ESPAÑOL I - I Chapter 7... · ESPAÑOL I Repaso de Capítulo 7 . CULTURA-ARGENTINA...

ESPAÑOL I Repaso de Capítulo 7

Transcript of ESPAÑOL I - I Chapter 7... · ESPAÑOL I Repaso de Capítulo 7 . CULTURA-ARGENTINA...

ESPAÑOL I Repaso de Capítulo 7


Cultura- Argentina

• Capital: Buenos Aires

• Argentina is located in the Southern Hemisphere which means it’s winter months are during our summer months. This is why skiing is a popular sport during the months of August and July.

• Population: 37 million +

• Between 1857 and 1939, 3.5 million people immigrated to Argentina from various parts of Europe such as Germany, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Austria, Norway, and Switzerland.

• Currency: Argentinean Peso

• Government: Republic

• National Dance: Tango

• The Tango originated in immigrant neighborhoods during the 18th century.

• The “Festival del Tango” in Buenos Aires is dedicated to the music and dance of the Tango.

Argentina • Buenos Aires

• The people of Buenos Aires are known as porteños

• San Carlos de Bariloche • Known as the “Switzerland of the

Andes” due to it’s mountainous geography.

• Los Andes • Mountain Range that runs North to

South in Argentina on the border with Chile.

• La Pampa • Known as “the land of the gauchos

(cowboys)” and is the heart of Argentinian Cattle raising

• Tierra de Fuego • The land of the Fire is home to

Ushuaia, the southern most city in the world. It receives 20 hours of light each day in December & January.

• Penguins live in large colonies in this extremely southern part of Argentina.

Cultura- Argentina

• Más Lugares:

• La Cueva de las Manos- located in Patagonia, it is was made by

prehistoric hunters in the region more than 10 million years ago.

• La Boca- this is a neighborhood located in Buenos Aires that was

originally home to Italian immigrants. The neighborhood is known

for the colorful houses and tango music that fills the air.

• La Garganta del Diablo- one of 275 waterfalls on the Border with

Brazil and is part of the Iguazú Waterfalls.

• El Parque Provincial Ischigualasto- this part is known for it’s

strange geological formations and has fossils from the Triassic

Periods. One of the oldest dinosaurs, the Euraptor Lunesis, was

discovered here.

Cultura- Argentina

• Comida: • Mate- Each day between 4 and 6 in the afternoon, Argentinians

drink a tea called mate. Mate is an herbal tea made from an herb called yerba mate. The tea is served in a metal gourd or cup, also called mate, and is sipped through a straw called a bombilla. Mate is made by placing the herb in the bottom of the cup and then pouring hot water from a kettle called a pava over the herb.

• La parrillada- This is a typical food in Argentina. It combines various types of meats and are served on large buffets.

• Las picadas- Las picadas are restaurants that serve large assortments of appetizers and finger foods prepared with cheese, meat, seafood, and nuts.

REMEMBER: The food from Argentina is heavily influenced from other cultures (such as Spain and Italy) due to the large amount of immigrants to Argentina from 1857-1939.

Cultura- Argentina

• Celebraciones :

• La Fiesta de la Semana de la Tradición- is celebrated in San

Antonio de Areco (in La Pampa), and is the largest Argentinian

festival dedicated the cowboys (gauchos) and their customs.

• El Festival del Tango- celebrated in Buenos Aires. This festival is

dedicated to the music and the dance of the Tango.

• La arquitectura-

• The church and convent of San Francisco de Salta has the tallest

tower in South America at 53 meters tall. Located in the extreme

north of the country, it was designed by Spanish and Italian


• European Architecture, like that found in the Alps, can be found in

several cities in Argentina. San Carlos de Bariloche reflects the

German heritage found in the Andes region.

GRAMMAR Reflexive Verbs & Reflexive Pronouns

The verbs estar, sentirse, and tener

Affirmative Commands

Negative Commands

Reflexive Verbs and Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive Verbs & Reflexive Pronouns

• Reflexive Verbs are verbs in which the subject does the

action of the verb to itself. (The subject and the object are

the same).

• When you conjugate a reflexive verb, a reflexive pronoun

must be used to show that the subject acts upon itself.

Subject Pronoun Subject Pronoun

Yo Me Nosotros(as) Nos

Tú Te Vosotros(as) Os

Usted Se Ustedes Se

Él Se Ellos Se

Ella Se


Lavar- to wash

I wash Lavo We wash Lavamos

You wash Lavas You wash Laváis

You wash Usted Lava You wash Ustedes Lavan

He washes Él Lava They wash Ellos Lavan

She washes Ella Lava


Lavarse- to wash (oneself)

I wash (myself) Me Lavo We wash

(ourselves) Nos Lavamos

You wash

(yourself) Te Lavas

You wash

(yourselves) Os Laváis

You wash

(youself) Usted Se Lava

You wash

(yourselves) Ustedes Se Lavan

He washes

(himself) Él Se Lava

They wash

(themselves) Ellos Se Lavan

She washes

(herself) Ella Se Lava

Reflexive Verbs & Reflexive Pronouns

• Reflexive Pronouns are placed

• Before a conjugated verb

• Me lavo- I wash (myself)

• Attached to an infinitive

• Voy a lavarme- I am going to wash (myself)

• Acabo de lavarme- I just washed (myself)

• Attached to an Affirmative Command

• Lávate- Wash (yourself)

• Placed before a Negative Command

• No te lavas- Don’t wash (yourself)

Reflexive Verbs & Reflexive Pronouns


• After prepositions such as para, antes de, and después de, you DO

NOT conjugate the infinitive. If the infinitive is a reflexive verb,

however, you must change the reflexive pronoun to match the


• Tengo que levantarme temprano para entrenarme.

• I have to get up early in order to workout.

• Reflexive Verbs can stem-change so always remember the BOOT!

Estar, Sentirse, and Tener

Estar, Sentirse, and Tener

• Estar is used to describe mental or physical states (remember H.E.L.P.C.T.)

• Estory enfermo- I am sick.

• Estar & Sentirse can be used with the adverbs bien (well) / mal (bad) or adjectives to describe mental or physical states.

• Estoy enfermo- I am sick

• Me siento enfermo- I feel sick.

• REMEMBER that Sentirse stem changes e-ie and is a reflexive verb so the pronoun must be included.

• Tener is used with certain nouns to create Tener Expressions to describe physical and mental states. These nouns can ONLY be used with tener and not estar or sentirse

• Tener miedo- To be scared

• Tengo miedo- I am scared.

Informal Commands

• Informal Commands are referring to either tú in the

singular form and vosotros in the plural form.

• Formal Commands are referring to either usted in the

singular form and ustedes in the plural form.

• Affirmative Commands tell someone to do something.

• Run!

• Negative Commands tell someone NOT to do something.

• Don’t Run!

Informal Commands

Affirmative Informal Commands

Affirmative Informal Commands

• To form:

• Put the verb in Present Tense tú form

• Drop –s.

• Escuchar

• Escuchas

• Escucha.

Affirmative Informal Commands

• To form:

• Put the verb in Present Tense tú form

• Drop –s.

• Attach the pronoun to the command

• Accent the 2nd to last syllable of the original


• Vesirse (e;i)

• Te vistes

• Te viste

• Vistete

• Vístete.

Irregular Affirmative Informal Commands

English Command Spanish Command

Have. Ten.

Come. Ven.

Put. Pon.

Go. Ve.

Be. (Ser) Sé.

Be. (Estar) Estés.

Do/Make. Haz.

Go out/Leave. Sal.

Tell/Say. Di.

When attaching Direct Object Pronouns or Reflexive Pronouns to irregular

commands, you don’t accent the command because they are only one syllable.

Affirmative Informal Commands


• Some verbs have stem-changes in the tú form.

• You have to follow the steps to make sure that the command is

spelled correctly.

Informal Negative Commands

Negative Informal Commands

• To form:

• Put the verb in Present Tense yo form

• Drop –o

• Add the opposite ending

• -as for –er,-ir verbs

• -es for –ar verbs

• Don’t forget the NO Since it is a Negative


• Escuchar

• Escucho

• Escuch

• Escuches

• No escuches

Negative Informal Commands

• To form:

• Put the verb in Present Tense yo form

• Drop –o

• Add the opposite ending

• -as for –er,-ir verbs

• -es for –ar verbs

• Change the me to te because it is an

informal command

• Don’t forget the NO Since it is a Negative


• Vestirse

• Me visto

• Me Vist

• Me vistas

• Te vistas

• No te vistas

• Because your 1st step in Negative Commands, you need

to remember you Irregular 1st Person Present Verbs!

• Hacer- Hago

• Poner- Pongo

• Salir- Salgo

• Decir- Digo

• Traer- Traigo

• Tener- Tengo

• Venir- Vengo

• Ver- Veo

• Conocer- Conozco

Informal Negative Commands

Irregular Informal Negative Commands

English Command Spanish Command

Don’t Give. No des

Don’t Go. No vayas

Do Be (Ser). No seas

Don’t Be (Estar). No estes

Don’t see/watch No veas

Don’t know (saber). No sepas

Remember that you do NOT attach Direct Object Pronouns or Reflexive Pronouns to

Negative Commands. Instead, they are placed before the command, after the no.

VOCABULARIO Vocabulary can be found on your Chapter 7-Part I and II

Vocabulary Lists as well as on page 263 in your
