
ENGLISH SPECIFIC PURPOSE PROJECT MAKING SOAP FROM BEEF TALLOW AND ASH Oleh : Anggie Hamdani (1210702004) Dewi Yulinda (1210702016) Dyna Kholidaziah (1210702018) Hanna Hanifa (1210702028) Hidayati Gusriani Solihat (1210702030) Biologi VI/A FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN GUNUNG DJATI BANDUNG 2013


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Oleh :

Anggie Hamdani (1210702004)

Dewi Yulinda (1210702016)

Dyna Kholidaziah (1210702018)

Hanna Hanifa (1210702028)

Hidayati Gusriani Solihat (1210702030)

Biologi VI/A




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1. Introduction

1.1 Background

Beef tallow, which is home cut animal waste often thrown away. In fact, can be a mixture of

poultry feed. Besides wasted, if not handled properly, this waste could potentially contaminate the

environment. Which are classified as beef tallow fat and body cavity fat hard meat stick to not fall

into the carcass. A research in Denpasar show, cow placenta weighs 300-350 kg yield of 4% -5% beef

tallow. When every day cut 150 head cow, it will be produced 1-2 tons of beef tallow.

This time, the abdominal fat ox (tallow) produced by cow slaughter house has not been

exploited when unchecked will cause environmental pollution abdominal fat ox (tallow) can be used

as raw material to manufacture compact soap economic value of beef abdominal fat (tallow) increased

(Rahayu, 2012).

1.2 Purpose

To know the benefits of organic waste materials into products that are good for health belt

1.3 Benevit

Expected to provide information about the benefits of organic waste materials into products belt is

good for health

2. Deskripsi (tinjauan pustaka)

Oil / fat are a lipid compound structure of glycerol esters. In the process of making, the type

of oil or fat used is vegetable oil or animal fat. Differences between oils and fats are around them in

space. Substantial oil liquid at room temperature (± 28 ° C), whereas fat dense concrete (Poermono,


Vegetable oil or animal fat is triglyceride compounds. Triglycerides are commonly used as

the raw material of making a fatty acid with carbon chain lengths ranging from 12 to 18. Fatty acids

with carbon chain lengths of less than 12 will cause irritation to the skin, whereas more than 18

carbon chains will be hard and tough soap soluble in water. Content of unsaturated fatty acids, such as

oleic, linoleic, and linolenic too much will cause the soap easily oxidized at atmospheric conditions to

become rancid soap. Unsaturated fatty acids have a double bond of up melting points lower than the

saturated fatty acids do not have a bond, so that the resulting soap will be more soft and easy to melt

at high temperatures

Beef tallow, which is home cut animal waste often thrown away. In fact, can be a mixture of

poultry feed. Besides wasted, if not handled properly, this waste could potentially contaminate the

environment. Which are classified as beef tallow fat and body cavity fat hard meat stick to not fall

into the carcass. A research in Denpasar show, cow placenta weighs 300-350 kg yield of 4% -5% beef

tallow. When every day cut 150 head cow, it will be produced 1-2 tons of beef tallow.

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Beef fat is a common food consumed by the people of Indonesia. Beef fat contains energy as

large as 818 kcal, 1.5 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbohydrates, 90 grams of fat, 0 milligrams of

calcium, phosphorus 0 milligrams, and 0 milligrams of iron. Additionally in Fat Cow is also contained

by 0 IU of vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C 0 mg 0 mg. Soap made from animal fat

saponification process (tallow) and from oil. Fat parent group called fatty acids consisting of long

hydrocarbon chain (C-12 to C18) which is bound to form a carboxyl group. Short-chain fatty acid is

rarely used because it produces little foam. Saponification reaction is none other than alkaline

hydrolysis of an ester with an alkali (NaOH, KOH) (Bailey, 1950).

Saponification or saponify said means making soap (Latin sapon = soap-fy is a suffix

meaning making). Ancient Romans began making soap since 2300 years ago by heating a mixture of

animal fat with wood ashes. During the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe only soap used in the

treatment field. 19th century by the then widespread use of soap. Soap can be made through a batch or

continuous process at a batch process, the fat or oil is heated with an alkali (NaOH or KOH) excess in

a kettle. If the proceed has finished, add salt salt to precipitate soap. Contain layer of salt water,

glycerol and glycerol produced and alkaline advantage gained more from the distillation process.

Sediment pig soap mixed with salt, alkali and glycerol then purified with water and precipitated with

salt several times. Sediment eventually boiled with enough water to get a smooth mixture that

eventually form a homogeneous layer and float. This soap can be sold directly without further

processing, that is the cheap industrial soap. Added some filler material, such as sand or pumice stone

to rub in soap making. Some behaviors needed to transform pig into soap bath soap, powder soap,

medicinal soap, scented soap, laundry soap, liquid soap and soap float (by dissolving air in it).

In a continuous process, that is commonly done now, fat or oil hydrolysis with water at high

temperatures and pressures, aided by catalysts such as zinc soap. Fat or oil included continuous from

one end of the large reactor. Fatty acids and glycerol that is formed is removed from the opposite end

of the distillation. Acid-acid is then neutralized with an alkali to be soap.

In general, the alkali used in soap making are generally only NaOH and KOH, but sometimes

also using NH4OH. Soap made with NaOH dissolved in water slower than soap made with KOH.

Soap made of strong alkali (NaOH, KOH) has a pH value between 9.0 up to 10.8 while soap made

from slightly alkaline (NH4OH) will have a lower pH value that is 8.0 until 9.5 (Standar Nasional

Indonesia, 1994).

Soaps are salts of weak acids, bases its solution rather because of partial hydrolysis.

According to him (1999), composed of beef tallow separonya monounsaturated or monounsaturated

fat but made up entirely of waste to be less saturated fat good (David, et al., 1999).


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3. Metodh

3.1 Tools and Material

3.1.1 Tools

- Pan

- Hot plate

- Stirrer

- Layer

3.1.2 Material needed

- Beef tallow

- Ash

- Essence

- Soda

3.2 Procedure

• boil the tallow

• took the crued oil


• pour 20gr sawdust into 500 ml water

• boil untill dissolved

SAWDUST LIQUID • mix crued oil

that had added by soda into sawdust liquid

• heat it and add essence then pour in to printing


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4. Result and Discussion

4.1 Result

Fig 2. Neutralization process

Fig 1. Materials used : a. sawdust or ash, b. Essence, c. tallow, and d.


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4.2 Discussion

After this experiment, known that from a simple things we canmade a useful another

things. Soap that made is a simple soap because we didn’t use source from chemical because

sodium will make skin burned. So it is important to use organic soap. Soaps are carboxylate

salts with very long hydrocarbon chains. Soap can be made from the base hydrolysis of a fat

or an oil. This hydrolysis is called saponification, and the reaction has been known for

centuries. Traditionally, soaps were made from animal fat and lye (NaOH). (Lye was

traditionally made by pouring water through wood ashes.) An example of a saponification

reaction is shown below. Soap can emulsify fats and oils by forming micelles around oil

droplets. The soap molecules surround an oil droplet so that their nonpolar tails are embedded

in the oil and their charged “head” groups are on the exterior of the droplets, facing the water.

If the oil droplets are small enough and if there are enough soap molecules to surround them,

the oil droplets become dispersed in the water and can then easily be washed away.

Therefore, using lots of soap, hot water, and agitation can help clean greasy dishes.

Hot water can melt solid fats, and agitation can help break up the fats and oils into smaller

droplets. Using lots of soap makes it more likely that there will be enough soap molecules to

surround and emulsify all of the fat droplets. Soaps are less effective in hard water, which is

water that contains a significant concentration of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions. These ions form

precipitates with soap molecules, and this precipitate is often seen as a gray line on a bathtub

or sink and is often called “soap scum”. Since soap forms a precipitate with these ions, it

means that many of the soap molecules are no longer present in the solution. Therefore, soap

will form fewer suds in hard water. “Soft water” is water that contains very few or no ions

that precipitate with soap. Soap will therefore be much more effective in soft water than in

hard water.

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Daftar pustaka

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Minyak Goreng (Minyak Jelantah) Sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Sabun Cair.

Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Andalas. Vol 1: 1-6.

Bailey A.E. 1950. Industrial Oil and Fat Product. New York: Intersholastic Publishing Inc.

David, W. M., dkk. 1999. Biokimia (Terjemahan). Edisi 20. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran.

Poermono, A. 2002. Membuat Sabun Colek: Skala Kecil, Skala Menengah. Jakarta: Penerbit Penebar


Rahayu, M.A. 2012. Pemanfaatan Lemak Abdomen Sapi (Tallow) Dalam Pembuatan Sabun

Melalui Proses Saponifikasi Naoh. Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. VOL 1: 1-7.

Standar Nasional Indonesia. 1994. 06-3532-1994. Standar Mutu Sabun Mandi. Jakarta: Dewan

Standardisasi Nasional.