essay on marxism

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  • 7/30/2019 essay on marxism


    ' Despite the demise of the Soviet bloc, Marxism is still a useful theory

    for understanding politics in contemporary societies '. Discuss.

    Word count: 987


    Marxism as a theory was born in the end of 19th century. Karl Marx -

    father of Marxism summarized it with one simple sentence 'from each

    according to his ability, to each according to his need'.In his opinion,

    society should be divided into two ruling ( capitalist ) and working

    (proletariat) classes and economic development should be based on

    materialism since economy, in his view, influences other social

    expressions. Marxism theory not only gave a big inspiration to different

    fields of science such as politic,literature or archeology but also was a start

    for new ideologies such as communism to emerge. Although Marxism

    collapsed together with USSR, its' heritage can be found nowadays. This

    essay will show that Marxism is not irrelevant in todays societies by

    exploring its' impact and giving examples of the Marxism traces in

    nowadays USA.


    According to Leon Trotsky, Russian Marxist and the head of the Red

    Army, the end of communism was obvious and inevitable. He foresaw its

    collapse already in 1930 by stating that 'a nationalized planned economy

    needs democracy as the human body requires oxygen'. And, indeed, he

    was right. After its demise, Marx theories experienced failure. It was

    believed that it was time for new chapter of world history to be turned. As

    Francis Fukuyama wrote in his book The End of History (1992) - ' the

    passing of Marxism-Leninism first from China and then from the Soviet

    Union will mean its death as a living ideology of world historical

    significance'. However, it is not possible for all important past events to be

    vanished from the memory of world history, including Marxism. There

    are evidences that Marxists ideas and works have an influence on todayssocieties.

  • 7/30/2019 essay on marxism


    Since Marxism was concentrated on economy and composition of the

    class, it helps better to understand why nowadays prosperous people

    continue to hold a great part of economic power. Contemporary Marxists

    believe, that values and intensions to get as much benefit as it is possible- of todays owners remained the same as in Marxism era. Moreover, they

    claim that although it was tried to decrease the power of capitalist class by

    nationalisation, private property of capitalist has not been affected or they

    did get large compensations. They even believe that private sector is going

    to be sponsored by nationalized sector since the later had employed the

    possessors of private property. Furthermore, todays Marxists do not see a

    significant changes in capitalist class since wealth was realloctaed between

    rich families not affecting poor people which has not reduced the power of

    the rich. According to Ralph Miliband, the inequality between rich and

    poor is going to continue, because there are no difficulties for '

    Bourgeoisie' to transfer their economic power to their next generation

    ( children). He also claims, that State institutions, such as local and central

    government, the police, military and others are commanded by Elites,

    which put priorities first to their interests and then to ordinary people.

    Looking from the perspective of education, children of the elite have more

    opportunities to attend prestigious universities and schools and remain in

    the upper class, while children from the working class have to fight to get

    there. So it is obvious that Marxism theory of classes structure is relevant

    in todays society and that power of economy is still divided among classes.

    Marxism has also an influence on todays United States society. First it had

    an effect on principal revoliution of women deliverance in America in 19th

    century, which encouraged women to stand up and fight against the

    discrimination of men. As Marxism ideology claims, staying at home and

    looking after children is not essential women duty. With such an inspiring

    speech, marxists wanted to create a society without classes, where all

    working class people would be equal and equality nowadays is the thing

    women movements are fighting for. The best quote, reflecting the aim of

    this idea belongs to Nikolai Lenin - ' The success of a revolution depends

    upon the degree of participation by woman '. Secondly, according to

    Father John A. Hardson, Marxism has affected the religious side in USA,

    starting with education. As V. Lenin said ' Marxism is materialism' and ' as

    such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion as the materialism of the

    encyclopaedists of the eighteenth century or the materialism of Feuerbach'.Hardson believes, that such philosophy was adapted in USA since in 1976

  • 7/30/2019 essay on marxism


    a National Education Association was inspired by writer William Foster,

    Marxist politician, who stated that academic system should be '

    revolutionized, cleansed of religious, patriotic and other features of the

    bourgeois ideology The students will be taught on the basis of Marxian

    dialectical materialism, internationalism, and general ethics of the newSocialist society'. This ideology resulted in closure of Catholic schools and

    parents no longer could educate their children at home. Those who did not

    followed this commandment felt pressure from State and Church as well.

    Father Hardson explains that that is why nowadays religion is removed

    from schools by American law and Catholic schools do not get any support

    from state. As John Dewey, philosopher and academic reformer, concludes

    Church in USA is governable to State.

    The proof that Marx theories are not forgotten can be supported by some

    evident facts. All over the world the process of nationalisation is still

    running. In 2011, venesuelan president Hugo Chavez gave an

    announcment about the nationalization of gold industry in order to protect

    it against dormant economic crisis and to increase the government position

    over its production. And it is not the first time gold mines are being

    nationalized in Venesuela the same pattern occurred in 1965 and again in

    1977. Three years earlier, in 2008, the same Chavez started negotiations

    with Spanish banking multinational Grupo Santander to nationalize Banco

    of Venezuela. He explained that by claiming that Bolivars in the bank

    belong to 'the Venezuelan people and also the Venezuelan government'. In

    2010, there was a debate in South Africa whether to nationalize the mines.

    Julius Malema was for its nationalization and he tried to strenghten his

    position by refering to 1955 Freedom Charter which states that ' The

    wealth of the country shall be shared among all who live in it!'.


    Athough Marxism era has ended, Marx ideas are still in action. It educates

    and gives inspiration to new generations and class fighters all over the

    world and helps to understand certain laws which are based on this theory.

    Moreover, influence of big corporations and bourgeoisie is still growing,

    which reminds about ruling capitalists class in Marxism period. Besides,

    governments aspiration to gain more and more power by nationalization

    can also refer to Marx theory about power in the hands of ruling class. So,

    it is obvious that Marxism as a theory is not irrelevant in todays world.

  • 7/30/2019 essay on marxism



    Father John A. Hardson, S.J. Archives, Communism, 'The Influence of

    Marxism in the United States Today' ;

    Francis Fukuyama 'The End of History' ;

    Alan Woods, Ted Grant 'The Relevance of Marxism Today' ;

    Phil Mitchinson 'The Living Ideas of Karl Marx' ;

    Gary Browning, Abigail Halcli, Frank Webster'Understanding

    Contemporary Society. Theories of the Present' ; ;

    and Alienation ;

    %20Contemporary%20Society.html ;

    ANC YL Discussion DocumentFebruary 2010


    OWNERSHIP OF THE PEOPLE AS A WHOLE: a perspective on

    nationalisation of Mines.