Essay 1 Prompt 101 Fa 13

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Transcript of Essay 1 Prompt 101 Fa 13

  • 7/27/2019 Essay 1 Prompt 101 Fa 13


  • 7/27/2019 Essay 1 Prompt 101 Fa 13


    Thursday Class: September 26, 2013Characteristics of MLA format for a Word document:

    12 point font: Times New Roman1 inch margins all aroundHeader with your last name and page number (ex: Smith 1) at the top right corner (go toInsert ->

    Page Number -> Top of Page -> Option 3. Then, type your last name in front of the page


    Heading with your name, my name, the class name, and date with the day month and year on the leside. Heres an example:

    John Smith

    Professor Drawbond

    English 21

    1 March 2013

    Double spaced everywhereYour title should be centered and the first letter of each word capitalized (except minor words such

    of, the, and, and in)

    o Your title should NOT be: All caps In bold Bigger than the rest of the composition Underlined