ESL Teacher Training - Washington County Public Schools · ESL Teacher Training September 8, ......

ESL Teacher Training September 8, 2016

Transcript of ESL Teacher Training - Washington County Public Schools · ESL Teacher Training September 8, ......

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ESL Teacher Training

September 8, 2016

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teachers-- the reason you are here --

we need YOUR help


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English Language Learners are Everyone’s Responsibility


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What does the Law say?


Lau V. Nichols, 1974, U.S.

Supreme Court —a child must

have basic English skills to

participate in the educational

process and may not be denied

access to education because of

limited English.

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FEDERAL Legislation Referencing ELL

Title VI, Civil Rights Act, 1964,-no person may be

denied rights and benefits of citizenship because of

race, color, or national origin

Plyler v. Doe, 1982, U. S. Supreme Court —

upheld Texas court ruling that undocumented

children have the same right to a free public

education as U.S. citizens

No Child Left Behind Act of 2001—makes school

districts accountable for the education of all

children, including ELLs

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FEDERAL Legislation Referencing ELL

Every Student Succeeds Act - Dec., 2015

ESSA --adds more emphasis on education and

assessment results of ELLs

ELL growth in English acquisition used as part

of Virginia accreditation (ACCESS scores)

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Student who were:

* Born outside United States *first Language other than English

Secondary factors:

*language other than English spoken in the home

*prior scholastic/academic records


Who might qualify for ELL services?

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How are students identified for ESL services?

• Identification must take place during the registration process.

When a student registers in our division a home language survey is included in the paperwork. This survey aims to identify any and all languages present in a home. If a language other than English is indicated on the survey, students are given the WIDA W-APT screening test. If students transfer from another school division in which they have already taken a WIDA language proficiency assessment, those scores are used in place of a screening. Scores on these assessments are used to determine if a student is eligible for ESL services and accommodations. Here is a flowchart of the process:


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ESL Identification Procedure


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Federal Law –Translations if requested


Registrars should notify the local ESL instructor of any form

indicating a language other than English recorded on Home

Language Forms

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Federal Law --Translations Federal law requires schools communicate with parents in a language they understand concerning:

1) Disciplinary notices

2) Changes in scheduling

3) School rules and regulations

4) Applications for free and reduced lunch

5) Field trip forms

6) Health and immunization notices

7) Other general information sent to all students.

8) Parent conference -- if the parent does not understand English, the school is obligated to provide an approved interpreter with prior notice.



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Federal Law – Discipline – Translations

–An ESL student CANNOT be used to translate DURING A DISCIPLINE MEETING, regardless of the situation.

– If a family brings in a family member or friend to help interpret, the district is still responsible for providing an approved interpreter.


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Supporting ESL in the Classroom


Classroom Teachers Should:

Use visuals and manipulatives

Allow more time and practice

Simplify directions, tasks, number

of steps, and language when


Use Differentiation

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What Can My ESL Student Do?

• Use the CAN DO indicators chart to find out what ESL students at specific levels CAN DO or should be working toward.

What can SAM do?

• Listening level 5.0

• Speaking level 5.2

• Reading level 5.0

• Writing level 4.9


Sam has an overall language level & literacy

level of 5.0


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CAN DO Indicators


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The CLASSROOM TEACHER with ESL students are:

Responsible for making their classroom instruction accessible, even for students at a beginning level of English proficiency

Responsible for assessing students in such a way that does not discriminate against them on the basis of their language proficiency.

Incorporate both content and the WIDA ELD standards in each lesson. (The standards along with accommodations and modifications should be well documented.)


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ESL Supports


Sensory Supports Graphic Supports Interactive Supports

Real-life objects


Pictures &



diagrams, drawings

Bulletin boards

Magazines &


Physical activities


Models & figures


Graphic organizers




Number lines

Illustrated word


Posters & displays

Bulletin boards

In pairs or partners

In small groups

In a whole group

Using cooperative

group structures

Internet or software

With native


With mentors

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ESL -- LEP -- EL Grading Grading must reflect the student's accommodated and modified curriculum objectives, presentation, and assessment.

Teachers cannot require an ESL student to do the same assignments as an English-fluent student, without regard for the ESL student's level of English proficiency or the ability of limited-English proficient parents to help at home.

Teachers cannot penalize an ESL student for work missed while with the ESL teacher

Teachers cannot assign an ESL student a failing grade if the reason for that failure is his or her limited English proficiency.


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Incorporating WIDA ELD Standards

• Teachers should note the WIDA ELD Standard being used/taught within the regular content classroom

lesson plan.


English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts

necessary for academic success in the content area :

• ELD STANDARD 1 ~ Language of Social & Instructional Purpose

• ELD STANDARD 2 ~ Language of Language Arts

• ELD STANDARD 3 ~ Language of Math

• ELD STANDARD 4 ~ Language of Science

• ELD STANDARD 5 ~ Language of Social Studies


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WIDA Resources and Proficiency Levels Resources and information for teachers

click links to access resources!


• Virginia is a member of the WIDA Consortium, which provides our English Language Development Standards and the assessments for screening and tracking English language proficiency. Click on the links below to view various WIDA resources.

• Standards & Instruction The WIDA ELD Standards are used in conjunction with the Virginia Standards of Learning to ensure meaningful education and participation in the content classroom. Can Do Descriptors Used in conjunction with the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 scores, the Can Do Descriptors help educators identify language that students at a given level should be able to manipulate and understand. Assessment English Language Learners are assessed annually on their academic English proficiency. These scores are used to determine supports in the classroom and on standardized tests. Professional Development WIDA offers some free educational resources and online learning modules for educators.


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Federal Law – SPED and ELL

All students who are “dually” identified as SPED and ELL must have BOTH an IEP and a PLEP (ESL

education plan).

IEP must specify on the PLOP page of the IEP information related to ESL services

IEPs must list the WIDA Access Information

IEP Teams must include the ESL teacher


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The ESL Coordinator will ensure procedures are in

place: ESL Handbook & Resource Guide


English Language Learners English as Second Language K-12 Resource Guide

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Role of the Principal -- ESL

The principal will ensure:

All students upon registration have a Home Language Survey completed

ESL students are screened and placed accordingly

ESL students receive an equal education and families are treated fairly and respectfully

ESL students receive appropriate ESOL services and appropriate modifications and accommodations in the regular classroom


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Role of the Principal -- ESL (cont’d)

The principal will ensure:

School staff and classroom teachers are informed of the legal and procedural guidelines for working with ESL students and their families. (This includes providing

appropriate translation for communication with parents and assuring that accommodations and modifications in PLEP plans are followed, and adequate PD is provided to mainstream teachers)


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Dear Colleague Letter

Tools and Resources for Identifying All English

Language Learners

Information for Ensuring English Learner Students

Can Participate Meaningfully and Equally in

Educational Programs (Fact Sheet)

Information for Limited English Proficient (LEP)

Parents and Guardians and for Schools and School

Districts that Communicate With Them (Fact Sheet)

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Common Acronyms The world of English Language Teaching is full of acronyms. If you are not constantly immersed in this material, it can be difficult to

remember what they all mean. Here are some common acronyms you might run across in your research and reading.


BICS Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills

CALP Cognigive Academic Language Proficiency

EAP English for Academic Purposes

EFL English as a Foreign Language

EL English Learner

ELD English Language Development

ELT English Language Teaching

ESL English as a Second Language

ESOL English to Speakers of Other Languages

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More acronyms…


ESP English for Specific Purposes

FLEP Formerly Limited English Proficient

L1 Native Language

L2 Second (or additional) Language

LEP Limited English Proficient

NNS Non-Native Speaker

NS Native Speaker

SLA Second Language Acquisition

TESOL Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages