Essence of Classes and Objects in Oop

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  • 7/29/2019 Essence of Classes and Objects in Oop




    In the world, if we see around ourselves, we always find things sharing common property (ies),

    on the basis of which they can be grouped together and can be put into one set, like, vehicles,

    toys, furniture etc. Not only that the non living things, but the living things also share common

    trait(s) on the basis of which they have been classified into various kingdoms and furtherspecies. Here in this concept, the vehicle, the furniture, the toy, all form a class. Whereas, the

    type of vehicle - like car, scooter etc. - or the type of furniture - like bed, dining table etc. - form

    a subclass. However, the car number 68XY or U model bed are the examples of objects or


    Whenever we talk about object oriented analysis and design, the concept of class is first and

    foremost. A class is not only a new way of defining and implementing the data types by users

    but it is also a mean to model the real world behavior. Classes are the actual modeling of the

    object-oriented concept.

    The object can be visualized as A CONTAINER THAT CONTAINS BOTH DATA AND CODE TO

    MANIPULATE THE DATA. Objets and classes are interrelated to eachother as A CLASS IS A

    COLLECTION OF SIMILAR OBJECTS. As we saw earlier that the class is a user defined data type,

    hence the entire set of data and code of an object can be made a user defined data type with

    the help of class.

    Every object is directly related to a class. Objects are nothing but instances of class. A class can

    be defined as a collection of objects of similar type. Thus a class is generalizationof objects

    having similar attributes and operations. A class consists of two parts, one isclass data types

    and the other is class data functions. These are collectively called classmembers.

    Within a class, the visibility level of class members is very important.. A class member can be

    one of the two types: PRIVATE or PUBLIC. As the name suggests, a private member can be seen

    only inside the class, whereas the public class member can be seen, accessed and mutated

    outside the class as well.

    A class is an ABSTRACT DATA TYPE since it follows the concept of ABSTRACTION. Abstraction is

    the mechanism, which only shows the necessary information to the user, while hiding

    background details or implementation. Rotation of a fan by turning on an electrical switch,

    without any additional effort or information requirement, is clearly an example of abstraction.

    Then, we come to an important concept of the object-oriented analysis, which is DATA HIDINGAND ENCAPSULATION. Both of these terms are tightly interrelated and are very similar to each

    other. Data Hiding is a very broad term that means insulating the data such that is cannot be

    directly accessed by the program. Encapsulation is a specific method of this term in which we

    wrap up both the data and the function in a single unit (class).

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    Importance of Class and Object Oriented Programming

    While class is certainly important to have in real life, it is equally important to have while

    programming. Taking advantage of an Object Oriented Programming method (or OOP method)

    may very well be one of the most important higher concepts to learn and understand. This

    article helps cover what OOP is, its benefits, and how to use it.


    In the real world each thing, or object, acts independently of everything else with no

    interconnected reliance. Objects can reactto other objects, but do not necessarily dependon

    other objects. Note: there are objects which are entirely dependent on other objects, but we'll

    get to that. If you have just started programming you likely will have noticed that the program

    as a whole runs in a very linear fashion with events occurring in a very specific order. To get

    around this many programming languages have implemented a class based architecture. Even

    Objective-C has structs which function in a similar manner.


    What is a class exactly? Succinctly, a class is whatever you want it to be. At its most basic level,

    a class is an object that you define yourself. What a class does is entirely up to you, but you will

    want to put some thought into constructing it to make sure it behaves as you intended. Classes

    allow you to group functions, variables, and even other classes into one contained object that

    does not interfere with other objects.

    Interaction principles

    Does not interfere? What if it needs to? Well, that's where access identifiers come in. They let

    you determine what can access the particular variable/function. There are three main access

    modifiers, and one that is less well known. The three main modifiers are (ordered by access


    Public Protected Private

    The last modifier is internal, it is not very well known, and has limited to no use in smaller

    projects and therefore will only be covered briefly.

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    Public Access

    First is the public access modifier. Public variables, functions, classes, etc. Can be accessed and

    modified by anything and everything. Some will say that one should never have public data, and

    others will say to use it with extreme caution. I fall in the latter camp personally. Ideally you

    only ever want to have a variable public if you want it to be modified by an external process,otherwise it is better to have it be a protected or private variable and then define a public

    function that allows the data to be read by other processes. To some this does seem much, but

    it all depends on your security needs, and whether or not you are the only one who will ever

    work on the project. A good rule of thumb is, "if you do not want it modified by just about

    anything, don't make it public." One exception is in Unity where a variable must be public in

    order to allow modification of said variable within the inspector tab(s).

    Protected Access

    Protected methods can be accessed by the class they are defined in, as well as any other class

    that is built on top of the class. This brings us to the topic of inheritance, which will be covered

    briefly before moving on to the private and internal definitions.


    To better understand inheritance we need to look at a real world example. Chances are you

    know what a car is, what it does, and generally how to use one. Most cars function the same,

    but yet are very different. One main difference is Manual vs. Automatic transmission. Aside

    from that there are sports cars, luxury cars, commercial vehicles, and many many more. Yet

    these are all cars, and they all have many things in common: wheels, brakes, an engine, the

    need for gasoline, a battery, drive shaft, steering wheel, lights, horn, and on and on. Torepresent this in programming you would create a car class, then you would probably make

    several other classes based on these for the different vehicle types. To do this you would use

    the extends keyword followed the class which this class is to be based upon. This new class will

    have access to absolutely everything that its parent has access too, except private members. As

    mentioned above, protected members can be accessed only by a class and its sub-classes.

    Private Access

    This brings us to the last of the three main access modifiers: private. The private modifier lets

    the defined method only be accessed by the class itself, and absolutely nothing else, not even

    derived classes. Taking the real-world car example, the basic car class would probably define

    how the engine works to produce thrust, but any sub-class would simply access the accelerate

    function instead of directly modifying the various engine components required to make

    acceleration happen. Thus, opening the valves, controlling airflow, fuel injection, ignition

    sequence, and exhaust are private, and for good reason too. Imagine having to control all of

    that every single time you wanted one of the cars to accelerate, instead of just pushing a handy

    little pedal.

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    Internal Access

    The internal modifier is not very well known because it limits access to the assembled package.

    This means that only this program, and no other program, can access the method. This can be

    handy if you are building a DLL file and want certain methods public within the DLL, but not

    available outside of its local program scope. Reading that definition may make you wonder whyinternal is needed at all since most everything is limited by its scope. The key thing here is

    classes. In particular you want a class accessible within a DLL for instantiation, but not available

    outside of it because the name it uses might clash with something else, or because it is a

    security concern. As aforementioned, this modifier is used very little in smaller projects.

    Construction Tips

    "That's all well and good," you might say, "but how do I actually use classes in my workflow?"

    There are a few things to keep in mind when constructing a class, and it can help to diagram out

    what is to do what well ahead of actually implementing anything. This will prevent you from

    having to come back and restructure the class an untold number of times.


    Classes typically require a public function of the same name as the class which acts as the

    instantiation method. What this means is that when you define "ClassName obj = new

    ClassName(a, b, c);" the parameters listed by your favorite IDE are pulled from the function

    with the same name as the class you are creating, which in this case is ClassName. It is possible,

    at least in every language I have encountered besides Objective-C, to have multiple, or

    overloaded, functions with the class name. This will allow for different ways to create the

    object depending on the circumstances and the amount of information actually required.


    In many cases it is also beneficial to have at least one commonly named update function whose

    function name exists in all necessary classes to provide a simple means of running standard

    loop logic. That way in the main body of the program you could just iterate through all objects

    and call their update functions, if they exist.


    Likewise it is a good idea to come up with a naming convention for various types of input.

    Windows allows you to register a listener function for keyboard, mouse, and other input.

    Within the function it would be very easy to call the respective listener functions of everything

    in your program if they all had similarly named listener functions.