galaxy, what would happen to my spouse and the kids? What if they don't want to go? Chris S May 11, 2012 ...

I heard this music in a dream several times and since I am a muso I finally managed to record it. I feel this song must be for lightworkers and provides inspiration in this grand battle for freedom!

Robert Fay May 11, 2012 ...

. Yup, me too, i missed the C-to-C interview as well ... and am looking forward to getting info on how to find the link and or download of same. Robert ~ .

Charles May 11, 2012 ...

Hey David, when you are in Chicago, come to my open Jam I host every Monday at the Tonic Room 2447 North Halsted, 10-2. Great Lakes Trio hosts All Improv Open Jam. Every Monday at the Tonic Room. We play standards too, and its also an open Mic. lots of good drummers, young cats,

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good musicians. Lots of people come. We make most of it up on the spot. Come play some drums. Lots of Jazz players.

Mark May 11, 2012 ...

@V4V: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! At first I decided to buy a month membership for C2C to be able to hear the interview, only to discover that C2C wants my full address to do a "credit card verification"? WTF?! With all other web stores I only have to give my credit card number and expiration date! Needless to say I broke off the paying process... I already made peace with the thought of not hearing David's interview, when this morning I found your link. Thanks again! Mark

Melissa May 11, 2012 ...

Hi David - I'm sorry I missed the interview last night - I hope there will be a transcript soon. As always, you point out information that many people are aware of and yet, many more are not. To everyone still asking for specific dates and/or trapped in the us vs. them mentality, please remember that we are all beings from the same Source, with each playing a unique roll and giving Source billions of different ways of expressing itself. Each and every one of us is a master. Some have chosen to be masters of limitation and this is fine. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to maintain the belief (illusion) that one is separate from Source and the best gift to offer those is recognize they're masters of what they do and move on while sending them love and light. As David has said, they will be fine even if they decide to continue to play this game, there are many other locations than Earth where these games continue to be played. I look forward to the next article, regardless of the topic, as I'm always curious to see

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what will be shared. Spirit is directing me to say much more, but it's not clear yet, so rather than ramble on, I will stop now. Perhaps it's time for me to visit the forums... One thing that Spirit is telling me I must say is to remind everyone to listen to their little voice. It's your connection to Spirit and is always there for you - sometimes it's a soft whisper and other times it can be a bit louder. Follow your Spirit without hesitation (I just looked up and the time was 12:12 lol) - it's always there to serve you because it is you - just a higher aspect - and always has your best interests at heart. P.S. - if you've not read Entangled yet, I highly recommend it. It's beyond engrossing and is one of the most truth-filled "novels" I've ever read. Love and Love and Light to all.

Faux Science Slayer May 11, 2012 ...

Heard last two hours of the excellent C-2-C interview and stopped by for a visit as a kindred sprit sharing convergence. We have indeed been hoodwinked by hoodlums who have finally, and thankfully, reached the end of the rope. Their ultimate control of all Carbon lifeforms depended on complete control of all energy. To do this the feudalists needed the trifecta of LIES, Carbon Climate Forcing, useless 'green energy' and the fictional 'peak oil' hypothesis. I was forced into awareness of the dark controllers when promoting honest civic improvements in 1990. I was introduced to corruption on every level of government and to Pete Brewtons book, The Mafia, CIA and George Bush on the 'backstory' of the well planned S & L Crisis. I spent decades researching the many lies and exposing them. "Becoming a TOTAL Earth Science Skeptic" is a summary with links to this research. Bless you David, and to all....find and share Truth !

ExtrovertedOne May 11, 2012 ...

I feel that I should take issue with one point in the video that David did on Coast to Coast AM on May 9th. David Wilcock said that the window of time for the mass arrests has already expired. Didn’t Drake say that the window of time that he was given was 30-45 days from the 8th of April, and didn’t that window of time start just 2 days ago (today is the 10th of May)? I usually trust what David says...this is kind if strange to me. Any and all feedback that I could get from the moderators would be greatly appreciated to this conundrum. Thank you.

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P.S. If you would like to hear this for yourselves, feel free to go to this link:!

vincent May 11, 2012 ...

there's some mass programming going on in the movie industry right now with the Avengers movie. In it, the same old story about aliens attacking Earth, and the use of free energy devices to access other dimensions in space is very much making continue to program people to think aliens and free energy are fiction .... anyone else notice the references in the movie? I noticed the bad guy Loki with the horns looks like Lucifer? V

Orm Girvan May 11, 2012 ...

25920 = 3^4 * 2^5 * 2 * 5 You can see the number 7 predominates.

Nova May 10, 2012 ...

Very Cool, I had never heard of this until David's interview. Sir Yantra carved in dry lake

bed in Oregon.

BoundlessEarth May 10, 2012 ... David on coast 2 coast, I have been showing peeps the crop circle from Oregon for many years, it is simply unexplainable!! (@ 5-8 mins in)

Nova May 10, 2012 ...

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Sorry Mod, I found another link to Coast to Coast's show with just David's interview..

Nova May 10, 2012 ...

David's interview on "Coast to Coast" full version. Thanks David.

zip May 10, 2012 ...

Long time ago I read a book called Secret of the Andes by Brother Philip GH Williamson - such a beautiful adventurous spirit, is he still with us, I would love to know - and in it there were channelings, and among them I remember one that declared there would come a time when the vibration of the Earth would not tolerate an act of war, that the weapons would melt in the soldier hands, the implication being that those days were not that far off. Well if we have arrived there then it is an amazing privilege to be part of such colossally transformative scenario - ooh is that ever an understatement, still, you get the idea. Thank you for reporting on it David and thank you to those compassionate beings who have put their foot down on the planets/our behalf and said 'thus far, and no more...'It is so easy to become blasé about internet info, especially conspiracy research which often digs up relatively unbelievable data as a matter of course, but if men women and children's lives are being saved and the hand of carnage has been stayed - really, who could wish for better news! And this is only the beginning...

Bean May 10, 2012 ...

The CTC show w/ David: I am still in mourning over mrsupertomatopotato.....

Exile May 10, 2012

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David, you need to come clean with the Law of One. Ra, the "spoke being" for the series admitted that Yahwe was one of the Confederation's failed projects. As you know this "deity" has been wrecking havoc on the planet for 2 000 years.... At the same time it is his cherubs and seraphs that are insuring that we will ascend....His false duality good and evil, darkness and light is the paradigm that every one is using to deal with in this complicated situation on this forum... That is simply not workable. Who is behind the Cabal, what does the G on the Masonic lodges stand for? Yes, God, the same god that trapped us in this maniheist reality, the god behind the cabal and which everyone here, you included, seem to invoke in the struggle against the cabal...the Divine Intervention. Free will? In a rigged reality, how can we talk about free will? Love, peace are natural conditions of human kind, don't need to preach them anymore...I did not come to bring peace....said the YHWE's Son...yet everyone is invoking him at nauseam....if it is the truth then let it all role out. E pluribus out of many.....that is written on the dollar bill. There are more of them so stop serving the one. Stop serving at all! Be human, be vertical!

Shane May 10, 2012 ...

Hey guys..Here is the Youtube link to David's interview on Coast To Coast. Enjoy!!!

Brie May 10, 2012 ...

The potential war between China and the Philippines that the U.S. is being snared into that Americans know little about May 10, 2012 – PHILIPPINES – War talk, it seems, is all the rage in China at the minute. Yes, there are serious people in serious publications seriously advocating war. You might have missed it during all the fuss about Chen Guangcheng, but, for a month now, China has been embroiled in an increasingly bellicose dispute with the Philippines. So what is going on? The Extinction


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May 10, 2012 ...

I too studied The Law Of One books, 10 years prior, amazing stuff. Love Brand X, Tony Levin, the original Stickman. Thanks as always!

ProbingOmega May 10, 2012 ...

'Spontaneous evolution' is misused in the article. There is no evidence to support any macro-evolutionary theory for the sudden appearance of new life forms spanning the tree of biological diversity. There is a reason the Cambrian Explosion contains the word 'explosion.' And having occurred somewhere around 520 million years ago the Cambrian Explosion has contributed to the death by a thousand cuts to the theory of Darwinian macro-evolutionary. People can believe what they want in the absence of evidence but in the end such belief is based upon blind faith and blind allegiance. When one looks at the absence of transitions in the fossil record, one is left without any evidence for the belief that life mutated slowly over billions of years from simple to complex forms of life comprising the tree of biological classification ... Kingdom, Phylum, Sub-phylum(optional), Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Sub-species(optional) Most people who speak of evolution speak only of species - the lowest rung on the ladder of biological diversity. Move up the ladder and the idea of undirected macro-evolution becomes absurd knowing what it now known about the complexity of life in combination with a total lack of fossil evidence to prove the contention of macro-evolution either slow or sudden. The implication is totally frightening and disorienting to those who are unable or unwilling to acknowledge the possibility of an intelligent creator, but that is the inescapable conclusion that one must now allow into the options for solving the problem of the origins of life and its diversification -- both plant and animal.

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And if the undirected origin of life and its undirected evolution towards diversity and increased complexity on Earth is beyond reason for earthly plants, animals and humans then its also impossible for aliens somewhere else in this universe which is estimated to be somewhere between 11 and 22 billion years old give or take a couple billion on either side of the estimate. In other words, saying that humans were created by aliens does not answer the question as to how the aliens came about in the first place since evolution is not a viable option which is now known from modern genetics as well as the fossil record. The complexity of life and the origin of life requires an intelligent designer. This is the inescapable and maddening conclusion of objective science and all available fossilized evidence. To keep this brief, let's close with some quotes. "That theory [macroevolution] as a general proposition is effectively dead despite its persistence as textbook orthodoxy." -- Stephen Jay Gould, professor of paleontology at Harvard and a preeminent figure in evolution theory wrote in Paleobiology -- "Darwin’s theory of natural selection has never had any proof. There may be wide discrepancies within species (microevolution), but the gaps with between the species (macroevolution) cannot be bridged." -- Richard Goldschmidt, professor of geology at the University of California at Berkeley -- "Most species exhibit no directed change during their tenure on Earth, nor does a species arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestry. It appears all at once and fully formed." -- Stephen Jay Gould, professor of paleontology at Harvard writing in Natural History -- "Evolution has not taught us how birds descended from reptiles, mammals from earlier quadrupeds, quadrupeds from fishes or vertebrates from invertebrates. To seek the stepping stones between the gaps is to seek in vain, forever." -- D’Arcy Thompson in one of the great classics of biology On Growth and Form -- "Species appear in the sequence very suddenly, show little or no change during their existence in the record, then abruptly go out of the record. It is rarely clear that the descendants were actually better than their predecessors… biological improvement is hard to find." -- From the Bulletin of Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History -- "This is true of all 32 orders of mammals. In no case is an approximately continuous sequence of one order to another known. The break is so sharp and the gap so large that the origin of the order is speculation. The absence of transitional forms is not confined to

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mammals. It is an almost universal phenomenon and has long been noted by paleontologists." -- George Gaylord Simpson who preceded Gould at Harvard -- [Moderator: Without reading Source Field Investigations and engaging the huge body of scientific evidence in it, you are basically just repeating what you already know.]

Linda Thompson May 10, 2012 ...

GUESS WHAT????!!!! At about 11:00 this morning, I stuck my neck out and asked a young friend (who had come over to pick up a laundry hamper she needed) if she'd ever heard of the Illuminati. At first, she said 'No,' ... then when I said they were the "financial elite" who were (in effect) messing up this whole planet, she said , "Oh, YES!!" Then I told her that they were "coming down," and that "all debt will be forgiven," she excitedly said that she had JUST HEARD ON HER CAR RADIO on her way to my house that "All debts are going to be forgiven!" I was SO EXCITED AND FLABBERGASTED to HEAR THAT !! So...I stuck my neck further out, and asked her : "Do you believe in life on other planets?" She replied : "DEFINITELY YES!!" THAT enabled me to tell her about your (David's) new blog that had just been released only just YESTERDAY. So I've got the Email all ready to send her, with the link to your site. DAVID & MODS AND ALL OF US HERE : THIS __IS__ getting IMMENSELY EXCITING __NOW__ !! My friend also revealed a highly-unusual Experience she's been having for the past week and a half : She'll be brushing her teeth in the bathroom and suddenly SEE her grandmother behind her, LAUGHING __AUDIBLY__ ! ! ! She died a good while back. When I told her MY grandmother (and my brother) were my best friends growing up, and that for some unknown reason __I__ have had Gramma on MY mind for the past WEEK, she said her grandmother was HER best friend TOO, and then burst into tears. We were BOTH "FEELING for our grandmothers" simultaneously...!

Calm_Coyote May 10, 2012 ...

To hear David's Coast 2 Coast interview 5/10/2012, go to: David's interview starts at 1:00 AM. Then put in 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM. 3 1 hour

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segments with commercials. This is a Manitoba radio station. C2C is archived for 30 days; Midnight to 4:00 AM. I heard some startling new stuff!

Jean-Michel May 10, 2012 ...

George Noory interviewing David Wilcock. Thanks, YouTube! David and team, thanks for the great research! It's appreciated!

Orm Girvan May 10, 2012 ...

For intel updates on the stars and, the greatest show on earth, the best I have found is, Gordon Duff at:

Marilda Oliveira May 10, 2012 ...

David, Nos dias de hoje é necessário nos dedicarmos as ilusões, aos sonhos, desejo-lhe muita felicidade e paz para a humanidade. Tenha cuidado. Abraços, Marilda Oliveira

Jim May 10, 2012 ...

This all sounds great & all.Sit back & relax & wait for the calvary to arrive.Is that what people are supposed to do?It sure seems to be "Pushed" that way. Could this be disinfo so folks do nothing while the world is imploded,waiting for a saviour? Where's the proof of any of this? I deal in "documentd" proof,not guruism. Facts,or it is false.

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BTW - Exploitation of spiritual sciences is exactly what the Illuminati are doing. Elevating man(self) above the divine. It matters not the intent or purpose,both are abomination to God. Hence the masonic black & white squares.(yin-yang) If you want true spiritual salvation,that can only be achieved by Jesus Christ.He is the door.None may pass except by him.There are NO shortcuts. If you want to learn about God & his ties to earth history.Check out the Total Onslaught series by Prof.Walter Veith. He goes through the bible & backs up the word of God with historical & archaeological fact. It's great folks are waking up,but don't let yourselves become sheepled all over again. Do your OWN independant research.

Esh Alexander May 10, 2012 ...

Had a dream with you in it, quite prior to a dream of a air port which contained a ware house of synthetic telekinetic serum where there was a battle of those with abilities.. the government gave the synthetics to those with out and they turned ... i was amoung those with abilities.. and i could see the spectral energies of the telekinetic shards they were shooting and energy waves they were creating, the waves i created were of spiral circular patterns and felt natural but the "synthoids" were jagged and sharp and their noses were bleeding.. the government was experimenting on these people they were naturally gifted people they were forced to have power on to them and it changed them it changed their holograms making them a fracture of what they really were.. it was not only killing them but destroying them as well.. plz contact. thank you and namaste

scsg May 10, 2012 ...

Hey David -- Listened in last night. You did great! I could tell you were still half in dreamland and half out, but you kept on topic well. Too bad for all the commercial breaks cutting you off. I could really tell you were reading the callers. I never noticed you doing that so much before. Yep, must have been half in and half out of dreamland.

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After being up till 3 this morning, I think I am, too. Did I ever say thank you for enticing me to investigate pyramids? I used to have huge psychic hits -- hit me with a baseball bat type of hits -- but now everything is so smoothed out since I've been using the pyramids. You are right. Smoothed out is a really good description. So thank you for that, too. I really like Elijah's music!! May have to see if I can get a CD. I want to read Graham's book .... I just am on a different kind of focus right now, I guess. I should snatch it up now, I guess, even though I feel kind of guilty for going for the $1 bit. Uhh, there was something else I wanted to say about your post here .... I'll have to remember it later -- late for work. Hope you are having some fun, seeing some sights.... Take a walk, breathe .... P&L

Anne May 10, 2012 ...

David Wilcock's interview on Coast to Coast with George Noory: Enjoy!

mec May 10, 2012 ...

Are chemtrails white gold? I stumbled across some facts that say that stuff its screws up our dna after extended use. You my get enlightened temporarily but you also do it without love and in the end if you over abuse it, you cant ascend at all.

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Cabalists seem to be pushing the stuff,i would avoid it. breathing?

john p May 10, 2012 ...

it's all here coast2coastam great interview and thanks for all your work at divine cosmos, moderator and all folks behind the scene

Peace Love Forgiveness

Scott McGovern May 10, 2012 ...

Hi David I hope this reaches you because I want to share this important sicranicity with you. When you post a new artical on your site normally what I will do is copy the text and past it into a text to speach program so I can stick it into my iPod and listen to it at my leisure. This program can also add background music to the mp3 files. I usaly just stick some spa music in to help me relax but this time I tried something diferant. I rummaged through my files and found an old song by one of my favorite bands Tangerine Dream. I was a bit blown away when listening to your artical you started talking about the same band playing in my ears. I am so happy to hear you will be creating music inspired by this band that has been so influential to me growing up. I was introduced to there music in 1984 in the movie Legend and it still impacts me deeply today. My favorite song is "Loved by the Sun" by Tangerine Dream. No band has been able to capture the feeling of real magick like they did. For me that song is a true shamanic experience. I would die happy if someone could capture that magick again. All the best luck to you David.

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Mao-Shi-Yi May 10, 2012 ...

Multiple scientific experiments have demonstrated that one species can be genetically transformed into another species -- strictly by energetic influences. This includes the work of Ciba-Geigy, Pier Luigi Ighina, Dr. Dzang Kangeng and Dr. Peter Gariaev. Paul Kammerer might also be mentioned here. This dude was like the Tesla of biology and a hero way more unsung. Maybe the only book about Kammerer, Arthur Koestler's Case of the Midwife Toad, is a breezy-read and totally correlates to both SFI and "Financial Tyrany." Get the book for 75 cents on Big up DW! Party down...

Ed May 10, 2012 ...

It concerns me how David refers to the "good" aliens and alludes to how they are here to help us. It is clear to me from reading many different ancient sources, i.e. the Bible, Koran, Torah, Dead Sea Scrolls, Sumerian clay tablets, et al, that the aliens are fallen angels, aka demons. Their intentions are to deceive us and have us follow a path away from God. As Edgar Cayce, David was misled by the "trickster" demon who gave him visions of great earth disasters. This clearly shows how one's visions can mislead and cause someone whom many people value and trust to be misled. On may 20th 2012 the Mayans prophecies say their god will return. If this turns out to be a visitation from an alien who then tries to convince us he is Jesus many people will be led astray. I just want to caution everyone to think. Read and re-read Matthew 24.

Michele B May 10, 2012 ...

Hi David So glad you are coming to Oz See you in Brizzy

Scott May 10, 2012 ...

I'm a great admirer of David's work, but I hope you are starting to distance yourself from this "Drake" guy. He's definitely cabal. "Drake" spent an hour talking about this "nation-state" concept. The supreme law of the land is the US Constitution. The Articles of Confederation were superceded by the

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Constitution, meaning that the articles of confederation are completely moot as a lawform. There is no such thing as "nation-states" provided for within the constitution, therefore, if these nation state people would claim any authority, their standing would be easily challenged by the existing corporate government. Thus, we would start out with this nation-state thing, have some chaos, then the corporate government would easily be able to assert itself over us once again. Please consider this as well. Is it possible that a 15 person or less assembly could take over a state by filing a document with the Hague while implementing a completely foreign lawform? That's crazy..

Dick Croy May 10, 2012 ...

David, In addition to the new world/galactic view you've introduced me to, I want to thank you for turning me on to Brand X. Though I'm a real fan of fusion, I'd never heard of them but am sitting here digging Moroccan Roll, on YouTube, as I write this. Am going to get it for my ride and for listening to at home. Also had never heard of a Chapman Stick. Fascinating. Thanks!

Dan May 10, 2012 ...

Than you David and Mod's for your huge contribution to enlightening humanity. I have been following David's research for over ten years now and agree that he has put forward the most complete and comprehensive body of work on all matter regarding the human condition up to this point in our evolution. But where does evolution take us from here, personally I think the mass arrest absolutely need to happen in order to wake up rest of the brainwashed masses before we can improve our condition. It's nice to tell people to spread love and kindness and keep a positive attitude but that must be terribly difficult for people who have lost everything and can barely survive.....for one I don't know how people like the Palestinians can see any hope at all. But what makes it worse is knowing that none of this needed to happen and that the greed of a few caused all of this needless suffering in the world. I for one won't be able to bear this suffering and injustice much longer and pray the mass arrest begin soon or that the ET's come down soon and do it themselves. I just don't see how a golden age can begin with all these traitors still at the helm. Peace and love to all

Patricia P. Tursi May 10, 2012

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This has given hope to so many! Now, if we could only get the ETs to take the fluoride out of our water since it is calcifying our pineals....and stop the genetic engineering that is messing up our genetic diversity....Just gave away my Law of One Books last year...boy, am I disconnected!

Syrus May 10, 2012 ...

I caught your interview live last night! That's something which I've only ever managed once or twice before… I kept recalling the station and even got the line to ring a couple times, but the show had almost ended by the time I actually got on the line so I never got to ask my nerdy question about Retroactive Causality…

edwin May 10, 2012 ...

Here is a link to coast to coast interview with David.

Andrew Barczak/New York May 10, 2012 ...

Good job. Your article came out at 11:11. Does 333 means something to you too? Anyway, looking forward to see you in New York in June. Take care. Polish guy.

Stargate2012 May 10, 2012 ...

THOUSANDS OF BRITISH POLICE JOIN ANTI-AUSTERITY DEMONSTRATIONS Thousands of fat British police have joined the ranks of protesters agains austerity.

Page 63: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012 As Europe throws off austerity and recovers from recession, what will the future bring? Will Europe rise as a Phoenix to stun the world? Will a new and powerful Holy Roman Empire burst forth from the failings of bickering politicians and bureaucrats as true leaders step up? What will that mean for America? Stay tuned. In Peace and Light we remain.

Jai May 10, 2012 ...

another powerful explanation and call regarding Divine Intervention here:

PZ May 10, 2012 ...

David Wilcock - Coast To Coast AM with George Noory - 05-09-12

Andrew Barczak May 10, 2012 ...

Hello David. My name is Andrew née Andrzej, I am 34. I like this article very much. I have been following you and your wisdom since 2008. I really agree with you this time, that we better take America our self, instead waiting for white dragons or whatever. I mean, don't get me wrong, if they can do this, I am with them. I also like, that you finally mentioned a little bit about your self. We need this from time to time, you know? I totally agree about our Et's ancestors humans too, I just don't understand why they have to wait a full 25,920 cycle, while so many people are killed/murdered by illuminates. My comments and questions about your last interview on YouTube, are answered in this article. Looking forward to hear you on coast to coast am with George Noory. Love your work and admire

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you. Peace. Polish guy.

Jai May 10, 2012 ...

Your courage in presenting the truth is so valuable. It is so great to hear this news. I did want to share one thing regarding Intervention I have learned, that can amplify everything that is already happening. What I have learned within the last year on my spiritual journey is that we are sovereign beings/ Free will beings. Which means that we can actively participate with what happens on our planet regardless of the government if we knew our power. We don't have to so much wait on the sideline to see what will be done. Many spiritually focused individuals today are actively calling in Cosmic assistance/Divine Intervention. It is our right! The common question: Why don't they help us and free us from this corrupt regime that has so many people suffering and starving to death? Reasons partly karmic, but the main reason is a universal law called "The Law of Non-Interference". This means that an evolved civilization cannot just interfere with an evolving one, because the natural evolution will be disturbed. This all changes when they are INVITED to come down. Then it's no longer a matter of interfering, it's accepting an invitation. A request or prayer for assistance here: The more people that understand that HELP must be invited; and begin to actively, verbally or telepathically, call/pray for help. Then we amplify our possibilities by the actual # of prayers that go out.

Jeff May 10, 2012 ...

David, I truly look forward to every post you make and thank you for them. After reading your personal section about wanting to get into powerful transforming blended music styles. The one most talented Influential DJ/producer I know of is Armin Van Buuren.

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If you ask anyone that is into the trance scene they will know he is. This man has the most amazing positive energy that can be felt at any concert he pays at. Armin has a strong emotional passion for music and seems to be a strong believer in the power of love. One cannot help but wonder if the higher forces aren’t guiding him like they are you. Except his tool that was given to him is electronic music. Whether or not he knows it I don’t know. All I can say is that personally I have never experienced a more powerful experience than I did at one of his concerts. His music takes me and most people that have joined me for his performances into a different world. I also feel that the symbolism in his muscle themes have a very strong synchronicity in what is happening all over the word. Armin’s preference for trance music might be a remarkable fit for Invisible Light’s trance like beats. I know one of Armin’s passions for music is helping to develop other Electronic style artists. So if you could get either Armin or his co-founded record label Armada’s attention that may help you develop and achieve your goal. Or even just researching them a tad and learning from them. Link to Armada’s website Thanks again for your wonderful updates.

Brian May 10, 2012 ...

Looking forward to the next update of the article, and to the new music! Quick question regarding the mass arrests, will it still be announced 24 hours in advance like Drake originally stated? Looking forward to beautiful times ahead, Thanks

Brian May 10, 2012 ...

Hey David, Thanks again for this great update. The Divine intervention through ETs and other-dimensional beings is so evident if we are open to the truth of it.

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The 'proof' is everywhere. But nowhere as much as right here in the 'inner' realm! I love the sounds of your latest musical adventure as well. I too dig the jazz/rock fusion from yesteryear. You might also enjoy Weather Report and Pat Methany - two jazz/rock fusion greats. I too am a musician/singer-songwriter. Instead of rock and jazz, I've blended folk-rock, blues, jazz, and some world-beat rhythms thrown in for good measure. My sound is definitely different from what you are looking to create. But the spiritual message of inner transformation is woven in through the lyrics. You can check out some of my tunes here: - or - Appreciate everything you offer here on your site, David. Keep up the great work! Blessings to You...

Barb May 10, 2012 ...

Looks like India wants it's gold back! Just copy/paste the link into your browser. utm_campaign=Feed:+SherrieQuestioningAll+(Sherrie+Quest ioning+All)

Rud May 10, 2012 ...

Hello David, we have met before "There". I am born on 11-11, I am sort of like an embodiment synchronicity. Anyway, I hope that your music inspires others, keep up the good work!

Richard May 10, 2012 ...

David, don't tell me you've never heard of Jean Michel Jarre, Vangelis and Klaus Schulze?

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70's Electronic music at its best!

Bean May 10, 2012 ...

I listen to coast to coast am alot, I mean really alot because... it keeps me connected to the US over here in Europe. My favorite channel was MRSUPERPOTATOTOMATO 's- this channel always posts the coast to coast shows just hours after they broadcast....always!!! and I listen to them ....DAILY!!!! just tried to get the show with David and low and behold ... "MrSuperpotatotomato wurde gekündigt, weil wiederholt Beschwerden von Dritten wegen Urheberrechtsverletzungen im Hinblick auf das vom Nutzer gepostete Material eingegangen sind." This is German for: No more MRSUPERPOTATOTOMATO because of third party complaints due to copyright infringements....WTF is going on here??!! Who passed a friggin' law overruling my signature on every possible petition that I can find?? To all my intn'l friends on DC : please check to see if you can access MRSUPERPOTATOTOMATO's channel and let me know....please!!... this is important.

Lars-Goran Fredriksson May 10, 2012 ...

Thank YOU David… ϑ…for bringing us all back on track. As a fan of the “Law of One” material.. (I’ve read MOST of it…not all.) You’ve brought me (and hopefully others) back on track, after a deviation into the “Reality of Life” as described by our MSM and others to be THE Reality.

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I want to bring attention to 3 parts of your last piece… ….WE HAVE REASON TO LISTEN. …IT'S OK THAT THIS IS NOT VERY POPULAR …WHAT IS THE "GREAT INVITATION"? DAVID WILCOCK: WE HAVE REASON TO LISTEN These are some of the clues to what is arguably the greatest mystery on Earth -- and the single most complex puzzle there is to solve. Who were the ancient "Gods"? Where did they come from? How did they build these great structures? And why did they build them? The greatest single source I have ever found that addresses these mysteries is the Law of One series. There have been many imitations -- but out of the many thousands of submissions we have received, I have never seen anything else of comparable quality or sophistication. I began reading this material in January 1996 -- and studied it in great detail. Very few people are able to successfully do this, due to the inherent complexity of the material. The Law of One series answered questions that had become a personal obsession of mine for the previous three years -- as I read and absorbed over 300 books on these subjects, including "Fingerprints of the Gods" by Graham Hancock. ( Like David… I’ve been on this track for some time. And after 20 years of questions I found the answers in The Law of One…THANKS to David! And as I’ve been following David’s Journey since 2005…I KNOW I’m on the right track… MOST of the Questions, Opinions, Statements, Realizations and viewpoints IS better understood , IF you’ve read most of the Law of One Material…You’ll get a STABLE Philosophical and Spiritual platform to stand on…and VIEW and UNDERSTAND most of the Questions, Opinions, Statements, Realizations and viewpoints posted in the comments sections.

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Therefore…I HOPE that You will take my advice… START by reading David’s “STUDY GUIDE To The Law of One” (FOR FREE on DC) THEN…Start reading the LAW of ONE from the beginning to end. (I’m almost done) It is LIFE CHANGING! (at least it was for me) Finally, Please read AGAIN what David wrote in his last piece…It got ME back on track!) IT'S OK THAT THIS IS NOT VERY POPULAR I now believe we are rapidly approaching a time of epic change on Earth. The amount of evidence supporting this notion is staggering. The complexity is so vast that very few people are able to see the full vision. Without the "overview" perspective, where all the data can be studied in the mind as a full mosaic, it is very difficult to appreciate the scope and depth of the story. Reading the entire Law of One series alone -- enough to really understand it -- took me about a year and a half, working an average of one or two hours a day. Nonetheless, as you begin familiarizing yourself with these concepts, synchronicity will "intrude" into your life more and more -- proving that the world you once took for granted might not be as predictable as you thought. Indeed, very few people realize what is about to take place -- and that's OK. There is no need to "shout from the rooftops" and try to convince anyone of anything. It truly does not matter whether any one person believes in this or not. These events will happen regardless of what anyone says, thinks or does.

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The higher forces are not looking for "numbers or quick growth" -- only to reach those who are ready for the Great Invitation that is coming our way. WHAT IS THE "GREAT INVITATION"? We are heading into an opportunity where everyone will be given a choice. According to the Law of One series, we will be able to choose whether we wish to evolve into the next level of human evolution. If we do take this "invitation", we will be able to travel throughout the Galaxy, visit and help other cultures, and develop profound intuitive abilities -- allowing us to travel through space and time, communicate telepathically, levitate ourselves, and manifest objects out of thin air. This is something all of us will do at one time or another. If we do not choose to do it now, we will continue to be human, as we have been -- perhaps for many more lifetimes. However, at some point we will inevitably take this evolutionary leap. It's written into the basic nature of the Universe.

DivineLove May 10, 2012 ...

David, if there was a way to verbally decribe how wonderful and beautiful a personality like your is I would but some things are just beyond verbal expression, like flying . Thank you for all that you do, it is purely fascinating and inspirational.

Stargate2012 May 10, 2012 ...

WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE MASONIC ORDER? On May 19, 2012, the Supreme Council will broadcast via the Internet a six-hour program entitled a Celebration of the Craft of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Ill. Norm Crosby, 33°, Grand Cross, will host this web event that will feature live music, humor, Masonic education, and much more.

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tru leigh May 10, 2012 ...

You can listen to David on C2CMA here:

tim May 10, 2012 ...

You are a national treasure.

RUD May 10, 2012 ...

If the extra terrestrials are like us yet divine, then what went wrong with humanity?

Andrew May 10, 2012 ... Link to David's Coast to Coast show last night.

Math May 10, 2012 ...

Here's a link to the coast coast am interview.

87l!ght May 10, 2012 ...

Has anyone any idea what happened to the audio archive on wolfspiritradio? I wanted to download the latest drake interviews from the last week or so, but the drake section has been emptied, the freedom reigns link is no longer there, and even under the wolfspiritradio link their list of all the latest interviews no longer includes any of the drake/daetra files

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has their site been hacked by the desperate ones or has something caused them to remove association with drake? please comment, I fell asleep last time i was in the process of downloading them

87l!ght May 10, 2012 ...

I havent got the time just yet to read any comments so if this has been posted mods please ignore this one YT link to david's coast to coast radio interview (may 9th):!

Sean May 10, 2012 ...

Could you explain this line...I must be a little slow today.. "This also makes it much harder to proceed to the next level of our evolution -- because now the level of difficulty is much lower."

Jonathan May 10, 2012 ...

David - when are you coming to South Africa? Everywhere else in the world, but our Cradle of Mankind? Where it all started? You would be most welcome regards Jonathan

Kristine May 10, 2012 ...

Holy Hill, Wisconsin very interesting seeing the combination with Monk's Mound in IL. Best wishes, Kristine

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Rob May 10, 2012 ...

you know for a few years now I have been wondering "what new musical genre could there possibly be? We've done it all!" I often suspected if there would be anything new, it would be some sort of fusion of classical instruments and synth. So what a coincidence this is! In a few years to come I bet we will see it, or rather hear it. I had a very strong feeling back around the weekend of April 20th that that was supposed to be when the arrests occurred, I had a very strong feeling something was going to happen that weekend. I bet thats the window that has come and gone. Since then my mind has just gone crazy. I pondered the idea that this is all BS, and part of me still does. I was very disappointed when D.Icke called it BS (more or less) too on that same weekend. I think I understand why he would though. There has been an insane amount of dis-info as well surrounding this issue. This really is an info war. I've heard it all... Drake is a clone now, Bill Wood has mind control frequencies on his new video. Its just totally ridiculous but at the same time impossible to ignore, because clones and mind control do exist and the cabal is certainly capable. I drove myself told be physically Ill Monday and Tuesday. I could not think straight, I was throwing up, I was shaking, had no appetite, could not fall asleep... terrible stuff. I'm seriously on the fence about Obama. This guy is alleged to be Akhenaten cloned or something and is seriously racist against Caucasians. "Change!" What sort of change? Sharia Law? Although he could be a "Switcharoo" who had a change of heart, if he has one. Either way, what happens happens... All I can do is live my life the best way I know how and love and respect fellow humans. And here is the link to coast to coast from last night, im off to listen now.

SamW May 10, 2012 ...

Hi David, Great article, thanks for sharing your insights and message of hope. "Invisible Light" sounds awesome. I'll never forget you playing that 'beat' where you were keeping 3/4 time, 4/4 time and 5/4 time all at once! Rock out, Bro!

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James May 10, 2012 ...

A question was asked if the "good guys" would intervene concerning the damaged reactors at Fukushima. There have been many internet channelings stating that this intervention has taken place for Fukushima as well as all nuclear reactors because they all are leaking due to poor design and damaging the environment. Also google "Depleted Uranium". There was enough Depleted Uranium discharged into the atmosphere (via dust) from the last 2 Gulf Wars to kill all life on this planet several times over. Yes, Divine Intervention is occurring on our behalf. Chemical Trail aerosols are being transmuted as they are being sprayed which is why there are no pandemics or large scale health problems from them. If you wish to shift with this planet, you must shift out of fear and into love. It's all about being in the flow of Peace,Gratitude and Joy in the NOW moment. Then your outer life circumstances will automatically flow in a positive direction reflecting what's on the inside.

Diana May 10, 2012 ...

Thank you for the post and I heard you on C2C last night. The music Eliah plays made me feel like I was in another being inside a beautiful snow globe that played music...except not caring for snow that much I felt like beautiful stars and flowers were floating around in a safe and happy world. I can only imagine right now the changes that are coming...may they all be as beautiful as his music. Very calming! Bless you for all the work you have done David ....some amazing insights come from you.

Kristine May 10, 2012 ...

Dear David, It isn't everyday that I come across an individual as yourself. You're very impressive. Kind regards, Kristine ps/ should you ever need a translation, you can count on me.

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paulc May 10, 2012 ... Larry May 09, 2012 [...] What's the rationale for such a glaring omission of facts? Why the blackout? I'm sure there are tons of your listeners wondering the same thing. Please address this most pressing issue, please. In Truth & Light, Larry Blackout? It is sneaking out in mainstream media... just the scandal rags and fear merchants haven't seized upon it yet... below is a relevant quote from The Gaurdian Newspaper article from 2 days ago

A report released in February by the Independent Investigation Commission on the nuclear accident called this pool "the weakest link" at Fukushima. Robert Alvarez, former senior policy adviser at the US department of energy said: "If an earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain it could result in a catastrophic radiological fire involving nearly 10 times the amount of Cs-137 released by the Chernobyl accident." How likely is this? While the structure of Reactor 4 is stable for the moment, the Dai-ichi plant lies miles from a big earthquake fault – as large as the one that caused last year's quake, but much closer to Fukushima. According to a study published in February (pdf) in the European Geosciences Union's journal Solid Earth, that fault is now overdue for a quake. Peace2U May 10, 2012 ...

Hm? I am finding it curious that the picture of David bathed in purple light standing amoung some pillars was removed from this post? I would encourage all to not give away your power to anyone. Keep your eyes and ears open and know we need no outsiders to save us.

Angela 61 May 10, 2012 ...

Page 76: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

This is short and sweet! Interesting too We ARE Love(d)

Gareth May 10, 2012 ...

Maybe it is just me but the word "blatantly" in the very first line reads wrong. Drop the "ly" and it reads better. At least where I'm from. Much love light and grammar x

Tina B May 10, 2012 ...

Angela, you are one lucky girl...that your 16 year old is so interested into things like this! My son (23) is on the fringes of it...but I am still very proud of him. He wrote this song and had the video produced and I wasn't even aware of his interest in ETs/EDs. Can't post the link but the youtube video is Bedford Pointe Modern Myth. He's coming along!

Some guy May 10, 2012 ...

I second or third the people curious about David's seeming hedge on the mass arrests window. The timeframe given by Drake was 30-45 days from April 8th, and he has reiterated a few times that this still holds. I appreciate that David is actually focused on the bigger, more divine cosmos-y picture, but could he comment on that, at least to the extent of addressing the missed question on C2C AM referring to the mass arrests? Some of us are hoarding food and tp, missing out on relatives' weddings and investing money in silver coin, based on information passed along on this website. I trust David and don't expect him to be infallible, but I'm noticing a lack of consistency from these "freedom reigns" people (a lot of infighting and name-calling) and I think consistency is important at this stage of things.

Will May 10, 2012

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I saw Tangerine Dream play 'Ricochet' live in the UK in the 70's. As a teenager, it was the biggest spiritual experience I'd ever had. I will never forget it and that album is still one of my most treasured possessions. My Dad loved it too and it totally changed his view of modern music. Fantastic.

Mary May 10, 2012 ...

Hi David, I love that you are interested in jazz! I am a Music Teacher, and I enjoy playing jazz at an amateur level. Are you familiar with Roland Vazquez? He is a jazz percussionist and composer. His music is fabulous, and very spiritual. He is responsible for starting my awakening. Here is his piece Urantia I met him at a jazz workshop in 1987. I was just out of high school, and had been raised as a devout catholic. He started me on a path of discovery by opening me up to ideas that were radical to a Midwest catholic girl at that time, such as karma, and reincarnation. I feel that his spirituality is evident in his compositions and his playing. His recordings are at CD Baby.

Me May 10, 2012 ...


The window in which I was told this would happen has already passed -- but I do still believe it will take place. When was the window passed? Remember what happened in November... It overshot by some days...this is a bigger event.. It has also been stated on a different site(I think...) that the period 5.5.2012 - 20.5.2012 is a window for huge amounts of divine light to hit the planet... hopefully we'll see an arrest or two at least by the end of may? Anyway, If this thing is going to happen, I feel it must happen now... at the very least as a gigantic live wakeup call during the London games.. picture the live foiled False flag where the AAA rockets etc stop mid air or something.. by UFO's or other cool stuff... I mean, wouldn't we like a grand finale? Go out with a big "spiritual awakening" bang??

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Rud May 10, 2012 ...

I have a question. If the aliens are like us yet so divine, what the hell went wrong with humanity?

James May 10, 2012 ...

Hey David, Just wondering if you're familiar with Len Horowitz work regarding his divine healing frequency theories? He's researched, written and gives talks extensively on the subject. His website is He also suggests that just by tuning your synths to around 443 instead of the standard 440 you can achieve healing resonance in the sounds. Also there is Jonathan Goldman, director of the Sound Healers Association, he has extensive knowledge of sound healing work There's also the crystal bowls... I've heard a number of my friends perform live with these and the effects are amazing. Apologies in advance for the self plug, but I've also been a professional DJ for some 10+ years and try to implement a spiritual message and sound to my music when I perform, from upbeat progressive house/trance or chillout/lounge. I have an shed load of DJ mixes on my website at if you're interested. I also performed regularly in India for over a year and during my travels accumulated a large library of spiritually uplifting music that I'd incorporate into my DJ sets. There's also all the mantras that the various Indian religions have used over the years that connect people to the divine.. (although I wouldn't put these in my DJ sets as it could offend the native people ) Anyway - hope some of these pointers help. Keep up the good work, James.

Lila May 10, 2012 ...

It would have been nice had David listed examples of how the ET's are systematically blocking the war machine. Instead, most of the article was a rehash of previous articles and some information from Sourcefield Investigations, along with plugs for his Amsterdam conference, his new music ensemble and Graham Hancock's book. I used to

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be a big fan of David's, but I think I'm giving up following any of this stuff, I'm tired of being dragged along with talk and "personal experience" while we're being screwed royally by the PTB, who are STILL the PTB no matter how much we want to call them the PTW.

Dave May 10, 2012 ...

This might also be construed as "Homeland Security Preparing To Fight Back Against Mass Arrests". Maybe? Check it out.

Me May 10, 2012 ...

Glad to see you're feeling better and posting again. Wish I could have been in Amster to see you this week end... Hope you have a nice time in Euroland... These are indeed special times... Please let us see the mass arrests and total disclosure before long...we have paid alot for this lightworkers have put on a great opening act..DW, BF, BW etc...time for you to kick back backstage and enjoy the main event with the rest of us... From me and my Higher self, THANKS! (Wow..this just hit me..wouldn't it be great if we now see the truth exposed in Europe...alot brewing here now after french and greek'll get a good first hand action shot..what a show that would be...could it be you're bringing the light needed DW..I for one would not be surprised!) Oh...Bye Cabal....we'll take it from here.. ;-)

Ed May 10, 2012 ...

Hey David, I am really pleased to read you are going to take some time to do your music. I will support to the best of my ability. Will definitely start my Elijah collection soon.

Christa from Holland

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May 10, 2012 ...

Great article, great music! Listening to it now, as I immediately fell for the music and bought it! Hope Graham will extend the sale of his book to outside the US since in iTunes-Holland we still have to pay the original amount ;-)) Good luck on your speaking venues in Amsterdam, sorry to not be able to see you! Much Love All Ways, Christa ;-))

Sharonmarie May 10, 2012 ...

When desiring contact with one's Higher Self; learning techniques and practicing exercises is one route; however, allow for the spontaneity of direct experience that comes with READIMENT or what I call GRACE. Having your mind and heart set on such a desire and then holding oneself in a state of quiet expectation can create connection spontaneously.

schopel May 10, 2012 ...

Was up early this AM at 0200 EDST to listen to CTCAM. Great job David! Especially liked your words on how much to tell someone who knows nothing about this.

Mint May 10, 2012 ...

May 9, 2012 David's Interview w/George Noory on Coast to Coast - minus commercials. Part 1 is with George's other guest. Part 2 David Part 3 David Part 4 David

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Nick May 10, 2012 ...

My litmus test for all that is supposedly occurring is to go & outside & look up at the sky...if they're still Chemtrailing the heck out of us then nothing has changed. I have often pondered how easy it would be for the benevolent ET's to disable the entire Chemtrail fleet....I'm still waiting David.

Astrosurfer333 May 10, 2012 ...

I am bursting with joy about how things are going. It does not look like that in the 3D world as everything and everyone around me is broken. Michael Tellinger is also doing great as he is filing a smasher of a lawsuit against standard bank, Gots to love South Africa I am very happy it’s someone like you who is doing all of this as many of the others in the hat are dud cards. As good as it’s going to get is what I understand. Because of your work I was able to piece some of the more very complex pieces together. I must applaud your incredible verbose ability which you so skillfully command. Saying something is one thing but saying it correctly is another. The scale of dis info has reached ridiculous levels, if only just for me. Thank you for taking the risk. You of course knew it would pay off and I would have done exactly the same. Pity I am a tad late but you know.. S@#* happens . Looking forward to doing the rest of it all because it seems like it was a lot harder than what it should have been for many. I must have been seriously insane to have chosen this life which is why I started asking questions in the first place but from what I have found and what the fella inside has told me it’s going to be UTTERLY worth it. When I heard the Irish were involved my ancestral blarney stone chimed like a bell I tells ya… Hope your fingers get better soon and keep on keeping on ^_^

tk May 10, 2012 ...

It's so interesting that this article came to me today as I have been feeling a redirection to playing the piano again. It's been packed away, forgotten for the past fifteen years. Yet, the last two weeks I keep getting wonderfully bombarded by musical inspiration. This is one more to add to the list! Thank you so much for sharing the music of Eliah Levy and of course your insight David! I think music is a big part of the divine intervention!

Ran May 10, 2012 ...

Thanks, nice piece.

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Kirsten_in_LA May 10, 2012 ...

Dr. Steven Greer has a new film slated to come out December, 2012. It's an awesome disclosure project and they need our help in raising funds! Here's a 4 min. video re: the project and the links to donate - even just $5.

Wacher May 10, 2012 ...

I waited this topic for some time and I´m glad it´s now here, but it´s still very general. I hoped you provide more evidence, like links to the cases where military things really are failed (possibly with UFO sightings at the same time). So, I´m still waiting this thing to get real and hope to be exited then, because there are too many predictions of imminent positive change that haven´t happened.

Tracy May 10, 2012 ...

Eliah's music is amazing. I don't know the circumstances around this particular performance, or his performances in general, but I thought that in order to appeal even more to the younger set, he might consider losing the business attire when he performs:-) Thanks for sharing your plans, David and this update!

Seamus May 10, 2012 ...

Your comment: Giant skulls have also been found in many of these locations -- revealing these were not ordinary humans. Even Discover Magazine carried the story of the Boskop skulls that were found in South Africa and elsewhere. is inaccurate re: the Boskop skulls. These are no longer considered excessively large and fit within the scale of recent local human males, and have not been considered so since the 1960s.

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Discover magazine themselves have re-contextualised the article you refer to. Refer for a simple explanation.

dcdaveclarke May 10, 2012 ...

Quote,,Airplanes and tanks will not start. Bombs will not deploy.Unquote,, Hmmmm,, I would like to point out there are many Chemicaltrails over my house as I speak!!!so why not stop the Planes that are poisoning us all?

NoRoute May 10, 2012 ...

Hey David, I am wondering, what do you feel about Allan Holdsworth's music ? :-)

GreenMom11 May 10, 2012 ...

Hi David! I just wanted to thank you for all of your hard work and for giving us so much valuable information. We can't thank you enough! My husband and I started reading your information and watching your videos last August and they have changed our lives. I have been a Christian all of my life, but never seemed to be able to tap into my true spirituality. I now am able to meditate and truely feel more connected and more at peace then ever in my life. I wish everyone in the world could tap into that. It is so amazing! I thank you so much for everything you do! We just finished reading the second part of Divine Intervention and are also looking forward to see what you do with your music venture. Love and light to you David!! I think of you as the Happy Warrior fighting the good fight and we are right beside you cheering you on! Bless you for all of your hard work!

JeffreyET May 10, 2012 ...

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I am glad to hear you are planning such an ambitious, high quality musical adventure in addition to all your other work! I, too loved Brand X, and also appreciate more structured groups like The Dregs, Bruford, Holdsworth, Liquid Tension Experiment, Vital Tech Tones, Flower Kings. Of particular note in the last few years is Neal Morse. A self-professed born-again Christian, he nonetheless has a stunning musical history. His supergroup TransAtlantic in 2010 released "the Whirlwind". It is not only magnificent musically, it also explores Ascentionist themes from a Christian perspective - something that people who are unaware of Wilcock's work find nonsensical. I think you would like it!

Rayne Tsering May 10, 2012 ...

I have been following these articles since the first one about the gold, and have to say I believe DW about everything. But.... ...When I see things on the internet like a semi truck loaded with "Fema coffins", and I hear about the military's "re-education camps"...I wonder what's really going on. I have listened to Drake talk about "re-educating" the public, and now I am worried that he is against, rather than for us, and this is not what we think it is. What terrifies me more than anything is the threat of "re-education camps" because I have celiac disease and other enzyme related digestion problems that prevents me from digesting grains, most cooked foods, pasteurized dairy products, all processed foods, and whole veggies. I live on raw eggs, raw coconut butter, raw avocados, raw dairy, raw honey, raw veggie JUICES, raw fruit, and some raw meats. I would literally die in one of those camps -- same as I would in a prison, jail, or any other place where people are confined. I also tremble in fear whenever Drake, Wilcock, or whoever say that the food supply will shut down temporarily -- maybe for months -- and to store up on "food" -- which for me isn't food because I cannot digest anything that you can store in a can or box, which is processed, full of grains, or must be cooked. I cannot digest beans and rice. There are many people like me, and most people with celiac cannot digest grain and beans. What is the "plan" for us?????????

CoreyG/Texas May 10, 2012 ...

I missed last nights CtoC interview. I hope we can get a link sometime soon. I hope it went well. CoreyG/Texas

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ukdena May 10, 2012 ...

Thanks for the updates David. I went to Eliah's site and bookmarked it to visit later. I listened to the clip you provided and the music and instrument are incredible. I too liked that a cat strolled by..... Get some rest so your body can get back on it's schedule. blessings to all.

patty May 10, 2012 ...

David, you are amazing...however, it is sad to read negativity about changes on the earth or about reality, God is the only Source, the only Reality.....God is within us all so why focus on bad things? Let it go. God is with you always. Have a blessed week! Take care!

Gabriel May 10, 2012 ...

Raup and Sepkoski's 26 million year cycle of evolution actually goes beyond 250 million years ago to 542 million years ago which is the start of the "Cambrian Explosion! Earth hit by mass extinctions 'every 27m years' The Telegraph July 12th, 2010 Tom Chivers "For at least the last 500 million years, say Adrian Melott, an astrophysicist at the University of Kansas, and Richard Bambach, a palaeontologist at the Smithsonian Institute, there has been a burst of extinctions every 27 million years." Life on Earth wiped out every 27 million years Daily Mail July 14th, 2010 by Nial Firth "Research into so-called ‘extinction events’ for our planet over the past 500 million years - twice as long as any previous studies - has proved that they crop up with metronomic

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regularity. Scientists from the University of Kansas and the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC are 99 per cent confident that there are extinctions every 27 million years....although the graph shows that it occasionally the event takes place up to 10 million years early." Finding these two articles both upset me and excited me at the same time because I only found them after I had just finished figuring the whole thing out on my own (well other than what Raup and Sepkoski already figured out). I figured if Raup and Sepkoski's cycle went back 250 million years, it had to go back even further. I put together this whole graph below and right when I was finishing it up and was trying to find the name of the last extinction point some 14 million years ago, I came across these two articles in mainstream UK news which validated my entire theory! I was so excited, I was right, but upset that someone else beat me to it! But I was more excited because hey, it validated what I just did as well as what Raup and Sepkoski have done. Anyways... The reason why they were off by nearly 10 million years on parts of their graph was because their cycle was too long. Raup and Sepkoski were a lot closer at 26.2 million years. I found a graph online entitled Marine Genus Biodiversity: Extinction Intensity ( and when I lined it up to Raup and Sepkoski's graph, it matched up perfectly! I went through and decided to calculate the next 11 points at 26 million years to 542 MYA to see if anything lined up and it was pretty darn close. In fact, the closer I got to 25,920,000 years as the length of a cycle, the better it fit within the entire graph. Now I'm no scholar, but all it takes is trying a bunch of different numbers to see what fits best and 25,920,000 is so close to best lining up to all the points, it just might be what it's supposed to be. And just so I knew everything was right, I did my research and found and named every extinction point mentioned on the graph, matched up the dates to the graph I had found to make sure everything was accurate and sure enough everything checked out. Regardless if it is 26,000,000 or 25,920,000 years, the cycle exists to the start of the Cambrian Explosion, as these University of Kansas and Smithsonian Institute scientists have determined just as I have. But this isn't the best part yet. 25,920,000 years x 21 cycles = 544,320,000 which is just shy of the start of the "Cambrian Explosion" at 542 million years ago. And guess what? I did some calculating and found out that... 544,320,000 x 360,000 = The Nineveh Constant So is it just coincidence that the Cambrian Explosion is so close to 360,000 of the Nineveh Constant? I doubt it. And is it just chance that Raup and Sepkoski's 26.2 million years is so close to a perfect interval of the precession of the equinox at 25,920,000 years (25,920 x 1,000)? Possibly. But knowing how things work in regards to harmonics and numerical cycles, I wouldn't be surprised if these are the actual numbers. Check out the graph below and see for yourself. It includes Raup and Sepkoski's graph superimposed over the first half of it.

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Leo Frijters Holland May 10, 2012 ...

Fantastic David and your team, It is awesome and heartwarming to see and feel how the Divine Light is removing the darkness. Allthought is it difficult to forgive them because due to the Law of One they are held responsible for their deads. On the other hand their deads made us aware of our inner and divine power. It is awesome to realise that we are Divine Beings with a human experience and not the other way around. Thank you so much that your soul took the role of contributing to disclosure. Namaste

Marilyn May 10, 2012 ...

I am very excited about your musical ambitions. My daughter who loves the Trance/dance music (I think that is right, I have been way out of the loop) has noticed that being in a large group of people listening to this type of music is like having a religious experience. I happen to agree with her and understand that music is consciousness raising. With your knowledge, talent and understandings I have no doubt you can produce music that will enlighten the masses! Thank you once again for all you do!

pfj May 10, 2012 ...

The situation in Fukushima is getting critical. Re Jeff Rense conversation with Yoichi Shimatsu - former editor of The Japan Times

lilium flower May 10, 2012 ...

Thank so much David,God bless you!

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ARX May 10, 2012 ...

Is it just me or are we completely downplaying the mass-arrests scenario now? I'm not being critical but this was supernova about a month ago and now it's sort of dwindled. I thought the timeframe was 30-45 days from April 8th? Still time!

CAE1190 May 10, 2012 ...

great stuff as always david, definitely more than stoked to see you using music and harmony as an active way of creating better vibes on this planet! That is my current life goal as well, being a throughly educated jazz and classical musician, music is simply too powerful to not have an effect on other people. Quick side question, since you are now coming forward about our friends in the sky and their actions and interactions with our lovely situation down here, what do you think or have heard of the London Games? lots of pretty in your face evidence that they are scheming pretty seriously and from what I have gathered, false flag ET op is looking like what they are trying to push. Do u have any thoughts or advice on this subject, as your saying and as i personally believe, the ET's are to help humanity, and of course a false flag would slap down that helping hand by to getting humanity to fear them. If our friends up topside are helping us out, would they allow such an event to go on, if such an event is planned? I sure hope not! Best wishes and keep up the positive work

Rik May 10, 2012 ...

Nice music


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May 10, 2012 ...

Hi David and to the staff of site! Thank you for bringing such info to everyone. Yep, you are right, the book got me 'entangled' also just as your SFI (And I can't help but to listen again to the audiobook.) It's really a masterpiece. I will also look into more of Eliah's music over the weekend. More blessings to everyone! Spreading the love and happiness!

Wes May 10, 2012 ...

Thank you dearly David, I personally have been looking forward to these Divine Intervention articles and we all look forward to all that you have to say on this subject. I appreciate as well your speaking to the varying quality of channels being posted on the internet. Our ascended brethren are indeed speaking with us! But I have to agree with you as well, I have not found anything quite near the quality and purity of the Law of One series. Also, agreed that people should take up Graham's offer. I bought Entangled and enjoyed it thoroughly!! Much Love

Jules May 10, 2012 ...

Hey David....Thanks so much for the update and great job on Coast last night. I felt so much peace listening to you and saw how much love surrounds you!!! Love this Eliah video...good vibrations

Also wanted to ask: you stated in this update that the window of opportunity for the arrests has now come and were you given a new window for this to happen??? I know people always want to know when, and I am not asking, I just am hoping it is soon. I think the majority of people are anxious for this to happen so we can get on with our spiritual growth of our lives to prepare us for evolving into the higher dimension.

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Thanks so much for being such an inspiritation!!!

Michele May 10, 2012 ...

Hello David ~ Just wanted to say I listened to some of the Winston S. conversation and suggest that you purchase a book called "They Own It All, Including You! By Means of Toxic Currency. This is a must read for anyone trying to understand how we ended up in maritme/admiralty law, Corporations, (Gold) Being form and substance, in exchange for Federal Reserve Notes, worthless paper, and much more. My prayers are with you and your David.

BK May 10, 2012 ...

2012 UFO Disclosure Music - Real Rivals - Alien Invasions

v4v May 10, 2012 ...

Audio files to David's appearance on Coast last night:

gina May 10, 2012 ...

Thank you David again and again for all you are doing for mankind, on and on and on. I am so grateful. If you look Eliah into his eyes you can see he actualy is an angel. I immediately bought his cd through his website, so very easy. Amazing and wonderful music which takes you on a journey to heaven or between the stars!!

sharless May 10, 2012

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Thank you David and Benjamin Fulford...looks like a big change is below: looks like the banks are already starting to change! The United States on Wednesday opened its banking market to ICBC, China's biggest bank, for the first time clearing a takeover of a US bank by a Chinese state-controlled company.

Orm Girvan May 10, 2012 ...

Winston Shrout said in the interview that, it would be the gold that will be arrested, not people. Has the gold been arrested?

PHI May 10, 2012 ...

WOW- I was just totally blown away. I could listen to him play all day long.

John May 10, 2012 ...

Weapons not firing? The news is full of stories of drone strikes killing innocent people every day. Just google recent drone strikes and see for yourself. The US military continues to bring death and destruction wherever it chooses. "a complete, systematic failure of the war machine on every level." Not as yet I'm afraid! Do your indepentant research people! Use discernment!

MarkH May 10, 2012 ...

Best of luck with Coast-To-Coast AM David. Looking forward to the show and future installments of our imminent "upgrade". Thanks for the update. Rock On..!

Kris Knight May 10, 2012 ...

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Try some MegaHydrate for your jet lag. If you have questions about it, email me offline. Outstanding stuff. You rock, David.

Phoenix. May 10, 2012 ...

I think part of the problem with polarisation after the fall of the veil is that there is simply no opportunity to demonstrate some things. How do you show you respect your body if all that's available is healthy and very nice food? When showing you disrespect your body is an incredible chore! I do prefer when there is a bit of personality in the articles. I feel more relaxed and connected. It's good how your music is so 'you' in a sense.

Dave May 10, 2012 ...

You know, I'm trying to remain optimistic about all this "mass arrests" stuff, but 90% of the stuff David has been discussing over the past couple of years NEVER HAPPENS. I guess I'll believe it when I see it. [Moderator: There is much more going on here than events that may or may not happen. Source Field Investigations has over 1000 academic references and has yet to receive even one significant critique.]

tvm May 10, 2012 ...

Thanks David. I just posted a comment last night awaiting more devine intervention and et disclosure. And here it is, the very next morning. Synchronicity may be working for me. I will read this tonight and will listen to the rest of the music. I recommend to listen to Jesse Cook a great guitarist with latin flare. And has anyone listen to Sungha Jung a child protege? He is so cute. Here is a link. (

Mia May 10, 2012 ...

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I got up in such a dark/black mood? However, thanks to your new article and the wonderful music inc., I NOW FEEL ON TOP OF THE WORLD! Love you so much David!

ewald May 10, 2012 ...

Thanx David! Again another great timemark for posting this. Written by David Wilcock Wednesday, 09 May 2012 11:11 Ewald

spbaker May 10, 2012 ...

That's a big call "that no current-day musicians have even come close to achieving what Tangerine Dream was doing with these instruments in the late 1970s" you should definitely check out synth artists like and , spiritual, psychedelic and super connected

Daniel May 10, 2012 ...

Hey guys, I found something that was a little interesting... There is this new outcoming online game called "Secret World" and it has three different factions, and what caught my attention is that one of these factions is an asian faction called "Dragon" the others being illuminati and templars.

Freddie May 10, 2012 ...

Hi David just wanted to drop by and say how much i like your work, and i hope someday you will come to Sweden! thanks for all the great work and hours you spend, love from Sweden /Freddie

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Santa Fe Roger May 10, 2012 ...

Great job on Coast, David! I just finished listening to you at 2:56 AM Mountain Standard Time in New Mexico. The great rapport between you & George was quite apparent and added to the excellent flow of the interview. I was pretty blown away by the young man with the space-time/time-space oriented question, as well. I missed a bit at about 25 minutes in when my doorbell rang & I rented a room at our inn to a fellow from Washington State, ironically, whose father & grandfather graduated from Purdue University, as did I. And that only came up after I told him I had been to Olympia, WA on one of those '65 Chevy Van trips out West in the summer of '71 with a couple of "Boilermaker" college buddies. The other synchronicity was that when I told him my mother had been out here admiring the New Mexico "Land of Enchantment" last summer from Fort Wayne, Indiana, he got a surprised look & said that is where his father & grandfather grew up, as did I! We looked at each other & laughed as we pondered if we were in the Twilight Zone. ;^) He said that it sure is a small world. It all makes sense, in that I told him I was listening to a great interview on Coast to Coast, to assure him that he had not awakened me, as I live here, too. For all I know, David might have been elaborating on the fine points of synchronicities at that very moment. All that to point out that "synchronicities" come in many different & sometimes humorous ways to let us know we're on the right track at that moment & to pay attention to what is going on in our life at that time. My apologies, Mod{s}, didn't mean to ramble. Just felt like sharing a bit more than usual. Again, kudos to you David & thanks for your insightful sharing through the show, in addition to your "normal" super human positive output! ;^) Blessings on your speaking engagement journeys. Namaste, Santa Fe Roger

Travesty May 10, 2012 ...

Page 95: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

Hey Dave, I play 7 string guitar often in A432 tuning. as well as 5 String Bass. If you are searching for collaborating talent. Ill throw myself out their as a long shot. Just shoot me an email I live on the East Coast. Ive been playing for about 14 years. Im 32 and have plenty of performing and some recording experience.

Richard May 10, 2012 ...

David, Will you be able to provide a download link after your interview on Coast to Coast? Thanks, Richard.

Vicente May 10, 2012 ...

David Wilcock on Coast 2 Coast radio precisely at 11:11pm. I'm loving the synchronicity.

jelena May 10, 2012 ...

thank you david.god bless you!please tell us what we can all do to help this shift of the ages and help dark ones leave the planet!infinite love and graditude

Peter May 10, 2012 ...

Thanks for your hard and wonderful work David! I point out that archaeological evidence shows that the "package" for symbolic - non-subsistence - behaviour is already present on the Cape South Coast of South Africa by 164 000 years ago. I believe the original article was published in Nature in 2007. There are also more recent scientific publications. You will find it on the internet by searching for - origins of modern humans Pinnacle Point This does not mean that the "package" is in full fruition at that early date, but it suggests that the quantum leap started much earlier that the 50 000 year old date when the

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"package" is present all over Europe and elsewhere. Thanks again!!! We are anxiously awaiting Mass Arrests and the transition into a Golden Age. LOVE to ALL

Bean May 10, 2012 ...

Goeden Dag! ("Good Day" in Dutch!) This could be the reason why we don't hear more GOOD music!!.... "Former Music Exec Describes The Scary Meeting That Resulted In Today's Violent Rap Music" http://articles.businessinside...ic-inmates

Ullala May 10, 2012 ...

What a great read, once again. David, you do have a gift to tie lots of puzzle pieces together in a beautiful tapestry for all who are open to see. There seems to be a mistake here: "As soon as they take this step, it will be much easier for any one person to make that "leap of faith". This also makes it much harder to proceed to the next level of our evolution -- because now the level of difficulty is much lower." Shouldn't this read: This also makes it much easierto proceed to the next level of our evolution -- because now the level of difficulty is much lower." Thank you for all that you do...

Oliver T May 10, 2012 ...

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Well done as usuall David I'm spreading the word. Thank you David!

Dave May 10, 2012 ...

Tangerine Dreams. Its the anthem for the local football club here. Last night they got through to Wembly Stadium

Austin May 10, 2012 ...

When I was reading about your personal section ultimate music "dream project" I got really enthused. I frequent various types of live jam, bluegrass, and electronica shows and i've been thinking the past couple years if there were a band that had a sound similar to what you spoke of, with a high enough quality and the correct conscious direction of influence it would vastly help to increase the awareness of many of the young people in that music scene. I'm not the only one of my peers that feels this way and we have ambitions to do something analogous to your "dream project". We would definitely be considered the younger generation as me and my peers are 18 to 24. I thought it might be inspirational to hear coming from some of what would be your future younger audience that we are ready and eager to hear what you have to offer. I also would like to add that I've been following your work for the past 2 years and you've been a phenomanal help, and an amazing inspiration. Doing a great job on coast to coast right now, your on fm down here in the bible belt, totally nuts.

iceOlate May 10, 2012 ...

David, I just want to thank you for your continued courageous and encouraging words. The information you share has been an inspiration a beacon of hope to me for many years now. I met you a couple of years ago in San Francisco at the New Living Expo and attended your dream interpretation workshop which was incredible. I had already been following your work for some time before that, so to meet you in person, shake your hand, and really feel your energy and absolute realness down to the core really meant a lot.

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I especially love your matter of fact way of speaking; how you don't try to be completely proper and socially acceptable in the way you deliver information, you just remain you! Your book was fantastic and I recommend it to everyone that is close to me. I even bought copies for others. Anyway, apart from expressing my absolute gratitude, I also just wanted to say that my whole life, I've been waiting for this moment that is coming soon. I even dreamt of such incredible transformations as a child. I often speak freely about such things to friends, family, coworkers, and I don't really care what they think of me. I just deliver tidbits of info here and there in the most loving way, perhaps planting a small seed; so that when the major changes begin to take place, they will at least be partially prepared as they reflect back on what I have shared with them. David, again, thank you for being such an inspiration and courageous, REAL person! I look forward to celebrating with you in the future.

Flux2012 May 10, 2012 ...

Just had a dream of a huge sea battle going on between two forces: one light and one dark. The light force seemed to be winning the battle and was calling upon all nearby observing ships to assist them. Seems very symbolic and fitting given the situation. We appreciate all your hard work David. We will be here with you at every momemt. Namaste.

transiten May 10, 2012 ...

...and yes, someone also commented on the strange "jelly-fish" that looked like a hughe schawl that many assume that ET:s look strange but we have even weirder creatures in our deep oceans

transiten May 10, 2012 ...

I'm in Sync as always with the messages of David! Yesterday i watched a strange deepsea creature on Avalon looking very much like the picture on top of this blog! I'm also slowly recovering from Lymedisease and haven't touched my guitar since my last performance on Jan 25 and just yesterday decided to! And now this Eliah music!


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May 10, 2012 ...

Thank you david! ~Love&Light from Germany~

Sam May 10, 2012 ...

Why does it have to be either or when it comes to paths? Why not get out of Judgement and experience the true Law on One by being on both paths?> There is no Duality or Judgement in higher levels of consciousness.

Peter May 10, 2012 ...

Thanks again David!!! I point out that archaeological evidence from the south coast of South Africa shows that non-subsistence - creative behaviour - ochre (pigment)- is present by around 164 000 years Before Present. The 50 000 date for this quantum leap is no longer the accepted starting date. search internet - modern human origins Pinnacle Point You are doing a masterful job and instilling hope and optimism in most of us following your work. THANKS and LOVE [Moderator: That does not change the power of the worldwide shift that occurred 50,000 years ago -- but I will pass this along to David.]

Steve May 10, 2012 ...

I support you to keep yourself safe. With all the massive amounts of input you are receiving, it can be overwhelming and demanding on a 3D level. I feel grateful to have crossed paths with your information as you have had a great influence in my own personal growth and awareness of my reality.

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Thank-you for your work. I also support you to not take anything personally (i.e. all of the negative and hateful comments). This is very difficult for me to do btw, and I keep working at it. love to all

Stargate2012 May 10, 2012 ...


SoulFire May 10, 2012 ...

Thanks Dave! Your hard work is VERY appreciated!

Andrew May 09, 2012 ...

So, I'm hearing there won't be Mass Arrests and that instead there will be a new Financial System. I really hope long-suppressed technologies will be released as well. It would be nice to have those food replicators, reverse aging, diseases cures, teleportation tech, etc. [Moderator: No one here said the mass arrests have been called off. We simply do not know when they will be done.]

Zy Marquiez May 09, 2012 ...

Amazing and thought provoking information as always David. Myself and many friends of mine have thoroughly enjoyed your work. We definitely appreciate the information provided by yourself, the insiders, and everyone else that is working for humanity's very freedom. Its good to know that we are not only persevering, but we are on the right path. Love & Peace, -Zy

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Annika May 09, 2012 ...

Hi David! I'm looking forward to your lecture in Amsterdam!! I've been following your work for years and I travel all the way from Sweden to see you! I'm a little confused about the time? Is it 7-10, 30 in the morning or 7-11,30 or 19-23,30 at night or is it an all day event from 7 in the morning untill 22,30/23,30 at night? I've tried reading om both your webpage and Purity Event but can't seem to figure it out and I don't wan't to miss it!!! Thank you!!! Annika Strömqvist [Moderator: The Friday event is in the evening, 19-23,30. The Saturday event is a separate event that runs most of the day.]

Dave82 May 09, 2012 ...

Hmm, I'm starting to realize something here. I have lot of respect for David Wilcock and the work he is doing and has done. But I am staring to have the feeling that something is just not right. These upcoming arrests may seem good at first to those of us that are "awake and aware" but there is a possibility that it's all another form of control if it only takes out lower and middle management. This article talks about off-earth humans as this planets' guardians who are intervening, which set off an alarm within me. All I am asking is for everyone to empower themselves.

pfj May 09, 2012 ...

How about Fukushima?

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The damaged reactors are still spewing out large amounts of toxic radioactive material as we speak. The Freemason/Illuminati controlled Japanese continue to lie about the levels of radioactive contamination spreading world-wide. Can anyone expect ET good guys to intervene?

J-RON May 09, 2012 ...

David Thank you for another interesting read. I also want to advise readers that there are both good and bad E.T.s. There are some ETs that also pretend to be good and will talk a good "game" but they are really deceptive beings. Please use discernment. There are groups called the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ashtar Command who pretend to be humanities allies. These are deceptive ET groups. Humans need to maintain sovereignty in the Galactic Community and should remain neutral in the exopolitical environment. Again please use discernment with the ETs that present themselves as allies to humanity! Thank you. BTW, Drake, the pentagon spokesperson has released updates to his notes which can be found at the link below. http://www.ascensionwithearth....-2012.html The White Hats also released a new report here

Lewy May 09, 2012 ...

Thanks Dave for another update. Hope all is well for you and our lovely moderators. Cant wait to see you when your here in Australia.

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Larry May 09, 2012 ...

David, I'm a huge supporter but I have a very pertinent question. I know you know about reactor #4. Planet-changing possible event anytime. I believe it would be a fair assumption to state that it is more important than anything else on Earth right now. What's the rationale for such a glaring omission of facts? Why the blackout? I'm sure there are tons of your listeners wondering the same thing. Please address this most pressing issue, please. In Truth & Light, Larry

Rob May 09, 2012 ...

Did not expect an article so soon, thanks for the information David

Desiree tretola May 09, 2012 ...

**Posting At 11:11~~just in case anyone didn't notice**

Vlad von Sheep May 09, 2012 ... Obama finally endorses gay marriage. Looks like he's operating with much more confidence--knowing that very positive changes are headed our way?

Gary May 09, 2012 ...

With the heretofore unknown technologies now entering our Earth-realm, it will now be possible to clear the oceans of the insane amount of plastic stuff now suspended in our oceans. Let's get to it.

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Sam0797 May 09, 2012 ...

Just want to thank you for all your great work David; you have been such a blessing for humanity.

Dude May 09, 2012 ...

I think I saw Eliah at a Nashville NAMM show years back. Blew my mind watching him play.

Frank May 09, 2012 ...

Cool, greetings my friend

moji May 09, 2012 ...

Well, I don't know if we have the rock-solid case for divine intervention, but it looks like inter-gallactic sex tourism is a certainty. Seems that our ancestral baby-daddies from outer-space had a proclivity for visiting our bigfoot chicks. Let that sink in visually. So now, after half a million years, they come back and try to smooth things over... I think they have some serious 'splainin' to do, indeed. Ah... and here we are, it feels like it's time to fold up the chairs and head home... wherever that is. aloha

lilium flower May 09, 2012 ...

Thank you David.

Leland Raven May 09, 2012

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Thanks David ! FOUR

Linda Thompson May 09, 2012 ...

There are only THREE Comments posted so, I'm having to pinch myself to believe I "Hit" your "Divine Intervention" posting SO SOON !! The ONLY reason I did, was because I had a sudden memory of you saying you'd hoped to post it BEFORE you appeared on Coast To Coast for your interview tonight .... THAT is when I CHECKED...yeaayyy, Serendipity !! ( NO, I'm NOT excited at all....can you tell??? AHHH HAHAHAHAAA!! >WINK !!< It's 8:49 PM PDT 5/9/12 ( I'm trained in science, having majored in biology ... And have learned to take meticulous notes... )

Syrus May 09, 2012 ...

High levels of difficulty suck ass. I want all these nice, friendly ETs to come down and give me a much-needed break from all this ruthless insanity. I feel like Frodo after the Ring journey is finally done with. I don't even have energy left for the dreams that keep me alive and motivated. I'd like to get off this ghetto hunk of rock, at least 'til it's not such a disturbing place to live. Preferably without dying first, because seriously? I'm not even twenty yet.

RaVen May 09, 2012 ...

Here is a link. Double bass solo!

Linda Thompson May 09, 2012

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YE HA !! I'm Hit # 4206 on this new blog, David!! Earliest I've EVER been !! It's 8:44 PM PDT. I CAN'T WAIT TO READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!


RaVen May 09, 2012 ...

Hey David I am a bass player musician of 25 years. If you need a well rounded bass player I can relate to all these styles you speak of. Let me know! Great work! Peace!

Mark May 09, 2012 ...

What a joyous and wonderful time we all have to look forward too! The Golden Age is already starting for those who believe it to be so. The Children of the Light conference in Denver,Co. June 20-23,2012. To help in Healing others! I do hope to attend when the funds from the Nesara pre funding comes through to me. I do visualize this happening. Peace and Love to you David Wilcock as your work gives such hope and inspiration to us all. We have known for so long that the Dark Cabal must be cleansed out before the real changes take effect. We all need to visualize this happening soon and also help to take any necessary actions that may assist. We are truly one

Hatchit May 09, 2012 ...

amazing, as usual

cody andrews May 09, 2012

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thank u david for all your beautiful work ....u and your staff are absolutely amazing and aww inspiring . thank u for bringing the truth out into the light it is so very much appreciated thank u for everytiing that u have done it will be remembered in the history books the valiant work that u have put forth and the amount of information u have been able to reach to the masses If anyone is interested in this divine intervention that is taking place here on planet terra .... specifically the clearing out of these underground bases that david is talking about and the dark repttilian forces that were in control of these bases and our planet for some time now ... please check out and see the beautiful work that tolec one of our earth ambassadors has been doin .. This site provides in great detail the beautiful star beings from procyon and other star systems that have have been fighting for humanity here on earth against the reptilian forces. also describes in great detail these elaborate underground and underwater bases that the reptilian/ illumanati forces have been controlling and operating out of for some time and how every single base here on earth has finally been cleared out and destroyed.One is still in the process of being destroyed they are waiting for a natural earth event which will happen soon to finally destoy the cleared out underwater base. they also describe in great detail the appearance of the these star beings and the names and star systems in which they come from... all 12 of the these star systems have been fighting for the protection and the greater good of planet earth for 1000s of years now. there is much much more priceless knowledge on this site including 4th dimensinal life .... and information when and how these beings plan on making contact with us human beings thank u again too david and everyone else here on earth fighting for the light and raising our vibrational level to allow everyone on earth to live a more beautiful peaceful more abundant life much universal love peace love and light cody

Parry Smith May 09, 2012 ...

Page 108: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

David, I hope that this it is true that we have a race of higher dimensional beings fighting for us. However, in the meantime there is an epidemic of health symptoms going on across the country in areas where "smart meters" have been installed. People are already getting sick and unable to remain thinking straight. And many people are even being forced to leave their home and city altogether. We know that this type of electromagnetic radiation causes DNA breakage and blood-brain barrier leakage. Are certain powers doing this to try to slow or prevent the DNA changes in the human race? Can you please look into the "smart meter" issue for a future article?

scsg May 09, 2012 ...

Thx Dave! Great update! See/hear you later tonite. GET SOME SLEEP! Jeez!

Santa Fe Roger May 09, 2012 ...

# 143 to see your new post. Keep on keeping on David! We will be listening in tonight on Coast to Coast for your latest updates on all fronts. On the musical front, I used to jam with friends at least once a month back in the midwest. We would have an eclectic combination of drums, mandolins, guitars, flutes, cellos, dijeridoos and obscure instruments based on old designs. It was always uplifting, healing & fun! And it sounded fantastic. So, I am looking forward to your "Invisible Light" project. Music has amazing healing properties & I enjoy my 9 Himalayan Singing bowls from Tibet & Nepal that are 100 to 500 years old & each one tuned to a specific chakra

K May 09, 2012 ...

Page 109: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

Thanks !!

Nathan May 09, 2012 ...

That Eliah guy is pretty amazing!

John R. May 09, 2012 ...

There's a LOT of synchronicity in how I got to read this article tonight in both the Divine Intervention section and the personal note. Here's an invitation for you, which through years of personal observing and investigating, I'm convinced is the Great Invitation you mention. The invitation itself is both Divine and personal, and you're scheduled to be here soon anyway. Like you mention, belief isn't required, this only enhances beliefs in alignment with [Truth].

LöncsVezér May 09, 2012 ...

Wow, 11:11 syncronicty again, unbeliavable

David Wyche May 09, 2012 ...

Again thank you David for all that you are doing. You inspire me more then I can say! I'm trying to get my "stuff" together and align with the Energy of these times, but I'm struggling. Not giving up though. Anyone here who feels moved to send me helping vibes.... Please Do! I love you All! Your brother in spirit. David

Tunkah May 09, 2012 ...

Page 110: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

Thanks for the quick re-alignment replay of where you, and we, seem to be heading together, David! Hope all goes real well for you "across the pond" Real PSYCHED for your Coast to Coast broadcast. GET SOME SLEEP !! But keep it up, man. Love yir stuff !!

Suzanne Marie May 09, 2012 ...

Awesome! The best to you David! I look forward to hearing the new music you will make very soon! Namaste

Trish May 09, 2012 ...

Hi David, Thank you for your great work. Courageous, thorough. And to Drake, Winston Strout and the others who are sharing through you. I am more hopeful than I was, that humanity will triumph over the NWO Agenda. In gratitude and love, Trish.

Scott May 09, 2012 ...

Does one have to be a paying member of the Coast to Coast website in order to be able to listen to David's interview tonight?

Sharon May 09, 2012 ...

You have been in my prayers for sometime. Stay safe and thx u so much for all you share an teach! You popped up in my dreams we were on a boat an you were gonna help me with a book! It was way kool lol Blessings

Chet May 09, 2012 ...

Page 111: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

Wow, I just watched the video and this Eliah guy is very talented. His music kind of reminds me of Yes or Traffic back in the day. I've never seen that instrument before. I saw a kitty walk across the stage while he was playing. If a kitty likes it, I'm in!

Angela 61 May 09, 2012 ...

Blessings and Thank you, David. The Eliah video is AM A ZING. Beauty so graceful... and amazing Also, cool fun stuff..I was just telling my 16 year old son that you and Graham were friends yesterday! He had asked me to purchase copies of Supernatural and Fingerprints of the Gods and remembered that I am reading your latest! As soon as I am finished with SFI, he wants to read it too! I am psyched! We are truly Love(d)

Troy May 09, 2012 ...

Thanks so much David, one?

You mig

ht also enjo


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Page 113: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

Would you like to experience one of David's guided meditations without attending a conference?

In this 1.3 hour live recording, David guides you through three separate, individual meditations ranging in length from 19 minutes to over 33


The Source Field Investigations

The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies

Based on a hugely popular Internet documentary, this exploration of historic signs and symbolism determines what the future holds for

humanity come 2012.

Is there a "consciousness field" of "radiant mind energy" that we all share? Could this be causing the changes we are now witnessing on the Earth and throughout the solar system? Does it have any effect on DNA, including complete species transformation?

Is this 'Mind Field' the ultimate answer to solving financial collapse, terrorism, violent crime and all manner of Earth Changes, leading to a true Science of Peace? ... Yes.

Are you a Wanderer?

Find out by listening to this amazing, inspiring four-part musical adventure that could be your story!

David has teamed up with nine-time Grammy award winner Larry Seyer ( to bring you this amazing, inspiring four-part musical adventure!

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ARREST WARRANTS: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks

Page 115: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

Arrest warrants have now been issued against the international branches of the Federal Reserve -- the European Central Banks, BIS, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Japan. MAJOR CHANGES ABOUT TO...

David Wilcock May 01 2012 Hits:174617 David's Blog

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MAJOR EVENT: Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks

Page 116: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

The next major milestone for Mass Arrests of the cabal has now arrived. Liens have now been filed against all twelve Federal Reserve banks. A Cease and Desist Order has...

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MASS ARRESTS: David Interviews Drake -- Transcript!

Page 118: ET Intervention to Cabal Order May 09th 2012

Thousands of top conspirators in finance, media, pharmaceuticals and government are about to be arrested. Read this landmark interview transcript with "Drake" now -- before it becomes front-page news! THIS IS...

David Wilcock Apr 05 2012 Hits:206674 David's Blog

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• New Fulford Interview Transcript: Old World Order Nearing Defeat

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• Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed

80 different countries have now formed an alliance against the Old World Order / Nazi-esque cabal. Two huge underground cities were destroyed on August 23rd -- which may be seen by…

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david_wilcock ARREST WARRANTS: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks 12 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

david_wilcock MAJOR EVENT: Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks 30 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

david_wilcock MASS ARRESTS: David Interviews Drake -- Transcript! 38 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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