Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester,...

Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester, v8.0 RT524 November 2009 Student Workbook Part Number: 800-027537-000

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Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester, v8.0 RT524 November 2009 Student Workbook Part Number: 800-027537-000

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IBM Corporation Rational software Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester, v8.0 Student Workbook November 2009

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Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.0 Table of Contents

Contents Lab 1 Workload Analysis

Lab 2.1 Exploring The Training Application

Lab 2.2 Environment Assessment

Lab 3 Exploring IBM Rational Performance Tester

Lab 4.1 Record And Run a Test

Lab 4.2 Customize Page Titles

Lab 4.3 Exploring a Performance Test

Lab 4.4 Validate a Performance Test

Lab 5.1 Using Datapools

Lab 5.2 Data Correlation

Lab 6.1 Adding Test Elements

Lab 6.2 Adding Custom Code to a Test

Lab 7 Create And Run a Performance Test Schedule

Lab 8 Enhancing Schedules

Lab 9 Ramping Up Tests

Lab 10.1 Comparing Reports

Lab 10.2 Customizing Reports

Lab 10.3 Basic Root Cause Analysis

Lab 10.4 Workshop Scenario

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Exercise 1 Workload Analysis This exercise shows you how to start developing a workload analysis document. Your workload analysis data will provide valuable information that you can use to design performance tests and measure the performance of an application. This activity is called workload analysis.

This exercise contains a short case study that provides descriptions of the application under test, and general information about how the system will be used. Your job is to translate this information into some raw data that would be used to develop a formal workload document. This data will be used to build an executable workload using IBM Rational Performance Tester.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Generate data for a preliminary workload analysis document.

► Determine the type of performance tests that will be run.

► Identify how you will gain the information you need to plan and complete tests.

► (Suggestion: work in pairs)

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Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.0 Student Workbook

Case Study: Plants by WebSphere

This summary information was gathered from various specifications documents, interviews, and other research:

► The company – Green Thumb Nurseries is a medium-sized company that sells seeds, plants, and gardening supplies direct to walk-in customers. Their store (nursery) and headquarters are located in Lexington, Massachusetts, USA. Green Thumb has been in business for 15 years and during that time has expanded their office space, greenhouse space and technology, and land holdings for their tree farms. The company is doing well, and wants to continue their expansion, but does not want to open another nursery or walk-in store at this time. Instead, they have decided to experiment with Web commerce, and have planned to offer a subset of their items for sale through the Internet.

► The project – Green Thumb has contracted a Web development firm, RPT Inc., to build and host their online store. The application that has been built is almost ready to go live, but before deployment, the development team needs to performance test the system to be sure that it meets Green Thumb’s requirements (as specified in the Service Level Agreement part of their contract). The development phase has already taken longer than expected, so the testing phase has been shortened. In addition, the development team is short-staffed, so they have contracted a team of experienced performance testers to help complete this phase of the project. Green Thumb is eagerly awaiting the opening of their online store, as they have invested in advertising and marketing programs with a target live date.

► The application under test – "Plants by WebSphere" is an Internet storefront that specializes in the sale of plants and gardening tools. (Source: IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 6 Samples Gallery)

Using the Plants by WebSphere storefront, customers can browse for items to purchase (regular catalog and sale items), view product details, put items in a shopping cart, and log in to place orders. In addition, they can set up accounts to make purchases (register) and manage their account data. Using the Admin page, an inventory manager can place orders to restock inventory when items get flagged as backordered.

The general architecture of Plants by WebSphere is a frame-based browser front end that communicates with the IBM WebSphere Application Server layer through an IBM HTTP Server. This implementation of WebSphere Application Server is configured to use DB2 as the database server.

The Plants by WebSphere application uses container-managed persistence (CMP), container-managed relationships (CMR), stateless session beans, a stateful session bean, JSP technology, and servlets.

The Supplier application is used with Plants by WebSphere to demonstrate a business-to-business (B2B) application that uses Java Message service and Web services.


o The CUSTOMER table contains shipping information (name, address, and phone number), a password, and a unique customer ID.

o The INVENTORY table contains the product name, description,

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Workload Analysis

image, and a unique inventory ID.

o The ORDER1 table contains customer information, sale date, credit card information, shipping information, and an order ID.

o The ORDERITEM table contains information about the order, item, price, and quantity.

o The BACKORDER table contains information about the status of the backorder, the date inventory became low, and the order date.

► The technology – The application has been built using IBM WebSphere and IBM WebSphere Application Server. It uses many of the J2EE and WebSphere Application Server functions, including enterprise beans, servlets, and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. The server application consists of six database tables that can be hosted using a DB2, SQL Server, or Cloudscape database hosted on any system supporting these databases.

► The user profiles – Like many retail Web applications, Plants by Websphere experiences a mixture of users. Some are browsers who navigate the site looking for items of interest but leave before purchasing. Some are buyers who complete the checkout process. The company has two inventory managers using the system to check for and reorder backordered items.

► The business requirements – After the customer has chosen the products to purchase and provided all necessary information, the key performance metric is that checkout can take no more than 10 seconds to complete. Orders with a quantity greater than 100 must automatically generate a backorder request. Using the administrative Website, the inventory manager checks for backorder requests throughout the day and executes them as needed.

► Data requirements for valid transactions – Varying the products chosen (InventoryID from the INVENTORY table) and the customer name (CustomerID from the CUSTOMER table) among all existing customers are the critical items that give the ordering process a degree of realism when modeling the usage of the application. Also, note that the OrderID given for each order entered must be unique.

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Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.0 Student Workbook

Workload Analysis: Answer the following questions based on the preceding case study data:

Question Answer

1. What are the critical business functions that need to be measured?

2. What type of performance tests will be performed?

3. What are the goals of the performance tests?

4. What user types (job roles) need to be simulated? What are the characteristics of the users? What are their work profiles?

5. What are the test variables? Under what conditions will the performance tests be executed?

6. What is the workload interval for each performance test? What timeframe is the test emulating?

7. What will the acceptance criteria be for each performance test?

8. If you cannot answer all of the above questions, how will you obtain answers?

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Exercise 2.1 Exploring the Training Application In this exercise, you will learn about the application you will be testing. You will navigate the application as an end user and exercise some of the functionality to be tested later in this course.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Start the Internet Explorer Web browser.

► Open the Plants by WebSphere application in the browser.

► Navigate the Plants website.

► Add an item to your shopping cart.

► Register a username on the Plants Website.

► Complete the checkout operation.

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Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.0 Student Workbook

Explore the Training Application Interface:

Steps Comments

1. Start the Internet Explorer Web browser. Click Start > Programs > Internet Explorer.

2. If the Plants by WebSphere home page is not displayed, click the Plants by WebSphere toolbar link near the top of the browser.

You can also enter the URL:

http://localhost:9081/ PlantsByWebSphere in the browser to start the training application. If the server is not running and you start the training application first, you will see “The page cannot be displayed” text in the browser.

3. If necessary, start the WebSphere Application Server. Go to Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server V7.0 > Profiles > AppSvr01, and click Start the server.

Be patient because the server takes a little while to start up. When the server is starting, you will see a window displaying the status, and then the window will close. This server must be running to use the training application.

4. Click the Trees tab and add a Crabapple tree to your shopping cart.

5. On the shopping cart page, click Checkout Now.

6. You now need to create a login for the site. On the Login or Register page, click register for your own account here.

7. To create a new login, enter the following information, and then click Register.

E-mail [email protected] Password plants First Name Student Last Name Last Address 81 Hartwell Ave City Lexington State MA Zip Code 02421 Phone 555-555-1212

8. Select the option to use the billing address information for shipping. Enter the following credit card information, and then click Continue.

Credit Card VISA Credit Card Number 1234567812345678 Expiration 12/2008 Cardholder Name Student

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Exploring the Training Application

Steps Comments

9. Review your order, and then click Submit Order.

10. Check the order number on the Order Completion page and write it down.

11. Continue to explore the Plants Website and familiarize yourself with the functionality of the Website.

12. Close the Web browser.

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Exercise 2.2 Environment Assessment This activity shows you how to survey your system under test and identify potential bottlenecks.

This exercise provides descriptions of the system under test, including the network architecture. Your job is to use this information to identify areas of the system under test that may cause performance problems.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Review the architecture of the system under test.

► Determine the areas where performance problems may occur.

► Identify what to monitor during the test

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Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.0 Student Workbook

Environment Assessment


Application Server

Database Server

Load Balancer

HTTP Server

HTTP Server HTTP Server

Computer Laptop

Plants by WebSphere incorporates the following technologies:

• Container-managed Persistence (CMP) entity beans

• Bean-managed persistence (BMP) entity beans

• Stateless session beans

• Stateful session beans

• Servlets

• JavaServer Pages (JSP) and HTML

• Container-managed relationships (CMR)

• J2EE security

• Java API for XML-based remote procedure call (JAX-RPC)

• Web services security

The Plants by WebSphere application is driven through a series of JSP files and HTML pages. These pages communicate with the following servlets: AccountServlet, ShoppingServlet, ImageServlet, and AdminServlet. The servlets use the various enterprise bean business methods, which in turn, access data from the database as needed.

In general, stateless session beans are used to interface with the entity beans, to reduce the number of transactions. Another application called Supplier is included with the Plants by WebSphere Sample. The Supplier application processes back orders from the Plants by WebSphere application. The Web service servlet is used to send and receive JAX-RPC requests between the Plants by WebSphere application and the Supplier application.

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Environment Assessment

Exercise Assignment: Answer the following questions based on the previous diagram:

Questions Answers

1. Where do you suspect the Plants application’s weak spots are?

2. What technologies or architecture components are likely to perform poorly?

3. What would you monitor carefully when generating load on the system?

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Page 19: Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester, · Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.0 Student Workbook . Case Study:

Exercise 3 Exploring IBM Rational Performance Tester In this exercise, you will learn about the IBM Rational Performance Tester interface. You will explore the tool and become familiar with some of the key features of Rational Performance Tester.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Start Rational Performance Tester.

► Use the default workspace.

► Open the Test perspective.

► Explore the Test perspective.

► Customize your workspace:

─ Close the Outline and Tasks views.

─ Add the Navigator view.

─ Minimize and maximize other views.

► Explore Resource perspective.

► Locate the online help for perspectives and views.

► Organize the project folders.

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Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.0 Student Workbook

Start Rational Performance Tester and Create a Project:

Step Comment

1. Start Rational Performance Tester by The Workspace Launcher window clicking Start > Programs > IBM Software will appear. Delivery Platform > IBM Rational Performance Tester > IBM Rational Performance Tester – Full Eclipse.

2. Change the workspace from C:\Documents and Settings\tester\IBM\rationalsdp\workspace to C:\Documents and Settings\tester\IBM\rationalsdp\yourname

This will ensure you start this course with clean workspace and not someone else’s project. Select the Use this as the default and do not ask again option, and then click OK to use the default workspace.

3. When the Welcome page is displayed, close it.

The Welcome page can be displayed at any time by selecting Help > Welcome.

4. Click File > New > Performance Test Project.

5. Enter Plants as the project name and click Finish.

6. Click Cancel to dismiss the Create New Test From Recording dialog.

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Exploring IBM Rational Performance Tester

Import a Project and View a Schedule:

Step Comment

1. Select Help > Samples.

2. Click Samples, expand Technology Samples, expand Test, and expand Performance Testing Plants by WebSphere.

3. In the right pane, click the Import the Performance Testing Plants By WebSphere sample project link.

4. In the Performance Testing Sample Wizard, accept the default name and click Finish.

The default name should be PlantsByWebSphere

5. Close the Samples help window.

6. In the Test Navigator, expand PlantsByWebSphere, expand Schedules, and double-click the PlantsByWebSphere schedule.

7. Browse through the items in the PlantsByWebSphere schedule and then close the schedule.

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Customize your Workspace and use the Resource Perspective:

Step Comment

1. Add the Navigator view to your workbench: click Window > Show View > Other. Expand General and click Navigator. Click OK to add the view.

The Navigator view appears towards the bottom of the workbench.

2. Drag the Navigator tab from the bottom of the workbench and drop it near the left side of the window to create a fast view.

3. Click the fast view Navigator icon.

4. Click in the right pane and notice that the fast view is minimized.

5. Open the Resource perspective by selecting Window > Open Perspective > Resource.

The Resource perspective opens.

6. Explore the Resource perspective.

7. Switch back to the Test perspective by clicking the Test button near the upper right corner of the window.

If necessary, click in the right-hand pane to minimize the Navigator fast view.

8. Right-click the Performance testing sample project, PlantsByWebSphere, and select Close Project.

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Exploring IBM Rational Performance Tester

Online Help Review:

Step Comment

1. Click Help > Help Contents. The Help topics are populated.

2. Under Product Overview > Workbench Basics > Concepts, click Perspectives and then review the available documentation.

3. Click Views and review the available documentation.

4. Close the Help window.

Organize the Project Folders:

Step Comment

1. In the Test Navigator, select the Plants The Technology Sample project and then click File > New > Folder. PlantsByWebSphere Project should

be closed. Use the Plants project that you created in the “Start Rational Performance Tester and Create a Project” exercise above.

2. Accept the default parent folder, Plants.

3. In the Folder name box, type 01_Tests and then click Finish.

4. In the same manner, create the following folders: 02_Schedules 03_Datapools 04_Agents 05_Results


Create as many folders as necessary to keep your project organized. By default all artifacts will be created in the root Plants folder. You therefore have to ensure that you create/move the relevant artifacts into the relevant folders.

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Exercise 4.1 Record and Run a Test In this exercise, you will record a performance test using the Plants by WebSphere website. You will begin recording and then purchase an item from the Plants website.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Record a new performance test:

─ Use the Plants performance test project.

─ Name the test BuyBonsai.

─ Clear the browser cache and stored cookies.

► Switch to Rational Performance Tester and verify that the Recorder Control View shows a status of Recording and that the Kbytes recorded is greater than 0.

► Switch to the browser and navigate the Plants by WebSphere site and purchase a bonsai tree from the Specials section.

► Exit the browser.

► Review the test in Rational Performance Tester.

► Run the new performance test in single-user mode to validate the test.

► Open the Test Log:

─ Click the Events tab

─ Verify the test passed

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Record a performance test:

Steps Comments

1. Begin recording a new performance test by clicking File > New > Test From Recording.

2. Select HTTP recording from the dialog and click Next.

3. Expand the Plants project and then select the Right clicking the 01_Tests folder 01_Tests folder. In the Test file name box, and selecting New > Test from type BuyBonsai, and then click Finish. Recording will place the new Test

into the desired folder. 4. Rational Performance Tester will start an

instance of the computer’s default browser. Clear the browser’s cache and cookies before navigating to the target of the test. To do this, click Tools > Internet Options. Under Browsing History click Delete, then click Delete Cookies, and then click Yes. Then click Delete Files, and then click Yes. Click Close and then OK to close Internet Options.

5. Switch to the IBM Rational Performance Tester window. On the Recorder Control tab, verify that Kbytes Recorded is zero and Recorder Status is Recording.

6. Switch back to the browser window. Click Favorites and then click the Plants by WebSphere link.

http://ruwinxp:9081/PlantsByWebS phere/

7. Switch to the IBM Rational Performance Tester window. On the Recorder Control tab, verify that Kbytes Recorded is not zero and Recorder Status is Recording.

8. Switch back to the browser window.

9. After the Plants by WebSphere page has loaded, click Bonsai Tree in the Specials section of the Plants By WebSphere home page.

10. Click Add to cart to add 1 Bonsai Tree to your shopping cart.

11. Click Checkout Now. 12. Login to Plants By WebSphere using

E-mail: [email protected] Password: plants

Click Sign in to continue.

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Record and run a test

Steps Comments

13. Click the checkbox to use the billing address as the shipping address.

14. Type a credit card number and card holder name. Select 2008 for the expiration date.

Any 16 digit credit card number will work.

15. Click Continue.

16. Review your order information, and then click Submit Order.

17. After the Order Completion page is loaded, write down the order number, and then close the browser.

18. In Rational Performance Tester, verify that the Recorder Control tab reports Test generation completed.

Click Yes to open the editor when finished.

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Review and Run the New Performance Test:

Steps Comments

1. The BuyBonsai editor tab shows the pages recorded in the Test Contents tree. Click the BuyBonsai test and review the HTTP Options for the test.

2. Click each page in the Test Contents tree and review the test elements details. Can you find the login page?

3. Expand the page request for the login page. Tip: Use the Protocol Data view and inspect the Request & Browser information.

4. Review the requests for this page. Can you find the primary page request?

5. Run the BuyBonsai performance test by right-clicking the test in the Test Navigator and clicking Run As > Test.

6. When the test run starts, the Overall tab will be displayed. Verify the Run Status is Running and the Total Users is 1 by clicking the Summary tab, then go back to the Overall tab.

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Record and run a test

Evaluate the Test Results:

Steps Comments

1. Confirm that the test run is complete by verifying that Run Status is Complete on the Overall tab.

Complete should be displayed in a green color.

2. Verify the number of Completed Users is 1. For this run, the Total Users value is also 1. Use the Summary tab.

3. How long did it take this test to complete? Find this information on the Summary tab now.

4. Click the Performance Test Runs tab. If it is not already expanded, expand the test results for BuyBonsai, which will have a date and time stamp after the name.

Performance test runs are located in the left view. Sometimes the view name is not completely visible on the tab.

5. Right-click All Hosts, and then click Display Test Log.

6. Verify that the Verdict is pass.

7. Close the Test Log, the default Performance Report, and the BuyBonsai test.

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Exercise 4.2 Customize Page Titles In this exercise, you will regenerate an existing performance test, give it a new name, and customize the page titles on the new test.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Locate the .recmodel file for the BuyBonsai test.

► Regenerate the test and name it BuyBonsai_CustomPages.

► Customize the page titles.

► Save the BuyBonsai_CustomPages test.

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Steps Comments

1. Click the Navigator Fast View icon.

2. Find the BuyBonsai.recmodel file. You should see it under the Plants project folder.

3. Right-click the BuyBonsai.recmodel file and select Generate Test.

4. On the Test Generation dialog, select Rational Test Generator as the Test Generator, and then click Next.

5. Expand Plants and select the 01_Tests folder. In the Test file name box, type BuyBonsai_CustomPages and then click Finish.

If prompted, click Yes to open the Editor.

6. In Test Contents, click the Plants by WebSphere page.

7. In Test Element Details, change Plants by WebSphere to Plants by WebSphere - Home Page.

8. In Test Contents, click the servlet_ShoppingServlet {1} page.

Some older versions of PlantsByWebSphere may display PlantsByWebSphere {x} instead of servlet_ShoppingServlet {x} etc

9. In Test Element Details, change the Page Title: servlet_ShoppingServlet {1} to Plants – Product Description.

Tip: Use the Browse sub tab view in the Protocol Data view to help with the naming of your Page Titles

10. Similarly in Test Contents, click the servlet_ShoppingServlet {2} and change to Plants – Shopping Cart.

11. Change servlet_ShoppingServlet {3} to Plants – Customer Login.

12. Change servlet_AccountServlet to Plants – Checkout.

13. Change servlet_ShoppingServlet {4} to Plants – Review Order.

14. Change servlet_ShoppingServlet {2} to Plants – Order Confirmation.

15. Click File > Save and close the BuyBonsai_CustomPages test.

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Exercise 4.3 Exploring a Performance Test In this exercise, you will open a previously recorded test, locate primary requests, and view content from the Protocol Data tab.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Navigate through the Test Contents of BuyBonsai.

► Locate primary requests.

► View content from the Protocol Data tab.

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Explore the contents of BuyBonsai_CustomPages:

Steps Comments

1. In the Test Navigator, right-click BuyBonsai_CustomPages and select Open.

2. Click the Plants - Product Description page.

3. Go to the Test Element Details and right-click in Test Data.

4. Check Show References.

5. Scroll down to see what other information is available for this page of the test.

You should see Common properties and Page Title Verification Point.

6. Click the Plants - Customer Login page and click the primary request link under Test Element Details.

7. Resize the Protocol Data view as necessary to view its data.

8. Click the Protocol Data subtabs (Request, Response Headers, Response Content, and Browser) to see what is displayed.

9. Click the Plants - Customer Login page and expand all the content under this page.

10. Select the Plants - Customer Login page and use the down arrow to move element by element under this page. Observe the Test Element Details as you move from one element to the next.

11. Examine the contents of the other two pages.

12. Close the BuyBonsai_CustomPages test.

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Exercise 4.4 Validate a Performance Test In this exercise, you will open an existing performance test, run the test with a single user, observe the test execution and validate system activity.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Open the BuyBonsai_CustomPages performance test.

► Run the BuyBonsai_CustomPages performance test.

► Validate system activity by reviewing the Performance report, Test Log, and database entries.

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Validate the BuyBonsai_CustomPages test:

Steps Comments

1. In the Test Navigator, right-click the BuyBonsai_CustomPages test and select Run As > Test.

2. Watch the information that is displayed in the Overall tab.

3. When the run is completed, check the results on the Summary tab.

4. Check the results on the Page Performance tab. Notice that the customized page names are used in the report.

5. Examine the results on the other report tabs.

6. Double-click the Performance Test Runs tab. If this tab is not displayed, open it from the Fast View toolbar.

7. Right-click BuyBonsai_CustomPages and select Display Test Log.

8. Observe the information on the Overview tab, then click the Events tab.

9. Expand DefaultSchedule > DefaultUserGroup > [DefaultUserGroup][000001] > BuyBonsai_CustomPages > test execution > BuyBonsai_CustomPages.

10. Expand the Plants – Order Confirmation page and click the localhost line.

11. Click the Properties tab to show the Properties view.

By default, the Properties view is in the lower left corner pane.

12. In the Properties view, find the HTTP response status property.

The response code should be HTTP/1.1 200 OK.

13. In the Protocol Data view, click the Response Headers tab and find the response code.

The response code HTTP/1.1 200 OK is the first line of data in the response header.

14. Close the Test Log and the Performance Report.

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Exercise 5.1 Using Datapools In this exercise, you will work with test data and some of the features in Rational Performance Tester that automate the handling of dynamic data.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Record a new performance test:

− Name the test MapleDP.

− Purchase a Maple tree.

− Complete the checkout process.

− Exit the browser.

► Create and use the default datapool for the quantity ordered.

► Record a new performance test:

− Name the test Tulips.

− Purchase Tulip bulbs.

− Complete the checkout process.

− Exit the browser.

► Create and use a customer accounts datapool to substitute for the user id and password fields.

► Run the Tulips test with two or more users and verify that the datapool values are used.

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Record a New Performance Test:

Steps Comments

1. Record a new performance test named MapleDP.

Remember to select the 01_Tests folder

2. Clear the browser’s cache and cookies and delete temporary files.

Refer to instructions included in Exercise 4.1 as needed.

3. If the Plants by WebSphere home page is not displayed, click the Plants by WebSphere toolbar link near the top of the browser.

4. Click the Trees tab, click Maple, and add a Maple tree to your shopping cart.

5. On the shopping cart page, click Checkout Now.

6. Login to Plants By WebSphere using

E-mail: [email protected] Password: plants

Click Sign in to continue.

7. Check the option to use the billing address information for shipping. Enter the following credit card information.

Credit Card VISA

Credit Card Number 1234123412341234 Expiration 12/2008 Cardholder Name Student

Click Continue.

8. Review your order, and then click Submit Order.

9. Close the Web browser.

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Using Datapools

Customize the Page Titles and Create the Default Datapool:

Steps Comments

1. In the test editor, customize the MapleDP test page titles to be like the following:

2. Click each page looking to see values that are datapool candidates.

Look at the Test Data that is displayed for each page.

3. Double-click the MapleDP tab to maximize the working area for the test editor.

4. Click the Shopping Cart page. 5. Click the qty row in Test Data.

6. Click the Substitute From button and select Datapool Variable.

7. Use the default settings and click Finish, then click OK to accept the default column name.

8. Double-click the MapleDP test tab and verify that the MapleDP datapool has been added in the Test Navigator.

The default datapool will be located in the 01_Tests folder. Leave it here for the moment.

9. Save the MapleDP test.

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Open and Edit a Datapool:

Steps Comments

1. In the Test Navigator, double-click the MapleDP datapool.

The datapool opens and displays the Test Data page.

2. Double-click in the qty cell and change the value from 1 to 3.

3. Right-click and select Insert Record.

4. For the new record, double-click in the qty cell and enter 5.

After entering a value, pressing enter also works like Insert Record.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the datapool looks similar to the following:

6. Save and close the datapool.

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Using Datapools

Run the Test using a Datapool and Check the Results:

Steps Comments

1. Run the MapleDP test. Right click and select Run As > Test.

2. Scan through the default Performance Report.

3. Open the Test Log. Right click the MapleDP performance report in the Performance Test Runs view.

4. Click the Events Tab.

5. Browse down to the Shopping Cart page.

6. Open the Protocol Data view and select the Browser sub tab. Do you see a Quantity of 3 used?

7. Remaining in the Protocol Data view, open the Request sub tab. Do you see the qty variable equal to 3?

Look for qty=3 at the bottom of the view.

8. Close the Test Log , the Performance Report, and the MapleDP test.

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Record a New Performance Test:

Steps Comments

1. Record a new performance test named Tulips.

Record the test into 01_Tests

2. Clear the browser’s cache and cookies and delete temporary files.

Refer to instructions included in Exercise 4.1 as needed.

3. When the browser window loads, click the Plants by WebSphere Website link.

4. Under the Specials section, click Tulips, and add a Tulip order to your shopping cart.

5. On the shopping cart page, click Checkout Now.

6. Login as

E-mail: [email protected] Password: plants

Click Sign In to continue.

7. Select the option to use the billing address information for shipping. Enter the following credit card information.

Credit Card VISA

Credit Card Number 1234123412341234 Expiration 12/2008 Cardholder Name username1

Click Continue.

8. Review your order, and then click Submit Order.

9. Close the Web browser.

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Using Datapools

Customize the Page Titles and Add a Datapool:

Steps Comments

1. In the test editor, customize the Tulips test page titles to be like the following:

2. Save the Tulips test.

3. Click File > New > Datapool.

4. Select Plants as the parent folder and 03_Datapools as the sub folder.

5. Enter CustomerAccounts as the file name and click Next.

6. In the Description field enter Customer information from the userid_list.txt file and click Next.

7. Browse to C:\TrainingTSTRPT\export.

8. Change Files of type to *.* and select the userid_list file, then click Open.

9. Clear the First row contains variable names and suggested types checkbox.

10. Make sure that First column contains equivalence class names is cleared.

11. Click Finish.

12. Look at the Data Table for the CustomerAccounts datapool.

Notice that Variable1 is for the user name field and that Variable2 is for the password field.

13. Click the column header Variable1.

14. Change Variable1 to NAME.

15. Click the column header Variable2.

16. Change Variable2 to PASSWORD.

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Steps Comments

17. Save and Close the CustomerAccounts datapool.

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Add Datapool to a Test:

Steps Comments

1. Verify that the Tulips test is open and select Tulips.

2. In the Test Element Details view, click the Add Datapool button under the Common Options tab.

3. Select the CustomerAccounts.datapool and then click the Finish button.

4. In the test, click the Checkout page and find the userid and passwd names in Test Data.

5. In Test Data, click passwd, click the Substitute From button, and then click Datapool Variable.

6. Select the CustomerAccounts.datapool and then select Columns: PASSWORD and then click Finish.

7. In Test Data, click userid, click the Substitute From button, and then click Datapool Variable.

8. Select the CustomerAccounts.datapool and then select Columns: NAME and then click Finish. Your results should look similar to the following:

9. Save and close the Tulips test.

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Using Datapools

Run the Test using a Datapool and Check the Results:

Steps Comments

1. Run the Tulips test.

2. Scan through the default Performance Report.

3. Open the Test Log Right click the MapleDP performance report in the Performance Test Runs view.

4. Click the Events Tab

5. Browse down to the Checkout page.

6. Open the Protocol Data view and select the Request sub tab. Look at the bottom of the view. Do you see the correct user name and password being used for user1?

Look for the data string

[email protected]&pass wd=password1&action.x=15&actio n.y=14

7. Close the Test Log and Performance Report.

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Exercise 5.2 Data Correlation In this exercise, you will record a new test and examine how data correlation is used in the test.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Open the existing BuyBonsai_CustomPages performance test.

► Locate the Bonsai item ID.

► Locate references linked to the Bonsai item ID.

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Locate the Bonsai Item Identification:

Steps Comments

1. Open the BuyBonsai_CustomPages performance test.

2. In the Test Editor, right-click, and select Test Search in the Test Contents view.

3. Enter Bonsai in the Search for Text field.

4. Select HTTP Pages.

5. Select HTTP Requests, then select the URL, POST data and Headers Values fields.

6. Select HTTP Responses, and then select Content, Reason and Headers Values fields.

7. Select Names And Descriptions.

8. Click the Search button.

9. Expand the trees in the Search tab while looking for the itemID.

As you click an item in the Search tree, notice that the Test Search Match Preview view displays the content.

10. Close the Search tab.

11. In the Test Editor, right-click, and select Test Search in the Test Contents view.

12. Enter itemID=T0003 in the Search for Text field, verify that HTTP Pages, HTTP Requests, HTTP Responses, and Names and Descriptions are selected, and then click Search.

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Data Correlation

Steps Comments

13. Drill down to the Plants-Home page in the Search tab until you find the first instance of the item ID.

14. Double-click the item that contains the first Note that test editor places you in instance of the item ID. the Test Contents list where the

instance occurs and displays the Content under Test Element Details.

15. How many times is the reference to the item Tip: Look at how many text ID used in the test? matches there were from your



16. Which test element contains the original Tip: Look where the first instance reference? of the item ID was located.


17. Are all of the references to the item ID critical to the test executing the transaction successfully?


18. Close the BuyBonsai_CustomPages performance test.

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Page 51: Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester, · Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.0 Student Workbook . Case Study:

Exercise 6.1 Adding Test Elements In this exercise, you will record a new performance test and modify it to mimic certain user behavior. You will add verification points and a transaction to the test.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Start Rational Performance Tester.

► Record a new performance test named BrowseCatalog.

► Browse the Plants by WebSphere catalog trees section.

► Exit the browser and end recording.

► Turn on Response Code verification points (VP) for the entire test.

► Use a Page Title VP.

► Use a Response Size VP.

► Insert a transaction.

► Run the test.

► After the test completes, open the Verification Point report and review the results.

► Open the Test Log report and locate the transaction in the Events hierarchy.

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Start IBM Rational Performance Tester and Record a Performance Test:

Steps Comments

1. Record a new performance test named BrowseCatalog.

2. After the Plants by WebSphere page has loaded, click the Trees tab at the top of the page. Click the Ash tree. Click the Back button.

3. Click the Aspen tree. Click the Back button.

4. Click the Bonsai tree. Click the Back button.

5. Click the Crabapple tree. Click the Back button.

6. Click the Maple tree. Click the Back button.

7. Close the browser by clicking on the “X” in the top right corner of the browser window.

8. In Rational Performance Tester, verify that the Recorder Control tab reports Test generation completed.

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Adding Test Elements

Customize the Page Titles and Turn on Verification Points:

Steps Comments

1. In the test editor, customize the BrowseCatalog test page titles to be like the following:

2. Right-click the BrowseCatalog test, select Verification Points and click Enable Page Title VPs, click OK, and then click OK again.

Test ‘BrowseCatalog’ > Verification Points > Enable Page Title VPs

3. Right-click the BrowseCatalog test, select Verification Points and click Enable Response Code VPs, click OK, and then click OK again.

Test ‘BrowseCatalog’ > Verification Points > Enable Response Code VPs

4. Right-click the BrowseCatalog test, select Verification Points and click Enable Response Size VPs, click OK, and then click OK again.

Test ‘BrowseCatalog’ > Verification Points > Enable Response Size VPs

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Insert a Transaction:

Steps Comments

1. In the test editor, select Ash Description through Maple Description. Use shift-click to select multiple continuous pages or page elements.

Use control-click to select multiple discontinuous items.

2. Click the Insert button (to place the transaction immediately above the selected items or block), and select Transaction.

3. You are prompted whether to move the selected objects into the transaction. Answer Yes.

The transation is expanded in the test editor. You should see that the grouping of pages under the Transaction.

4. In the Test Element Details, rename the transaction to BrowseTrees.

5. Save the test.

Run the Test and Review the Results:

Steps Comments

1. Run the BrowseCatalog test.

2. When the run is completed, go to the Performance Test Runs view. Right-click BrowseCatalog and select HTTP Reports > Verification Point Report.

3. Look at the content in the Summary, Page Verification Points, and Page Element Verification Points tabs.

4. In the Performance Test Runs view, right-click BrowseCatalog and select Display Transaction Report.

5. Look at the content in the Overall, Duration vs. Time, and Transaction Throughput Tab tabs.

6. In the Performance Test Runs view, right-click BrowseCatalog and select Display Test Log.

7. Click the Events tab.

8. Expand the Events hierarchy until you find the BrowseTrees transaction.

Look for the transaction icon immediately following the block of pages that you selected.

9. Close the reports and the test log.

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Exercise 6.2 Adding Custom Code to a Test In this exercise, you will add custom code to a test. Because Java is the coding language that is used behind the scenes, there are powerful capabilities with using custom code. We have kept this example simple to demonstrate the procedure to add custom code.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Modify an existing test to add custom code

► Run the test and see the results of the custom code modifications

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Insert Custom Code in a Test:

Steps Comments

1. Expand the BrowseCatalog test under the Crabapple section.

Open the test, if necessary.

2. Locate the second URL under the Crabapple section.

3. Right-click the URL, then select Insert > Custom Code.

4. Edit the Test Element Details and modify the Class name to be: mycode.DisplayCrabAppleHome.

The default class name prefix can remain the same i.e test but it is better practice to create a separate package for custom code.

5. Click the Generate Code button. A new file opens.

6. Click the BrowseCatalog tab to return to the test.

7. Under the Arguments section, click the Add button.

8. Select the two arguments for Crabapple and click OK.

Hint: Item ID is T0004 and the two arguments of interest are probably listed last in the dialog.

9. Under Test Element Details, click the View Code button.

Alternatively, you can click the tab to switch to the code view.

10. Edit the code to look like the following: The lines you add are in bold. Code syntax is case-sensitive.

package mycode;




public String exec(ITestExecutionServices tes, String[] args) {

for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++){

((IKLog) tes).reportMessage("Argument " + i + ": " + args[i]);


((IKLog) tes).reportMessage("Crabapple home page should have

been displayed.");

return null;


11. Save your changes in the code and in the test.

12. Close

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Adding Custom Code to a Test

13. Run the BrowseCatalog test.

Examine the Custom Code Results:

Steps Comments

1. After the run has completed, open the Test Log and go to the Events tab.

2. Expand the test execution results until you can see the Crabapple results.

3. Under the Crabapple results, click the messages.

You should see 3 messages. They show the value of argument zero, the value of argument 1, and the Crabapple home page message.

4. Close the test log, the default report, and the BrowseCatalog test.

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Exercise 7 Create and Run a Performance Test Schedule In this exercise, you will record a performance test using the Plants by WebSphere Website.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Create a new performance test schedule.

► Run the new schedule.

► Review the execution results in the Test Log.

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Create and Run a Simple Performance Test Schedule:

Steps Comments

1. To create a Performance Test Schedule, right-click the 02_Schedules folder and select New > Performance Schedule.

You can also click File > New > Performance Schedule and select the project and folder.

2. In the Name box, type BrowseCatalog_Sched, and then click Finish.

3. In the Schedule Editor, click User Group 1, click Add, and then click Test.

4. If necessary, expand the Plants project and 01_Tests folder, click BrowseCatalog, and then click OK.

5. In the Schedule Contents list, select BrowseCatalog_Sched.

6. Under Schedule Element Details, verify that the User Load tab is selected and make sure the number of users is set to 5.

7. Save your changes to the schedule.

8. In the Test Navigator, right-click BrowseCatalog_Sched, and then select Run As > Performance Schedule.

9. When the run is completed, in the Performance Test Runs view, right-click the performance report and select Display Test Log.

10. Expand Events to verify that all 5 users executed the test.

11. Close the test log, report, and BrowseCatalog_Sched schedule.

Create and Run a More Complex Performance Test Schedule:

Steps Comments

1. To create a Performance Test Schedule, right-click the 02_Schedules folder and select New > Performance Schedule.

You can also click File > New > Performance Schedule and select the project and folder.

2. In the File Name box, type BrowseAndOrder_Sched, and then click Finish.

Make sure you are creating this in the Plants project.

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Create and Run a Performance Test Schedule

Steps Comments

3. In the Schedule Editor, click User Group 1, click Add, and then click Test.

4. If necessary, expand the Plants project and 01_Tests folder, click BrowseCatalog, and then click OK.

5. Right-click BrowseAndOrder_Sched, then select Add > User Group.

6. In the Schedule Editor, verify that User Group 2 is selected, click Add, and then click Test.

7. If necessary, expand the Plants project and 01_Tests folder, click MapleDP, and then click OK.

8. In the Schedule Editor, click User Group 1 and change the group name to Browse.

9. In the Schedule Editor, click User Group 2 and change the group name to Order.

10. Save your changes to the schedule.

11. In the Test Navigator, right-click BrowseAndOrder_Sched, and then click Run As > Performance Schedule.

12. When the run is completed, in the Performance Test Runs view, right-click the performance report and select Display Test Log.

13. Expand the Events tab and verify that all 5 users executed the test.

Observe how many users ran the BrowseCatalog and MapleDP tests.

14. Close the test log, report, and BrowseAndOrder_Sched schedule.

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Exercise 8 Enhancing Schedules In this exercise, you will record a new test and create a new schedule.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Record a new test, BuyGeranium.

► Create a new schedule, RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched.

► Add a loop to the schedule.

► Add a delay to the schedule.

► Add a random selector with weighted blocks to the schedule.

► Change the Test Log settings to all.

► Run the schedule.

► Review the Test Log execution history.

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Record a performance test:

Steps Comments

1. Record a new performance test named BuyGeranium.

Right click 01_Tests and select New > Test From Recording.

2. After the Plants by WebSphere page has loaded, click the Flowers tab, and then click Geranium.

3. Click Add to cart to add 1 Geranium to your shopping cart.

4. Click Checkout Now.

5. Log in to Plants by WebSphere using the following information:

Email: [email protected] Password: plants

Click Sign in to continue.

6. Select the checkbox to use the billing address as the shipping address.

7. Type a credit card number and card holder name as per previous exercises.

8. Click Continue.

9. Review your order information, and then click Submit Order.

10. After the Order Completion page is loaded, write down the order number, and then close the browser.

11. In Rational Performance Tester, verify that the Recorder Control tab reports Test generation completed.

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Enhancing Schedules

Customize the Page Titles:

Steps Comments

1. The BuyGeranium tab shows the pages recorded in the Test Contents tree. Review the test element details.

2. In the test editor, customize the BuyGeranium test page titles to be like the following:

3. Save the test.

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Create a Test Schedule:

Steps Comments

1. To create a Performance Schedule, click File > New > Performance Schedule. Select the 02_Schedules folder within the Plants project.

Or right-click the 02_Schedules folder and select New > Performance Schedule.

2. In the File Name box, type RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched, and then click Finish.

3. Under Schedule Element Details, set the Number of users to 10.

4. Right-click RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched, then select Add > User Group.

5. In the Schedule Editor, change User Group 1 and 2 names and percentages to be like the following:

Name the Browse and Order user groups with 50% group sizes each.

6. In the Schedule Editor, click user group Order, click Add, and then click Test.

7. Click MapleDP, and then click OK.

8. Repeat steps 5 & 6 and add Tulips and BuyGeranium.

9. Save your changes to the schedule.

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Enhancing Schedules

Add a loop and a delay to a schedule:

Steps Comments

1. Click user group Browse, click Add, and then click Loop.

2. In the Number of iterations box, change the value to 5.

3. Select the Control the rate of iterations option.

4. Verify that the iteration rate is 1 per minute.

5. Clear the other two checkboxes.

6. Click Loop and then click Insert > Delay. Insert places the Delay above the selected item.

7. Change the delay to 3,000 ms.

8. Click Loop, click Add, and then click Test.

9. Click BrowseCatalog, and then click OK.

10. Save changes to the schedule.

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Add a random selector to a schedule and run the schedule:

Steps Comments

1. Click MapleDP, click Insert, and click Random Selector.

2. Click OK.

3. In the Details section, click Add to add a weighted block to the selector.

4. Name the weighted block BuyMaple and set the weight to 25.

5. Click Random Selector and add another weighted block named BuyGeranium and set the weight to 50.

6. Click the Random Selector and add another weighted block named BuyTulips and set the weight to 25.

7. Click the BuyMaple weighted block and click Add > Test.

8. Click MapleDP, and then click OK.

9. Add the BuyGeranium test to the BuyGeranium weighted block.

10. Add the Tulips test to the BuyTulips weighted block.

11. Remove the MapleDP, BuyGeranium, and Tulips test from the Order User Group – not the ones you just put under the weighted blocks.

Right-click and select Delete.

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Enhancing Schedules

Steps Comments

12. Your schedule should look like this:

13. Click RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched and, in the Schedule Elements Details click the Test Log sub tab. Set all of the What to Log levels to All.

Note: A message may be displayed indicating that these settings are not recommended. These settings are normally used for debugging small loads and should not be used for large load tests because they will create too much overhead, which can result in inaccurate measurements. We use them here for demonstration purposes only.

14. Save the schedule.

15. Run the RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched schedule.

Run As > Performance Schedule.

Observe the Test and Evaluate Results:

Steps Comments

1. Watch the Page Performance report while the testing is running. Confirm that the test run is complete by verifying that Run Status is Complete on the Summary tab.

Complete should be displayed in a green color.

2. Verify that the number of Completed Users is 10.

Use the Summary tab.

3. Double-click the Performance Test Runs tab, expand the test results for RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched.

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4. Right-click All Hosts, and then click Display Test Log.

5. Expand the events to see if the test executed as expected.

6. Close the test log and the performance report.

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Exercise 9 Ramping Up Tests In this exercise, you will modify an existing performance test schedule to prepare it for a large user run.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Open the RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched schedule.

► Set number of users.

► Change log levels.

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Edit the runtime settings for the schedule, run the schedule, and review results:

Steps Comments

1. Ensure that the RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched schedule is open and that RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched is selected.

2. Click across the Schedule Element Details.

3. Change the number of users to 50. User Load tab

4. Change the What to Log levels:

• Select Show errors and failures and set the Log Level to All.

• Clear the Also show warnings option (which clears the Also show all other types option as well.)

Test Log tab

5. Change the Statistics log level to Primary Test Actions.

Statistics tab

6. Save the schedule.

7. Run the schedule.

8. Observe the run. Tip: Use the Summary tab to watch the number of Completed Users progress from 0 to 50.

9. Close the report and schedule.

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Exercise 10.1 Comparing Reports In this exercise, you will record a performance test using Plants by WebSphere. Then you will re-run the same test with Plants by WebSphere without clearing the browser’s cache or cookies. Then you will compare the two test runs on one report to identify performance differences between the two runs.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Copy an existing test.

► Re-run the same test.

► Create a report to compare a similar counter for both test runs.

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Create a New Test From an Existing Enhanced Test (Create performance Test 1):

Steps Comments

1. In the Test Navigator, right click the BuyBonsai_CustomPages test and select Copy.

2. In the Test Navigator, right click the 01_Tests folder and select Paste.

3. Rename Copy of BuyBonsai_CustomPages.testsuite to Compare.testsuite.

Review and Run Compare Test 1:

Steps Comments

1. Run the Compare test.

2. Confirm that the test run is complete by verifying that Run Status is Complete on the Overall tab.

3. Close the report and the Compare test.

Review and Run Compare Test 2:

Steps Comments

1. Run the Compare test again. Ideally, there would be some change in the environment where changes would be expected for this run. Because we are in a training environment, we want to focus on the procedure to create the report that compares the first and second runs. 2. When the test run starts, the Overall tab will be

displayed. Verify that the Run Status is Running and the Total Users is 1 by clicking the Summary tab, then go back to the Overall tab.

3. Confirm that the test run is complete by verifying that Run Status is Complete on the Summary tab.

4. Close the report.

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Comparing Reports

Create the Comparison Report:

Steps Comments

1. Create a new report using the report wizard by clicking File > New > Performance Test Report.

2. Name the report Comparison Report.

3. Click Insert to add a new report tab.

4. In the Create New Tab dialog box, type Comparison in the Title box.

5. In the Select graphic template section, select the Custom Tab (1 graphic) option and click Next.

6. In the Title field, type Page Element AverageResponse Times.

7. Under Select Graphic Type, select Bar Chart and click Next.

8. In the Bar Chart dialog box, select the Show All Test Runs checkbox.

9. Ensure that the Plants project for the first Compare test run is expanded:

Plants > Compare > All Hosts > RPT Performance Statistics Agent > Pages > Response Time [ms] > Average Response Time For All Page Elements

[ms] [for Run].

Click the Add button.

Use the time stamp on the results to identify which run occurred first.

This is the stats counter for the “control” run (the first run of the test) which will be used to compare the second test run against.

10. Verify that this counter appears in the Data Sets list.

11. Expand the second Compare test run and select

Plants > Compare > All Hosts > RPT Performance Statistics Agent > Pages > Response Time [ms] > Average Response Time For All Page Elements

[ms] [for Run].

Use the time stamp on the results to identify which run occurred second.

Click the Add button.

12. Click Finish and then click Finish again.

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Steps Comments

13. In the Performance Test Runs view, select the second Compare test run. Right-click and select Display Report. Verify that Comparison Report is selected and then click OK.

14. Observe the difference between the two test runs.

15. Close the report.

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Exercise 10.2 Customizing Reports In this exercise, you will modify reports to customize them for your own use.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Change the default report.

► Make changes to a report.

► Filter results data.

► Create a new report.

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Change the Default Report:

Steps Comments

1. Click Window > Preferences.

2. Expand Test.

3. Expand Performance Test Reports.

4. Click Default Report. The Performance Report is currently the default report.

5. Clear the Determine default report based on protocol checkbox.

6. In the Default Report dialog box, select Transaction Report.

7. Click Apply and then click OK.

8. In the Performance Test Runs view, right-click BuyBonsai_CustomPages and select Display Default Report.

The Transaction Report will be displayed.

9. Close the Transaction Report.

10. Change the default report back to the Performance Report.

Make Changes to a Report:

Steps Comments

1. In the Performance Test Runs view, expand the Plants project.

2. Right-click BuyBonsai_CustomPages and choose HTTP Reports > Page Performance Report.

3. In the Performance Test Runs view, expand BuyBonsai_CustomPages: All Hosts > Performance Statistics > Run > HTTP Status Codes > 200 Codes > Count [for Run].

4. Drag this counter over to the Overall graph on the right. The report is immediately updated.

5. Close the report and select No in the Save dialog.

If you save the changes upon exiting, the report will contain these updates the next time you generate it.

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Customizing Reports

Filter Results Data:

Steps Comments

1. In the Performance Test Runs view, right-click BrowseCatalog_Sched, expand HTTP Reports, and select Page Performance Report.

2. Click the Page Performance tab and pick a value that you want to filter. For our example, we will use 300ms.

3. Right-click the graph and select Apply Filter.

4. Select Filter by value and enter 300 for the value.

5. Select Show counters above filter value and click OK.

Notice that the filter has been applied.

6. In the Performance Test Runs view, expand Performance Report > Page Performance > Average Page Response Time for Run, right-click the filter, and select Remove Filter(s).

7. Close the Performance Report and select No in the Save dialog.

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Create a New Report:

Steps Comments

1. Create a new report using the Performance Test Report wizard by clicking File > New > Performance Test Report.

2. Name the report New Report and click Insert to add a new report tab.

3. In the Create New Tab dialog box, type New in the Title box.

4. In the Select graphic template, select the Custom Tab (1 graphic) option and click Next.

5. In the Select Graphic Type in the Graphic Properties page, type Avg ExecutionTime for Run in the Title box.

6. In the Select Graphic Type, select Bar Chart and click Next.

7. In the Bar Chart dialog box, select the Show All Test Runs checkbox.

8. Expand the Plants project for the BuyBonsai test run: Plants > BuyBonsai > All Hosts Performance Statistics > Tests > Execution Time > Average Execution Time For All Tests [ms] [for Run]. Click the Add button.

9. Verify that this counter appears in the Data Sets list. Click Finish and then click Finish again.

10. In the Performance Test Runs view, select the BuyBonsai test run. Right-click and select Display Report. Select New Report and click OK.

11. Examine the report and close the report.

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Exercise 10.3 Basic Root Cause Analysis

Workshop Problem Description In this exercise you will analyze an existing performance test run and explore some of the features available that help identify bottlenecks.

Objectives In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

► Create a new performance test schedule with resource monitoring enabled for basic CPU metrics.

► Run the new schedule.

► Review the resource report.

► Overlay resources onto an existing report.

► Drill down to the slowest page element.

► Set the time ranges for a report

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• Click OK and then Finish. The Resource Monitoring dialog box closes.

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Create a Schedule with Resource Monitoring Enabled

Steps Comments

1. Open the RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched schedule and save it as RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched_ResourceMonitoring.

2. Click across the Schedule Element Details. Let create a schedule ramp-up to 5 virtual users.

3. General sub tab

• Change the Number of users to 5.

4. Run Duration sub tab

• Select Stop running the schedule after an elapsed time.

• Set Stop after to 5 minutes.

• Verify that Graceful Stop is selected.

5. Resource Monitoring sub tab

• Select Enable resource monitoring.

• Click the Add New button. The Resource Monitoring dialog box opens.

6. Resource Monitoring Dialog window

• Host: localhost

• Data Source: Windows Performance Monitor

• Select the Resource sub tab

• Click Deselect All

• Select Processor (which also selects Total > Processor Time)

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Basic Root Cause Analysis

Steps Comments

7. Statistics sub tab

• Set the Statistics log level to All.

8. Expand the Browse user group, click the 3000ms delay, click Remove, and then click OK to confirm that you want to remove the delay.

9. Select the Order user group, click Remove, and then click OK to confirm that you want to remove the Order user group.

10. Select the Browse user group, click Add, and then click Loop.

11. Set the number of iterations for the loop to 999999999.

12. Verify that the BrowseCatalog test is positioned within the loop. The resulting schedule should look as follows:

13. Save the schedule.

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Review the Default Resource Report

Steps Comments

1. Run the RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched_ResourceMonitoring performance schedule.

Run As > Performance Schedule

2. Select the Resources sub tab on the Default Report. (The Resource report is the right-most tab of the Default Report).

The results are updated dynamically during run-time and summarized at the end of the test run.

3. Right click the graphic and select Add/Remove Performance Counters > Resource Monitoring Counter.

The Add/Remove Resource Counters wizard opens. We only set up to record one metric. If the others were being collected we could turn them on or off here.

4. Click Finish to close the Add/Remove Resource Counters wizard.

Overlay System Resources over an Existing Report

Steps Comments

1. Select the Response vs. Time Detail report sub tab.

2. Right-click the graphic and select Add/Remove Performance Counters > Resource Monitoring Counter.

3. Select the relevant resource counters from the dialog. Tip: Select Automatically add Resource Counters to graphic as they appear in result to add the metrics set-up in the schedule with automatic scaling.

4. Click Finish.

5. Observe how the CPU % Time varies with time, as do the Avg. response times of the pages.

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Drill down to the slowest page element.

Steps Comments

1. Select the Page Performance report sub tab.

2. Identify the slowest page from the graph.

3. Right-click the slowest page and then select Display Page Element Responses.

For the above example, Plants-Home appears to be the slowest page relative to the other pages average response times.

4. Observe the average response times for the 10 slowest page elements for the slowest page we are investigating.

For our example, it appears that the /PlantsByWebSphere/images/theme_summer1. gif is the page element that is taking the longest compared to the other average response times. If this were a .jsp, .asp, .js, or similar object, there would be potential cause for further investigation.

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Basic Root Cause Analysis

Rational Performance Tester doesn’t stop here with root cause analysis. Rational Performance Tester has far more advanced root cause analysis functionality built in, but these are topics that are

not in the scope of this course.

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Change the Time Ranges of a Report

Steps Comments

1. Select the Page Throughput report sub tab.

2. Observe that the User Load Graph reached the target of 5 virtual users after 5 seconds.

3. Right-click the graphic and then select Change Time Range.

4. Click the New Time Range button.

5. Click the Set to Steady State button, and then click Finish.

6. Did you notice how the statistics for the tables and graphs all re-adjust according to the new start and end times set?

7. Close the RandomBrowseAndOrder_Sched_ResourceMonitoring default report and schedule.

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Exercise 10.4 Workshop Scenario

Workshop Problem Description You have received an updated copy of the workload analysis document that details the following:

► New business requirement:

─ Checkout can take no longer than eight seconds. Checkout is defined as the time it takes to go from the Review Your Order page to the Order Completion page.

► User profiles:

─ Browsers are active 60% of the time, they repeat the browse actions three times, and they repeat the browse actions two times per minute.

─ Shoppers are active 10% of the time, they perform browse actions one time, and they wait 10 seconds before they buy a Bonsai tree.

─ Buyers are active 30% of the time, and they buy the Maple tree with a quantity of 101.

You have been asked to verify the following:

► While the normal load of 50 virtual users is running with the various profiles, the checkout time should take no longer than eight seconds.

What to do in the Plants project:

► Record a new test named BuyMaple and order 101 maple trees. Customize the page titles.

► Create a new schedule named BuyMaple_Sched.

─ Model your workload in the schedule.

─ Reuse recorded tests, if possible.

─ Make sure to use delays, loops, and transactions.

► Review and run the test then evaluate the test result.

─ Look at the Response vs. Time Detail data in the Performance Report.

─ Find the average response time for the BuyMaple confirm or review order page.

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