Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting …

Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda (also available at Thursday, June 11, 2015 Committee Room E 2 nd Floor, Essex County Civic Centre 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex Electronic Agenda Instructions: Anything in blue and underlined denotes an attachment/link. By clicking the links on the agenda page, you can jump directly to that section of the agenda. To manoeuver back to the agenda page, use the Ctrl + Home keys simultaneously or use the “Bookmark” icon on the navigation panel to the left of your screen. 3:00 PM Regular Meeting 1. Call to Order 2. Recording of Attendance 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 4. Adoption of Previous Meeting Minutes Moved by Seconded by That the minutes of the May 14, 2015 Meeting of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee be adopted as presented. 5. Delegations and Presentations A) There are no delegations or presentations scheduled for this meeting. Corporation of the County of Essex Phone: 519-776-6441 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario, N8M 1Y6 FAX: 519-776-4455 TTY Telephone (Toll Free): 1-877-624-4832 1

Transcript of Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting …

2015-06-11 ECAAC Agenda(also available at
Thursday, June 11, 2015 Committee Room E
2nd Floor, Essex County Civic Centre 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex
Electronic Agenda Instructions: Anything in blue and underlined denotes an attachment/link. By clicking the links on the agenda page, you can jump directly to that section of the agenda. To manoeuver back to the agenda page, use the Ctrl + Home keys simultaneously or use the “Bookmark” icon on the navigation panel to the left of your screen.
3:00 PM Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Recording of Attendance
4. Adoption of Previous Meeting Minutes
Moved by Seconded by That the minutes of the May 14, 2015 Meeting of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee be adopted as presented.
5. Delegations and Presentations
A) There are no delegations or presentations scheduled for this meeting.
Corporation of the County of Essex Phone: 519-776-6441 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario, N8M 1Y6 FAX: 519-776-4455 TTY Telephone (Toll Free): 1-877-624-4832
6. Communications
A) Correspondence
1) Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance
View recent online versions of Accessibility News from the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance (AODA Alliance).
Subscribe to receive AODA Alliance RSS news feeds directly.
2) Accessibility Directorate of Ontario
Received email newsletter dated June 4, 2015 re: An Accessible Ontario: What you need to know.
3) Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Received email correspondence dated May 21, 2015 from the Interim Chief Commissioner Ruth Goba – , Ontario Human Rights Commission re: Global Accessibility Awareness Day: Toronto2015: Let’s Build an accessibility legacy.
Moved by Seconded by That the correspondence listed on the agenda for June 11, 2015, be received any noted action be approved.
7. Reports and Questions
A) Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Newsletter
The Final AAC YAK newsletter was released to all subscribers of the Essex County Accessibility eNewsletter, posted on the County of Essex website, emailed to all local municipalities and copies provided to all branches of the Essex County Library.
B) Planning for 2015 Accessibility Workshop
Report #2015-R003-AAC-0611-MB provides an update on plans for the 2015 Accessibility Workshop to date.
C) National Access Awareness Week June 1 to June 7, 2015
1) Wheelchair Basket Ball Game
• Pictures will be shown
2) Delegation at County Council for National Access Awareness Week
• Good media coverage
D) AODA 10th Anniversary Champion Award
To celebrate the AODA 10th Anniversary, the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), with the support of the Government of Ontario, is launching a one-time award – the AODA 10th Anniversary Champion Award. This award recognizes outstanding individuals who demonstrate leadership, passion and commitment in the promotion of awareness of accessibility and inclusiveness in their community. Nominations will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on June 30, 2015. Committee members are asked to bring forward names of any individuals you might want to nominate as a Committee.
9. New Business
A) Civic Centre Renovations
Any comments on the new elevator and renovated washrooms on the main level (closest to elevator) are encouraged. Renovations to the front entrance of the building are ongoing.
Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Agenda Page 4 June 11, 2015
B) Summer Meeting Schedule
Typically only one ECAAC meeting is held during the summer months. Committee members will be asked if they wish to meet on July 9th or August 13th.
10. Next Meeting Date - TBA.
11. Adjournment
Barnett Room 2nd Floor, Essex Centre Sports Complex
60 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario
1. Call to Order
2. Recording of Attendance
Members Present: Gord Queen (Chair) Christine Easterbrook (Vice - Chair) John Boyko Rosemary Florence Charles Wimperis
Also Present: Mary Brennan, County of Essex Sue White, County of Essex
Absent: Debbie Alexander Therese Lecuyer
3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
4. Adoption of Minutes
10-15 Moved by Mr. Wimperis Seconded by Ms. Florence That the minutes of the Thursday, April 9, 2015 meeting of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee be adopted as presented. Carried
5. Delegations and Presentations
Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes Page 2 of 8 May 14, 2015
6. Communications
A) Correspondence
(1) Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance
View recent online versions of Accessibility News from the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance (AODA Alliance).
Subscribe to receive AODA Alliance RSS news feeds directly.
(2) Accessibility Directorate of Ontario
Received email newsletter dated April 9, 2015 re: Ontario’s Accessibility Standards: What you need to know. http://us3.campaign- 8b44390cf0&e=9f0ecd1af8
11-15 Moved by Ms. Easterbrook Seconded by Mr. Wimperis That the correspondence listed on the agenda for Thursday, May 14, 2015 be received and no action be approved. Carried
7. Reports and Questions
A) Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Newsletter
A final draft of the newsletter, including articles submitted to date, was provided for the Committee for comment.
It was suggested that perhaps the toll free number advertised by the AODA should be provided in the newsletter for organizations that are not compliant. Mrs. Brennan suggested that the toll free number not be supplied at this time since they were experiencing some issues with the phone line not being answered. This could perhaps be included in the next newsletter.
8. Unfinished Business (Continued…)
It was also suggested that the Accessibility Workshop details and the Subscribe to Accessibility News articles be moved to the top of the newsletter and that links to the Canada Post Community Mailbox website be included in any of the municipal AAC activities sections and in the Canada post article.
Ms. Easterbrook also requested that a link be provided to the Medical Form mentioned by a delegation from Canada Post. Mrs. Brennan advised that Canada Post had not posted this form online since they wish residents to contact them to request this form.
Mrs. Brennan advised that the newsletter will be forwarded to all the local municipalities, local AACs, and the Libraries, as well as posted on the website and issued via email to subscribers of the E-newsletter feature on the website.
B) Planning for 2015 Accessibility Workshop
The Committee considered Report #2015-R002-ACC-0409- MB which provided an update on plans for the 2015 Accessibility Workshop to date.
Mrs. Brennan advised that she had toured the chapel at the Heritage Park Alliance Church and noted that it would easily hold 180 people with chairs and would be a better alternative to the auditorium for the opening session of the workshop. She also advised that there may or may not be a reduction in price for rental of the hall which would be $1,100 or $1,200. She also indicated that staff would be able to set up for the Workshop the afternoon before.
Mrs. Brennan advised that both she and Ms. Florence had attended the 10th anniversary of AODA seminar and heard several good speakers that would be suitable for the County Accessibility Workshop.
• Keynote Speaker at the 10th Anniversary AODA Seminar – Tracy Schmitt – she was in charge of accessibility at the Parpan Am Games in Toronto - Cost would be $500 plus approximately $250 for
Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes Page 4 of 8 May 14, 2015
8. Unfinished Business (Continued…)
accommodation and travel. She also offered to do a breakout session on what people should look for in buildings in terms of accessibility and how to do your own accessibility audits (this could be geared to businesses as well).
12-15 Moved by Mr. Boyko Seconded by Mr. Wimperis That Ms. Tracy Schmitt be contacted to determine if she would be the Keynote Speaker for the 2015 Accessibility Workshop. Carried
Mrs. Brennan also advised that she spoke to Brenda Ryan who served on the London Accessibility Advisory Committee, and has organized an Adaptive Cooking Course which has partnerships with hotels in London that let her use their kitchens. The food used in the cooking courses is provided for free for seniors, low income, and people with disabilities.
It was agreed that the following would be speakers at the upcoming Accessibility Workshop:
Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes Page 5 of 8 May 14, 2015
8. Unfinished Business (Continued…)
Name Topic Cost Keynote Speaker – Tracy Schmitt
Will speak on accessibility at the Parpan Am Games in Toronto
$500 plus $ accommodation and travel
Breakout Sessions Dale Mosely, Accessibility Coordinator for Sarnia
Breaking Barriers for Business
Additional $250 to Keynote speaking fee
Brenda Ryan Adaptive Cooking Course
Fee not yet confirmed
Local COAST Program – OPP and City of Windsor Policy
Mental Health Issues City of Windsor – No charge - Not sure if cost from OPP
Windsor Public Library and Essex County Library
Adult sensory story time and other services offered by libraries
No charge
Spare or use Next Year
Community Living Essex – Michelle Jones Brousseau
Intellectual Disabilities (not yet confirmed)
Fee not yet confirmed
Mrs. Brennan noted that luncheon menus had been received from Colasanti’s, Jus Jefs and Carmen’s Catering. It would also be determined if we would be able to use the Hall’s coffee maker for the workshop. The menus would be circulated to everyone for the next meeting for discussion.
Mrs. Brennan also advised that she should have a draft budget for the next meeting of the Committee
Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes Page 6 of 8 May 14, 2015
8. Unfinished Business (Continued…)
C) National Access Awareness Week June 1 to June 7, 2015
(1) Wheelchair Basketball Game
• Location – Western Secondary School
• Time – 12:30 for practice, 12:45 PM to 2:10 PM
• Invitations for volunteers to play on the County Team have been extended to all Essex County staff and County Councillors. Mrs. Brennan noted that so far a couple of councillors had indicated that they would play in the game.
• Mr. Boyko stated since it did not appear that many members of Council were going to be able to attend the game, that he would not request the school to provide a tour or try to arrange any additional activities prior to the game.
• Mrs. Brennan stated that she could bring the portable sound system
• New Committee members would advise Mrs. Brennan of their T-shirt size for the team shirts.
• Several Committee members asked to ensure that there were extra chairs for people to sit down on at the game.
(2) Delegation at County Council for National Access Awareness Week
Video clip to show at June 3, 2015 County Council meeting selected at previous meeting: youtube – 2 minutes
Alternate or additional video clip to be discussed at meeting: 1 min, 35 sec
8. Unfinished Business (Continued…) than-sign-disabled-parking-hologram/
The following was confirmed for the delegation at County Council for National Access Awareness Week:
• The Chair will introduce the members present.
• Show the video: youtube – 2 minutes
• Christine Easterbrook – longest standing member on the Committee, will provide an overview of what has transpired over the years.
• Charles Wimperis will speak on why accessibility is important and then the Chair will speak on the Accessibility Workshop.
• The second video clip will be shown than-sign-disabled-parking-hologram/
D) AODA 10th Anniversary Champion Award
To celebrate the AODA 10th Anniversary, the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), with the support of the Government of Ontario, is launching a one-time award – the AODA 10th Anniversary Champion Award. This award recognizes outstanding individuals who demonstrate leadership, passion and commitment in the promotion of awareness of accessibility and inclusiveness in their community. Nominations will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on June 30, 2015. Committee members were asked to bring forward names of any individuals they may want to nominate. Mrs. Brennan advised that they would like to see a nominee from each region. It was suggested that if there are any nominees, they be noted at the next meeting of the Committee.
9. New Business
A) Condolences
The Committee extended their condolences to Marcia Yale and the Mike Yale family on Mike’s recent passing. Mike was the Keynote Speaker at the 2014 Accessibility Workshop.
10. Next Meeting Date
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee would be held on Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 3:00 PM at the Civic Centre and would involve a tour of the new accessibility features in the building if possible.
11. Adjournment
On motion of Mr. Wimperis and Ms. Florence, the meeting adjourned at 4:24 PM.
Message from Interim Chief Commissioner Ruth Goba – Global Accessibility Awareness Day May 21, 2015
Toronto2015: Let’s build an accessibility legacy The upcoming Pan Am and Parapan Am Games are an exciting opportunity to showcase the many ways Ontario is a world leader. One notable accomplishment should be our ability to welcome and include guests and residents of all backgrounds and abilities. The Games offer a good opportunity to raise awareness about what Ontario and its municipalities are doing to promote and enhance accessibility.
At the same time, Ontario runs a very real risk of not meeting its own human rights standards when accommodating people with disabilities. The Ontario Human Rights Commission believes these Games offer an opportunity to identify what is working, and what persistent barriers continue to hurt the quality of life of many Ontarians with disabilities. We urge all levels of government to note the successes and take action to remove barriers to accessibility.
The Games organizing team says:
In hosting the largest multi-sport Games ever held in Canada, TO2015 has an opportunity to not only deliver accessible venues and services for the TORONTO 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games, but to influence the built environment as well as attitudes and behaviours of its partners, sponsors and the communities where the Games are being held. -
Accessibility – it’s the law Both the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) place a legal duty on employers, service providers (like restaurants or movie theatres or taxis) and housing providers to make their facilities accessible. And even after being designed with inclusion in mind, there is still a legal duty to accommodate people with disabilities to the point of undue hardship.
When looking at accessibility, we have to ask questions like whether there is a ramp for people who use wheelchairs, or whether people who are deaf have captioning at a movie, or transit stops are announced so visitors who may be blind know where they are when riding our buses, subways and streetcars.
In some cases, we have to ask whether accommodations that reflect the spirit of the Human Rights Code are okay, even if they may conflict in a small way with a municipal rule or practice. When accommodation and Code requirements conflict with other requirements,
it’s time to look more closely at the rule or practice, to make sure the rule itself does not discriminate.
We have seen several recent media reports of people with service animals facing barriers in restaurants, hotels and other amenities. In many cases, people ranging from hotel managers to police officers are simply not aware of their duty to either follow or enforce the law.
Laws such as Ontario’s Code and the Blind Persons’ Rights Act make clear the duty to accommodate people who use service animals, which are being relied on increasingly by people with different disabilities. Some key things to consider are:
• A service animal is not a pet. Hotels, restaurants, taxis and other service providers must accommodate people with disabilities who use service dogs.
• Denying a person with a disability access to services because they are accompanied by a service animal is discrimination under the Human Rights Code and may also contravene the Blind Persons’ Rights Act.
• It is also against the law to require a person with a disability to pay an extra hotel fee for a service animal.

Creating a legacy of accessibility In several statements, the AODA Alliance has called for the Games to have a disability accessibility legacy. We support this call, and believe the legacy should include improvements made before the Games begin, and steps to overcome barriers that we learn about during the event.
It is important that municipalities collect feedback on how accessible the games were for both athletes and spectators. Think about the accessibility of the venues and the experience as a whole (ranging from where they stayed to how they got to the venue). To do this, we recommend that both the Pan Am/Parapan Am Games’ Organizing Committee and the municipalities who host events collect and track complaints/compliments about accessibility, and use that feedback to guide broader efforts to improve accessibility.
Collecting this feedback can be as easy as setting up social media accounts, or applying existing accessible feedback mechanisms that are required under the AODA. Either approach must be widely publicized to be effective. As the Games are a public event, the results of any review must also be made public.
Designing inclusively, understanding accommodation requirements, asking what’s working and what barriers still exist, and reporting publicly on results are all important steps that can help the Pan Am and Parapan Am Games leave a true accessibility legacy that will benefit everyone in Ontario for many years to come.
Ruth Goba, Hon. BA, LLB Interim Chief Commissioner Ontario Human Rights Commission
From: Mary Brennan Director of Council Services/Clerk
Date: June 11, 2015
Subject: Accessibility Workshop 2015
To provide the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee (ECAAC) information gathered since the previous ECAAC meeting regarding the 2015 Accessibility Workshop.
Discussions took place at the May 14th, 2015 meeting confirming the Committee’s selection of keynote and breakout session speakers. The next decisions to be made relate to catering service, type of food, and morning and afternoon refreshments.
Workshop Venue
The Heritage Park Alliance Church has been confirmed. A deposit cheque to secure the hall rental has been sent to the Church.
Mary Brennan, Director of Council Services/Clerk Corporation of the County of Essex, Suite 202, 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, ON N8M 1Y6 Phone: 519-776-6441, ext. 1335; Email: [email protected]
Administrative Report Page 2 June 11, 2015 Accessibility Workshop Report #2
Workshop Date
A copy of a draft budget for the 2015 Accessibility Workshop is attached as Appendix A.
Menus with possible food selections from three catering services have been provided for discussion. The food/refreshment budget is $2,500. The selection of a catering service should be made.
Over the next month, all speakers will be provided with a formal letter of confirmation and request to provide a brief biography which can be used to read as their introduction, title and brief description of their session. Promotional information will then be produced for the website and shared with local AAC’s municipalities and other organizations (both private and public).
On-line Registration and Evaluation Forms
We are currently training on new software to create on-line forms. We will be able to provide a draft on-line registration form and subsequently an evaluation form for the Committee’s review at the next meeting.
Administrative Report Page 3 June 11, 2015 Accessibility Workshop Report #2
Respectfully Submitted
Mary Brennan
Appendix No. Title of Appendix
Appendix A 2015 Draft Accessibility Workshop Budget
Revenues Revenue Amount County of Essex Budgeted Contribution 7,000.00$ Registration Fees (65 paid registrants @ $31.52) 2,048.80$ Total Revenue 9,048.80$
Expenses Expense Amount
Keynote Speaker Fee- Tracy Schmitt 500.00$ Tracy Schmitt Accommodations 150.00$ Tracy Schmitt Travel (740 km @.55) 400.00$ Tracy Schmitt Breakout Session Speaker Fee 250.00$ Dale Mosley, Accessibility Coordinator, City of Sarnia; Natalie Normand, Program Coordinator (donation to charity of choice) 100.00$ Tammy Fryer – Windsor Police; Sherry Metivier, Mental Health Clinician, OPP MHRU; Bryon Hornick, OPP MHRU (donation of $50 for Windsor Police and OPP charities of choice) 150.00$ Jen Darmon (donation to charity of choice) ** not confirmed yet that she does not require a speaker fee 50.00$ Fiona Bruce, Public Service Librarian, Windsor Public Library; Robin Greenall, Chief Librarian, Essex County Library (donation of $50.00 to WPL and ECL charities of choice) 100.00$ Brenda Ryan, Founder: Adaptive (donation to charity of choice) 50.00$ Brenda Ryan, Founder: Adaptive - travel ($320 @.55) 175.00$ Canadian Hearing Society - ASL Interpreters ($880 + mileage) 1,000.00$ Bayshore Personal Support Workers ($25 x 7 x 2) +HST 360.00$ Notetaker Services ($50 x 8 x 2) + mileage @.49 per km 1,100.00$ 211 Fax Broadcast 75.00$ Promotional Items - sticky notes, labels, rack cards 500.00$ Agenda Folders 50.00$ Printing Charges 300.00$ Catering and any additional refreshments we must provide 2,500.00$ Hall Rental 1,200.00$ Total Expenses 9,010.00$ Total 38.80$
Carmen's Catering Service Inc 114 Talbot Street East, Leamington, Ontario, N8H 1L5 Retail Store hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Sun Closed (We may be open for additional hours depending on catering commitments) Phone: (519) 326-5081 Fax: (519) 326-0060 Custom Catering featuring fine, homemade Italian & Canadian Cuisine. Steak & Seafood. Indoor/Outdoor Events. We do barbeque and so much more! We can customize your menu to include our Culinary Specialties: Appetizers Marinated Mushrooms Pickled Vegetables Prosciutto & Melon Relish Tray Seafood Salad Salads Caesar Salad Fruit Salad Garden Salad Greek Salad Pasta Salad Potato Salad Rice Salad Soups Chicken Noodle Soup Italian Wedding Soup Minestrone Soup Stracciatella Tortellini Soup *Ask for more
Premium Pastas Cannelloni Fettuccine Gnocchi Lasagna Pasta Alfredo Penne Ravioli Spaghetti alla Carbonara Spaghetti & Meatballs Carmen's Famous Sauces Alfredo Sauce Meat Sauce Tomato Sauce Tomato, Vodka & Cream [Blush] Sauce Entrées Breaded Veal Cutlets BBQ Steak or Chicken Cabbage Rolls Chicken Cordon Bleu City Chicken Cornish Hens Filet Mignon Garlic Shrimp Homemade Italian Sausage Lobster Quail wrapped in Bacon Veal Birds Veal Parmesan Veal Scalloppini *Ask for More Potato Side Dishes Baked Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Risotto Roasted Potatoes
Vegetable Side Dishes Asparagus Baby Carrots Fresh Sautéed Mushrooms Green Beans Mixed Vegetables Peas and Corn Desserts Fruit Salad Sicilian Cannoli Tiramisu Cheesecakes available: Blueberry Cherry Lemon Pineapple *Ask for more *We can prepare virtually any food that you desire. Please call Carmen at (519) 326-5081 to set up an appointment and discuss your menu plans. Hot Hors D'oeuvres: Battered Shrimp $1.75 each Beef Turnovers $1.75 each Chicken Wings $1.75 each Crab Meatballs $1.75 each Liver wrapped in Bacon $1.75 each 2 Mini Meatballs $1.75 Mini Quiche $1.75 each 2 Petit Italian Sausage $1.75 Puff Pastry (Asparagus & Chicken) $1.75 each Stuffed Mushrooms $1.75 each Cold Hors D'oeuvres: Bruschetta $1.50 each Canapés $1.75 each Chocolate Truffles .95 each Cocktail Shrimp with Sauce $1.50 each Deviled Eggs .75 each
Trays: Assorted Sandwiches (per sandwich) $4 Cheeseball & Assorted Cheeses (25-30 people) $55 Cheese Tray (25-30 people) $60 Crackers $5 Fruit Tray $45 Marinated Seafood Salad (ordered per pound) $14.99 / lb Meat Tray (25-30 people) $60 Large Mixed Tray of Petit Desserts (25-30 people) $65 Pickles, Olives, Marinated Vegetables & Mushrooms $55 Vegetables (25-30 people) $45 Dip $5 For Business Lunches, may we suggest: Our "Lunch at Work" Menu
• Assorted Sandwiches & Wraps with Pickle Tray includes Roasted Peppers, our Pickled Mushrooms, Olives, Carrots, Celery, etc. $8.50 per person
• Soup All made from scratch in our kitchen. Choose from Italian Chicken Noodle, Minestrone, Roasted Red Pepper, Jalapeno, various Cream Soups & more! $3.25 per bowl
Salad & Buns with Butter included with all of the following hot meals: Penne & Meatballs per person $10.99 Lasagna per person $10.99 Cheese Tortellini with Tomato Vodka & Cream Sauce per person $12.50 Meat & Cheese Cannelloni per person $13 Chicken Scaloppine or Chicken Marsala includes Rice per person $15 Pork Tenderloin with Mushrooms includes Mashed Potatoes per person $16 Salad choices: Garden, Caesar, Greek, Potato Salad & more! Fruit Tray serves 20-25 people $45 Small Dessert Tray serves 15-20 people $40 Paper plates, napkins, plastic forks & knives .50 per person China Dishes & silverware $3.85 per person Delivery Charges will apply. All items must be returned or a charge may apply for pick-up. For Special Occasions, may we suggest: Party Guest Platters
• A hearty mix of platters, including assorted cheeses and cold cuts, olives, pickles, deviled eggs, vegetables and dip. (Substitutions available) $13 per person
• Pasta and Meatballs • Premium pasta (spaghetti or penne) with fresh meatballs and our special homemade sauce.
Served with homemade italian sausage and choice of salad. $14.50 per person
• Roasted Chicken Dinner with Pasta • Pasta (al dente) with your choice of sauce, followed by tender rosemary, garlic chicken.
Served with your choice of potato, vegetables and salad. $17.50 per person • Roast Beef & Roasted Rosemary Chicken • Juicy roast beef served with gravy, and roasted rosemary, garlic chicken. Served with your
choice of potato, vegetables and salad. $21 per person Hearty Italian Dinner Lasagna made with homemade noodles, perfect meat sauce and three kinds of cheeses. Served with homemade italian sausage and your choice of roast beef OR roasted chicken, vegetables and salad. $21 per person All Special Occasion meals include buns and butter. Catering for over 50 people also includes self- serve coffee, cream and sugar. Wedding Catering: City Chicken Dinner
• Main course of tender rosemary chicken and city chicken (beef and pork tenderloin breaded on skewers). Served with your choice of potato, vegetables and salad. $17.50 per person
Traditional Wedding Dinner
• Choice of pasta to start. Roast beef with fresh sautéed mushrooms and tender roasted chicken. Served with your choice of potato, vegetables and salad. $24 per person
More menu options are available. Please inquire in person for special or unique orders. Additional Services
• Dish Rental (includes Dinner Plate, Utensils, Dessert Dish, Cup and Saucer) $3.85 per person • Steam Table Rental $15.00 each • Portable Bar $150.00
Also available • Serving Personnel • SmartServe certified Bartenders
Traditional Holiday Dinners: Turkey with all the Trimmings Turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce & vegetable. $19 per person
• Or fool your guests into thinking you slaved in the kitchen all day, and let Carmen cook an entire turkey for you! She will roast a 15 to 18 pound turkey, complete with stuffing & gravy. You just have to heat the turkey in your own oven for 45 minutes to an hour, and voila! ... all for the low price of $165! (Must be ordered well ahead of time)
Roast Beef Dinner Slow-roasted beef, mushrooms, gravy, roasted potatoes, penne with meat sauce, choice of vegetable, choice of salad.** $19 per person Create Your Own Choose 2 Appetizers: Mini Quiche, Petite Meatballs, Petite Sausages, or Stuffed Mushrooms
• Choose 1 Pasta dish: Lasagna, Penne with Tomato, Meat or Tomato Vodka & Cream Sauce • Choose 1 Chicken dish: Chicken Cordon Bleu, Chicken Marsala, Chicken stuffed with Asiago
Cheese & Spinach, or Lemon Chicken Add Veal Birds for $3.25 per person
Add Beef Tenderloin Tips with Mushrooms for $6.75 per person Dish Rental $3.85 per person Delivery & Servers available
Year-Round Barbeque: Classic Barbeque
• A combination of hamburgers and/or veggie burgers, hot dogs, homemade Italian Sausage and salad.** $12.50 per person
Chicken and Potatoes Barbequed boneless chicken breast, served with choice potato and our homemade Italian Sausage and salad.** $17.50 per person Shishkebabs
• Chicken, beef, pork and vegetable shishkebabs served with choice of potato and salad.** $20 per person
NY Strip Steak
• Juicy New York strip steak grilled to perfection with mushrooms and choice of potato and salad.** $24 per person
Chicken & Baby Back Ribs • Barbequed chicken breast served with baby back ribs and choice of potato and salad.** $25
per person ADD BONELESS CHICKEN OR PASTA TO ANY BBQ ORDER FOR ONLY $4.00 PER PERSON. BBQ meals include salad**, buns and butter, BBQ sauce, self-serve coffee, cream and sugar. We also cater to special or unusual orders. **Salad choices include Caesar, Greek, Macaroni, Pasta, Rice OR Tossed Salad. Your choice of potato includes Roasted, Baked OR Potato Salad. Prices based on 75+ people. A $150 on-site per BBQ charge applies to all BBQ orders. Note: Prices and product descriptions are subject to change without notice. Taxes and gratuities are extra. A delivery charge may apply. A service fee may be charged if making payment by credit card. Please call Carmen's Catering at (519) 326-5081 for more information.
Page 1of2
Appetizer Ideas
Pizza (16 Slices) 3 toppings $19.99 Delivery Only 5 or more $17.99
Swedish Meatballs (approx. 300 meatballs) $99.99 Split Chicken Wings (100 pcs) $99.99
Mini Spring Rolls (approx. 100) $89.99
Relish Platter (serves 30 • 40) $42.99 Cheese Platter (serves 30 - 40) $54.99 Veggie Platter (serves 30 • 40) $42.99 Meat Platter (serves 30 • 40) $59.99 Fruit Platter (serves 30 • 40) $59.99
Sandwich Platter (20 assorted sandwiches) Assorted Sliced Breads $69.99
Specialty Buns: assorted wraps, ciabatta, brown & white bread $79.99 Ciabatta Bun Platter: $89.99+tax
Dessert Platter $59.99
Salads: Tossed Salad, Potato Salad and Pasta Salad $2.39
Caesar Salad and Greek Salad $3.39 Coleslaw $1 .79
Roasted Peppers (seasonal) $2.29
Pork and Beans $1.99 Lasagna (serves 15-30 p) $89.99
Hot Vegetable $1.99 Broasted Potato $1.65
Baked Potato, Mashed Potato and Oven Roasted Potato $2.99
Roast Beef w/ Mushrooms $5.99 Roasted Turkey w/ Cranberries $4.99
Italian Sausage w/ Peppers & Onions $3.99 Broasted Pork Chop Loin $2.99 ea.
Oven Roasted Rosemary Chicken 21-99 pieces $1.75/ 100+ pcs $1.55ea. Broasted Chicken (9cut) per piece 21-99 pieces $1.75/100+ pcs $1.55ea .
Desserts $2.29 Apple Crumble, Carrot Cake, Assorted Squares
Specialty Dessert $2.59 Tuxedo Truffle Mouse Cake, Vanilla Bean Cake
Rental of chafing dishes to keep food hot: $12 each Plastic Plates, Fork, Knife & Napkins: $0.59pp
Delivery Fees *** Must have $100+ before taxes to qualify for delivery
To Make A Booking Please Contact Joanne, Jenn, and Rose
519-326-3287 ext. 18 [email protected]
(519)-966-0997 We would first like to thank you for considering us for your catered event.
Let Jeff create a personalized menu for your special event. Give us a call with your theme idea so we can prepare your menu and price quote.
We take pride on serving fresh food to you. To ensure freshness and quality, be sure to plan on consuming your hot food within 30 minutes of having it delivered or after pick up.
See additional menus & services on our website
BUFFET MENU SUGGESTIONS (for groups of10 or more - 3 days notice please)
Mexican Fajita Time: ($14.25 per person) Black Bean & Corn Salad over Greens, Mexican Style Rice, Chicken Fajita Mix, Guacamole, Sour Cream Salsa & Cheese with Tortillas. (build your own)
Crepes & Salad: ($13.75 per person) House Dijon Salad, Chicken Mushroom Asparagus Crepes, Pasta with Blush Sauce, Nothings & Salsa & Assorted Cookies.
Asian Theme: ($14.75 per person) Asian Leafy Green Salad with Sesame Dressing, Chinese BBQ Fried Chicken Breast, Mushroom Rice Pilaf, Stir Fried Vegetables over Noodles.
Indian Theme: ($14.75 per person) Baby Corn, Tomato & Balsamic Salad, Butter Chicken Breast, Lentils & Rice, Noodles with Curried Mushrooms & Pimentos.
Greek Tradition: ($15. 75 per person) Greek Salad, Grilled Pita & Olive Tapenade, Grilled Herb Chicken Breast with Chopped Tomatoes, Rice Pilaf with Bell Peppers, Marinated Grilled Vegetables.
Home Comfort: ($17.75 perperson) House Salad, Meatloaf & Mushroom Gravy, Chicken Breast Parmesan Style, Garlic Smashed Potatoes, Mixed Medley of Vegetables.
Italian Style: ($17.50 per person) Caesar Salad, Pasta with Meat Sauce, Chicken Marsala Style, Roasted Red Potatoes, Mixed Medley of Vegetables.
Brisket Buffet: ($18.75 per person) Cranberry Walnut Salad, Braised Beef Brisket with Mushroom Gravy, Roasted Herb Potatoes, Pasta with Blush Sauce, Mixed Medley of Vegetables.
Deluxe Dinner Buffet: ($25.00 per person) House Dijon Salad, Roasted Red Pepper Chicken Breast, Beef Brisket with Mushroom Sauce, Roasted Potatoes, Pasta with Blush Sauce, Mixed Vegetables.
Wraps & Soup: ($13.25 per person) Homemade Soup du Jour, Chicken Fajita Wraps, Veggie Wraps, Nothings & Salsa, Cookies.
Southern Sliders: ($13.75 per person) Cole Slaw, Pulled Pork Sliders, Chicken Piquante Sliders, Mac & Cheese, & Assorted Cookies.
Gyro Luncheon: ($14.25 per person) Caesar Salad, Lamb Gyro Wraps, Chicken Gyro Wraps, Roasted Potatoes, Nothings & Salsa & Assorted Cookies.
Office Luncheon: ($14.75 per person) Strawberry Salad, Grilled Sunflower Seed Bread & Olive Tapenade, Chicken Breast Parmesan, Pasta a la Olio, Cinnamon Crisps.
Jeff's Signature: ($15.75 per person) House Salad, Sunflower Seed Bread & Olive Tapenade, Chicken Breast Marsala, Pasta Pesto Blush, Green Beans Amondine.
Menu Additions: Garlic Cheddar Cheese Bread Sticks $8.00/dozen - Assorted Finger Pastries & Cookies $8.00/dozen - Assorted Pop & Water $1.50 each.
Feel free to make adjustments to any above menu, additional charges may apply pending on the adjustment. Jeff would be happy to assist you with customizing your menu for that special themed event.
Fresh Fruit: $35 Small Platter (serves 15-20) - $60 Large Platter (serves 20-30) Fresh cut assorted melons, pineapple, grapes, strawberries and other seasonal fruit assembled on your platter with creamy orange dipping sauce on the side.
Cheese & Crackers Tray: $40 Small Platter (serves 15-20) - $75 Large Platter (serves 20-30) Assorted hand cut domestic cheese served on your platter with assorted crackers on the side. Garnished with berries.
Cinnamon Crisps: $15 Small Platter (serves 10-15) - $25 Large Platter (serves 15-25) Crispy wontons dredged in our cinnamon sugar mixture then served with a creamy vanilla dipping sauce on the side.
Nothings 8t Salsa: $15 - SM Platter (serves 5-10) / $25 - LG Platter (serves 15-20) Our famous addictive chips seasoned with our secret seasoning and served with tomato salsa on the side... Our Nothings last 7 days at room temp covered.
Hummus Platter: $17 - SM Platter (serves 5-10) / $30 - LG Platter (serves 15-20) Smooth garlic chickpea puree is served with seasoned grilled pitas for dipping.
Sundried Tomato Goat Cheese Olive Dip: $20 - SM Platter (serves 5-10) / $35 - LG Platter (serves 15-20) Our olive tapenade mixed with sundried tomatoes, oregano, feta and garlic then served with our sunflower seed chips.
Quesadillas: $35/ 40 pieces - $55/ 80 pieces - Combo platters add $5 per flavour. Flour tortillas brushed with our own sauce then filled with 3 cheese blend and your choice of filling ... Chicken Breast / Shrimp / Steak / Asparagus & Mushrooms.
Mexican Flaming Cheese: $45 - (serves 12-15) Sauteed mushrooms, garlic, bell peppers and onions finished with beef, 3 cheese blend, salsa and a touch of sour cream. Served with soft flour tortillas.
Stuffed Mushroom Caps: $35 per 2 dozen (minimum) Plump mushroom caps filled with bacon potato & cheddar cheese. /or stuffed with smoked pork & sage bread stuffing & Parmesan.
Roasted Garlic 8t Spinach Artichoke Dip: $40 - (serves 12-15) Creamy parmesan cheese mixed with chopped spinach, cheese, roasted garlic & artichokes. Served with seasoned thick pita for dipping.
Mini Chicken Kabobs: $35 per 2 dozen (minimum) Marinated chicken breast on a stick broiled then topped with our peanut-free sauce, scallions and sesame seeds.
Mini Quiche: $25 per 2 dozen (minimum) - Assorted flavours available for quantities over 8 dozen. Asparagus, onion and cheese fill this delicate tart shell with a perfectly seasoned egg filling.
Jalapeno Bacon Cheese Balls: $40 per 2 dozen (minimum) This cheesy mixture perfectly seasoned then quickly fried golden and served with a creamy Sriracha dipping sauce.
Pulled Pork Chimichanga Bites: $35 per 2 dozen (minimum) Tender house braised pulled pork fill this tortilla then is fried golden. Served with tangy Guacamole dipping sauce on the side.
Fresh Veggies & Herb Dip: $35 Small Platter (serves 15-20) - $60 Large Platter (serves 20-30) Fresh crisp hand cut vegetables arranged and served with our creamy herb dipping sauce.
Homemade Savoury Soups: ($50 per 4 litres = 16 bowls) Italian Wedding - Chicken Noodle - Minestrone - Carrot Ginger - Potato Leek - Cauliflower & Bacon - Hot & Sour - Beef Chili - Beef Barley - Wild Mushroom Cream of Asparagus - Roasted Sweet Potato - Chicken Gumbo - Mexican Beef & Bean - Navy Bean & Ham - New England Clam Chowder - Split Pea & Ham
House Dijon: ($20 SB - $30 MB - $50 LP) House Dijon salad topped with tomatoes, cucumbers and shredded carrots.
Strawberry 8t Almond: ($25 SB - $35 MB - $55 LP) Fresh greens topped with sliced strawberries with toasted almonds and dressing on the side. "Contains Peanuts"
Traditional Greek or Caesar: ($25 SB - $35 MB - $55 LP) These classics are all freshly made and served with dressing on the side.
Cranberry Walnut Feta & Spinach: ($30 SB - $40 MB - $65 LP) This hearty salad is loaded with sundried cranberries, sliced strawberries, crumbled feta cheese and chopped walnuts over our spinach lettuce mix.
Compound Salads (Small Bowl 10/12 Servings $35 - Medium Bowl 16/20 Servings $65 - Large Pan 35/45 Servings $100) -Tomato Chick Pea Salad with Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Olives & Feta Cheese. -Pasta Salad with Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Mushrooms & Herb Dressing. -Potato Salad with Bacon, Eggs, Dill, and Parmesan Dressing. -Grilled Balsamic Vegetable Salad with Asparagus, Carrot, Zucchini, Peppers & Almonds.
Chicken Fajita Wraps: $7.00/wrap or $40 - 12 halves Grilled chicken breast mixed with shredded cheese, bell peppers, onions, garlic cream sauce, mild salsa and lettuce.
Vegetarian Wraps: $7.00/wrap or $40 - 12 halves Pan fried roasted red peppers, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms and chickpeas mixed with garlic cream mayo & feta cheese.
Gyro Wraps: $7.00/wrap or $40 - 12 halves Flavourful gyro lamb meat fill this tortilla with Tzatziki sauce, tomatoes, feta cheese and leafy greens. Can be made with grilled chicken breast.
BBQ Pulled Pork Sliders: $40/Dozen Slow braised smoked pork pulled then finished with dill pickle slice and 40 Creek BBQ sauce.
Beef Brisket Burger Sliders: $40/Dozen Braised Brisket simmered in our burger sauce with onion & cheese then topped with dill pickle, tomatoes & lettuce.
LASAGNA (Small Pan 9/12 Servmgs - Medwm Pan 18/24 Servmgs)
Meat&. 6 Cheese Lasagna: ($45 SP - $80 MP) Delicious layers of pasta, our house cheese blend, ricotta and our meat sauce.
Vegetable Lasagna: ($45 SP - $80 MP) Delicious layers of pasta, our house cheese blend, mixed roasted vegetables, ricotta and our hearty marinara sauce.
Chicken Spinach&. Mushroom Lasagna: ($45 SP - $80 MP) Delicious layers of pasta, our house cheese blend, ricotta, grilled chicken breast, sauteed mushrooms, spinach and our blush sauce.
PASTA {Small Pan 10/12 Servings - Medium Pan 20/24 Servings - Large Pan 30/36 Servings)
Bolognese (Meat Sauce} 2£ Marinara: ($40 SP - $75 MP - $100 LP) Fresh cooked pasta served with our meat sauce and parmesan cheese. Or our house-made tomato sauce (no meat).
Basil Blush Sauce or Alfredo: ($40 SP - $75 MP - $100 LP) Fresh cooked pasta served with our tomato cream sauce, basil and parmesan cheese. Or our homemade garlic parmesan cheese cream sauce.
A La Olio: ($45 SP - $85 MP - $125 LP) Fresh cooked pasta topped with our hearty marinara sauce, sauteed mushrooms, bell peppers, olives, spinach and feta cheese.
AddGrilledS/icedChickenBreasttoanyoftheabovePASTA for:($5 SP-$10 MP- $15 LP)
BY THE PAN (Small Pan 10/12 Servings - Medium Pan 20/24 Servings - Large Pan 30/36 Servings)
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast: ($50 SP - $95 MP - $140 LP) Popular choices are... Chicken Marsala/ Roasted Red Pepper Chicken I Chicken Parmesan I Grilled Greek Style I Chicken Cordon Bleu Broccoli & Cheddar/ Tomato Bruschetta / Jamaican Jerk Chicken / Chinese BBQ Batter Fry I Lemon Pepper Cream I Jambalaya Style
Oven Roasted: Back Ribs-award winning fall-off-the-bone ribs are finished with our house BBQ sauce. ($70 SP - $135 MP - $195 LP) Beef Tenderloin-marinated, roasted then sliced and served with our mushroom red wine sauce. ($110 SP - $200 MP - $290 LP) Beef Brisket-dry rubbed then slow roasted till tender. Served with pan gravy. ($70 SP - $135 MP - $195 LP) Beef Meatloaf-perfectly seasoned & moist then sliced and finished with our mushroom gravy. ($55 SP - $100 MP - $145 LP) Cabbage Rolls-filled with beef & rice then slowly backed in our hearty tomato sauce till tender. ($50 SP - $95 MP - $140 LP) Meatballs-simmered in your choice of sauce - Swedish Style - Cajun Style - 40 Creek BBQ. ($45 SP - $85 MP - $125 LP) Chicken 9 Cut-marinated for 3 days then seasoned and roasted. ($60 for 27 pieces minimum) Quiche 10 inch Pie.. . Asparagus & Cheese/ Mushroom & Cheese/ Bacon & Cheese/ Broccoli & Cheese ($17 each) Whitefish-lightly seasoned mild Basa whitefish broiled then finished with our tomato leek jus & lemon. ($50 SP - $95 MP - $140 LP) Atlantic Salmon--<:ut into 2 ounce pieces then baked and topped with our maple Dijon glaze. ($70 SP - $135 MP - $195 LP)
Scaloppini Style: Pork Tenderloin-pan seared medallions finished in our red wine apple sauce gravy. ($50 SP - $95 MP - $140 LP) Veal Marsala-seasoned then pan seared and topped with our red wine mushroom sauce. ($80 SP - $150 MP - $220 LP) Turkey Breast-seasoned then pan seared and topped with our white wine lemon cream sauce. ($70 SP - $135 MP - $195 LP)
Side Dishes: (Small Pan 12/15 Setvings - Medium Pan 25/30 Setvings - Large Pan 40/50 Servings) Garlic Smashed Potatoes - Roasted Red Potatoes - Bell Pepper Rice Pilaf - Mushroom Rice Pilaf ($35 SP - $65 MP - $90 LP) Mixed Vegetables - Maple Ginger Glazed Carrots - Roasted Herb Mushrooms ($35 SP - $65 MP - $90 LP) Green Beans Almondine - Marinated Grilled Vegetables - Roasted Squash ($40 SP - $75 MP - $100 LP) Mushroom Risotto - Sundried Tomato Risotto - Roasted Sweet Potatoes - Smoked Pork Stuffing ($40 SP - $75 MP - $100 LP)
Drop off: For orders over $100.00 we will drop off your order at no additional charge. (see restrictions in Terms & Conditions below.)
Setup &. Go: For orders over $100.00 we can set up chafing dishes for your order, load them and go. You return the chafing dishes to us within the following 2 days. $30 charge.
China: For only $1. 75 per setting, you can rent our plates & cutlery. You return them (dirty) to us within the following 2 days.
Buffet Service: For orders over 50 guests we can do a complete setup & removal. We arrive about 30 minutes prior to eating, setup the buffet, service the buffet (chefonsite) and remove the buffet for 15% gratuity.
--------------- TERMS&. CONDITIONS - ------------- ­ All above pricing is subject to an additional 13% HST and is subject to change with notice at time of booking. Delivery is available (advanced notice only) for orders over $100 in our Zone. Availability may be limited. Same day notice for food may be available - 3 Days notice is preferred. More notice may be required around holidays. Our Zone is within the geographical grid of: Riverside Drive to Manning Rd. to County Rd #8 (North Town Line) to Hwy #18 to Ojibway Parkway back to Riverside Drive. Delivery is available to areas outside of our Zone in Essex County. Additional charges apply pending order size.
Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Recording of Attendance
4. Adoption of Previous Meeting Minutes
Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes
1. Call to Order
2. Recording of Attendance
4. Adoption of Minutes
5. Delegations and Presentations
(2) Accessibility Directorate of Ontario
(3) Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Toronto2015: Let’s build an accessibility legacy
Accessibility – it’s the law
Creating a legacy of accessibility
7. Reports and Questions
B) Planning for 2015 Accessibility Workshop
Accessibility Workshop 2015
On-line Registration and Evaluation Forms
C) National Access Awareness Week June 1 to June 7, 2015
(1) Wheelchair Basketball Game
(2) Delegation at County Council for National Access Awareness Week
D) AODA 10th Anniversary Champion Award
9. New Business
5. Delegations and Presentations
A) There are no delegations or presentations scheduled for this meeting.
6. Communications
A) Correspondence
2) Accessibility Directorate of Ontario
3) Global Accessibility Awareness Day
7. Reports and Questions
B) Planning for 2015 Accessibility Workshop
2015 Accessibility Workshop Draft Budget June 2015
Draft Budget
C) National Access Awareness Week June 1 to June 7, 2015
1) Wheelchair Basket Ball Game
Pictures will be shown
2) Delegation at County Council for National Access Awareness Week
D) AODA 10th Anniversary Champion Award
9. New Business
11. Adjournment