Essay 1

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FLEX - Essay 11. The SAT essay is a timed essayYou have 25 minutes to write the essay.The essay is always the first area to be testedYou are given 2 single-sided sheets of paper2. The SAT essay is a handwritten essay1. Speed2. Legibility3. Auto-correct3. The SAT essay is a persuasive essayDo you agree or disagree with a certain statement1. You must take a position-agreeing and disagreeing with a statement doesn'thelp in arguing your point2. There is no such thing as an SAT perferred position-Not a time to think a philisophical ideas3. Shorten your intro and conclusion-Fancy intros are not required-intro and conclusion should only state what yourposition is; body paragraphs are where the pointsare earned4. The SAT essay requires supportExamples/Evidence-Hypothetical statements are NOT examples. -Saying hypothetical statesments allow the reader to make an argument against you.Generalization-When assuming or believing that the reader would understandGeneral Speculation-Not stating anything specific-Your own opinion without examples is not enough to supportyour argumentAvoid controversial topics that the reader may not identifywithHave examples that compliment each other, not repeat