ESL Grace Moylan. What Is ESL? ESL is an acronym for English as a Second Language. All students in...

ESL Grace Moylan

Transcript of ESL Grace Moylan. What Is ESL? ESL is an acronym for English as a Second Language. All students in...

ESLGrace Moylan

What Is ESL?ESL is an acronym for English as a Second Language.

All students in grades K-12 are provided a free education system in the United System.

Bias with ESL classrooms:

Language barriers

The Adaption process

Parental influence

Sheltered classes.

Issues with ESL students

Language in itself is difficult to teach, but English is one of the more difficult languages to teach.

ESL teachers will need to decide early on how they are going to teach their classroom: immersive or

Language barrier

Adaption process means having the student coming into the classroom and being mentally prepared to work on academics and language skills on a daily basis. Students who are new the ESL classroom are more likely to have an issue with adapting to the new learning environment.

Adaption process

Since many students are misdiagnosed with a learning disability, many parents will not want their children to be evaluated for an ESL classroom due to misdiagnosing language barriers with a learning disability.

Parents can help their children by understanding that being in an ESL classroom is free in the education system and understanding that their student will be receiving an education on core classes as well as learning the national language (English).

Parents should always provide a safe and welcoming environment, specially so for children who are learning English as a Second Language.

Parental Influence

Many ESL classes are not challenging their students at the proper language level, and allow their students to be transferred class to class, using their language barrier as a crutch. These sheltered classes need to understand that there are other techniques and methods to teach the core curriculum to their non-English speaking students.

Sheltered Classes

ESL Students undiagnosed/misdiagnosed Unfortunately, many students with a

language barrier are either diagnosed with a learning disability or are ignored in the classroom, leaving their grades and personal voice to suffer.

Students who are left to suffer in the classroom will be less likely to just write a paper in the normal allotted time span.

Children who have English as a second language

Resources for Teachers in ESL

Understand the Individual Needs of Students

Make sure students know what is going in class

Help students speak English more comprehensibly

Encourage students to speak English outside class

How can YOU help ESL students?

Paul Chamness Miller and Hidehiro Endo have written an article on how to help ESL students in the classroom by understanding what then need.

Article discusses behavioral reactions and suggestions on how to approach different teaching methods.

How to Understand and Meet the Needs of ESL Students