ESkills 5.5 Social Media - Safe and Responsible Use

eSkills 5.5.Safe and Responsible Use Hello and welcome to this eLearning course on using digital skills in the classroom. This is module 5 which is all about how to use Social Media. In the last part of this module, we are going to be taking a look at some challenges around Internet Safety and Responsible Use within the context of Social Media. Now when we look at the term Internet Safety and Responsible Use, it is really important to emphasize that the key part of this term is really Responsible Use. That is a big challenge for us in schools because we always face the challenge of do we lock and block a service down or do we keep that service open and work with children and young people to educate them how to use it responsibly. I am a big favour in terms of the latter because, let’s face it, with teachers, our job is to educate young people. An important thing I think is within schools across Europe is that we don’t ignore the problem. A great example of this is mobile phones in the classroom. Lots of schools still ban mobile phones yet they are powerful mobile devices. The reasons that mobile phones are often banned is not because they are a distraction and not because they are not good for learning, it is because the teachers that want them banned normally suffer from poor classroom management techniques. It is important that we work with those wicked teachers, to teach them about 21 st century pedagogy, so that they are comfortable about using not just mobile phones but all forms of technology in the classroom. If you want to find out a little more about this type of emerging practice, I suggest that you read the cloudlearn report from and Nominet Trust. It talks a little bit around effective practice in schools moving to the end of lock and blocking in the classroom. It gives examples of using Facebook, using Twitter and using YouTube. Again, some of these services are still blocked in some European schools. If we are talking about Internet Safety and Responsible Use, it is really important that we understand the language that young people across Europe are speaking about. There is lots of different examples for this, but my favourite example is this picture. If I ask you to look at this picture and said to you what is this picture of, I can guarantee that lots of you are thinking “this is a picture of a digital camera”. Yet, if I asked a group of 6 or 7 year old, what is this picture of, I can guarantee that most of them would say “this is a picture of a camera”. There is a subtle difference, isn’t there? Digital camera / camera. It is because the young people have only grown up with the digital technology. They don’t remember the digital cameras where you had to load a film, take the film out and take them to a shop to get them developed. The same principles could be applied to the word “friend” from a social networking site. To me a friend is somebody that I know, somebody that I trust, somebody that I will be sharing some of my intimate secrets with. To a young person, a friend is just a connection on a social networking site. It is important that we work with young people to help them actually understand what a friend is within different contexts. Privacy is another important word that we need to consider when we talk about understanding a common language. There are lots and lots of reports that suggest that young people are more concerned about privacy that ever before. However, in my own research, when I ask a young person if they are concerned about privacy, they will say yes, but if I ask them what privacy is, they will struggle to define it. Again, they are giving us the answer that we want to hear rather than really understanding the actual matter. The challenge is within European law, it is almost impossible to keep up to date with the technology and the emerging technology. For example, across Europe, we have got lots and lots of laws that protect our privacy when it comes to closed-circuit TV cameras or security cameras. However there are practically no laws that protect us against high streaming webcams, which let’s face it is pretty much a form of closed-circuit TV. You can go online and you can download apps and you can access webcams all around the world, which arguably are a breach of privacy but there are no laws that protect us. The biggest breach of our privacy is of course social media sites, where we choose as adults and young people to give away information. One interesting



Transcript of ESkills 5.5 Social Media - Safe and Responsible Use

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