Essential Asanas

Essential asanas ccording to the Gheranda Samhita ( a eighteenth century treatise on Hatha yoga), there are eighty four thousands asanas. However, to the best of my knowledge, the largest collection of asanas in one single publication is Dharma Mittra's Master yoga chart, which presents a whooping 908 postures. Mr Iyengar's "Light on Yoga", a book which is still considered by many to be the ultimate reference in this field, describes little more than 200 asanas - still far too much to fit into a daily practice - and far more than most people will master in a lifetime. Which ones are essential? To find the answer to this question, and decide which asanas must be included in my regular practice and taught in my classes, I decided to look at various styles of yoga and at a number of yoga texts. The results of these investigations are summarised in the table below. I have used the Sanskrit names, but a translation of most of these is included at the end of the article for the benefit of those who prefer to use English. But first, here's a short explanation of what the various columns contain. Iyengar yoga: Mr Iyengar gives in "Light on Yoga" a list of important asanas. I have shortened the list slightly, based on my own experience with this style of yoga. Ashtanga yoga: I consulted Patthabi Jois' "Yoga Mala". I have included asanas from the Surya Namaskar sequences and from the closing sequence, which are considered essential and should be practiced on a daily basis. Standing postures were not included, but had they be, the list would look even more similar to the Iyengar list (hardly surprising, since both styles come from Krishnamacharya) Sivananda: These are the twelve basic postures which teachers of this school of yoga include in all their classes. Classical texts: The Gheranda Samhita describes thirty two asanas, which must have been considered essential by its author. Most of these thirty two asanas are also listed in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. The main difference between the two texts is that the GS lists some standing postures, while the HYP doesn't. I have left out some the lesser known asanas listed in the GS, but not in the HYP. Theos Bernard: describes in his book "Hatha Yoga" how he was given a number of asanas to practice on a daily basis. This is a list of these asanas. Dharma Mittra: Mentions 8 asanas as essential in his book "608 yoga poses". Savasana isn't included in these, but in his guidelines for practice, he advises to end all asana session with a "relaxation posture such as Savasana", which has therefore been included. Iyengar Ashtanga Sivananda Classical texts Theos Bernard Dharma Mittra Standi ng asanas Trikonasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana, Parsvakonas ana, Prasarita Padotanasan a Virabadrasan Uttanasana, Utkatasana, Urdhvasana, Virabadrasan a Trikonasana, Uttanasana Utkatasana, Vrkasana, Garudasana, None (although pictures of Vrkasana an d Padhahastha sana appear in his book) None



Transcript of Essential Asanas

Page 1: Essential Asanas

Essential asanas

ccording to the Gheranda Samhita ( a eighteenth century treatise on Hatha yoga), there are eighty

four thousands asanas. However, to the best of my knowledge, the largest collection of asanas in

one single publication is Dharma Mittra's Master yoga chart, which presents a whooping 908

postures. Mr Iyengar's "Light on Yoga", a book which is still considered by many to be the

ultimate reference in this field, describes little more than 200 asanas - still far too much to fit into

a daily practice - and far more than most people will master in a lifetime. Which ones are


To find the answer to this question, and decide which asanas must be included in my regular

practice and taught in my classes, I decided to look at various styles of yoga and at a number of

yoga texts. The results of these investigations are summarised in the table below. I have used the

Sanskrit names, but a translation of most of these is included at the end of the article for the

benefit of those who prefer to use English.

But first, here's a short explanation of what the various columns contain.

Iyengar yoga: Mr Iyengar gives in "Light on Yoga" a list of important asanas. I have

shortened the list slightly, based on my own experience with this style of yoga.

Ashtanga yoga: I consulted Patthabi Jois' "Yoga Mala". I have included asanas from the

Surya Namaskar sequences and from the closing sequence, which are considered

essential and should be practiced on a daily basis. Standing postures were not included,

but had they be, the list would look even more similar to the Iyengar list (hardly

surprising, since both styles come from Krishnamacharya)

Sivananda: These are the twelve basic postures which teachers of this school of yoga

include in all their classes.

Classical texts: The Gheranda Samhita describes thirty two asanas, which must have

been considered essential by its author. Most of these thirty two asanas are also listed in

the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. The main difference between the two texts is that the GS lists

some standing postures, while the HYP doesn't. I have left out some the lesser known

asanas listed in the GS, but not in the HYP.

Theos Bernard: describes in his book "Hatha Yoga" how he was given a number of

asanas to practice on a daily basis. This is a list of these asanas.

Dharma Mittra: Mentions 8 asanas as essential in his book "608 yoga poses". Savasana

isn't included in these, but in his guidelines for practice, he advises to end all asana

session with a "relaxation posture such as Savasana", which has therefore been included.

Iyengar Ashtanga Sivananda Classical


Theos Bernard

Dharma Mittra

Standing asanas

Trikonasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Prasarita Padotanasana Virabadrasan

Uttanasana, Utkatasana, Urdhvasana, Virabadrasana

Trikonasana, Uttanasana

Utkatasana, Vrkasana, Garudasana,

None (although pictures of Vrkasana and Padhahasthasana appear in his book)


Page 2: Essential Asanas

a, Ardha Chandrasana, Uttanasana


Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana

Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Karnapidasana, Urdhva Padmasana, Pindasana, Ado Mukha Svanasana

Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana,

Vipararita Karani (from the description given in the HYP this is Sirsasana)

Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana

Sirsasana, Sarvangasana,


Ustrasana, Salabhasana, Dhanurasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Bhujanghasana, Salabhasana, Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana, Bhujanghasana Salabhasana, Ustrasana

Bhujanghasana, Salabhasana, Dhanurasana

Bhujanghasana, leading into, Dhanurasana

Forward bends

Janusirsasana, Paschimottanasana

Utanasana Paschimottanasana

Paschimottanasana, Kurmasana,


Paschimottanasana, Maha Mudra


Ardha Matsyendrasana, Marichyasana

None Ardha Matsyendrasana

Matsyendrasana Ardha Matsyendrasana


Sitting asanas

Sidhasana, Virasana, Badhakonasana, Padmasana

Padmasana, Baddha Padmasana, Yoga Mudra

None (but this school of yoga always include some sitting practice)

Siddhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana, Svastikasana, Virasana, Badhdrasana, Baddha Padmasana, Gomukasana

Padmasana Siddhasana, Padmasana,

Balancing asanas

None Uth Pluthi (Tolasana)

Bakasana / Mayurasana

Mayurasana, Kukutasana,

None None

Other asanas

Navasana, Matsyasana, Savasana

Matsyasana, Uttanapadasana, Savasana

Surya Namaskar Matsyasana, Savanansana

Simhasana, Savansana (called Mirasana), Matsyasana

Matsyasana Savasana

Iyengar Ashtanga Sivananda Classical


Theos Bernard

Dharma Mittra

As can be seen from this table, most sources agree to include some backbends, and at least one

forward bends, one twist and one sitting asansa.

While classical texts do no list inversions amongst asanas, they mention Viparita Karani, which

is probably Sirsasana. Nearly all other sources include Sirsasana, Sarvangasana and Halasana. It

Page 3: Essential Asanas

comes as no surprise that Iyengar yoga places a particular emphasis on standing postures, which

are simply ignored by some other sources (the Hatha Yoga Pradipika does not mention any

standing postures, although the Gheranda Samhita lists three).

While only one mild backbend and no twists are listed here for ashtanga, this has to be seen in

the context of the whole system, in which the second series actually contains a number of strong

twists and backbends and was meant to be practiced regularly. However, beginners do not get

much practice at backbends, and this has been pointed out by some as a shortcoming of the

ashtanga system.

All sources insist on the importance of finishing the practice with a relaxation time in Savasana.

Although the shortest list includes only 9 postures, it seems to be difficult to go below 12 if you

want to include some standing postures.

Here's my own list (in no praticular order), for what it's worth: Uttanasana, Trikonasana,

Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Urdhva Mukha

Svanasana, Dhanurasana, Marichyasana or Baradhvajasana, Siddhasana, Padmasana,

Baddhakonasana, Supta Virasana, Navasana, Matsyasana, Savasana.

Glossary of postures names:

For those who are not familiar with the Sanskrit names of postures, here's a translation.

Standing Trikonasana: Triangle Parivrtta Trikonasana :Reversed (twisted) triangle Parsvakonasana: Sideway strech Prasarita Padotanasana: Wide leg forward bend Virabadrasana: Warrior posture Ardha Chandrasana: Half moon pose (balancing on one leg) Uttanasana: Standing forward bend Utkatasana: Half squat Vrkasana: Tree pose Garudasana: Eagle posture Inversions Sirsasana: Headstand Sarvangasana: Shoulderstand Halasana: Plough posture Karnapidasana: Knee to ears posture (a variation of Halasana) Urdhva Padmasana: Shoulderstand with legs in lotus Pindasana: Inverted embryo posture Ado Mukha Svanasana: Downward facing dog Backbends Ustrasana: Camel Salabhasana: Locust Dhanurasana: Bow, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana: Upward facing dog Bhujanghasana: Cobra Forward bends Paschimottanasana: Sitting forward bend Janusirsasana: One leg head to knee forward bend Kurmasana: Tortoise Maha Mudra: The great seal, a variation of Janusirsasana Sitting asanas Badhakonasana: Cobbler's pose (sometimes called butterfly)

Page 4: Essential Asanas

Siddhasana: Perfect posture Padmasana: Lotus Vajrasana: Diamond posture (kneeling) Svastikasana: Easy posture (simple cross legged sitting posture) Virasana: Hero posture (kneeling) Baddha Padmasana: Bound lotus Gomukasana: Cow face posture Balancing asanas Tolasana: Scale posture (lifting up in lotus) Bakasana: Crow posture Mayurasana: Peacok Kukutasana: Cock posture Miscellaneous asanas Navasana: Boat posture Matsyasana: Fish posture Savasana: Corpse posture Uttanapadasana: a variation of Matsyasana Simhasana: Lion posture

See also the Online asana index

Christophe is the Webmaster of Yoga Online and runs a yoga centre on Clare Island, off the West coast of Ireland

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