
INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Brief description about Malaysia To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia – a bubbling, bustling melting-pot of races and religions where Malays, Indians, and Chinese and many more other ethnic groups live together in peace and harmony. Malaysia’s multiculturalism has made it as a gastronomical paradise and home to hundreds of colorful festivals. It is no wonder that Malaysians love celebrating and socializing. As a people, Malaysians are very relaxed, warm and friendly. Geographically, Malaysia is almost as diverse as its culture. 11 states and 2 federal territories (Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya) form Peninsular Malaysia which is separated by the South China Sea from East Malaysia which includes the 2 states (Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo) and a third federal territory, the island of Labuan. 1.2 Tourist Attractions One of Malaysia’s key attractions is its extreme contrast which further adds to this theme of ‘diversity’. Towering skyscrapers look down upon wooden houses built on stilts while five-star hotels sit just meters away from ancients’ reefs. Rugged mountains reach dramatically for the sky while their rainforest-clad slopes sweep down to floodplains teeming with forest life. Cool highland hideaways roll down to warm, sandy beaches and rich, humid mangroves. 1.3 Main Effect- Cleanliness However, cleanliness or the lack of it remains a thorn in the flesh which can adversely affect the country’s tourism industry, if not given serious attention by all relevant authorities. According to tourism minister, tourist arrivals have dropped slightly because of the cleanliness problem. He added on that there are more dirty places than clean places. BODY: Outline 1: Description of Cleanliness



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INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Brief description about MalaysiaTo know Malaysia is to love Malaysia a bubbling, bustling melting-pot of races and religions where Malays, Indians, and Chinese and many more other ethnic groups live together in peace and harmony. Malaysias multiculturalism has made it as a gastronomical paradise and home to hundreds of colorful festivals. It is no wonder that Malaysians love celebrating and socializing. As a people, Malaysians are very relaxed, warm and friendly. Geographically, Malaysia is almost as diverse as its culture. 11 states and 2 federal territories (Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya) form Peninsular Malaysia which is separated by the South China Sea from East Malaysia which includes the 2 states (Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo) and a third federal territory, the island of Labuan. 1.2 Tourist AttractionsOne of Malaysias key attractions is its extreme contrast which further adds to this theme of diversity. Towering skyscrapers look down upon wooden houses built on stilts while five-star hotels sit just meters away from ancients reefs. Rugged mountains reach dramatically for the sky while their rainforest-clad slopes sweep down to floodplains teeming with forest life. Cool highland hideaways roll down to warm, sandy beaches and rich, humid mangroves. 1.3 Main Effect- CleanlinessHowever, cleanliness or the lack of it remains a thorn in the flesh which can adversely affect the countrys tourism industry, if not given serious attention by all relevant authorities. According to tourism minister, tourist arrivals have dropped slightly because of the cleanliness problem. He added on that there are more dirty places than clean places.

BODY:Outline 1: Description of CleanlinessCleanlinessis both theabstractstate of being clean and free fromdirt. Cleanliness alsomeans that there is nodirt, nodust, nostains and no badsmells. The purpose of cleanliness ishealth,beauty, absence of offensiveodorand to avoid the spreading of dirtand contaminants to oneself and others. Historically, cleanliness has been considered one of the important factors by which to judge a civilizations or societys development. However, this fundamental and powerful tenet of our faith, unfortunately, is not reflected in our society practically. Serious reflection is required on our individual as well as collective practices in order to make this valuable principle part of our lives.

Outline 2: How cleanliness in Tourist Centers Pose an ImpactThe quality of the natural environment is inexorably linked to tourism in Malaysia as any other country is. Tourists are attracted to the beauty of the Malaysia and multicultural environment, generating significant economic activity and employment. Although we are rich in alluring tourist with our magnificence but our attitude drives them away. We can never lure tourist into our country by lacking in cleanliness. Cleanliness holds an important aspect to lure tourist. By keeping our environment polluted by litters showing our self-discipline to the travellers. Tourist prefers a country which is clean and a tidy country for them to visit. It ensures that they are hygienically safe and gives them an assurance that they dont have to be afraid of being contaminant. A country which is unclean hold a thousand possibilities for disease to infect. For an example clogged waters/ drains is a home for mosquitos such as Aedes. Tourist would be concerned about being bit by a mosquito and fall in sick. Tourists are concerned about their health. According to Juan Eduardo, Baguio City, tourist doesnt need new attractions they demand cleanliness. Thus by having a cleaner environment we can lure more tourist to our country and as a result it can contribute to our economic growth.

Outline 3: Description of Problem3.1 Peoples AttitudeMuch is said rhetorically about cleanliness in our society but practically its application is missing. A quick observation can reveal how insensitive a culture we have developed regarding cleanliness and hygiene. Throwing garbage in the streets, roads or parks has become a common practice in our society. In public places dustbins are seldom found. Even if dustbins are installed, people do not use them properly. Rather, they prefer to throw garbage outside them. It is also observed that people clean their homes and shops and throw the garbage on the street without considering its implications. It is evident that even students of elite schools throw garbage on the ground even in the presence of garbage bins. This shows our attitude towards cleanliness and hygiene. Another habit that is commonly found in our society is spitting openly. People spit from running vehicles without considering the pedestrians walking on the road. This practice not only affects the environment but is also an eyesore. Another area that needs consideration is the horrible condition of public toilets. The shortage of public toilets is a big challenge, hence people are compelled to use open spaces to answer the call of nature. The toilets that do exist are in such pathetic condition that one cannot use them3.2 Governments AttitudeWhereas government, have not been implementing the summons made public to ignore the warnings from the government thus keep on littering all over the places. There is no proper law about keeping the environment clean and no proper implantation of existing law. This makes the public to ignore about cleanliness of the environment. Meanwhile some of the workers hired by the government are living a leisure free life. They tend to clean the places once it is too filthy. For an example, garbage bins are only replaced when it is full and the rubbish swims all over the garbage bin.3.3 SolutionThere are many other examples which can be cited to indicate the pathetic condition of cleanliness and hygiene in our society. Hence, conscious efforts are needed to tackle this issue. There is a dire need to educate and sensitize people about the importance of cleanliness in light of our faith. In this regard social institutions such as educational institutions, the media and religious institutions can play a vital role. It is essential to provide civic education in order to train the younger generations of a society. In Malaysia, the education system needs to transform its practices. Teaching and learning material regarding cleanliness and hygiene should be included in the curriculum and textbooks. Educational institutions should demonstrate cleanliness in their premises. To train young people schools should involve students in cleaning their schools, homes and environment and highlight proper sanitary practices. The use of dustbins should be strictly followed in the school premises. Secondly, the media can be a powerful source to educate and sensitize the masses about the importance of cleanliness and disadvantages of an unhygienic way of life. It should focus on both the good as well as unhygienic practices in our society. Thirdly, religious institutions such as mosques and temples or church can also play their part in educating the people about the importance of cleanliness in the light of religion teachings. Furthermore, the role and commitment of the government cannot be overlooked in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in society. The governments will is very crucial in making policies and implementing them at the grass-roots level. The government can play an important role in cleaning areas, installing dustbins, collecting garbage and enforcing laws against littering.

CONCLUSION:The importance of cleanliness cannot be ignored in individual as well as communal life. On one hand it is an important factor for human health and spiritual development; on the other hand it is essential for environmental development thus increase tourists in our country. By adopting a clean and hygienic lifestyle, a valuable amount can also be saved where health issues are concerned. A clean and healthy life helps in refining the culture of a society and reflects in every aspect of life such as art, architecture, food, music and so on. Ultimately, it leads towards a higher level of civilization.