Essential Questions

Essential Questions Essential Questions How do the French How do the French identify their family identify their family members? members? How can you talk about How can you talk about your family? your family?


Essential Questions. How do the French identify their family members? How can you talk about your family?. Choose the correct adjective. Patrick a un ______ (nouveau / nouvel) ordinateur. Tom et Dom sont de _____(vieil / vieux) amis. Eric est un ______ (bel / beau) homme. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Essential Questions

Page 1: Essential Questions

Essential QuestionsEssential Questions

● How do the French identify their How do the French identify their family members?family members?

● How can you talk about your How can you talk about your family?family?

Page 2: Essential Questions

Choose the correct adjective.Choose the correct adjective.

1.1. Patrick a un ______ (nouveau / nouvel) Patrick a un ______ (nouveau / nouvel) ordinateur.ordinateur.

2.2. Tom et Dom sont de _____(vieil / vieux) Tom et Dom sont de _____(vieil / vieux) amis.amis.

3.3. Eric est un ______ (bel / beau) homme.Eric est un ______ (bel / beau) homme.

4.4. Ma _____ (nouvelle / nouvel) amie Ma _____ (nouvelle / nouvel) amie s’appelle Agns’appelle Agnès.ès.

5.5. Il y a de _____ (belles / beaux) livres à la Il y a de _____ (belles / beaux) livres à la bibliothèque.bibliothèque.


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● demi-frdemi-frère = both stepbrother and half-ère = both stepbrother and half-brotherbrother

● demi-soeur = demi-soeur =

both stepsister and both stepsister and


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Cinquain PoetryCinquain Poetry

● Write a cinquain, a 5-line poem, describing Write a cinquain, a 5-line poem, describing a friend or family member.a friend or family member.

● Line 1: A nounLine 1: A noun● Line 2: Two adjectivesLine 2: Two adjectives● Line 3: Three verbs or verb phrasesLine 3: Three verbs or verb phrases● Line 4: A sentenceLine 4: A sentence● Line 5: A nounLine 5: A noun

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Example 1Example 1

Mon frMon frèreère

Généreux, sportifGénéreux, sportif

Il chante, il dessine, il travailleIl chante, il dessine, il travaille

J’adore mon frère.J’adore mon frère.


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Example 2Example 2

Mon chienMon chien

Grand, marrantGrand, marrant

Il joue, il mange, il aime les chatsIl joue, il mange, il aime les chats

J’adore mon chien.J’adore mon chien.


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● In French, names are changed and In French, names are changed and shortened just as they are in English when shortened just as they are in English when a person is with family or friends.a person is with family or friends.

● BoysBoys● Jacques: Jacquot (Jimmy)Jacques: Jacquot (Jimmy)● Guillaume: Guy (Bill)Guillaume: Guy (Bill)

● GirlsGirls● Alexandrie: Alix (Alex)Alexandrie: Alix (Alex)● Marguerite:Margot (Maggie)Marguerite:Margot (Maggie)


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Luc Céline Lucienne Henri

Martin PhillippeMonique Claude Samuel

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● Claude dClaude décrit sa famille. Regarde l’arbre écrit sa famille. Regarde l’arbre généalogique (family tree) et décide si les généalogique (family tree) et décide si les phrases sont phrases sont

A.) vraiesA.) vraies

B.) fauxB.) faux


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Réponds aux questions suivantes d’après l’arbre Réponds aux questions suivantes d’après l’arbre généalogique de Claude.généalogique de Claude.

1.1. Comment s’appelle le neveu de CComment s’appelle le neveu de Céline?éline?2.2. Comment s’appelle les cousines de Comment s’appelle les cousines de

Martin?Martin?3.3. Qui est l’oncle de Claude?Qui est l’oncle de Claude?4.4. Comment s’appelle le mari d’Hélène?Comment s’appelle le mari d’Hélène?5.5. Qui est la tante de Claude?Qui est la tante de Claude?6.6. Qui est le frère de Martin?Qui est le frère de Martin?7.7. Qui est lecousin de Phillippe?Qui est lecousin de Phillippe?8.8. Qui sont les enfants de Lucienne?Qui sont les enfants de Lucienne?


Page 11: Essential Questions

To ask about someone’s To ask about someone’s familyfamily

To respondTo respond

Tu as des frTu as des frères et des ères et des soeurs?soeurs?Do you have any brothers or sisters?Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Non, je suis fils/fille unique.Non, je suis fils/fille unique.

No I am an only childNo I am an only child..

Tu as combien de Tu as combien de frfrères et ères et de soeurs?de soeurs?How many … do you have?How many … do you have?

J’ai J’ai deux soeurs et un demi-deux soeurs et un demi-frfrère.ère.I have…and…I have…and…

Vous Vous êtes combien dans ta êtes combien dans ta famille?famille?How many people are there in your How many people are there in your family?family?

Nous sommesNous sommes cinq. cinq.There are … of us.There are … of us.

Tu as un animal Tu as un animal domestique?domestique?Do you have a pet?Do you have a pet?

Oui, j’ai trois chats et un Oui, j’ai trois chats et un chien.chien.Yes, I have…Yes, I have…

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InterviewInterview Ask three of your classmates the Ask three of your classmates the

questions below. Based on their answers, questions below. Based on their answers, see if there are any similarities between see if there are any similarities between their families and yours.their families and yours.

1.1. Vous Vous êtes combien dans ta famille?êtes combien dans ta famille?

2.2. Comment s’appelle ton père? Et ta mère?Comment s’appelle ton père? Et ta mère?

3.3. Tu as des frères ou des soeurs?Tu as des frères ou des soeurs?

4.4. Tu as un animal domestique?Tu as un animal domestique?


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Imagine you’re an exchange student Imagine you’re an exchange student staying with a French family. Which of the staying with a French family. Which of the following would you expect to do:following would you expect to do:

a)a) help yourself to the fridge and be able to help yourself to the fridge and be able to snack whatever you like?snack whatever you like?

b)b) eat dinner in front of any one of the three eat dinner in front of any one of the three TV sets?TV sets?

c)c) spend Sunday with your family?spend Sunday with your family?


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● If you stay with a French family, you’ll If you stay with a French family, you’ll notice that children usually have dinner notice that children usually have dinner every evening with their parents. Except every evening with their parents. Except for the gofor the goûter, they don’t eat between ûter, they don’t eat between meals. The family will most likely have meals. The family will most likely have dinner in the dining room. Some families dinner in the dining room. Some families might watch the 8 o’clock news together might watch the 8 o’clock news together while eating dinner around the dinner while eating dinner around the dinner table.table.

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● Boys and girls help with grocery shopping, Boys and girls help with grocery shopping, meal preparation, cooking, and setting or meal preparation, cooking, and setting or clearing the table. French teenagers rarely clearing the table. French teenagers rarely have parties at home; they meet their have parties at home; they meet their friends at a caffriends at a café or a theatre. They usually é or a theatre. They usually go out on Wednesday afternoons, since go out on Wednesday afternoons, since school ends early, and on Saturday nights. school ends early, and on Saturday nights. Sunday is often spent with the family.Sunday is often spent with the family.

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● Do you always have lunch or dinner with Do you always have lunch or dinner with your family?your family?

● Do American students usually go out on Do American students usually go out on Wednesdays and Saturday nights?Wednesdays and Saturday nights?