BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1912, ESTABLISHED & EAST END. What "M" Sees and Hears on His Rounds About the City and Along . Route No. 3. Abbeville, S. C. March, 1912 Our merchants have all returned from northern markets, and are now busy ar- ranging and marking their goods. They have as usual purchased large stocks and are looking forward to a larger business than ever. The Abbeville merchants are nustiers when it comes to buying, selling and dis- playing their goods. There is no better mart in the state than the city of Abbeville.You can find any- thing you want right here; there is no need for our citizens to send off for any- thing.Always give the home market the preference and you will get "what you want, and can see what you get, and that too at a fair price. Try it and see how good you will feel over it. Maj. Nance has been sick for the past ten days, but is now convalescing and we hope will soon be fully restored. Miss Lizzie Nance, of Due West has been in the citv on a visit to her fathei^ Maj. Nance. She returned home last If 4XJLUUUUV. Miss Fretwell, the Milliner, -who has been in charge of Phllson & Henry's Mill!- nery department for several seasons Is ex- pected to arrive today (Wednesday.) Miss Fretwell is quite popular and has many friends in Abbeville who look for- ward to her return with much pleasure. We are glad to report our Postmaster Mr. Minshall better. He is frequently at the office, and when he is absent Mrs. Minshall is in his place looking after the business of the office. Mr. Robert Hill who has been in Atlanta in the employ of the Seaboard Railway Company for a number of years has re- cently been appointed "Chief Dispatcher" on one of the most Important places on the road. He has risen to this position oy a competent and faithful discharge of busi- ness and has the full confidence of his em- ployers who say he Is the best "dispatch- er" on the road. This is Indeed quite a compliment to a man of his age. His Ab- beville friends congratulate him most heartily and hope he will continue to mer- it the esteem and favor of his employers. Mr. Hill is another one of Abbeville's young men who has gone abroad and made life a success. Miss Bessie Murray is agrln with Phil- son and Henry for the season where she will be glad to see her old customers and friends and will offer them the best of bar- gains especially in the millinery line. Dont forget she is with that prosperous and wide-awake firm so well known over the county for good goods, low prices and fair dealing. These young men have by honest merit built up a tine business that is growing every day. They are one of the wide-awake and hustling firms of Ab- hflvillfc. Mrs. James S. Cochran has been north and purchased a most select and up-to- date line of millinery and ladies goods in person and our ladies know exactly what that means.line goods.beautiful goods, stylish goods and all at the lowest prices. Her Milliuer, Miss Smith has arrived, and is ready to show the peodle of Abbeville her taste and shall as an artist in the mil- linery line. Mrs. Cochran is too well known in her business to need any praise \ from our "quill." Mr. W. D. Wilson who is now in charge of the business ofR. M. Haddon visited the northern markets in person, accom- panied by his |Milliner, Miss Nelson and Miss Nannie Seal, have returned having bought an unusually large an elegant line of ladies goods.millinery, notions- and all the newest "fads" do bo seen in any city.stylish and elegant goods at lowest prices ^(quality considered; is and has been the motto of this old and well es- tablished .firm. Misses Nelson and Seal are both quite popular and are well and most favorably known by the trading pub- lic not only of the city, but ali over the county as well. Mr. Levi, of Manning, and Miss Swear- I ing of Sumter after a most delightful stay in the city of a week or so returned to rheir resboctive homes last Monday. Another "Sunbeam in the home of Mr. Robert S. Link.A darling "baby girl." We congratulate you "friend Bob" and hnrw tnrtfchar ftrul phllrfron (3^ mft'v livp long to bring sunshine, joy and happiness to the home. Mr. Glenn Baskin speut Sunday in At- lanta. We regret to loam of the illness of Mr. Francis Henry and hope he will not be long before he will be out again. Greenwood our sister city has our sym- pathy in the destruction of her property by fire, and especially in the great lsss of her magnificent hotel the Oregon, which in modern management, equidment and up-to-date service was second to none in the state (unless it was the Eureka at Ab- beville.) ttu'b ivh nnn-v'a nv nnriTT S We are peligbted to report Mrs. E. A. Gilpert some better.not buffering so much now. Aer friends hope she will soon be fully restored. Miss Lethe Link accompanied by her fa- ther, Mr. M. J. Link were among the many visitors in the city last week. Miss Lillian McCanrry is now with the firm of R. M. Haddon <fc Co. where shr will ^ be !pleased to sec her frieuds and show r them mrny pretty goods. Mr. George W. Wilson of Due West was visiting relatives at Grainridge last week. George is a jolly good fellow and looked quite natural adout his poyhood home. Mr. John Penney was in the city last Monday driving his fine horse purchased from Mr. W. T. McGill recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. McNeill aud their pretty children were among the welcome visitors in the city last week. Mr. John Baskin spent a part of last week with relatives at Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Evans with their \ ... MADE FORTUNE BY MIND- ING BUSINESS. rhat is Kis Own Business.Half of it Made by Letting Other People's Alone. Elberton Star. Mr. Hugh Wilson, nearly eighty years of TO and for fifty years editor of the Abbe- ville Press and Banner, has some pro- nounced opinion on most any subject. That his opinion, in reference to the con- duct of his own business, is good, has been amply verified by the success he has achieved, being one of the few country editors who ever made an Independent fortune out of newspaper work. Mr. Wil- son still writes a great deal for the Press and Banner, out of pu^ love for the work. In a recent Issue he has the following to say in reference to the cotton pledges now being asked of the farmers: In various sections of the State politi- cians and newspapers are now advising farmers as to how they shall conduct their » A Urv- An«> flAnA ownousmess IlfcJ&l; setisuii. nuw a-uy oquc farmer can consent to the lettirg of edi- tors, merchants, bankers, and other men who know nothing1 of farming, control or direct their own personal business Is be- yond our comprehension. As well have a Convention of farmers to instruct bankers, merchants and editors how to conduct business along their respective lines of pursuit. If a farmer does not know enough to L-onduct his own business, wouldn't it be well enough for him to quit the field, come to totfn and start a bank, a store or a newspaper, just to show incompetents how to do it? If a*farmer should come to town and tell a bank, a merchant, or a newspaper how to run the details of their respective lines of pursuit, what do you think the farmer would be told? "Wouldn't some- body tell him to attend to his own busi- ness. It is said that a man in North Caro- lina once made an immense fprtune. VVnen asked how he made it, we are told that he said something like this: "I made one-half of it attending to my own business. It is said that a man in North Carolina once made an immense fortune. When asked how he made it, we are told that he said something like this: "I made one-half of it attending to my own busi- ness. The other half I made letting oth- er people's business alone." If it is not downright impudence for one man to tell another how he must work or plant, what is it? If a man tells you that he, or you, can control the price of cotton next fall, do you believe him? The most ignorant Af- rican negro on Savannah river, we believe, knows as much about the price of cotton next fall as the wisest banker, the best merchant, the ablest editor, or the biggest blatherskite politician on the face of the Bellevue. Mr. Warren Cowan came home Wednes- day from Texas, where he has been since A.ugust. He is very much pleased with his visit to "The Lone Star State." Mrs. J. E. Britt, of McCormick is in Iva this week, the guest of Mrs. McGee. Mr. C. D. Cowan, of Warrenton, spent Thursday with his mother and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Christian, of Lethe, spent Friday with Mrs. Leard, near Troy. Mr. C. J. Britt has been making shingles f'»r the past week. On Friday morning some part of his machinery caught tire, but was soon extinguished without much damage being done. Mr. George Walkius, of McCormick is at home again, having spent some time iu lexiis with his brother, Mr. James Wat- kins, and sister, Mrs. Burnett. We were guests in the home of Mrs. W. H. Kennedy Friday night and Saturday. Mrs. Wardlaw and Miss Etnma Ward- law came home Monday after a few days spent with relatives in Troy. Mrs. Cade entertained a few of her friends at a dining on Thursday. Mrs. Sallie Brown died last Monday at her home near Troy. She was one of the oldest members of Long-Cane A. R.P. church and lived a consecrated Christian life. She was laid to rest in the cemetery of that place on Tuesday. Funeral ser- vices conducted by Rev. R. F. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morrah entertained at a dining on Wednesday given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tusten, of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bradley, of Abbeville. Rev. and Mrs. R. F. Bradley entertain- ed a number of their friends at an elabor- ate dining on Friday of last week. A very pleasant day was spent. We found the mnris in a dreadful condition. The ladies assisted Mrs. Bradley in quilting and the men were otherwise employed. FREE IF IT FAILS. o You Money if You are Not Satisfied with the Medicine we Recommend. We are so positive that our remedy will permanently relieve constipation, no mat- tor how chronic it may be, that we offer to to furnish the medicine at our expense should it fail to produce satisfactory re- sults. It ic worse than useless to attempt to cnre constipation with cathartic drugs. Laxatives or cathartics do much harm. They cause a reaction, irritate, and weak- en the bowels and tend to make constipa- tion more chronic. Besides, their use be- comes a habit that is dangerous. Constipation is caused by a weakness of the nerves and muscles of the large intes- tine or descending colon. To expect per- manent relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen these organs and restore them to healthier activity. Wo want you to try Rexall Orderlies on our recommendation. They are exceed- ingly; pleasant to take, being eaten like candy, and are ideal for children, delicate persons, and old folks, as well as for the robust. They act directly on the bowels. They apparently have a neutral action on other associate organs or glands. They do not purge, cause excessive looseness, nor create any inconvenience whatever. They may be taken at any time, day or night. They will positively relieve chron- ic or habitual constipation, if not of sur- gical variety, and the myriads of associate nr dRnnndent chronic, ailments, if taken with regularity for a reasonable length of time. 12 tablets, 10 cents; 36 tablets, 25 cents; 80 tablets, 50 cenrs. Sold in Abbe- only at our store.The Kexull Store. C. A. Miltord &, Co. sweet little baby daughter spent Saturday night and Sunday last with their home people at Hodges. Mr. Joe Gilbert was lookiug after his busluess ou route threo the past week. - > \'x- LQWNDESVILLE. Happenings of a Week In and About the Seven-Hilled City.Personals. Lswndesvllle, March 4th, 1912 Some of those having business In the county court to arrive at Adbevllle on time, went down yesterday a week ago. Not many years ago, almost any excuse, was sufflelent for a juror as witness, to srive for their failure to be on hand at the opening of the court, but some of our judges are realizing that some o! the ex- cuses given, were very flimsy and will not take any, which has had a good effect, and all thnse havincr the affairs of the couutles at heart, will commend the jndges for th§ir action In this matter. Mr. James M. Baker of Washiugton, D. C., came iu last night a week ago, and re- mained here till Saturday looking after his ahalre in thl5 plane and section. Misses Annie and Pat Hawthorue of Latimer, came up last night a week ago and have since been the guests of their brothet-in-idw, Mr. S. B. Cook. Thnre was a consideradle thunder, light- ning and rain, west of this place, here and east of us Monday about 1 p. m. The rain was a regular downpour, and the smaller streams particularly again overflowed their banks. Mr. A. V. Barnes went to Anderson, C. H. Wepnesday on business. Miss Etoile Watson of Anderson county has hpsn for gome dads at the home of her which, It Is hope will be beneficial. Troupe Confederate Veterans, Notice! Notice is hereby given to all Confederate Veterans who have not secured crosses of honor, that after November, 1912, the be- stowal of crosses will be discontinued. If these crosses are desired, make appli- cation at once to the Moffatt Grier Chap- ter, Due West, S. C.. as there is only one remaining date for the bostowal of crosses, which is May 10th. 1912. Mrs. L. C. Galloway, Miss Lizzie Jordan, Miss Lei a Nance, Committee. || HOW COLS CAUSES KIDNEY DISEASE Partly hy drtvlDK from the Htirfare nnd onniexttoK th" kidney*, aud partly b throwing i"o moch work upou "hem. Fol*y k ry PHIh the kMot-y*, glv< tone to ihf uM- ary orgnn« and restore the ktiiihI «ct'oD of " « r<l dier. They are tonic In action, qnlck in resaltH Try them. Mo Murray Drug Co. Schedule for Dar Wfii Kniiway. Morning tralo leave* D>«e We«t «t 10:80. Evening train leaves Dun West at-1:40. These trwln* meet the morning and evening train* on (he Honlbero a! Donalds. P'tnxeneera can go oui from Due West on the evenlne freight train wbloh leaves Di We«t at two o'clock. The "Child's Welfare" movement has obal leneed the att»ntlco of thoughtful people ev- erywhere, Mothn<" are natural Muppor'ers, »nd will flnd In Fole?'" Honer and Tar Com- pound a most valu»hle Rid. Congbs and (is that nooherfeel lead to croup, hroncm 'l<i and nnenmnola yHd qnloklr to the hew- ing and soothing qualities of Foley's Honey and Ter Compound. McMurray Drug Co. 600 ACRES.-$4,800 Near Greenville, N. C. 42,28-5 Income last year; 50 acres cleared, balance heavy timber that can be cleared at big profit; gray loam Boil producing splendid crops of cotton, corn, tobacco and hav ; 4-room house, * -4-kl- 3-room tenant nouse; earn, siauie, cotton house, tobacco barns; main road divides farm; other business forces immediate sale; price only $4,800 part cash. For traveling instructions to see this and one of 165 acres for $1,200. See page 20, "Strout's Farm Catalogue No. 35"; copy fr°e. We pay buyer's R. R. fares. E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Station ., 517 Lithia Street, Greensboro, N. C. Eot Wfiot ^ a BROWN'S LITTLE TABLETS Cnrea Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn 60C PACKAGE C. A. Milford & Co. Best Stomachs in the World. People who depend upon MT-O-NA to keep them free from stomach mis- ery always have clean stomachs free from fermentation. MI-O-NA stomach tablets will drive out gas, sourness and stomach dintress in five minutes. C. A. Milford & Co. guarantee them. They will absolutely put an end to indigestion and make the stomach sturdy and strong if used as directed. For all stomach ailments and for nervousness, loss of appetite, night- mare, dizziness, overeating, drinking, and for all diseases caused by upset stomach, MI-O-NA is guaranteed. A large box 50 cents at C. A. Milford & Co.'s and druggists everywhere. PMEULES for the Kidneys SO DAYS' TRIAL FOR Sl.OO. # PRESENTMENT OF THE GBAND JUBY To His Honor Judge Sease, Presiding: 1. All bills given us have been pass- ed upon and returned to the Court. 2. By committee we visited the Poor House and Jail, and had before us several officers of the County, and some books and papers. Now after a very general discussion, and exchange of opinion in regard to all matters we recommend: First as to County schools, the im- portance of consolidating the'districts and establishing high schools and erarllnc them in with thn unele, Mr. B. Boiling Allen. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hawthorne, of Latimer, spent Wednesday at the home of relatives in this place. Some of those who were snmmoned by telegram to de and appear in the county court Thursday as witnesses were Dr. J. D. Wilson, Magistrate, J. G. JducKaoee and Mr. Robert Smith. The ladies of the Baptist church had an oyster supper Friday night, for the bene- fit of their church. The expenses were first paid and the net cash left was thirty- five doHars ($35.00) which will go far to- wards supplying.the most urgent needs at present. Mr. George Graves, of Latimer, was a visitor to this town Friday. Mr. 8. W. Johnson, of Latimer, oame up on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Lomax and little babe of Augusta, Ga. came up Saturday. The first returned to his home that eve- ning.the other two will spend some time here, as the health of the second Is not cood. and a change of home will be tried instructions with the State Board wherever It Is practicable. Second: As to the road tax, we recommend that parties liable for this tax make note of same in their an- nual returns to the Auditor, and that the amount be collected at the same time, and under the ssme condition as the regular taxes. We find: 1. The Poor House and Farm has been well managed; that the inmates have been cared for,and no complaints have been made; that the Btock and implements are in good condition, and that the place generally looks neat and well kept 2. The Jail generally is In good condition, and the management of it is satisfactory. We recommend that electric lights be put in the Jail. 3. The financial condition of the County is very gratifying, and the people are to be congratulated that at the end of the next fiscal year we ex- pect to be free from debt We recomlmend the Supervisor when we consider the general satis- factory management of the County's affairs. We have had the Rural Police in our County for a short time, and al- ready it is noted that a change for the better has taken place. We desire to say the two officers have been dili- gent and given satisfaction. A committee has been appointed to Investigate the offices, books and af- fairs of the County. We note a business management in the conduct of the Court, and have heard remarks as to the amount of business, and dispatch, for which we are pleased. Let us thank your Honor, and offi- cers of this Court Thoa. P. Thomson, , Foreman. SENTENCES OF THE COUBT Criminal Court Wound up Its Busi- ness on Fridaj Afternoos and Ad- journed The Spring Term of the Criminal Court wound up all the business on the docket Friday afternoon and ad- journed. The following sentences were imposed by Judge Sease: J. C. Chandler assault and battery with Intent to kill, 5 years In the pen- itentiary or on county gang. Ella Boyd, plead guilty to assault and battery and was given 4 months or a fine of $100. Uni-tnr T?iillor r>r>nvlf»toH nf mflfl- slaughter was given 3 years on the county gang at hard labor. Ed. Harvey convicted of forgery was given 2 years on the county gang. John Teague, convicted of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature, was given 6 months on the gang or pay $100. John Maddon was given 2 years for assault and battery of a high and ag- gravated nature. Lem Savage was given 3 years on v sang for housebreaking. Chas. Evans convicted of car break- : and larceny, was sentenced to 5 years on the county gang. Pleas Bibb plead guilty to murder and was recommended to the mercy of the Court and was given a life time sentence on the county gang. Jim DuBose and Spurgeon Lesly, both plead guilty to the charge of mur der and were recommended to the mrcy of the Court and were given life time sentences on the county gang or penitentiary. Squire Miller plead guilty to the DUrillllg UI J. W. DIO.UUC1I7 o uaiu ouu was recommended to the mercy of the Court and was sentenced to serve 25 years at hard labor on the county gang or the penitentiary. Mistrials were ordered in the cases against Bub Taylor charged with rape and J. C. and Andrew Belcher, charg- ed with assault and battery with .In- tent to kill. Josie White and Gary Childs ware acquitted of the charge of murder. Will Eakin was acquitted of the charge of assault with intent to rape. Devoe Takes Least Gallons: Always Paint Devoe; It's the cheapest paint in the wor\d: never mind the price; it may or may not be more. Less gallons will paint the house; and the paint will out- wear anything. Skip wear; you've got to wait, to find that out. It covers more; you haven't got to wait to And that out. It's the cheapest of all; no matter about lu« ynuo. N R Watkins, Lott, Texas, used 13 gal- lons on his house before; bought 13gallons Devoe for same house and had 6 left. C B Edwards, of Edwards <fe Broughton, printers, Raleigh, N C, used 30 gallons Easte paint on his heuse; bought 30 gallons levoe for same house and had 16 left. That's how. Sold by P. B. Speed. Make life more worth living by smoking a Speed's cinoo. R0YST1 HITS THE IP w f J The explanation madenHb the£ everykigpedit test ofour 01 theresnobiior reruuLWs. ScJd 3j Reliat F.S.ROYST ^alcs NorfolkVa. Tart Baltimore Hd. . Monte* Mac on Ga. T?nv C J We are overstocked rial and are maki: make room for oth< in every day- CALL TO AoVnr Dnilrlinn nm Ml DUIIUIIiy Ulll " The Lumbi Drop in w your architect's pi and let us figure wit house bill. You will be surprise is so complete and var yourself on the most ] specifications. Controlling the man put as we do, from stumj planing mills to the fini mill work and interior ft standard. Complete house bi "Buy of, Sash, Door*, Blind*. Etc. GOOD WORK FIRE DEPARTMENT. Last Wednesday night an alarm was sent In to the Fire Department that Mrs. L. W. White's house was on fire. The new department responded promptly but it turned out to be only a few barrels which were set on fire to give the department some practice but none of the men knew of the pre- arranged plan. Water was thrown in 1 minute and fifty seconds. In the practice on the Square Friday after- noon, it required only one minute and one second to throw water which was iiuite an improvement over the form- er record. If the weather is favorable another practice will be given Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock. 8,000,000 Sweet Potato Draws. Ready from April 1st to July 1st. $1.75 B>r 1,000. No discount. Varieties: Nancy all, Triumph, and Providence. Place your orders now, as supply will not last long. Tomato Plants: LivinstODS Beauty, New Globe, and Earllana, $2 per 1,000. Pepper Plants: $2 per 1,000. Address all orders to H. Llghtfoot, Starke, JFla. Mar. 6, 2m . iimwnnn.i SPOT fMEffl 7 is simple;theyi greatest care ai mthas to pass tti m laboratories; miss"aboutffgyst >le dealers Everywhere ER GUANO CO Offices >oro N.C. Columbia S C. omeryAla. Spartanburg 3( Columbus 6a. ! I . on Building Mate- ag good prioes to n material coming SEE US. 1 Dpnnir fa Inp Li llipil UUM HID. c er People5 ith, or Mail ans and builder's list, :h you on a complete id and pleased. Our stock ied, you can easily satisfy particular and exacting lufacture of our entire out- p through our own saw and ished product, we furnish aish that is of the highest ills our specialty. the Maker" AUGUSTA LUMBER CO. AUGUSTA. GA. .I. ASK MR. 6R0WR. Here's Some Important News for Men Who are Growing Bald. People who have taken our word /or it that PARISIAN SAGE is the real hair grower, beautifier and dandruff cure have never been disappointed Here's the word of a person who took our word. | "I have been using fAKisiAis I SAGE ahout a year. When I began I to use it I had onl.v a flight 4fuzz' on my head, ^ow I have a good thick growth, and it is growing thicker and I longer right along. Many people don't believe it can be done, but 1 know from my own experience with PARISIAN SAGE that it can ; I rec- ijommend it ir the fullest confidence." |.Gainne Brown, 7i8 North Fillmore p St.. Maryvilie, Mo. | The above statement was made to [j Dr. Koch of the Koch Pharmacy, Ma- 'ryville, Mo., April 29, 1911. Large I bottle 50 cents at C. A. Milford & Co.'h and druggists everywhere. It is guar- an teed. Assist the them cleanse the blood supply.get rid of the Uuric acid which is sure to collect when the kid- no ys become weakened. Nyal's Stone Boot Compound will do It. Ask us about It. McMurray Drug Co. CAUSE FOR AUUUfl. oss of kppetite or Ksbus a Symptom that StaM lst (U Appetite Is just a natural desire tor food. oss of appetite or stomach distress after iting Indicate hi digestion or dyspepsia. % ver-eatlng Is a habit very dangerous to a arson's general health. It Is not what you eat but what you dl- est and assimilate that does you 8 ome of the strongest, heaviest, ealthlest persons are moderate-a There Is nothing that will cause rouble than a disordered stomach, iany people dally oontract serious dies slmpiy. through disregard or f the stomach. We urge all in Abbeville who suffer from ny stomach derangement, indigestion, at yspepsia, whether acute or ohrcmto, to ry Eexall Dyspepsia Tablets, with the ilstinct understanding that we will refund heir money without question or formal- ty, if after reasonable use ol thfe-""" ine, they are not perfectly eatlstted he results. We reoommend them to our uo+nmaro ntroro How QnH hfttm VAf. f/1 " if any one who has not been benefitted Ky hem. We honestly believe them to be without equal. They give very prompt- elief, aiding to neutralize the gastno uices, strengthen the digestive organs, to emulate the bowels, and thus to promote jerfert nutrition, and eradioate all un- lealthy symptoms. We uive jou to try a 25c. box of Rexall dyspepsia Tablets, which gives 15dayf 3 reatmerlt. At the end of that time, your noney will be returned to you If you » lot satisfied. Of course, in chronic cases ength of treatment varies. For suck ases, we have two larger sixes, which seU" or 50c. and $1.00. Remember, you can ob- ;aiii Rexall Remedies in this community >nly at our btore.The Rexall Store. C. i. Gilford & Co. '.li J R Glenn's Locals. Burt 90 Day Oats, Spring Barley. * \Jc Garden Seed, Landreth's 2 Pa.for fic '< ^ Bliss & Cobbler Potatoes, onion seta, . jnknown and Clay peas. Garden Wire 75c to $3 roll. ,.>j Good clean Rloe 20 lbs $1.00. N. O. and Ga. syrup 20c to 50c. Keg mid '* » )bls, Tobaoco 80c, 32 l-2c, 850,87 1-Jc 10 lb x>xes. Pratt's poultry, cattle powdett, rock >alt, Cyphus incubators and brooden. Chicken Feed, Bran. Leather and Shoe findings* Farm and garden tools, steel ptorfa collars, bridles, hames, traces, lines, saltan Cotton Collars 50c, 1-2 leather Wo; all eather $2.00. Best pants made for hard use $1.00 and 51.75. Covert cloth for men and boys Oaata «U1 3ut wear 40c; Jeans only 12 l-2c yd. Che* riots for boys waists and men shirts. Boys bats 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.0*. Caps, 10c. L5c, 25c. Mens bats 60o, $1.00 $1.50.35«ztd >0o under value. : Shoes, men and ladles, tan button, ting Bee Comfort, Beacon Oxfords. 100 Bbls Alpine Snow flour $4.74. 200 Bbls high grade flour below mill price. looo lbs Boasted and green coffee at bargain. i ' K COLD, LA GRIPPE, THEM FNBTOKQXXA [* too often tbe fatal aeqaenoa, and eoogb* 'bat hang on weaken the ayatem and'iowcr he vital reslstanoa. Foley's Honey and Tar Zompooadlsa reliable medJotna that atop* be cough promptly by belling tbe o*qm; loothew tbe Inflamed air p«Masfls,«o4ebMlu the oold. Ke#p alwaya on band. Refueesofe* ultntee. McMnrray Drug Co. UNIQUE MME. Many People Cannot Prononnoe luu el World's Most Famous Catarrh fieaody High-o-me. that's the proper way to pronounce HYOMEI the old reliable remedy, that has rid tens of thousands of people ot that vile and disgusting disease. HYOMEI is made of the purest Aus- tralian eucalyptus combined with thy- / mol and other effective antiseptics and is guaranteed to be free from oocaine * or any harmful drug. HYOMEI is guaranteed to end the the misery of catarrh, asthma, eroop, catarrhal deafness, bronchitis, coughs or colds, or money back. Breathe it that's all, no dosing the tomach. Complete outfit, including fnhclap 41 00 Flrtru uucru UV/ll VIC (Utiuivftf V*«WV( bottles of HYOMEI, if ueeded, 50 jenta at 0. A. Milford & Co.'s and druggists everywhere. No candy like Huyler's for your sweet heart. They all prefer it Afresh lot at Speed'eDru# Store.

Transcript of ESTABLISHED LQWNDESVILLE. R0YST1 THE SPOTfMEffl · 2017. 12. 18. · BYW.W.&W.R. BRADLEY....



EAST END.What "M" Sees and Hears on His

Rounds About the City and Along .

Route No. 3.Abbeville, S. C. March, 1912

Our merchants have all returned fromnorthern markets, and are now busy ar-

ranging and marking their goods.They have as usual purchased large

stocks and are looking forward to a largerbusiness than ever.

The Abbeville merchants are nustiers

when it comes to buying, selling and dis-playing their goods.There is no better mart in the state than

the city of Abbeville.You can find any-thing you want right here; there is no

need for our citizens to send off for any-thing.Always give the home market thepreference and you will get "what youwant, and can see what you get, and thattoo at a fair price. Try it and see howgood you will feel over it.

Maj. Nance has been sick for the pastten days, but is now convalescing and we

hope will soon be fully restored.Miss Lizzie Nance, of Due West has

been in the citv on a visit to her fathei^Maj. Nance. She returned home lastIf4XJLUUUUV.

Miss Fretwell, the Milliner, -who hasbeen in charge of Phllson & Henry's Mill!-nery department for several seasons Is ex-

pected to arrive today (Wednesday.)Miss Fretwell is quite popular and has

many friends in Abbeville who look for-ward to her return with much pleasure.We are glad to report our Postmaster

Mr. Minshall better. He is frequently atthe office, and when he is absent Mrs.Minshall is in his place looking after thebusiness of the office.Mr. Robert Hill who has been in Atlanta

in the employ of the Seaboard RailwayCompany for a number of years has re-

cently been appointed "Chief Dispatcher"on one of the most Important places on

the road. He has risen to this position oya competent and faithful discharge of busi-ness and has the full confidence of his em-ployers who say he Is the best "dispatch-er" on the road. This is Indeed quite a

compliment to a man of his age. His Ab-beville friends congratulate him mostheartily and hope he will continue to mer-

it the esteem and favor of his employers.Mr. Hill is another one of Abbeville'syoung men who has gone abroad andmade life a success.

Miss Bessie Murray is agrln with Phil-son and Henry for the season where shewill be glad to see her old customers andfriends and will offer them the best of bar-gains especially in the millinery line.Dont forget she is with that prosperousand wide-awake firm so well known over

the county for good goods, low prices andfair dealing. These young men have byhonest merit built up a tine business thatis growing every day. They are one ofthe wide-awake and hustling firms of Ab-hflvillfc.

Mrs. James S. Cochran has been northand purchased a most select and up-to-date line of millinery and ladies goods inperson and our ladies know exactly whatthat means.line goods.beautiful goods,stylish goods and all at the lowest prices.Her Milliuer, Miss Smith has arrived, andis ready to show the peodle of Abbevilleher taste and shall as an artist in the mil-linery line. Mrs. Cochran is too wellknown in her business to need any praise

\ from our "quill."Mr. W. D. Wilson who is now in charge

of the business ofR. M. Haddon visitedthe northern markets in person, accom-

panied by his |Milliner, Miss Nelson andMiss Nannie Seal, have returned havingbought an unusually large an elegantline of ladies goods.millinery, notions-and all the newest "fads" do bo seen inany city.stylish and elegant goods atlowest prices ^(quality considered; is andhas been the motto of this old and well es-

tablished .firm. Misses Nelson and Sealare both quite popular and are well andmost favorably known by the trading pub-lic not only of the city, but ali over thecounty as well.Mr. Levi, of Manning, and Miss Swear-

I ing of Sumter after a most delightful stayin the city of a week or so returned torheir resboctive homes last Monday.Another "Sunbeam in the home of Mr.

Robert S. Link.A darling "baby girl."We congratulate you "friend Bob" andhnrw tnrtfchar ftrul phllrfron (3^ mft'v livp

long to bring sunshine, joy and happinessto the home.Mr. Glenn Baskin speut Sunday in At-

lanta.We regret to loam of the illness of Mr.

Francis Henry and hope he will not belong before he will be out again.Greenwood our sister city has our sym-

pathy in the destruction of her propertyby fire, and especially in the great lsss ofher magnificent hotel the Oregon, whichin modern management, equidment andup-to-date service was second to none inthe state (unless it was the Eureka at Ab-beville.)

ttu'b ivh nnn-v'a nv nnriTT S

We are peligbted to report Mrs. E. A.

Gilpert some better.not buffering so

much now. Aer friends hope she will soonbe fully restored.Miss Lethe Link accompanied by her fa-

ther, Mr. M. J. Link were among themany visitors in the city last week.Miss Lillian McCanrry is now with the

firm of R. M. Haddon <fc Co. where shr will^

be !pleased to sec her frieuds and showr them mrny pretty goods.

Mr. George W. Wilson of Due West was

visiting relatives at Grainridge last week.George is a jolly good fellow and lookedquite natural adout his poyhood home.Mr. John Penney was in the city last

Monday driving his fine horse purchasedfrom Mr. W. T. McGill recently.Mr. and Mrs. R. P. McNeill aud their

pretty children were among the welcomevisitors in the city last week.

Mr. John Baskin spent a part of lastweek with relatives at Lebanon.Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Evans with their

\ ...


rhat is Kis Own Business.Halfof it Made by Letting Other

People's Alone.

Elberton Star.Mr. Hugh Wilson, nearly eighty years of

TO and for fifty years editor of the Abbe-ville Press and Banner, has some pro-nounced opinion on most any subject.That his opinion, in reference to the con-duct of his own business, is good, has beenamply verified by the success he hasachieved, being one of the few countryeditors who ever made an Independentfortune out of newspaper work. Mr. Wil-son still writes a great deal for the Pressand Banner, out of pu^ love for the work.In a recent Issue he has the following tosay in reference to the cotton pledges nowbeing asked of the farmers:In various sections of the State politi-

cians and newspapers are now advisingfarmers as to how they shall conduct their

»A Urv- An«> flAnAownousmess IlfcJ&l; setisuii. nuw a-uy oquc

farmer can consent to the lettirg of edi-tors, merchants, bankers, and other menwho know nothing1 of farming, control or

direct their own personal business Is be-yond our comprehension. As well have aConvention of farmers to instruct bankers,merchants and editors how to conductbusiness along their respective lines ofpursuit.

If a farmer does not know enough toL-onduct his own business, wouldn't it bewell enough for him to quit the field, cometo totfn and start a bank, a store or a

newspaper, just to show incompetentshow to do it?

If a*farmer should come to town andtell a bank, a merchant, or a newspaperhow to run the details of their respectivelines of pursuit, what do you think thefarmer would be told? "Wouldn't some-body tell him to attend to his own busi-ness. It is said that a man in North Caro-lina once made an immense fprtune.VVnen asked how he made it, we are toldthat he said something like this: "Imade one-half of it attending to my ownbusiness. It is said that a man in NorthCarolina once made an immense fortune.When asked how he made it, we are toldthat he said something like this: "I madeone-half of it attending to my own busi-ness. The other half I made letting oth-er people's business alone."If it is not downright impudence for one

man to tell another how he must work or

plant, what is it?If a man tells you that he, or you, can

control the price of cotton next fall, doyou believe him? The most ignorant Af-rican negro on Savannah river, we believe,knows as much about the price of cottonnext fall as the wisest banker, the bestmerchant, the ablest editor, or the biggestblatherskite politician on the face of the

Bellevue.Mr. Warren Cowan came home Wednes-

day from Texas, where he has been sinceA.ugust. He is very much pleased withhis visit to "The Lone Star State."Mrs. J. E. Britt, of McCormick is in Iva

this week, the guest of Mrs. McGee.Mr. C. D. Cowan, of Warrenton, spent

Thursday with his mother and sisters.Mr. and Mrs. Christian, of Lethe, spent

Friday with Mrs. Leard, near Troy.Mr. C. J. Britt has been making shingles

f'»r the past week. On Friday morningsome part of his machinery caught tire,but was soon extinguished without muchdamage being done.Mr. George Walkius, of McCormick is at

home again, having spent some time iulexiis with his brother, Mr. James Wat-kins, and sister, Mrs. Burnett.We were guests in the home of Mrs. W.

H. Kennedy Friday night and Saturday.Mrs. Wardlaw and Miss Etnma Ward-

law came home Monday after a few daysspent with relatives in Troy.Mrs. Cade entertained a few of her

friends at a dining on Thursday.Mrs. Sallie Brown died last Monday at

her home near Troy. She was one of theoldest members of Long-Cane A. and lived a consecrated Christianlife. She was laid to rest in the cemeteryof that place on Tuesday. Funeral ser-

vices conducted by Rev. R. F. Bradley.Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morrah entertained

at a dining on Wednesday given in honorof Mr. and Mrs. Tusten, of New York, andMr. and Mrs. W. W. Bradley, of Abbeville.Rev. and Mrs. R. F. Bradley entertain-

ed a number of their friends at an elabor-ate dining on Friday of last week. A verypleasant day was spent. We found themnris in a dreadful condition. The ladiesassisted Mrs. Bradley in quilting and themen were otherwise employed.


You Money if You are Not Satisfied withthe Medicine we Recommend.

We are so positive that our remedy willpermanently relieve constipation, no mat-tor how chronic it may be, that we offer toto furnish the medicine at our expenseshould it fail to produce satisfactory re-sults.

It ic worse than useless to attempt tocnre constipation with cathartic drugs.Laxatives or cathartics do much harm.They cause a reaction, irritate, and weak-en the bowels and tend to make constipa-tion more chronic. Besides, their use be-comes a habit that is dangerous.Constipation is caused by a weakness of

the nerves and muscles of the large intes-tine or descending colon. To expect per-manent relief you must therefore tone upand strengthen these organs and restorethem to healthier activity.Wo want you to try Rexall Orderlies on

our recommendation. They are exceed-ingly; pleasant to take, being eaten likecandy, and are ideal for children, delicatepersons, and old folks, as well as for therobust. They act directly on the bowels.They apparently have a neutral action onother associate organs or glands. Theydo not purge, cause excessive looseness,nor create any inconvenience whatever.They may be taken at any time, day or

night. They will positively relieve chron-ic or habitual constipation, if not of sur-gical variety, and the myriads of associatenr dRnnndent chronic, ailments, if takenwith regularity for a reasonable length oftime. 12 tablets, 10 cents; 36 tablets, 25cents; 80 tablets, 50 cenrs. Sold in only at our store.The Kexull Store.C. A. Miltord &, Co.

sweet little baby daughter spent Saturdaynight and Sunday last with their homepeople at Hodges.Mr. Joe Gilbert was lookiug after his

busluess ou route threo the past week.

- > \'x-

LQWNDESVILLE.Happenings of a Week In and About the

Seven-Hilled City.Personals.Lswndesvllle, March 4th, 1912

Some of those having business In thecounty court to arrive at Adbevllle on

time, went down yesterday a week ago.Not many years ago, almost any excuse,was sufflelent for a juror as witness, tosrive for their failure to be on hand at the

opening of the court, but some of our

judges are realizing that some o! the ex-

cuses given, were very flimsy and will nottake any, which has had a good effect, andall thnse havincr the affairs of the couutlesat heart, will commend the jndges for

th§ir action In this matter.Mr. James M. Baker of Washiugton, D.

C., came iu last night a week ago, and re-

mained here till Saturday looking afterhis ahalre in thl5 plane and section.

Misses Annie and Pat Hawthorue ofLatimer, came up last night a week agoand have since been the guests of theirbrothet-in-idw, Mr. S. B. Cook.Thnre was a consideradle thunder, light-

ning and rain, west of this place, here andeast of us Monday about 1 p. m. The rainwas a regular downpour, and the smallerstreams particularly again overflowedtheir banks.Mr. A. V. Barnes went to Anderson, C.

H. Wepnesday on business.Miss Etoile Watson of Anderson county

has hpsn for gome dads at the home of her

which, It Is hope will be beneficial.Troupe

Confederate Veterans, Notice!Notice is hereby given to all Confederate

Veterans who have not secured crosses ofhonor, that after November, 1912, the be-stowal of crosses will be discontinued.

If these crosses are desired, make appli-cation at once to the Moffatt Grier Chap-ter, Due West, S. C.. as there is only oneremaining date for the bostowal of crosses,which is May 10th. 1912.

Mrs. L. C. Galloway,Miss Lizzie Jordan,Miss Leia Nance,


|| HOW COLS CAUSES KIDNEY DISEASEPartly hy drtvlDK from the Htirfare

nnd onniexttoK th" kidney*, aud partly bthrowing i"o moch work upou "hem. Fol*yk ry PHIh the kMot-y*, glv<tone to ihf uM- ary orgnn« and restore thektiiihI «ct'oD of " « r<l dier. They are tonicIn action, qnlck in resaltH Try them. MoMurray Drug Co.

Schedule for Dar Wfii Kniiway.

Morning tralo leave* D>«e We«t «t 10:80.Evening train leaves Dun West at-1:40. Thesetrwln* meet the morning and evening train*on (he Honlbero a! Donalds.P'tnxeneera can go oui from Due West on

the evenlne freight train wbloh leaves DiWe«t at two o'clock.

The "Child's Welfare" movement has oballeneed the att»ntlco of thoughtful people ev-

erywhere, Mothn<" are natural Muppor'ers,»nd will flnd In Fole?'" Honer and Tar Com-pound a most valu»hle Rid. Congbs and

(is that nooherfeel lead to croup, hroncm

'l<i and nnenmnola yHd qnloklr to the hew-ing and soothing qualities of Foley's Honeyand Ter Compound. McMurray Drug Co.

600 ACRES.-$4,800Near Greenville, N. C.

42,28-5 Income last year; 50 acres

cleared, balance heavy timber that canbe cleared at big profit; gray loam Boilproducing splendid crops of cotton,corn, tobacco and hav ; 4-room house,

* -4-kl-3-room tenant nouse; earn, siauie,

cotton house, tobacco barns; mainroad divides farm; other businessforces immediate sale; price only $4,800part cash. For traveling instructionsto see this and one of 165 acres for$1,200. See page 20, "Strout's FarmCatalogue No. 35"; copy fr°e. Wepay buyer's R. R. fares. E. A. StroutFarm Agency, Station ., 517 LithiaStreet, Greensboro, N. C.

Eot Wfiot ^ a

BROWN'S LITTLE TABLETSCnrea Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn


C. A. Milford & Co.

Best Stomachs in the World.People who depend upon MT-O-NA

to keep them free from stomach mis-ery always have clean stomachs freefrom fermentation.MI-O-NA stomach tablets will drive

out gas, sourness and stomach dintressin five minutes. C. A. Milford & Co.guarantee them.They will absolutely put an end to

indigestion and make the stomachsturdy and strong if used as directed.For all stomach ailments and for

nervousness, loss of appetite, night-mare, dizziness, overeating, drinking,and for all diseases caused by upsetstomach, MI-O-NA is guaranteed.A large box 50 cents at C. A. Milford

& Co.'s and druggists everywhere.

PMEULES for the KidneysSO DAYS' TRIAL FOR Sl.OO. #


To His Honor Judge Sease, Presiding:1. All bills given us have been pass-

ed upon and returned to the Court.2. By committee we visited the Poor

House and Jail, and had before us

several officers of the County, andsome books and papers. Now after a

very general discussion, and exchangeof opinion in regard to all matterswe recommend:

First as to County schools, the im-portance of consolidating the'districtsand establishing high schools anderarllnc them in with thn

unele, Mr. B. Boiling Allen.Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hawthorne, of

Latimer, spent Wednesday at the home ofrelatives in this place.Some of those who were snmmoned by

telegram to de and appear in the countycourt Thursday as witnesses were Dr. J.D. Wilson, Magistrate, J. G. JducKaoeeand Mr. Robert Smith.The ladies of the Baptist church had an

oyster supper Friday night, for the bene-fit of their church. The expenses were

first paid and the net cash left was thirty-five doHars ($35.00) which will go far to-wards supplying.the most urgent needs atpresent.Mr. George Graves, of Latimer, was a

visitor to this town Friday.Mr. 8. W. Johnson, of Latimer, oame up

on business Saturday.Mr. and Mrs. James Lomax and little

babe of Augusta, Ga. came up Saturday.The first returned to his home that eve-

ning.the other two will spend some timehere, as the health of the second Is notcood. and a change of home will be tried

instructions with the State Boardwherever It Is practicable.Second: As to the road tax, we

recommend that parties liable for thistax make note of same in their an-nual returns to the Auditor, and thatthe amount be collected at the same

time, and under the ssme conditionas the regular taxes.We find:1. The Poor House and Farm has

been well managed; that the inmateshave been cared for,and no complaintshave been made; that the Btock andimplements are in good condition, andthat the place generally looks neatand well kept

2. The Jail generally is In goodcondition, and the management of itis satisfactory. We recommend thatelectric lights be put in the Jail.

3. The financial condition of theCounty is very gratifying, and thepeople are to be congratulated that atthe end of the next fiscal year we ex-

pect to be free from debtWe recomlmend the Supervisor

when we consider the general satis-factory management of the County'saffairs.We have had the Rural Police in

our County for a short time, and al-ready it is noted that a change forthe better has taken place. We desireto say the two officers have been dili-gent and given satisfaction.A committee has been appointed to

Investigate the offices, books and af-fairs of the County.We note a business management in

the conduct of the Court, and haveheard remarks as to the amount ofbusiness, and dispatch, for which we

are pleased.Let us thank your Honor, and offi-

cers of this CourtThoa. P. Thomson,

, Foreman.


Criminal Court Wound up Its Busi-ness on Fridaj Afternoos and Ad-


The Spring Term of the CriminalCourt wound up all the business on

the docket Friday afternoon and ad-journed. The following sentences were

imposed by Judge Sease:J. C. Chandler assault and battery

with Intent to kill, 5 years In the pen-itentiary or on county gang.Ella Boyd, plead guilty to assault

and battery and was given 4 monthsor a fine of $100.

Uni-tnr T?iillor r>r>nvlf»toH nf mflfl-

slaughter was given 3 years on thecounty gang at hard labor.

Ed. Harvey convicted of forgerywas given 2 years on the county gang.John Teague, convicted of assault

and battery of a high and aggravatednature, was given 6 months on thegang or pay $100.John Maddon was given 2 years for

assault and battery of a high and ag-gravated nature.Lem Savage was given 3 years on

v sang for housebreaking.Chas. Evans convicted of car break-: and larceny, was sentenced to 5

years on the county gang.Pleas Bibb plead guilty to murder

and was recommended to the mercyof the Court and was given a life timesentence on the county gang.Jim DuBose and Spurgeon Lesly,

both plead guilty to the charge of murder and were recommended to themrcy of the Court and were given lifetime sentences on the county gang or

penitentiary.Squire Miller plead guilty to the

DUrillllg UI J. W. DIO.UUC1I7 o uaiu ouu

was recommended to the mercy of theCourt and was sentenced to serve 25years at hard labor on the countygang or the penitentiary.

Mistrials were ordered in the cases

against Bub Taylor charged with rapeand J. C. and Andrew Belcher, charg-ed with assault and battery with .In-tent to kill.

Josie White and Gary Childs ware

acquitted of the charge of murder.Will Eakin was acquitted of the

charge of assault with intent to rape.

Devoe Takes Least Gallons: AlwaysPaint Devoe; It's the cheapest paint in

the wor\d: never mind the price; it mayor may not be more. Less gallons willpaint the house; and the paint will out-wear anything.Skip wear; you've got to wait, to find

that out. It covers more; you haven't gotto wait to And that out.

It's the cheapest of all; no matter aboutlu« ynuo.N R Watkins, Lott, Texas, used 13 gal-

lons on his house before; bought 13gallonsDevoe for same house and had 6 left.C B Edwards, of Edwards <fe Broughton,

printers, Raleigh, N C, used 30 gallonsEaste paint on his heuse; bought 30 gallonslevoe for same house and had 16 left.That's how.Sold by P. B. Speed.

Make life more worth living by smokinga Speed's cinoo.




The explanationmadenHb the£everykigpedittest ofour 01theresnobiiorreruuLWs.

ScJd 3j ReliatF.S.ROYST

^alcsNorfolkVa. TartBaltimoreHd.


Macon Ga.

T?nv CJ

We are overstockedrial and are maki:make room for oth<in every day-


AoVnr Dnilrlinn nmMl DUIIUIIiy Ulll

" The Lumbi

Drop in wyour architect's piand let us figure withouse bill.

You will be surpriseis so complete and var

yourself on the most ]specifications.

Controlling the manput as we do, from stumjplaning mills to the finimill work and interior ftstandard.

Complete house bi"Buy of,

Sash, Door*,Blind*. Etc.


Last Wednesday night an alarm was

sent In to the Fire Department thatMrs. L. W. White's house was on fire.The new department respondedpromptly but it turned out to be onlya few barrels which were set on fireto give the department some practicebut none of the men knew of the pre-arranged plan. Water was thrown in1 minute and fifty seconds. In thepractice on the Square Friday after-noon, it required only one minute andone second to throw water which was

iiuite an improvement over the form-er record. If the weather is favorableanother practice will be given Fridayafternoon at 5 o'clock.

8,000,000 Sweet Potato Draws.Ready from April 1st to July 1st. $1.75

B>r 1,000. No discount. Varieties: Nancyall, Triumph, and Providence. Place

your orders now, as supply will not lastlong.Tomato Plants: LivinstODS Beauty, New

Globe, and Earllana, $2 per 1,000.Pepper Plants: $2 per 1,000.Address all orders to

H. Llghtfoot,Starke, JFla.Mar. 6, 2m

. iimwnnn.i


7 is simple;theyigreatest care aimthas topass ttim laboratories;miss"aboutffgyst>le dealers EverywhereER GUANO COOffices>oro N.C. Columbia S C.omeryAla. Spartanburg 3(Columbus 6a.


. on Building Mate-ag good prioes ton material coming


1 Dpnnir fa InpLi llipil UUM HID. c

er People5

ith, or Mailans and builder's list,:h you on a completeid and pleased. Our stockied, you can easily satisfyparticular and exactinglufacture of our entire out-

p through our own saw andished product, we furnishaish that is of the highestills our specialty.the Maker"AUGUSTA LUMBER CO.




Here's Some Important News for MenWho are Growing Bald.

People who have taken our word /orit that PARISIAN SAGE is the realhair grower, beautifier and dandruffcure have never been disappointedHere's the word of a person who tookour word.

| "I have been using fAKisiAis

I SAGE ahout a year. When I beganI to use it I had onl.v a flight 4fuzz' on

my head, ^ow I have a good thickgrowth, and it is growing thicker and

I longer right along. Many peopledon't believe it can be done, but 1know from my own experience withPARISIAN SAGE that it can ; I rec-

ijommend it ir the fullest confidence."|.Gainne Brown, 7i8 North Fillmorep St.. Maryvilie, Mo.| The above statement was made to[j Dr. Koch of the Koch Pharmacy, Ma-'ryville, Mo., April 29, 1911. Large

I bottle 50 cents at C. A. Milford & Co.'hand druggists everywhere. It is guar-an teed.

Assist the them cleansethe blood supply.get rid of the Uuricacid which is sure to collect when the kid-noys become weakened. Nyal's StoneBoot Compound will do It. Ask us aboutIt. McMurray Drug Co.


oss of kppetite or Ksbusa Symptom that StaM lst (U

Appetite Is just a natural desire tor food.oss of appetite or stomach distress afteriting Indicate hidigestion or dyspepsia. %ver-eatlng Is a habit very dangerous to aarson's general health.It Is not what you eat but what you dl-est and assimilate that does you 8ome of the strongest, heaviest,ealthlest persons are moderate-aThere Is nothing that will causerouble than a disordered stomach,iany people dally oontract seriousdies slmpiy. through disregard orf the stomach.We urge all in Abbeville who suffer fromny stomach derangement, indigestion, atyspepsia, whether acute or ohrcmto, tory Eexall Dyspepsia Tablets, with theilstinct understanding that we will refundheir money without question or formal-ty, if after reasonable use ol thfe-"""ine, they are not perfectly eatlsttedhe results. We reoommend them to ouruo+nmaro ntroro How QnH hfttm VAf. f/1 "

if any one who has not been benefitted Kyhem. We honestly believe them to bewithout equal. They give very prompt-elief, aiding to neutralize the gastnouices, strengthen the digestive organs, toemulate the bowels, and thus to promotejerfert nutrition, and eradioate all un-lealthy symptoms.We uivejou to try a 25c. box of Rexall

dyspepsia Tablets, which gives 15dayf3reatmerlt. At the end of that time, yournoney will be returned to you If you »lot satisfied. Of course, in chronic casesength of treatment varies. For suckases, we have two larger sixes, which seU"or 50c. and $1.00. Remember, you can ob-;aiii Rexall Remedies in this community>nly at our btore.The Rexall Store. C. i.Gilford & Co. '.li

J R Glenn's Locals.Burt 90 Day Oats, Spring Barley. * \JcGarden Seed, Landreth's 2 Pa.for fic '< ^Bliss & Cobbler Potatoes, onion seta, .

jnknown and Clay peas.Garden Wire 75c to $3 roll. ,.>jGood clean Rloe 20 lbs $1.00.N. O. and Ga. syrup 20c to 50c. Kegmid '* »

)bls,Tobaoco 80c, 32 l-2c, 850,87 1-Jc 10 lb

x>xes.Pratt's poultry, cattle powdett, rock

>alt, Cyphus incubators and brooden.Chicken Feed, Bran.Leather and Shoe findings*Farm and garden tools, steel ptorfa

collars, bridles, hames, traces, lines,saltanCotton Collars 50c, 1-2 leather Wo; all

eather $2.00.Best pants made for hard use $1.00 and

51.75.Covert cloth formen and boys Oaata«U1

3ut wear 40c; Jeans only 12 l-2c yd. Che*riots for boys waists and men shirts.

Boys bats 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.0*. Caps, 10c.L5c, 25c. Mens bats 60o, $1.00 $1.50.35«ztd>0o under value. :

Shoes, men and ladles, tan button,ting Bee Comfort, Beacon Oxfords.

100 Bbls Alpine Snow flour $4.74.200 Bbls high grade flour below mill price.

looo lbs Boasted and green coffee atbargain. i '

K COLD, LA GRIPPE, THEM FNBTOKQXXA[* too often tbe fatal aeqaenoa, and eoogb*'bat hang on weaken the ayatem and'iowcrhe vital reslstanoa. Foley's Honey and TarZompooadlsa reliable medJotna that atop*be cough promptly by belling tbe o*qm;loothew tbe Inflamed air p«Masfls,«o4ebMluthe oold. Ke#p alwaya on band. Refueesofe*ultntee. McMnrray Drug Co.


Many People Cannot Prononnoe luu elWorld's Most Famous Catarrh fieaodyHigh-o-me.that's the proper way to

pronounce HYOMEI the old reliableremedy, that has rid tens of thousandsof people ot that vile and disgustingdisease.HYOMEI is made of the purest Aus-

tralian eucalyptus combined with thy- /mol and other effective antiseptics andis guaranteed to be free from oocaine *

or any harmful drug.HYOMEI is guaranteed to end the

the misery of catarrh, asthma, eroop,catarrhal deafness, bronchitis, coughsor colds, or money back.Breathe it that's all, no dosing thetomach. Complete outfit, including

fnhclap 41 00 Flrtruuucru UV/ll VIC (Utiuivftf V*«WV(

bottles of HYOMEI, if ueeded, 50jenta at 0. A. Milford & Co.'s anddruggists everywhere.No candy like Huyler's for your sweet

heart. They all prefer it Afresh lot atSpeed'eDru# Store.